    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        Aerofoil myTarget = (Aerofoil)target;

        myTarget.CL = EditorGUILayout.CurveField("CL", myTarget.CL);
        myTarget.CD = EditorGUILayout.CurveField("CD", myTarget.CD);
        myTarget.CM = EditorGUILayout.CurveField("CM", myTarget.CM);
    void OnGUI()
        //Import button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, position.width - 20, 20), "Import .afl"))
            string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Aerofoil", "", "afl");
            if (path.Length != 0)
                //Store file name.
                FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

                //Reset curves.
                CL = new AnimationCurve();
                CD = new AnimationCurve();
                CM = new AnimationCurve();

                //Create a stream reader.
                StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path);
                string text = "";

                //Skip past the header.
                while ( !text.Contains("alpha") )
                    text = file.ReadLine();

                //Read in the data.
                while ( text != null )
                    text = file.ReadLine();
                    if ( null != text )
                        string[] parts = text.Split(null);

                        string[] reducedParts = new string[4];
                        int j=0;
                        for ( int i=0; i<parts.Length; i++ )
                            if ( parts[i].Length > 0 )
                                reducedParts[j] = parts[i];

                        float aoa = 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[0], out aoa );

                        if ( (int)aoa == 180 )

                        float cl= 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[1], out cl );

                        float cd= 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[2], out cd );

                        float cm= 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[3], out cm );

                        //Assign value to curves.
                        CL.AddKey( aoa, cl );
                        CD.AddKey( aoa, cd );
                        CM.AddKey( aoa, cm );


        CL = EditorGUI.CurveField( new Rect(10,40,position.width-20,40), "(Cl)Lift", CL );
        CD = EditorGUI.CurveField( new Rect(10,90,position.width-20,40), "(Cd)Drag", CD );
        CM = EditorGUI.CurveField( new Rect(10,140,position.width-20,40), "(Cm)Moment", CM );

        //Target aerofoil selector.
        TargetAerofoil = (Aerofoil)EditorGUI.ObjectField( new Rect(10,200,position.width - 20, 20),
                "Target Aerofoil",

        //Filename preview / editor/
        FileName = EditorGUI.TextField( new Rect(10,230,position.width - 20, 20), "Name:", FileName);

        //Rename toggle.
        Rename = EditorGUI.Toggle( new Rect(10, 250,position.width,20), "Rename", Rename);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 300, position.width - 20, 40), "APPLY"))
            if ( null != TargetAerofoil )
                //Assign curves.
                TargetAerofoil.CL = CL;
                TargetAerofoil.CD = CD;
                TargetAerofoil.CM = CM;

                    TargetAerofoil.name = FileName;
    void OnGUI()
        //Import button.
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, position.width - 20, 20), "Import .afl"))
            string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Aerofoil", "", "afl");
            if (path.Length != 0)
                //Store file name.
                FileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

                //Reset curves.
                CL = new AnimationCurve();
                CD = new AnimationCurve();
                CM = new AnimationCurve();

                //Create a stream reader.
                StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path);
                string       text = "";

                //Skip past the header.
                while (!text.Contains("alpha"))
                    text = file.ReadLine();

                //Read in the data.
                while (text != null)
                    text = file.ReadLine();
                    if (null != text)
                        string[] parts = text.Split(null);

                        string[] reducedParts = new string[4];
                        int      j            = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                            if (parts[i].Length > 0)
                                reducedParts[j] = parts[i];

                        float aoa = 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[0], out aoa);

                        if ((int)aoa == 180)

                        float cl = 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[1], out cl);

                        float cd = 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[2], out cd);

                        float cm = 0.0f;
                        float.TryParse(reducedParts[3], out cm);

                        //Assign value to curves.
                        CL.AddKey(aoa, cl);
                        CD.AddKey(aoa, cd);
                        CM.AddKey(aoa, cm);

        CL = EditorGUI.CurveField(new Rect(10, 40, position.width - 20, 40), "(Cl)Lift", CL);
        CD = EditorGUI.CurveField(new Rect(10, 90, position.width - 20, 40), "(Cd)Drag", CD);
        CM = EditorGUI.CurveField(new Rect(10, 140, position.width - 20, 40), "(Cm)Moment", CM);

        //Target aerofoil selector.
        TargetAerofoil = (Aerofoil)EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(10, 200, position.width - 20, 20),
                                                         "Target Aerofoil",
                                                         typeof(Aerofoil), true);

        //Filename preview / editor/
        FileName = EditorGUI.TextField(new Rect(10, 230, position.width - 20, 20), "Name:", FileName);

        //Rename toggle.
        Rename = EditorGUI.Toggle(new Rect(10, 250, position.width, 20), "Rename", Rename);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 300, position.width - 20, 40), "APPLY"))
            if (null != TargetAerofoil)
                //Assign curves.
                TargetAerofoil.CL = CL;
                TargetAerofoil.CD = CD;
                TargetAerofoil.CM = CM;

                if (Rename)
                    TargetAerofoil.name = FileName;