protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) != null && Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SiteId"]) != null)
                //string strSQL = " SELECT DISTINCT " +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id," +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Item_Name," +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Item_Price," +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Name," +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id," +
                //             " ''+rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id+'&CatId='+convert(varchar(250),rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id) as url" +
                //             " FROM " +
                //             " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server " +
                //             " INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server ON (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id = rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id)" +
                //             " INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server ON (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id)" +
                //             " INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server ON (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id)" +
                //             " WHERE " +
                //             " (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = '" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) + "') AND " +
                //             " (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Record_Status = '1') AND " +
                //             " ((rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour IS NULL) OR " +
                //             " (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '0') OR " +
                //             " (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '1'))" +
                //             " and  rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Site_Id='" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SiteId"]) + "'";

                //  string strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                //  "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id, " +
                //  "" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Name, " +
                //  "" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Price, " +
                //  "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Name," +
                //  " " + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id," +
                //  " ''+rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id+'&CatId='+convert(varchar(250),rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id) as url" +
                //" FROM " +
                //  "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server " +
                //  "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id = " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id) " +
                //  "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id) " +
                //  "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation ON (" + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation.FetchCategoryId)" +
                //  "INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id) " +
                //"WHERE " +
                //  "(" + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation.BaseCategoryId =" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) + ") AND " +
                //  "(" + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Site_Id =" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SiteId"]) + ") AND " +
                //  "((" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour IS NULL) OR " +
                //  "(" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '0') OR " +
                //  "(" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '1')) " +
                //  " and (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Record_Status = '1')" +
                //"ORDER BY " +
                //  " " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Price DESC ";

                string strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT " +
                                "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id, " +
                                "" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Name, " +
                                "" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Price, " +
                                "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Name," +
                                " " + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) + "," +
                                "'http://www.'+LOWER(rgcards_gti24x7.POS_BothWay.POS_OName)+'/Gifts.aspx?proid='+rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id+'&CatId=" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) + "' as url " +
                                " FROM " +
                                "" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server " +
                                "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Product_Id = " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id) " +
                                "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id) " +
                                "INNER JOIN " + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation ON (" + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation.FetchCategoryId)" +
                                "INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server ON (" + strSchema + ".ItemCategoryRelation_Web_Server.Category_Id = " + strSchema + ".ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id) " +
                                " INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.POS_BothWay ON (rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Site_Id = rgcards_gti24x7.POS_BothWay.POS_Id) " +
                                "WHERE " +
                                "(" + strSchema + ".Category_Category_Relation.BaseCategoryId =" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["catId"]) + ") AND " +
                                "(" + strSchema + ".SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Site_Id =" + Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["SiteId"]) + ") AND " +
                                "((" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour IS NULL) OR " +
                                "(" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '0') OR " +
                                "(" + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_colour = '1')) " +
                                " and (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Record_Status = '1')" +
                                "ORDER BY " +
                                " " + strSchema + ".ItemMaster_Server.Item_Price DESC ";

                string    strError = "";
                DataTable dtProd   = new DataTable();
                // Admin_Module_Works_Select objSelect = new Admin_Module_Works_Select(dtProd, strSQL, strSchema, ref strError);
                Admin_Module_Works_Select objSelect = null;
                if (strError == null)
                    if (dtProd.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string   strFile  = Convert.ToString(dtProd.Rows[0]["Category_Name"]) + ".xls";
                        int[]    iColumns = null;
                        string[] sHeaders = { "Product Id", "Item Name", "Item Price", "Category Name", "Category Id", "URL" };

                        iColumns = new int[sHeaders.Length];
                        for (int k = 0; sHeaders.Length > k; k++)
                            iColumns[k] = k;
                        Export objExport = new Export();

                        objExport.ExportDetails(dtProd, iColumns, sHeaders, Export.ExportFormat.Excel, strFile);
                        Response.Write("No Record found");
                    Response.Write("Error:<br>" + strError);
    private string getProductId(string strUrlName)
        string strErr       = "";
        string strProductId = "";

            //SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
            //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            //cmd.CommandText = "rgcards_gti24x7.getProductIdAccordingToUrlName";
            //cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UrlName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 8000));
            //cmd.Parameters["@UrlName"].Value = strUrlName;
            //cmd.Parameters["@UrlName"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

            //if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
            //    conn.Open();
            //strProductId = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar());

            Admin_Module_Works_Select myobj = new Admin_Module_Works_Select();
            DataTable dtproductid           = new DataTable();
            if (strUrlName != null)
                string sql = " SELECT rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id  FROM rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server WHERE rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.UrlName='" + strUrlName + "' or rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.UrlName='" + strUrlName + "_'";

                myobj.GetDataTable(dtproductid, sql, strSchema, ref strErr);
                if (strErr == null)
                    if (dtproductid.Rows.Count > 0)
                        strProductId = Convert.ToString(dtproductid.Rows[0]["Product_Id"]);
            //    string sql = " SELECT rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.Product_Id  FROM rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server WHERE rgcards_gti24x7.ItemMaster_Server.item_name='" + strUrlName.Replace("_", " ") + "'";

            //    myobj.GetDataTable(dtproductid, sql, strSchema, ref strErr);
            //    if (strErr == null)
            //    {
            //        if (dtproductid.Rows.Count > 0)
            //        {
            //            strProductId = Convert.ToString(dtproductid.Rows[0]["Product_Id"]);

            //        }
            //    }

        catch (Exception ex)
            strErr = "Error!<br/>" + ex.Message;
            if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
    //protected void btnGo_ServerClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    if (ddlSite.SelectedValue != "")
    //    {
    //        string strError = "";
    //        generateServerControlCategoryTree(1, ref tvCategory, ref  strError);
    //        if (strError != null)
    //        {
    //            lblError.Text = strError;
    //        }
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        lblError.Text = "Please select a Site";
    //    }
    public void generateServerControlCategoryTree(int intCheckBox, ref TreeView objTreeView, ref string strTreeviewError)
        DataTable     dtCategory = new DataTable();
        SqlConnection conn       = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBCON"].ToString());
        string        strSchema  = Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SCHEMA"]);
        //string strSql = "SELECT " +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]," +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name]," +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Lavel]," +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Page]," +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_ParentID] " +
        //        "FROM " +
        //            " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server] " +
        //        "WHERE" +
        //            " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Record_Status]=1)" +
        //        "AND " +
        //            " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]!=0)" +
        //        "AND " +
        //            " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name]!='')" +
        //        "AND " +
        //            " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name] IS NOT NULL)" +
        //        " ORDER BY " +
        //            "[" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name];";

        string strSql = "SELECT " +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]," +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name]," +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Lavel]," +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_ParentID], " +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Page] " +
                        "FROM " +
                        " [" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server] " +
                        "INNER JOIN " +
                        "[" + strSchema + "].[SiteCatgory_Web_Server] " +
                        "ON " +
                        "[" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]=[" + strSchema + "].[SiteCatgory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]" +
                        "WHERE" +
                        " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Record_Status]=1)" +
                        "AND " +
                        " ([" + strSchema + "].[SiteCatgory_Web_Server].[Record_Status]=1)" +
                        "AND " +
                        " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Id]!=0)" +
                        "AND " +
                        " ([" + strSchema + "].[SiteCatgory_Web_Server].[Site_Id]='" + Convert.ToString(ddlSite.SelectedValue) + "')" +
                        "AND " +
                        " ([" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name] IS NOT NULL)" +
                        " ORDER BY " +
                        "[" + strSchema + "].[ItemCategory_Web_Server].[Category_Name];";

        string strError = "";
        //Admin_Module_Works_Select objSelect = new Admin_Module_Works_Select(dtCategory, strSql, strSchema, ref strError);
        Admin_Module_Works_Select objSelect = null;

        if (strError != null)
            strTreeviewError = "There is some error on load...Please press refresh.<br>" + strError;
            switch (intCheckBox)
            case 1:         // fill the dropdown with all checkbox
                strError = "";
                CreateServerControlCategoryTreeWithAllCheckBox(dtCategory, ref objTreeView, ref strError);
                if (strError != null)
                    strTreeviewError = "There is some error on loading of the tree..Please press refresh.<br>" + strError;
                    strError = "";

                strTreeviewError = "Invalid parameter";
    public string getReWritePath(String strCurrentPath)
        int    flag          = 0;
        String strCustomPath = "";
        string strLastCharWithAspx;
        string strLastCharWithoutAspx = "";
        string withoutaspx            = "";

        string[] arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx = strCurrentPath.Split(new char[] { '/' });
        //if (arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length == 5)
        //    strLastCharWithoutAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[2] + "/" + arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[3];
        //else if (arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length == 8)
        //    strLastCharWithoutAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[2] + "/" + arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[3] + "/" + arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[4] + "/" + arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[5] + "/" + arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[6];

        //    //strLastCharWithAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length - 2];
        //    strLastCharWithoutAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length - 2];
        for (int k = 2; k < arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length - 1; k++)
            withoutaspx += arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[k] + "/";

        //string strLastCharWithAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx[arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx.Length - 1];

        //string[] arrCatOrProdIdWithoutAspx = strLastCharWithAspx.Split(new char[] { '.' });
        //strLastCharWithoutAspx = arrCatOrProdIdWithoutAspx[0];

            if (Convert.ToInt32(strLastCharWithoutAspx) >= 1)
                flag = 1;
                string strCategoryId       = getCategoryId(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                string strCalculatedFolder = getCalculatedFolder(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "category.aspx?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pageno=" + strLastCharWithoutAspx + "";
                string strCalculatedFolder = getCalculatedFolder(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "DefaultErrorPage.aspx";
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (flag == 0)
                    //string strCategoryId = getCategoryId(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                    string strCategoryId = getCategoryId_New(withoutaspx);
                    // Console.WriteLine(strCategoryId);
                    // HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Category id:"+strCategoryId+"<br/>");
                    // string strProductId = getProductId(strLastCharWithoutAspx);
                    string strCalculatedFolder = getCalculatedFolder(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                    //strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "mainProduct.aspx?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pid=" + strProductId + "";
                    if (strCategoryId != "")
                        string sql = "SELECT " +
                                     " rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.CategoryPage" +
                                     " FROM " +
                                     " rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server" +
                                     " INNER JOIN rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server ON (rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id = rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.Category_Id)" +
                                     " where   rgcards_gti24x7.ItemCategory_Web_Server.Category_Id=" + strCategoryId + "" +
                                     " and rgcards_gti24x7.SiteCatgory_Web_Server.site_Id=" + Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Application["SiteId"]) + "";
                        DataTable dtpage                = new DataTable();
                        string    strerror              = "";
                        string    StaticPage            = "";
                        Admin_Module_Works_Select myobj = new Admin_Module_Works_Select();
                        myobj.GetDataTable(dtpage, sql, strSchema, ref strerror);
                        if (strerror == null)
                            if (dtpage.Rows.Count > 0)
                                StaticPage = Convert.ToString(dtpage.Rows[0]["CategoryPage"]);
                        //catch (Exception ex)
                        //    strerror = "Error!<br/>" + ex.Message;

                        if (StaticPage == "")
                            //strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "category.aspx?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pid=" + strProductId + "";
                            strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "category.aspx?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pageno=1";
                            //strCustomPath = "category.aspx?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pageno=1";
                            strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "" + StaticPage + "?cat=" + strCategoryId + "&pageno=1";
                    string strCalculatedFolder = getCalculatedFolder(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                    strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "DefaultErrorPage.aspx";
            else if (flag == 1)
                string strCalculatedFolder = getCalculatedFolder(arrCatOrProdIdWithAspx);
                strCustomPath = "" + strCalculatedFolder + "DefaultErrorPage.aspx";