// //==================================================================================================== /// <summary> /// Get the Configure Edit /// </summary> /// <param name="cp"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string get(CPClass cp) { CoreController core = cp.core; try { KeyPtrController Index = new KeyPtrController(); int ContentId = cp.Doc.GetInteger(RequestNameToolContentId); var contentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true); int RecordCount = 0; int formFieldId = 0; string StatusMessage = ""; string ErrorMessage = ""; bool ReloadCDef = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("ReloadCDef"); if (contentMetadata != null) { string ToolButton = cp.Doc.GetText("Button"); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolButton)) { bool AllowContentAutoLoad = false; if (ToolButton != ButtonCancel) { // // Save the form changes // AllowContentAutoLoad = cp.Site.GetBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true); cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", "false"); // // ----- Save the input // RecordCount = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaRecordCount")); if (RecordCount > 0) { int RecordPointer = 0; for (RecordPointer = 0; RecordPointer < RecordCount; RecordPointer++) { // string formFieldName = cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaName." + RecordPointer); CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum formFieldTypeId = (CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum)cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaType." + RecordPointer); formFieldId = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaID." + RecordPointer)); bool formFieldInherited = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaInherited." + RecordPointer); // // problem - looking for the name in the Db using the form's name, but it could have changed. // have to look field up by id // foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> cdefFieldKvp in contentMetadata.fields) { if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.id == formFieldId) { // // Field was found in CDef // if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited && (!formFieldInherited)) { // // Was inherited, but make a copy of the field // using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) { if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields")) { using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) { if (CSSource.openRecord("Content Fields", formFieldId)) { CSSource.copyRecord(CSTarget); } } formFieldId = CSTarget.getInteger("ID"); CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId); } CSTarget.close(); } ReloadCDef = true; } else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (formFieldInherited)) { // // Was a field, make it inherit from it's parent MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Fields", formFieldId); ReloadCDef = true; } else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (!formFieldInherited)) { // // not inherited, save the field values and mark for a reload // { if (formFieldName.IndexOf(" ") != -1) { // // remoave spaces from new name // StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was renamed [" + GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "") + "] because the field name can not include spaces.</LI>"; formFieldName = GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", ""); } // string SQL = null; // if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) && ((int)formFieldTypeId != 0) && ((cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc == "") || (cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId == 0))) { // // Create Db field, Field is good but was not before // core.db.createSQLTableField(contentMetadata.tableName, formFieldName, formFieldTypeId); StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition and a database field was created in [" + contentMetadata.tableName + "].</LI>"; } else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) || ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0)) { // // name blank or type=0 - do nothing but tell them // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName) && ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0)) { ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a name and field type are required.</LI>"; } else if (formFieldName == "unnamedfield" + formFieldId.ToString()) { ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field name is required.</LI>"; } else { ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field type are required.</LI>"; } } else if ((formFieldName == cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc) && (formFieldTypeId != cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId)) { // // Field Type changed, must be done manually // ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] changed type from [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId) + "] to [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)formFieldTypeId) + "]. This may have caused a problem converting content.</LI>"; int DataSourceTypeId = core.db.getDataSourceType(); switch (DataSourceTypeId) { case DataSourceTypeODBCMySQL: SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " change " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";"; break; default: SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " alter column " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";"; break; } core.db.executeNonQuery(SQL); } SQL = "Update ccFields" + " Set name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(formFieldName) + ",type=" + (int)formFieldTypeId + ",caption=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaCaption." + RecordPointer)) + ",DefaultValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordPointer)) + ",EditSortPriority=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordPointer))) + ",Active=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaActive." + RecordPointer)) + ",ReadOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordPointer)) + ",Authorable=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordPointer)) + ",Required=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaRequired." + RecordPointer)) + ",UniqueName=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordPointer)) + ",TextBuffered=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordPointer)) + ",Password="******"dtfaPassword." + RecordPointer)) + ",HTMLContent=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordPointer)) + ",EditTab=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaEditTab." + RecordPointer)) + ",Scramble=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaScramble." + RecordPointer)) + ""; if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin()) { SQL += ",adminonly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordPointer)); } if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper()) { SQL += ",DeveloperOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordPointer)); } SQL += " where ID=" + formFieldId; core.db.executeNonQuery(SQL); ReloadCDef = true; } } break; } } } } core.cache.invalidateAll(); core.clearMetaData(); } if (ToolButton == ButtonAdd) { // // ----- Insert a blank Field var defaultValues = ContentMetadataModel.getDefaultValueDict(core, ContentFieldModel.tableMetadata.contentName); var field = ContentFieldModel.addDefault <ContentFieldModel>(core.cpParent, defaultValues); field.name = "unnamedField" + field.id.ToString(); field.contentId = ContentId; field.editSortPriority = 0; field.save(core.cpParent); ReloadCDef = true; } // // ----- Button Reload CDef if (ToolButton == ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache) { core.cache.invalidateAll(); core.clearMetaData(); } // // ----- Restore Content Autoload site property // if (AllowContentAutoLoad) { cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", AllowContentAutoLoad.ToString()); } // // ----- Cancel or Save, reload CDef and go // if ((ToolButton == ButtonCancel) || (ToolButton == ButtonOK)) { // // ----- Exit back to menu // return(core.webServer.redirect(core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Tool-ConfigureContentEdit, ok or cancel button, go to root.")); } } } // // Print Output string description = "" + HtmlController.p("Use this tool to add or modify content definition fields and the underlying sql table fields.") + ((ContentId.Equals(0)) ? "" : "" + HtmlController.ul("" + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Content", "?aa=0&cid=3&id=" + ContentId + "&tx=&ad=0&asf=1&af=4", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1") + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Records", "?cid=" + ContentId, "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1") + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Select Different Fields", "?af=105", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1") , "nav") ); StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController(); Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Manage Admin Edit Fields", description)); // // -- status of last operation if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StatusMessage)) { Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormRow(core, "<UL>" + StatusMessage + "</UL>")); } // // -- errors with last operations if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage)) { Stream.add(HtmlController.div("There was a problem saving these changes" + "<UL>" + ErrorMessage + "</UL>", "ccError")); } if (ReloadCDef) { contentMetadata = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true); } string ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSelect; if (ContentId == 0) { // // content tables that have edit forms to Configure bool isEmptyList = false; Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Select a Content Definition to Configure", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "Content"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, ""))); } else { // // Configure edit form Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId)); Stream.add(core.html.getPanelTop()); ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK + "," + ButtonAdd; // // Get a new copy of the content definition // Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "<P><B>" + contentMetadata.name + "</b></P>"); Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">"); // int ParentContentId = contentMetadata.parentId; bool AllowCDefInherit = false; Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel ParentCDef = null; if (ParentContentId == -1) { AllowCDefInherit = false; } else { AllowCDefInherit = true; string ParentContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ParentContentId); ParentCDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ParentContentId, true, true); } bool NeedFootNote1 = false; bool NeedFootNote2 = false; if (contentMetadata.fields.Count > 0) { // // -- header row Stream.add("<tr>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\"></td>"); if (!AllowCDefInherit) { Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited*</b></span></td>"); NeedFootNote1 = true; } else { Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited</b></span></td>"); } Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Field</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Caption</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Edit Tab</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Default</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Type</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Edit<br>Order</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Active</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Read<br>Only</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Auth</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Req</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Unique</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Buffer</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Pass</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Scrm</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>HTML</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Admin<br>Only</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Dev<br>Only</b></span></td>"); Stream.add("</tr>"); RecordCount = 0; // // Build a select template for Type // string TypeSelectTemplate = core.html.selectFromContent("menuname", -1, "Content Field Types", "", "unknown"); // // Index the sort order // List <FieldSortClass> fieldList = new List <FieldSortClass>(); int FieldCount = contentMetadata.fields.Count; foreach (var keyValuePair in contentMetadata.fields) { FieldSortClass fieldSort = new FieldSortClass(); string sortOrder = ""; fieldSort.field = keyValuePair.Value; sortOrder = ""; if (fieldSort.field.active) { sortOrder += "0"; } else { sortOrder += "1"; } if (fieldSort.field.authorable) { sortOrder += "0"; } else { sortOrder += "1"; } sortOrder += fieldSort.field.editTabName + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.editSortPriority, 10) + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.id, 10); fieldSort.sort = sortOrder; fieldList.Add(fieldSort); } fieldList.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.sort.CompareTo(p2.sort)); StringBuilderLegacyController StreamValidRows = new StringBuilderLegacyController(); var contentFieldsCdef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, "content fields"); foreach (FieldSortClass fieldsort in fieldList) { StringBuilderLegacyController streamRow = new StringBuilderLegacyController(); bool rowValid = true; // // If Field has name and type, it is locked and can not be changed // bool FieldLocked = (fieldsort.field.nameLc != "") && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId != 0); // // put the menu into the current menu format // formFieldId = fieldsort.field.id; streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaID." + RecordCount, formFieldId)); streamRow.add("<tr>"); // // edit button // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + AdminUIController.getRecordEditAnchorTag(core, contentFieldsCdef, formFieldId) + "</td>"); // // Inherited // if (!AllowCDefInherit) { // // no parent // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False</span></td>"); } else if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { // // inherited property // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>"); } else { Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel parentField = null; // // CDef has a parent, but the field is non-inherited, test for a matching Parent Field // if (ParentCDef == null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> kvp in ParentCDef.fields) { if (kvp.Value.nameLc == fieldsort.field.nameLc) { parentField = kvp.Value; break; } } } if (parentField == null) { streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False**</span></td>"); NeedFootNote2 = true; } else { streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>"); } } // // name // bool tmpValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldsort.field.nameLc); rowValid = rowValid && !tmpValue; streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + " </SPAN>"); } else if (FieldLocked) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + " </SPAN><input type=hidden name=dtfaName." + RecordCount + " value=\"" + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "\">"); } else { streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.nameLc, 1, 10)); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // caption // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.caption + "</SPAN>"); } else { streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaCaption." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.caption, 1, 10)); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // Edit Tab // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editTabName + "</SPAN>"); } else { streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditTab." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editTabName, 1, 10)); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // default // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue) + "</SPAN>"); } else { streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordCount, GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue), 1, 10)); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // type // rowValid = rowValid && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId > 0); streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) { csData.openRecord("Content Field Types", (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId); if (!csData.ok()) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "Unknown[" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "]</SPAN>"); } else { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + csData.getText("Name") + "</SPAN>"); } } } else if (FieldLocked) { streamRow.add(DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId) + HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaType." + RecordCount, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId)); } else { string TypeSelect = TypeSelectTemplate; TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "menuname", "dtfaType." + RecordCount, 1, 99, 1); TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\"", "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\" selected", 1, 99, 1); streamRow.add(TypeSelect); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // sort priority // streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>"); if (fieldsort.field.inherited) { streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editSortPriority + "</SPAN>"); } else { streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editSortPriority.ToString(), 1, 10)); } streamRow.add("</nobr></td>"); // // active // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaActive." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.active, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // read only // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.readOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // authorable // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.authorable, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // required // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaRequired." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.required, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // UniqueName // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.uniqueName, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // text buffered // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.textBuffered, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // password // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaPassword." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.password, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // scramble // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaScramble." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.scramble, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // HTML Content // streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.htmlContent, fieldsort.field.inherited)); // // Admin Only // if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin()) { streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.adminOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited)); } // // Developer Only // if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper()) { streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.developerOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited)); } // streamRow.add("</tr>"); RecordCount = RecordCount + 1; // // rows are built - put the blank rows at the top // if (!rowValid) { Stream.add(streamRow.text); } else { StreamValidRows.add(streamRow.text); } } Stream.add(StreamValidRows.text); Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaRecordCount", RecordCount)); } Stream.add("</table>"); // Stream.add(core.html.getPanelBottom()); if (NeedFootNote1) { Stream.add("<br>*Field Inheritance is not allowed because this Content Definition has no parent."); } if (NeedFootNote2) { Stream.add("<br>**This field can not be inherited because the Parent Content Definition does not have a field with the same name."); } } Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("ReloadCDef", ReloadCDef)); // // -- assemble form return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList)); } catch (Exception ex) { LogController.logError(core, ex); return(toolExceptionMessage); } }