        public PlayerController(PlayerCharacter player, PlayerData playerData, PlayerControls controls,
                                ControlSettings settings, AbstractController[] controllers)
            this.player     = player;
            this.playerData = playerData;
            this.controls   = controls;
            this.settings   = settings;

            aerialController   = (AerialController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Air];
            groundController   = (GroundController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Ground];
            platformController = (PlatformController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Platform];
            wallController     = (WallController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Wall];
            ladderController   = (LadderController)controllers[PlayerCharacter.ControllerIndexes.Ladder];

            // TODO: Make this class reloadable.
            // Create buffers.
            var accessor = Properties.Access();
            var grab     = accessor.GetFloat("player.grab.buffer");
            var ascend   = accessor.GetFloat("player.ascend.buffer");

            // Actual values for requiresHold on each buffer are set when control settings are applied.
            attackBuffer = new InputBuffer(false, controls.Attack);
            grabBuffer   = new InputBuffer(grab, false, controls.Grab);
            ascendBuffer = new InputBuffer(ascend, false, controls.Jump);
            ascendBuffer.RequiredChords = controls.Ascend;

            settings.ApplyEvent += OnApply;

            MessageSystem.Subscribe(this, CoreMessageTypes.Input, (messageType, data, dt) =>
                ProcessInput((FullInputData)data, dt);
 public AerialSession(float maximumJumpHeight, bool enforceMaxJumpHeight, int maximumNumJumps, AerialController controller, Rigidbody rigidBody)
     maxJumpHeight             = maximumJumpHeight;
     shoulEnforceMaxJumpHeight = enforceMaxJumpHeight;
     maxNumJumps        = maximumNumJumps;
     aerialController   = controller;
     jumpsUsed          = 0;
     startingJumpHeight = aerialController.transform.position.y;
     this.rigidBody     = rigidBody;
        // TODO: Use actor flags to optimize controller creation (and to return early from some functions).
        protected Actor(EntityGroups group, bool canTraverseGround = true) : base(group)
            aerialController   = new AerialController(this);
            platformController = new PlatformController(this);

            // Some actors can't run on the ground (like flying enemies), so it would be wasteful to create the ground
            // controller.
            if (canTraverseGround)
                groundController = new GroundController(this);

            // TODO: Consider allowing actors to spawn directly on the ground (via a raycast).
            // This assumes that all actors spawn in the air (likely just above the ground).
            activeController = aerialController;
            facing           = vec2.UnitX;