public IHttpActionResult PutAdminContact(int id, AdminContact adminContact) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != adminContact.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(adminContact).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!AdminContactExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { AdminContact adminContact = db.AdminContacts.Find(id); db.AdminContacts.Remove(adminContact); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id) { AdminContact adminContact = await db.AdminContacts.FindAsync(id); db.AdminContacts.Remove(adminContact); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,Email,Titile,Message")] AdminContact adminContact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(adminContact).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(adminContact)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetAdminContact(int id) { AdminContact adminContact = db.AdminContacts.Find(id); if (adminContact == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(adminContact)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Email,Title,Message")] AdminContact adminContact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.AdminContacts.Add(adminContact); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(adminContact)); }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ID,Email,Titile,Message")] AdminContact adminContact) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.msg1 = "Your message has been delivered!"; db.AdminContacts.Add(adminContact); db.SaveChanges(); return(View()); } return(View(adminContact)); }
public IHttpActionResult PostAdminContact(AdminContact adminContact) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.AdminContacts.Add(adminContact); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = adminContact.ID }, adminContact)); }
// GET: AdminContacts/Delete/5 public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } AdminContact adminContact = await db.AdminContacts.FindAsync(id); if (adminContact == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(adminContact)); }
// GET: AdminContacts/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } AdminContact adminContact = db.AdminContacts.Find(id); if (adminContact == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(adminContact)); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteAdminContact(int id) { AdminContact adminContact = db.AdminContacts.Find(id); if (adminContact == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.AdminContacts.Remove(adminContact); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(adminContact)); }
private static void ParseRecievedOrder(out Dictionary<string, string> returnValues, out bool isCancelled, string strippedText, out List<OrderItem> orderItems, out bool hasMultipleOrderes, out List<MultipleOrder> multipleOrderList, out List<SalesContact> salesContacts, out List<AdminContact> adminContacts) { returnValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); orderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); multipleOrderList = new List<MultipleOrder>(); string preCustomerName = "Campaign Track ( This is an order notification from "; string customerName = ""; string companyName = ""; string propertyAddress = ""; string propertyId = ""; string orderId = ""; string supplier = ""; string productDescription = ""; string requiredDate = ""; string postCustomerName = "Relating to campaign:"; string postPropertyAddress = " Property ID:"; string postPropertyId = " OrderItem:"; string postOrderId = " Sales contacts:"; string postSalesContact = " Admin contact:"; string postAdminContact = " Supplier:"; string postSupplier = " Description of product/service being ordered:"; string postProductDescription = " Required on "; string postRequiredDate = " Client Price Cost Price "; string postOrderDetails = " Click here to view your order."; string cancelPreCustomerCompanyName = "Campaign Track ( The order listed below was cancelled by "; string cancelPostPropertyAddress = " Description of product/service being cancelled:"; string tempString = string.Empty; isCancelled = false; strippedText = strippedText.Replace("\n", ""); if (strippedText.Contains("The order listed below was cancelled")) { isCancelled = true; hasMultipleOrderes = false; salesContacts = new List<SalesContact>(); adminContacts = new List<AdminContact>(); tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyName, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(cancelPreCustomerCompanyName, ""); //get Customer and company name customerName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[0]; returnValues.Add("CustomerName", customerName); companyName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[1]; returnValues.Add("CompanyName", companyName); //get Property Address tempString = GetTempString(postCustomerName, cancelPostPropertyAddress, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyAddress = tempString.Replace(postCustomerName, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyAddress", propertyAddress); //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(cancelPostPropertyAddress, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(cancelPostPropertyAddress, ""); returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, "").Trim(); if (requiredDate.Contains(" ")) { var test = requiredDate.Split(' '); DateTime testdate = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(test[0].ToString(), out testdate)) returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", test[0].ToString()); } else { returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); } return; } //get customer and company information tempString = GetTempString(preCustomerName, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(preCustomerName, ""); //get Customer and company name customerName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[0]; returnValues.Add("CustomerName", customerName); companyName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[1]; returnValues.Add("CompanyName", companyName); //get Property Address tempString = GetTempString(postCustomerName, postPropertyAddress, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyAddress = tempString.Replace(postCustomerName, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyAddress", propertyAddress); //get Property ID tempString = GetTempString(postPropertyAddress, postPropertyId, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyId = tempString.Replace(postPropertyAddress, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyId", propertyId); //get Order Id tempString = GetTempString(postPropertyId, postOrderId, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); hasMultipleOrderes = false; List<string> orderIds = new List<string>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { hasMultipleOrderes = true; tempString = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, "").Trim(); orderIds = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); } else { orderId = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, ""); } returnValues.Add("OrderId", orderId); //get sales Contact tempString = GetTempString(postOrderId, postSalesContact, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, ""); salesContacts = new List<SalesContact>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { var list = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var contact in list) { string tempContact = contact; if (tempContact.Contains(postPropertyId)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postOrderId, ""); } string salesExecutiveName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string salesContactNumber1 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string salesContactNumber2 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); SalesContact salesContact = new SalesContact { SalesContactName = salesExecutiveName, SalesContactNumber1 = salesContactNumber1, SalesContactNumber2 = salesContactNumber2 }; salesContacts.Add(salesContact); } } else { string tempContact = tempString; if (tempContact.Contains(postPropertyId)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postOrderId, ""); } string salesExecutiveName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string salesContactNumber1 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or ") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string salesContactNumber2 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or "), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or ")).Replace(" or ", ""); SalesContact salesContact = new SalesContact { SalesContactName = salesExecutiveName, SalesContactNumber1 = salesContactNumber1, SalesContactNumber2 = salesContactNumber2 }; salesContacts.Add(salesContact); } strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); //get admin Contact tempString = GetTempString(postSalesContact, postAdminContact, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, ""); adminContacts = new List<AdminContact>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { var list = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var contact in list) { string tempContact = contact; if (tempContact.Contains(postSalesContact)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postSalesContact, ""); } string adminName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string adminEmail = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string adminPhone = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); AdminContact adminContact = new AdminContact { Name = adminName, Email = adminEmail, Phone = adminPhone }; adminContacts.Add(adminContact); } } else { string tempContact = tempString; if (tempContact.Contains(postSalesContact)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postSalesContact, ""); } string adminName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string adminPhone = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string adminEmail = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); AdminContact adminContact = new AdminContact { Name = adminName.Trim(), Email = adminEmail.Trim(), Phone = adminPhone.Trim() }; adminContacts.Add(adminContact); } strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); //Sapplier Details tempString = GetTempString(postAdminContact, postSupplier, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); supplier = tempString.Replace(postAdminContact, ""); returnValues.Add("Supplier", supplier); if (hasMultipleOrderes) { multipleOrderList = new List<MultipleOrder>(); for (int ord = 0; ord < orderIds.Count; ord++) { List<OrderItem> multipleOrderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(postSupplier, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(postSupplier, ""); //returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, ""); //returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); //Order details tempString = GetTempString(postRequiredDate, postOrderDetails, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); string tempOrderDetails = tempString.Replace(postRequiredDate, ""); var tempOrderItems = tempOrderDetails.Substring(0, tempOrderDetails.IndexOf(" Total ")).Split('$').ToList(); List<string> tempOrderItemReplace = new List<string>(); int count = tempOrderItems.Count(); if (count > 3) { for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { if (x % 2 == 0 && x != 0) { decimal tempValue; if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x), out tempValue)) { var tempListValue = tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x); string tempValueofDecimal = tempListValue.Substring(0, tempListValue.IndexOf(" ")); string tempItemDescription = tempListValue.Replace(tempValueofDecimal, ""); tempOrderItems.Insert(x, tempValueofDecimal); tempOrderItems.RemoveAt(x + 1); tempOrderItems.Insert(x + 1, tempItemDescription.Trim()); } } } } int i = 1; OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(); foreach (var value in tempOrderItems) { if (i == 1) { orderItem.Name = value; } else if (i == 2) { orderItem.ClientPrice = value; } else if (i == 3) { orderItem.CostPrice = value; multipleOrderItems.Add(orderItem); orderItem = new OrderItem(); i = 0; } i++; } MultipleOrder multOrder = new MultipleOrder { OrderId = orderIds.ToArray()[ord], ProductDescription = productDescription, RequiredDate = requiredDate, OrderItems = multipleOrderItems }; multipleOrderList.Add(multOrder); } } else { //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(postSupplier, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(postSupplier, ""); returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, ""); returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); //Order details tempString = GetTempString(postRequiredDate, postOrderDetails, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); string tempOrderDetails = tempString.Replace(postRequiredDate, ""); var tempOrderItems = tempOrderDetails.Substring(0, tempOrderDetails.IndexOf(" Total ")).Split('$').ToList(); List<string> tempOrderItemReplace = new List<string>(); int count = tempOrderItems.Count(); if (count > 3) { for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { if (x % 2 == 0 && x != 0) { decimal tempValue; if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x), out tempValue)) { var tempListValue = tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x); string tempValueofDecimal = tempListValue.Substring(0, tempListValue.IndexOf(" ")); string tempItemDescription = tempListValue.Replace(tempValueofDecimal, ""); tempOrderItems.Insert(x, tempValueofDecimal); tempOrderItems.RemoveAt(x + 1); tempOrderItems.Insert(x + 1, tempItemDescription.Trim()); } } } } int i = 1; OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(); foreach (var value in tempOrderItems) { if (i == 1) { orderItem.Name = value; } else if (i == 2) { orderItem.ClientPrice = value; } else if (i == 3) { orderItem.CostPrice = value; orderItems.Add(orderItem); orderItem = new OrderItem(); i = 0; } i++; } } }
private static void ParseRecievedOrder(out Dictionary<string, string> returnValues, out bool isCancelled, string strippedText, out List<OrderItem> orderItems, out bool hasMultipleOrderes, out List<MultipleOrder> multipleOrderList, out List<SalesContact> salesContacts, out List<AdminContact> adminContacts) { isCompanyMail = false; returnValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); orderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); multipleOrderList = new List<MultipleOrder>(); // string preCustomerName = "Campaign Track ( This is an order notification from "; string preCustomerName = "Campaign Track ( This is an order notification from "; string preCustomerNameWithOutUrl = "Campaign Track This is an order notification from "; string preCustomerNameForNewLitho = "New Litho This is an order notification from "; string customerName = ""; string companyName = ""; string propertyAddress = ""; string propertyId = ""; string orderId = ""; string supplier = ""; string productDescription = ""; string requiredDate = ""; string postCustomerName = "Relating to campaign:"; string postPropertyAddress = " Property ID:"; string postPropertyId = " OrderItem:"; string postOrderId = " Sales contacts:"; string postSalesContact = " Admin contact:"; string postAdminContact = " Supplier:"; string postSupplier = " Description of product/service being ordered:"; string postProductDescription = " Required on "; string postRequiredDate = " Client Price Cost Price "; string postOrderDetails = " Click here to view your order."; string cancelPreCustomerCompanyName = "Campaign Track ( The order listed below was cancelled by "; string cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl = "Campaign Track The order listed below was cancelled by "; string cancelPostPropertyAddress = " Description of product/service being cancelled:"; string tempString = string.Empty; isCancelled = false; strippedText = strippedText.Replace("\n", ""); if (strippedText.Contains("The order listed below was cancelled")) { isCancelled = true; hasMultipleOrderes = false; salesContacts = new List<SalesContact>(); adminContacts = new List<AdminContact>(); bool match = false; match = ExactMatch(strippedText, cancelPreCustomerCompanyName); if (match) { tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyName, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(cancelPreCustomerCompanyName, ""); } else { ///////////////////////////////// match = ExactMatch(strippedText, cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl); if (match) { tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, ""); } else { match = ExactMatch(strippedText, cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl); if (match) { tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); } else { // Remove Extra spaces from the string and check it again in the stripeed text cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl = RemoveExtraSpaces(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl); tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); } //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, ""); } //////////////////////////////// old one /////////////////////// //match = ExactMatch(strippedText, cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl); //tempString = GetTempString(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); ////remove this from actula text //strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); //tempString = tempString.Replace(cancelPreCustomerCompanyNameWithOutUrl, ""); //////////////////////////////// End old one /////////////////////// } //get Customer and company name customerName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[0]; returnValues.Add("CustomerName", customerName); companyName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[1]; returnValues.Add("CompanyName", companyName); //get Property Address tempString = GetTempString(postCustomerName, cancelPostPropertyAddress, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyAddress = tempString.Replace(postCustomerName, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyAddress", propertyAddress); //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(cancelPostPropertyAddress, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(cancelPostPropertyAddress, ""); returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, "").Trim(); if (requiredDate.Contains(" ")) { var test = requiredDate.Split(' '); DateTime testdate = new DateTime(); if (DateTime.TryParse(test[0].ToString(), out testdate)) returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", test[0].ToString()); else { string dateString = "20/05/2015"; // <-- Valid string format = "dd/mmm/yyyy"; DateTime dateTime; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(test[0].ToString(), format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dateTime)) { returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", test[0].ToString()); } } } else { returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); } return; } if (strippedText.StartsWith("New Litho")) { //get customer and company information tempString = GetTempString(preCustomerNameForNewLitho, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(preCustomerNameForNewLitho, ""); isCompanyMail = true; } else { //get customer and company information bool match = false; match = ExactMatch(strippedText, preCustomerName); if (match) { tempString = GetTempString(preCustomerName, postCustomerName, strippedText); //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(preCustomerName, ""); } else { match = ExactMatch(strippedText, preCustomerNameWithOutUrl); if (match) { tempString = GetTempString(preCustomerNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); } else { // Remove Extra spaces from the string and check it again in the stripeed text preCustomerNameWithOutUrl = RemoveExtraSpaces(preCustomerNameWithOutUrl); tempString = GetTempString(preCustomerNameWithOutUrl, postCustomerName, strippedText); } //remove this from actula text strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(preCustomerNameWithOutUrl, ""); } } //get Customer and company name customerName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[0]; returnValues.Add("CustomerName", customerName); companyName = tempString.Replace(" at ", ",").Split(',')[1]; returnValues.Add("CompanyName", companyName); //get Property Address tempString = GetTempString(postCustomerName, postPropertyAddress, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyAddress = tempString.Replace(postCustomerName, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyAddress", propertyAddress); //get Property ID tempString = GetTempString(postPropertyAddress, postPropertyId, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); propertyId = tempString.Replace(postPropertyAddress, ""); returnValues.Add("PropertyId", propertyId); //get Order Id tempString = GetTempString(postPropertyId, postOrderId, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); hasMultipleOrderes = false; List<string> orderIds = new List<string>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { hasMultipleOrderes = true; tempString = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, "").Trim(); orderIds = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); } else { orderId = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, ""); } returnValues.Add("OrderId", orderId); //get sales Contact tempString = GetTempString(postOrderId, postSalesContact, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(postOrderId, ""); salesContacts = new List<SalesContact>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { var list = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var contact in list) { string tempContact = contact; if (tempContact.Contains(postOrderId)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postOrderId, ""); } string salesExecutiveName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string salesContactNumber1 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string salesContactNumber2 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); SalesContact salesContact = new SalesContact { SalesContactName = salesExecutiveName, SalesContactNumber1 = salesContactNumber1, SalesContactNumber2 = salesContactNumber2 }; salesContacts.Add(salesContact); } } else { string tempContact = tempString; if (tempContact.Contains(postOrderId)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postOrderId, ""); } string salesExecutiveName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string salesContactNumber1 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or ") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string salesContactNumber2 = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or "), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or ")).Replace(" or ", ""); SalesContact salesContact = new SalesContact { SalesContactName = salesExecutiveName, SalesContactNumber1 = salesContactNumber1, SalesContactNumber2 = salesContactNumber2 }; salesContacts.Add(salesContact); } strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); //get admin Contact tempString = GetTempString(postSalesContact, postAdminContact, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); tempString = tempString.Replace(postPropertyId, ""); adminContacts = new List<AdminContact>(); if (tempString.Contains(",")) { var list = tempString.Split(',').ToList(); foreach (var contact in list) { string tempContact = contact; if (tempContact.Contains(postSalesContact)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postSalesContact, ""); } string adminName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string adminEmail = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string adminPhone = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); AdminContact adminContact = new AdminContact { Name = adminName, Email = adminEmail, Phone = adminPhone }; adminContacts.Add(adminContact); } } else { string tempContact = tempString; if (tempContact.Contains(postSalesContact)) { tempContact = tempContact.Replace(postSalesContact, ""); } string adminName = tempContact.Substring(0, tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")); string adminPhone = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" on "), tempContact.IndexOf(" or") - tempContact.IndexOf(" on ")).Replace(" on ", ""); string adminEmail = tempContact.Substring(tempContact.IndexOf(" or"), tempContact.Length - tempContact.IndexOf(" or")).Replace(" or", ""); AdminContact adminContact = new AdminContact { Name = adminName.Trim(), Email = adminEmail.Trim(), Phone = adminPhone.Trim() }; adminContacts.Add(adminContact); } strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); //Sapplier Details tempString = GetTempString(postAdminContact, postSupplier, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); supplier = tempString.Replace(postAdminContact, ""); returnValues.Add("Supplier", supplier); if (hasMultipleOrderes) { multipleOrderList = new List<MultipleOrder>(); for (int ord = 1; ord <= orderIds.Count; ord++) { List<OrderItem> multipleOrderItems = new List<OrderItem>(); //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(postSupplier, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText = ReplaceFirst(strippedText, tempString, "");// strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(postSupplier, ""); //returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText = ReplaceFirst(strippedText, tempString, ""); //strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, ""); //returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); if (ord < orderIds.Count) { //Order details tempString = GetTempString(postRequiredDate, postSupplier, strippedText); } else { tempString = GetTempString(postRequiredDate, postOrderDetails, strippedText); } strippedText = ReplaceFirst(strippedText, tempString, ""); //strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); string tempOrderDetails = tempString.Replace(postRequiredDate, ""); var tempOrderItems = tempOrderDetails.Substring(0, tempOrderDetails.IndexOf(" Total ")).Split('$').ToList(); List<string> tempOrderItemReplace = new List<string>(); int count = tempOrderItems.Count(); if (count > 3) { for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) { if (x % 2 == 0 && x != 0) { decimal tempValue; if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x), out tempValue)) { var tempListValue = tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x); string tempValueofDecimal = tempListValue.Substring(0, tempListValue.IndexOf(" ")); string tempItemDescription = tempListValue.Replace(tempValueofDecimal, ""); tempOrderItems.Insert(x, tempValueofDecimal); tempOrderItems.RemoveAt(x + 1); tempOrderItems.Insert(x + 1, tempItemDescription.Trim()); } } } } int i = 1; OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(); foreach (var value in tempOrderItems) { if (i == 1) { orderItem.Name = value; } else if (i == 2) { orderItem.ClientPrice = value; } else if (i == 3) { if (value.Equals("0.00 Supplier Instructions - Property Ready: Monday 29th JuneContact: Dom [email protected] 98324774Access: Via vendorVendor: Michael Kroger (contact Dom)Property: 4bed / 2.5bath house ")) { string value1 = value.Replace(" Supplier Instructions - Property Ready: Monday 29th JuneContact: Dom [email protected] 98324774Access: Via vendorVendor: Michael Kroger (contact Dom)Property: 4bed / 2.5bath house ", string.Empty); orderItem.CostPrice = value1; } else { orderItem.CostPrice = value; } multipleOrderItems.Add(orderItem); orderItem = new OrderItem(); i = 0; } i++; } MultipleOrder multOrder = new MultipleOrder { OrderId = orderIds.ToArray()[ord - 1], ProductDescription = productDescription, RequiredDate = requiredDate, OrderItems = multipleOrderItems }; multipleOrderList.Add(multOrder); } } else { //Product Description tempString = GetTempString(postSupplier, postProductDescription, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); productDescription = tempString.Replace(postSupplier, ""); returnValues.Add("ProductDescription", productDescription); //Required Date tempString = GetTempString(postProductDescription, postRequiredDate, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); requiredDate = tempString.Replace(postProductDescription, ""); returnValues.Add("RequiredDate", requiredDate); //Order details tempString = GetTempString(postRequiredDate, postOrderDetails, strippedText); strippedText.Replace(tempString, ""); string tempOrderDetails = tempString.Replace(postRequiredDate, ""); //var dollorCount = tempOrderDetails.ToArray().Where(x => x == '$').Count(); ////decimal test3 = dollorCount/2; ////int test2=0; //if (dollorCount % 2 !=0) //{ // int dollorIndex= tempOrderDetails.IndexOf('$'); // tempOrderDetails = tempOrderDetails.Remove(dollorIndex,1); //} tempOrderDetails = tempOrderDetails.Replace("$54.00 incl GST", "54.00 incl GST"); tempOrderDetails = tempOrderDetails.Replace("Adjustment: Supplier - As per Jess B $175.00 $2.30 $2.30 ", string.Empty); // replace the content as this is not a part of order - row_id- 2071 var tempOrderItems = tempOrderDetails.Substring(0, tempOrderDetails.IndexOf(" Total ")).Split('$').ToList(); List<string> tempOrderItemReplace = new List<string>(); int count = tempOrderItems.Count(); if (count > 2) { decimal test; if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[2], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[2].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(2, testpriceIssue[0].Trim()); tempOrderItems[3] = tempOrderItems[3].Replace(testpriceIssue[0].Trim(), string.Empty); } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 5) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[5], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[5].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(5, testpriceIssue[0].Trim()); tempOrderItems[6] = tempOrderItems[6].Replace(testpriceIssue[0].Trim(), string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 8) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[8], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[8].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(8, testpriceIssue[0].Trim()); tempOrderItems[9] = tempOrderItems[9].Replace(testpriceIssue[0].Trim(), string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 11) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[11], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[11].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(11, testpriceIssue[0].Trim()); tempOrderItems[12] = tempOrderItems[12].Replace(testpriceIssue[0].Trim(), string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 14) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[14], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[14].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(14, testpriceIssue[0]); tempOrderItems[15] = tempOrderItems[15].Replace(testpriceIssue[0], string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 17) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[17], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[17].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(17, testpriceIssue[0]); tempOrderItems[18] = tempOrderItems[18].Replace(testpriceIssue[0], string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 20) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[20], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[20].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(20, testpriceIssue[0]); tempOrderItems[21] = tempOrderItems[21].Replace(testpriceIssue[0], string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 23) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[23], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[23].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(23, testpriceIssue[0]); tempOrderItems[24] = tempOrderItems[24].Replace(testpriceIssue[0], string.Empty); } } if (tempOrderItems.Count > 26) { if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[26], out test)) { var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[26].Split(' '); tempOrderItems.Insert(26, testpriceIssue[0]); tempOrderItems[27] = tempOrderItems[27].Replace(testpriceIssue[0], string.Empty); } } //if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems[9], out test)) //{ // var testpriceIssue = tempOrderItems[9].Split(' '); // tempOrderItems.Insert(9, testpriceIssue[0]); //} //for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) //{ // if (x % 2 == 0 && x != 0) // { // decimal tempValue; // if (!Decimal.TryParse(tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x).Trim(), out tempValue)) // { // var tempListValue = tempOrderItems.ElementAt(x).Trim(); // string tempValueofDecimal = tempListValue.Trim().Substring(0, tempListValue.IndexOf(" ")); // string tempItemDescription = tempListValue; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempValueofDecimal)) // { // tempItemDescription = tempListValue.Replace(tempValueofDecimal, ""); // } // tempOrderItems.Insert(x, tempValueofDecimal); // tempOrderItems.RemoveAt(x + 1); // tempOrderItems.Insert(x + 1, tempItemDescription.Trim()); // } // } //} } int i = 1; OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(); foreach (var value in tempOrderItems) { if (i == 1) { orderItem.Name = value; } else if (i == 2) { int l = value.Trim().IndexOf(" "); if (l > 0) { string CPrice = string.Empty; CPrice = value.Substring(0, l); orderItem.ClientPrice = CPrice; } else { orderItem.ClientPrice = value; } } else if (i == 3) { orderItem.CostPrice = value; orderItems.Add(orderItem); orderItem = new OrderItem(); i = 0; } i++; } } }