 private void LoadSaveManager_OnConfigLoaded(AdventurerConfig loadedConfig)
     Debug.Log("AdventurerManager heard about Load request.");
     /// change our config to match loadedConfig
     _config = loadedConfig;
     gameObject.BroadcastMessage("ApplyAdventurerConfig", _config);
    // You could have several overloads of the Save function taking different types of config file.
    // Keeps the callers from having to know lots of function names
    public bool Save(AdventurerConfig config)
        // save
        Debug.Log("LoadSave trying to save AdventurerConfig");
        string configJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config); // Convert (serialize) our objects to a JSon string

        File.WriteAllText(_savePath, configJson);                // Save file
 void Awake()
     _config = new AdventurerConfig();
     // Get listener set up for any loading or other changes. Don't want to miss out.
     //LoadButton.OnLoadRequested += LoadButton_OnLoadRequested;
     // Actually we should be listening for the load/save manager
     NextButton.OnNextRequested     += NextButton_OnNextRequested;
     LoadSaveManager.OnConfigLoaded += LoadSaveManager_OnConfigLoaded;
     SaveButton.OnSaveRequested     += SaveButton_OnSaveRequested;
    public void ApplyAdventurerConfig(AdventurerConfig config)
        Debug.Log("Change to sprite: adventurer_" + config.pictureId);
        Sprite adventurerSprite = AtlasManager.Instance.GetSprite("adventurer", config.pictureId);

        if (adventurerSprite != null)
            _spriteRenderer.sprite = adventurerSprite;
            Debug.Log("Couldn't get a sprite man.");
    private void LoadButton_OnLoadRequested()
        // load
        Debug.Log(" LoadSaveManager heard about a load click");

        if (File.Exists(_savePath))                                                                       // Don't try to load a file that isn't there
            string loadedJson = File.ReadAllText(_savePath);                                              // read existing file

            AdventurerConfig loadedConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdventurerConfig>(loadedJson); // string back to sprite config object

            // Throw event out to the world with the new config attached
 // Use this for initialization
 public void ApplyAdventurerConfig(AdventurerConfig config)
     // apply it
     Debug.Log("name text field heard about change: " + config.name);