        void EncryptedFileCopy(FileStream file, Xp3Entry xp3entry, Stream output, bool compress)
            if (file.Length > int.MaxValue)
                throw new FileSizeException();

            using (var map = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(file, null, 0,
                                                             MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read, null, HandleInheritability.None, true))
                uint unpacked_size = (uint)file.Length;
                xp3entry.UnpackedSize = (uint)unpacked_size;
                xp3entry.Size         = (uint)unpacked_size;
                using (var view = map.CreateViewAccessor(0, unpacked_size, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read))
                    var segment = new Xp3Segment {
                        IsCompressed = compress,
                        Offset       = output.Position,
                        Size         = unpacked_size,
                        PackedSize   = unpacked_size,
                    if (compress)
                        output = new ZLibStream(output, CompressionMode.Compress, CompressionLevel.Level9, true);
                        byte[] read_buffer = new byte[81920];
                        byte * ptr         = view.GetPointer(0);
                            var  checksum         = new Adler32();
                            bool hash_after_crypt = xp3entry.Cipher.HashAfterCrypt;
                            if (!hash_after_crypt)
                                xp3entry.Hash = checksum.Update(ptr, (int)unpacked_size);
                            int offset    = 0;
                            int remaining = (int)unpacked_size;
                            while (remaining > 0)
                                int amount = Math.Min(remaining, read_buffer.Length);
                                remaining -= amount;
                                Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)(ptr + offset), read_buffer, 0, amount);
                                xp3entry.Cipher.Encrypt(xp3entry, offset, read_buffer, 0, amount);
                                if (hash_after_crypt)
                                    checksum.Update(read_buffer, 0, amount);
                                output.Write(read_buffer, 0, amount);
                                offset += amount;
                            if (hash_after_crypt)
                                xp3entry.Hash = checksum.Value;
                            if (compress)
                                var dest = (output as ZLibStream).BaseStream;
                                segment.PackedSize = (uint)(dest.Position - segment.Offset);
                                xp3entry.Size      = segment.PackedSize;
 public static int adler32([NotNull] IBufferProtocol data, long value = 1L)
     using var buffer = data.GetBuffer();
     return((int)Adler32.GetAdler32Checksum(value, buffer.AsUnsafeArray() ?? buffer.ToArray(), 0, buffer.NumBytes()));
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads and decodes a window, returning whether or not there was
        /// any more data to read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// Whether or not the delta stream had reached the end of its data.
        /// </returns>
        bool DecodeWindow()
            int windowIndicator = delta.ReadByte();

            // Have we finished?
            if (windowIndicator == -1)

            // The stream to load source data from for this window, if any
            Stream sourceStream;
            // Where to reposition the source stream to after reading from it, if anywhere
            int sourceStreamPostReadSeek = -1;

            // xdelta3 uses an undocumented extra bit which indicates that there are an extra
            // 4 bytes at the end of the encoding for the window
            bool hasAdler32Checksum = ((windowIndicator & 4) == 4);

            // Get rid of the checksum bit for the rest
            windowIndicator &= 0xfb;

            // Work out what the source data is, and detect invalid window indicators
            switch (windowIndicator & 3)
            // No source data used in this window
            case 0:
                sourceStream = null;

            // Source data comes from the original stream
            case 1:
                if (original == null)
                    throw new VcdiffFormatException
                              ("Source stream requested by delta but not provided by caller.");
                sourceStream = original;

            case 2:
                sourceStream             = output;
                sourceStreamPostReadSeek = (int)output.Position;

            case 3:
                throw new VcdiffFormatException
                          ("Invalid window indicator - bits 0 and 1 both set.");

                throw new VcdiffFormatException("Invalid window indicator - bits 3-7 not all zero.");

            // Read the source data, if any
            byte[] sourceData   = null;
            int    sourceLength = 0;

            if (sourceStream != null)
                sourceLength = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);
                int sourcePosition = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);

                sourceStream.Position = sourcePosition;

                sourceData = IOHelper.CheckedReadBytes(sourceStream, sourceLength);
                // Reposition the source stream if appropriate
                if (sourceStreamPostReadSeek != -1)
                    sourceStream.Position = sourceStreamPostReadSeek;

            // Read how long the delta encoding is - then ignore it

            // Read how long the target window is
            int targetLength = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);

            byte[]       targetData       = new byte[targetLength];
            MemoryStream targetDataStream = new MemoryStream(targetData, true);

            // Read the indicator and the lengths of the different data sections
            byte deltaIndicator = IOHelper.CheckedReadByte(delta);

            if (deltaIndicator != 0)
                throw new VcdiffFormatException("VcdiffDecoder is unable to handle compressed delta sections.");

            int addRunDataLength   = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);
            int instructionsLength = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);
            int addressesLength    = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(delta);

            // If we've been given a checksum, we have to read it and we might as well
            // use it to check the data.
            int checksumInFile = 0;

            if (hasAdler32Checksum)
                byte[] checksumBytes = IOHelper.CheckedReadBytes(delta, 4);
                checksumInFile = (checksumBytes[0] << 24) |
                                 (checksumBytes[1] << 16) |
                                 (checksumBytes[2] << 8) |

            // Read all the data for this window
            byte[] addRunData   = IOHelper.CheckedReadBytes(delta, addRunDataLength);
            byte[] instructions = IOHelper.CheckedReadBytes(delta, instructionsLength);
            byte[] addresses    = IOHelper.CheckedReadBytes(delta, addressesLength);

            int addRunDataIndex = 0;

            MemoryStream instructionStream = new MemoryStream(instructions, false);


            while (true)
                int instructionIndex = instructionStream.ReadByte();
                if (instructionIndex == -1)

                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    Instruction instruction = codeTable[instructionIndex, i];
                    int         size        = instruction.Size;
                    if (size == 0 && instruction.Type != InstructionType.NoOp)
                        size = IOHelper.ReadBigEndian7BitEncodedInt(instructionStream);
                    switch (instruction.Type)
                    case InstructionType.NoOp:

                    case InstructionType.Add:
                        targetDataStream.Write(addRunData, addRunDataIndex, size);
                        addRunDataIndex += size;

                    case InstructionType.Copy:
                        int addr = cache.DecodeAddress((int)targetDataStream.Position + sourceLength, instruction.Mode);
                        if (sourceData != null && addr < sourceData.Length)
                            targetDataStream.Write(sourceData, addr, size);
                        else                                 // Data is in target data
                            // Get rid of the offset
                            addr -= sourceLength;
                            // Can we just ignore overlap issues?
                            if (addr + size < targetDataStream.Position)
                                targetDataStream.Write(targetData, addr, size);
                                for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)

                    case InstructionType.Run:
                        byte data = addRunData[addRunDataIndex++];
                        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)

                        throw new VcdiffFormatException("Invalid instruction type found.");
            output.Write(targetData, 0, targetLength);

            if (hasAdler32Checksum)
                int actualChecksum = Adler32.ComputeChecksum(1, targetData);
                if (actualChecksum != checksumInFile)
                    throw new VcdiffFormatException("Invalid checksum after decoding window");
        private byte[] Hash(byte[] bytes)
            byte[] hash = BitConverter.GetBytes(Adler32.Generate(bytes));

        private async static Task WriteDataChunksUncompressed()
            // First setup some variables we're going to use later on so we can calculate how big of byte[] we need
            // to store the entire PNG file in so we only keep a single copy of the data in memory.

            // Figure out how much image data we're going to have:
            //      H * W * (number of bytes in an ARGB value) + H to account for the filter byte in PNG files
            int dataLength = _image.PixelWidth * _image.PixelHeight * 4 + _image.PixelHeight;

            // Variables for the number of PNG blocks and how big the last block is going to be.
            int blockCount;
            int lastBlockSize;

            // We could have an exactly even count of blocks (ie MaxBlockSize * x), but that seems unlikely.
            // If we don't, then add one for the remainder of the data and figure out how much data will be
            // left.
            if ((dataLength % MaxBlockSize) == 0)
                blockCount    = dataLength / MaxBlockSize;
                lastBlockSize = MaxBlockSize;
                blockCount    = (dataLength / MaxBlockSize) + 1;
                lastBlockSize = dataLength - (MaxBlockSize * (blockCount - 1));

            // The size of the PNG file will be:
            //      2 header bytes +
            //      ( blockCount - 1 ) *
            //      (
            //          1 last block byte +
            //          2 block size bytes +
            //          2 block size one's complement bytes +
            //          maxBlockSize ) +
            //      (
            //          1 last block byte +
            //          2 block size bytes +
            //          2 block size one's complement bytes +
            //          lastBlockSize ) +
            //      4 Adler32 bytes +
            //  = 2 + ((blockCount-1)*(5+MaxBlockSize)) + (5+lastBlockSize) + 4
            //  = 11 + ((blockCount-1)*(5+MaxBlockSize)) + lastBlockSize
            int pngLength;

            pngLength = 11 + ((blockCount - 1) * (5 + MaxBlockSize)) + lastBlockSize;

            // Make a buffer to store the PNG in.
            byte[] data = new byte[pngLength];

            // Write zlib headers.
            data[0] = 0x78;
            data[1] = 0xDA;

            //  zlib compression uses Adler32 CRCs instead of CRC32s, so setup on up to calculate.
            Adler32 crcCode = new Adler32();


            // Setup some variables to use in the loop.
            var blockRemainder = 0;                         // How much of the current block we have left, 0 to start so we write the block header out on the first block.
            var currentBlock   = 0;                         // The current block we're working on, start with 0 as we increment in the first pass thorugh.
            var dataPointer    = 2;                         // A pointer to where we are in the data array, start at 2 as we 'wrote' two bytes a few lines ago.
            var pixelSource    = 0;                         // The current pixel we're working on from the image.

            byte[] pixel = new byte[4];                     // Temporary storage to store the current pixel in as a byte array.

            // This is the main logic loop, we're going to be doing a lot of work so stick with me...
            //      The loop has three parts to it:
            //          1. looping through each row (y)
            //          2. looping through each pixel in the row (x)
            //          3. looping through each byte of the pixel (z)

            // Loop thorough each row in the image.
            for (int y = 0; y < _image.PixelHeight; y++)
                // This code appears twice, once here and once in the pixel byte loop (loop 3).
                // It checks to see if we're at the boundry for the PNG block and if so writes
                // out a new block header.  It get executed on the first time through to setup
                // the first block but is unlikly to get executed again as it would mean the
                // block boundry is at a row boundry, which seems unlikly.
                if (blockRemainder == 0)
                    // Setup a temporary byte array to store the block size in.
                    byte[] tempBytes = new byte[2];

                    // Increment the current block count.

                    // Figure out the current block size and if we're at the last block, write
                    // out and 1 to let the zlib decompressor know.  By default, use the MaxBlockSize.
                    int length = MaxBlockSize;

                    if (currentBlock == blockCount)
                        length            = lastBlockSize;
                        data[dataPointer] = 0x01;
                        data[dataPointer] = 0x00;

                    // Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer.

                    // Write the block length out.
                    tempBytes             = BitConverter.GetBytes(length);
                    data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                    data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                    dataPointer          += 2;

                    // Write one's compliment of length for error checking.
                    tempBytes             = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)~length);
                    data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                    data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                    dataPointer          += 2;

                    // Reset the remaining block size to the next block's length.
                    blockRemainder = length;

                // Set the filter byte to 0, not really required as C# initalizes the byte array to 0 by default, but here for clarity.
                data[dataPointer] = 0;

                // Add the current byte to the running Adler32 value, note we ONLY add the filter byte and the pixel bytes to the
                // Adler32 CRC, all other header and block header bytes are execluded from the CRC.
                crcCode.addToAdler(data, 1, (UInt32)dataPointer);

                // Increment the data pointer and decrement the remain block value.

                // Loop thorough each pixel in the row, you have to do this as the source format and destination format may be different.
                for (int x = 0; x < _image.PixelWidth; x++)
                    // Data is in RGBA format but source may not be
                    //pixel = BitConverter.GetBytes(_image.Pixels[pixelSource]);

                    var color = _image.GetPixel(pixelSource, 0);
                    pixel = new[] { color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B };

                    // Loop through the 4 bytes of the pixel and 'write' them to the data array.
                    for (int z = 0; z < 4; z++)
                        // This is the second appearance of this code code.
                        // It checks to see if we're at the boundry for the PNG block and if so writes
                        // out a new block header.
                        if (blockRemainder == 0)
                            // Setup a temporary byte array to store the block size in.
                            byte[] tempBytes = new byte[2];

                            // Increment the current block count.

                            // Figure out the current block size and if we're at the last block, write
                            // out and 1 to let the zlib decompressor know.  By default, use the MaxBlockSize.
                            int length = MaxBlockSize;

                            if (currentBlock == blockCount)
                                length            = lastBlockSize;
                                data[dataPointer] = 0x01;
                                data[dataPointer] = 0x00;

                            // Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer.

                            // Write the block length out.
                            tempBytes             = BitConverter.GetBytes(length);
                            data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                            data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                            dataPointer          += 2;

                            // Write one's compliment of length for error checking.
                            tempBytes             = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)~length);
                            data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                            data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                            dataPointer          += 2;

                            // Reset the remaining block size to the next block's length.
                            blockRemainder = length;

                        // Store the pixel's byte in to the data array.  We use the WBByteOrder array to ensure
                        // we have the write order of bytes to store in the PNG file.
                        data[dataPointer] = pixel[WBByteOrder[z]];

                        // Add the current byte to the running Adler32 value, note we ONLY add the filter byte and the pixel bytes to the
                        // Adler32 CRC, all other header and block header bytes are execluded from the CRC.
                        crcCode.addToAdler(data, 1, (UInt32)dataPointer);

                        // Increment the data pointer and decrement the remain block value.

                    // Increment where we start writting the next pixel and where we get the next pixel from.

            // Whew, wipe that brow, we're done all the complex bits now!

            // Write the Adler32 CRC out, but reverse the order of the bytes to match the zlib spec.
            pixel = BitConverter.GetBytes(crcCode.adler());
            data[dataPointer + 0] = pixel[3];
            data[dataPointer + 1] = pixel[2];
            data[dataPointer + 2] = pixel[1];
            data[dataPointer + 3] = pixel[0];

            // Yes, yes, I know I said "Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer."
            // but we're done with it now so I'm not going to bother ;)

            // Write the entire PNG data chunk out to the file stream.
            await WriteChunk(PngChunkTypes.Data, data, 0, pngLength);
            private void WriteDataChunksFast()
                byte[] pixels = ConvertPixelArrayToByteArray(_image.Data);

                // Convert the pixel array to a new array for adding
                // the filter byte.
                // --------------------------------------------------
                byte[] data = new byte[_image.Width * _image.Height * 4 + _image.Height];

                int rowLength = _image.Width * 4 + 1;

                for (int y = 0; y < _image.Height; y++)
                    data[y * rowLength] = 0;

                    Array.Copy(pixels, y * _image.Width * 4, data, y * rowLength + 1, _image.Width * 4);
                // --------------------------------------------------

                Adler32 adler32 = new Adler32();


                using (MemoryStream tempStream = new MemoryStream())
                    int remainder = data.Length;

                    int blockCount;
                    if ((data.Length % MaxBlockSize) == 0)
                        blockCount = data.Length / MaxBlockSize;
                        blockCount = (data.Length / MaxBlockSize) + 1;

                    // Write headers

                    for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                        // Write the length
                        ushort length = (ushort)((remainder < MaxBlockSize) ? remainder : MaxBlockSize);

                        if (length == remainder)

                        tempStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(length), 0, 2);

                        // Write one's compliment of length
                        tempStream.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)~length), 0, 2);

                        // Write blocks
                        tempStream.Write(data, (int)(i * MaxBlockSize), length);

                        // Next block
                        remainder -= MaxBlockSize;

                    WriteInteger(tempStream, (int)adler32.Value);

                    tempStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    byte[] zipData = new byte[tempStream.Length];
                    tempStream.Read(zipData, 0, (int)tempStream.Length);

                    WriteChunk(PngChunkTypes.Data, zipData);
 public File4Flickr PrepareCrc()
     _crc = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(FullName) ? Adler32.FileChecksum(FullName, NumberOfBytesForCRC) : 0;
        protected override void OnReceived(byte[] body)
            ByteArrayArrayStream stream = new ByteArrayArrayStream(body);

            ByteArrayStreamReader reader = new ByteArrayStreamReader(stream);

                if (Adler32.Generate(body, 4) == reader.ReadUInt())
                    if (Keys == null)
                        Rsa.DecryptAndReplace(body, 9);
                        Xtea.DecryptAndReplace(body, 4, 32, Keys);

                        stream.Seek(Origin.Current, 2);

                    Command command = null;

                    switch (reader.ReadByte())
                    case 0x0A:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <SelectedCharacterIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new LogInCommand(this, packet);

                    case 0x14:

                        command = new LogOutCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x1E:

                        command = new PongCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x64:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <WalkToIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new WalkToKnownPathCommand(Client.Player, packet.MoveDirections);

                    case 0x65:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.North);


                    case 0x66:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.East);


                    case 0x67:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.South);


                    case 0x68:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.West);


                    case 0x69:

                        command = new StopWalkCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x6A:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.NorthEast);


                    case 0x6B:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.SouthEast);


                    case 0x6C:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.SouthWest);


                    case 0x6D:

                        command = new WalkCommand(Client.Player, MoveDirection.NorthWest);


                    case 0x6F:

                        command = new TurnCommand(Client.Player, Direction.North);


                    case 0x70:

                        command = new TurnCommand(Client.Player, Direction.East);


                    case 0x71:

                        command = new TurnCommand(Client.Player, Direction.South);


                    case 0x72:

                        command = new TurnCommand(Client.Player, Direction.West);


                    case 0x78:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <MoveItemIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        Position fromPosition = new Position(packet.FromX, packet.FromY, packet.FromZ);

                        Position toPosition = new Position(packet.ToX, packet.ToY, packet.ToZ);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new MoveItemFromContainerToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.Count);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new MoveItemFromContainerToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.Count);
                                command = new MoveItemFromContainerToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.Count);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new MoveItemFromInventoryToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.Count);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new MoveItemFromInventoryToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.Count);
                                command = new MoveItemFromInventoryToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.Count);
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new MoveItemFromTileToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.Count);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new MoveItemFromTileToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.Count);
                                command = new MoveItemFromTileToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.Count);

                    case 0x79:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <LookItemNpcTradeIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new LookFromNpcTradeCommand(Client.Player, packet.ItemId, packet.Type);

                    case 0x7A:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <BuyNpcTradeIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new BuyNpcTradeCommand(Client.Player, packet);

                    case 0x7B:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <SellNpcTradeIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new SellNpcTradeCommand(Client.Player, packet);

                    case 0x7C:

                        command = new CloseNpcTradeCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x7D:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <TradeWithIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        Position fromPosition = new Position(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            command = new TradeWithFromContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            command = new TradeWithFromInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);
                            command = new TradeWithFromTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.Index, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0x7E:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <LookItemTradeIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new LookFromTradeCommand(Client.Player, packet.WindowId, packet.Index);

                    case 0x7F:

                        command = new AcceptTradeCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x80:

                        command = new CancelTradeCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x82:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <UseItemIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        Position fromPosition = new Position(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            command = new UseItemFromContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ItemId, packet.ContainerId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            command = new UseItemFromInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ItemId);
                            command = new UseItemFromTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.Index, packet.ItemId);

                    case 0x83:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <UseItemWithItemIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        Position fromPosition = new Position(packet.FromX, packet.FromY, packet.FromZ);

                        Position toPosition = new Position(packet.ToX, packet.ToY, packet.ToZ);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromContainerToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromContainerToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromContainerToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.ToIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromInventoryToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromInventoryToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromInventoryToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.ToIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                            if (toPosition.IsContainer)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromTileToContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.ContainerId, toPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                            else if (toPosition.IsInventory)
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromTileToInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ToItemId);
                                command = new UseItemWithItemFromTileToTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.FromIndex, packet.FromItemId, toPosition, packet.ToIndex, packet.ToItemId);

                    case 0x84:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <UseItemWithCreatureIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        Position fromPosition = new Position(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            command = new UseItemWithCreatureFromContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            command = new UseItemWithCreatureFromInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);
                            command = new UseItemWithCreatureFromTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.Index, packet.ItemId, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0x85:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <RotateItemIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        var fromPosition = new Position(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            command = new RotateItemFromContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ItemId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            command = new RotateItemFromInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ItemId);
                            command = new RotateItemFromTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.Index, packet.ItemId);

                    case 0x87:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <CloseContainerIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new CloseContainerCommand(Client.Player, packet.ContainerId);

                    case 0x88:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <OpenParentIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new OpenParentContainerCommand(Client.Player, packet.ContainerId);

                    case 0x8C:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <LookIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        var fromPosition = new Position(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);

                        if (fromPosition.IsContainer)
                            command = new LookFromContainerCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.ContainerId, fromPosition.ContainerIndex, packet.ItemId);
                        else if (fromPosition.IsInventory)
                            command = new LookFromInventoryCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition.InventoryIndex, packet.ItemId);
                            command = new LookFromTileCommand(Client.Player, fromPosition, packet.Index, packet.ItemId);

                    case 0x96:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <TalkIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        switch (packet.TalkType)
                        case TalkType.Say:

                            command = new SayCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.Whisper:

                            command = new WhisperCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.Yell:

                            command = new YellCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.Private:

                            command = new SendMessageToPlayerCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.ChannelYellow:

                            command = new SendMessageToChannel(Client.Player, packet.ChannelId, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.ReportRuleViolationOpen:

                            command = new CreateReportRuleViolationCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.ReportRuleViolationAnswer:

                            command = new AnswerInReportRuleViolationChannelCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.ReportRuleViolationQuestion:

                            command = new AskInReportRuleViolationChannelCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                        case TalkType.Broadcast:

                            command = new BroadcastMessageCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);


                    case 0x97:

                        command = new OpenNewChannelCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x98:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <OpenedNewChannelIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new OpenedNewChannelCommand(Client.Player, packet.ChannelId);

                    case 0x99:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <CloseChannelIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new CloseChannelCommand(Client.Player, packet.ChannelId);

                    case 0x9A:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <OpenedPrivateChannelIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new OpenedPrivateChannelCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0x9B:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <ProcessReportRuleViolationIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new ProcessReportRuleViolationCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0x9C:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <CloseReportRuleViolationChannelAnswerIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new CloseReportRuleViolationChannelAnswerCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0x9D:

                        command = new CloseReportRuleViolationChannelQuestionCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0x9E:

                        command = new CloseNpcsChannelCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xA0:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <CombatControlsIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new CombatControlsCommand(Client.Player, packet.FightMode, packet.ChaseMode, packet.SafeMode);

                    case 0xA1:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <AttackIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        if (packet.CreatureId == 0)
                            command = new StopAttackCommand(Client.Player);
                            command = new StartAttackCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId, packet.Nonce);

                    case 0xA2:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <FollowIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        if (packet.CreatureId == 0)
                            command = new StopFollowCommand(Client.Player);
                            command = new StartFollowCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId, packet.Nonce);

                    case 0xA3:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <InviteToPartyIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new InviteToPartyCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0xA4:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <JoinPartyIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new JoinPartyCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0xA5:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <RevokePartyIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new RevokePartyCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0xA6:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <PassLeadershipToIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new PassLeaderShipToCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0xA7:

                        command = new LeavePartyCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xA8:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <SharedExperienceIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new SharedExperienceCommand(Client.Player, packet.Enabled);

                    case 0xAA:

                        command = new OpenedMyPrivateChannelCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xAB:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <InvitePlayerIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new InvitePlayerCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0xAC:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <ExcludePlayerIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new ExcludePlayerCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0xBE:

                        command = new StopCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xD2:

                        command = new SelectOutfitCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xD3:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <SelectedOutfitIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new SelectedOutfitCommand(Client.Player, packet.Outfit);

                    case 0xDC:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <AddVipIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new AddVipCommand(Client.Player, packet.Name);

                    case 0xDD:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <RemoveVipIncommingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new RemoveVipCommand(Client.Player, packet.CreatureId);

                    case 0xE6:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <ReportBugIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new ReportBugCommand(Client.Player, packet.Message);

                    case 0xF0:

                        command = new OpenQuestsCommand(Client.Player);


                    case 0xF1:
                        var packet = server.PacketsFactory.Create <OpenQuestIncomingPacket>(reader);

                        command = new OpenQuestCommand(Client.Player, packet.QuestId);

                    if (command != null)
            catch (Exception ex)

    public void TestHashUpdate()
        const int N      = 1_000_000;
        var       random = new Random(42);
        var       data   = new byte[N];


        // CRC-32
        var crc32 = new Crc32();

        for (var n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
            var span = data.AsSpan(0, n);
            var h    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(crc32.GetHash(span));
            var h2   = Crc32.Hash32(span);
            Assert.Equal(h, h2);

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(crc32, data, random);

        // Adler-32
        var adler32 = new Adler32();

        for (var n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
            var span = data.AsSpan(0, n);
            var h    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(adler32.GetHash(span));
            var h2   = Adler32.Hash32(span);
            Assert.Equal(h, h2);

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(adler32, data, random);

        // FarmHash
        var farm = new FarmHash();

        for (var n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
            var span = data.AsSpan(0, n);
            var h    = BitConverter.ToUInt64(farm.GetHash(span));
            var h2   = FarmHash.Hash64(span);
            Assert.Equal(h, h2);

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(farm, data, random);

        // xxHash32
        var xxh32 = new XXHash32();

        for (var n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
            var span = data.AsSpan(0, n);
            var h    = BitConverter.ToUInt32(xxh32.GetHash(span));
            var h2   = XXHash32.Hash32(span);
            Assert.Equal(h, h2);

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(xxh32, data, random);

        // xxHash64
        var xxh64 = new XxHash64();

        for (var n = 0; n < 1000; n++)
            var span = data.AsSpan(0, n);
            var h    = BitConverter.ToUInt64(xxh64.GetHash(span));
            var h2   = XxHash64.Hash64(span);
            Assert.Equal(h, h2);

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(xxh64, data, random);

        // Sha1
        using var sha1 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha1();
        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha1, data, random);

        // Sha2_256
        using var sha2_256 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha2_256();
        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha2_256, data, random);

        // Sha2_384
        using var sha2_384 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha2_384();
        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha2_384, data, random);

        // Sha2_512
        using var sha2_512 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha2_512();
        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha2_512, data, random);

        // Sha3_256
        var sha3_256 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha3_256();

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha3_256, data, random);

        // Sha3_384
        var sha3_384 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha3_384();

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha3_384, data, random);

        // Sha3_512
        var sha3_512 = new Arc.Crypto.Sha3_512();

        this.TestHashUpdate_do(sha3_512, data, random);
 public void Adler32_4()
     Aver.AreEqual(UInt32.Parse("36E81466", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                   Adler32.ForString("This is an example of a much longer string of characters"));
 public void Adler32_5()
     Aver.AreEqual(UInt32.Parse("11E60398", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
 public void Adler32_3()
     Aver.AreEqual(UInt32.Parse("1BE9043A", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                   Adler32.ForString("Hello Dolly!"));
 public void Adler32_1()
     Aver.AreEqual(UInt32.Parse("1BE9043A", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                   Adler32.ForEncodedString("Hello Dolly!", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII));
 public void Adler32_2()
     Assert.AreEqual(UInt32.Parse("36E81466", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                     Adler32.ForEncodedString("This is an example of a much longer string of characters", System.Text.Encoding.ASCII));
 public static int adler32([BytesLike] IList <byte> data, long baseValue = 1L)
     return((int)Adler32.GetAdler32Checksum(baseValue, data.ToArray(), 0, data.Count));
 public uint SixLaborsCalculate()
        static int Main(string[] args)
            return(Parser.Default.ParseArguments <UnpackOptions, ShowOptions, PackOptions>(args)
                       (UnpackOptions opts) => {
                if (opts.extractTarOnly)
                    using (var inflater = GetTarInflaterInputStream(File.OpenRead(opts.file))) {
                        using (var tar = File.Create(Path.Combine(opts.directory, "backup.abh.tar"))) {
                    using (var tarStream = GetTarInputStream(File.OpenRead(opts.file))) {
                        ExtractTarByEntry(tarStream, opts.directory);
                    // tarArchive.ExtractContents(opts.directory);

                return 0;
                       (ShowOptions opts) => {
                using (var tarStream = GetTarInputStream(File.OpenRead(opts.file))) {
                    TarEntry tarEntry;
                    while ((tarEntry = tarStream.GetNextEntry()) != null)
                        var entryStr = tarEntry.IsDirectory ? "  [D] " : "  [F] ";

                        entryStr += $"{tarEntry.Name} {tarEntry.Size:n0} bytes";


                return 0;
                       (PackOptions opts) => {
                var tarname = $"{opts.file}.tar";
                using (var tar = File.Create(tarname)) {
                    AddAppsToTar(tar, opts.apps_dir, !opts.disableConventions);

                using (var outAB = File.OpenWrite(opts.file)) {


                    var chksum = new Adler32();

                    using (var fTar = File.OpenRead(tarname)) {
                        using (var br = new BinaryReader(fTar, Encoding.UTF8, true)) {
                            var BUFLEN = 4096;
                            while (true)
                                var buf = br.ReadBytes(BUFLEN);
                                if (buf.Length <= 0)

                        fTar.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        using (var defOut = new DeflateStream(outAB, CompressionMode.Compress, true)) {

                    outAB.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)chksum.Value), 0, 4);

                return 0;
                       errs => 1));
 public static int adler32([BytesConversion] IList <byte> data, [DefaultParameterValue(1L)] long baseValue)
     return((int)Adler32.GetAdler32Checksum(baseValue, data.ToArray(), 0, data.Count()));
 internal void InitCrctest()
     this.crctest = new Adler32();
 public void ReturnsCorrectWhenEmpty(uint input)
     Assert.Equal(input, Adler32.Calculate(input, default));
        public static byte[] GenerateChecksum(string checksum, int offset, byte[] buffer, int eof = -1)
            byte[] returnValue = null;
            switch (checksum)
            case "Adler8 - {1Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Adler8.Compute(offset, buffer) : Adler8.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Adler16 - {2Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Adler16.Compute(offset, buffer) : Adler16.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Adler32 - {4Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Adler32.Compute(offset, buffer) : Adler32.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum8 - {1Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum8.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum8.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum16 - {2Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum16.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum16.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum24 - {3Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum24.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum24.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum32 - {4Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum32.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum32.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum40 - {5Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum40.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum40.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum48 - {6Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum48.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum48.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum56 - {7Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum56.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum56.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "Checksum64 - {8Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Checksum64.Compute(offset, buffer) : Checksum64.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "CRC16 - {2Bytes}":
                Crc16 crc16 = new Crc16();
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? crc16.Compute(offset, buffer) : crc16.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "CRC16 CCITT - {2Bytes}":
                Crc16ccitt crc16Ccitt = new Crc16ccitt();
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? crc16Ccitt.Compute(offset, buffer) : crc16Ccitt.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "CRC32 - {4Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Crc32.Compute(offset, buffer) : Crc32.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "HMAC SHA 1 (128)  - {16Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? HmacSha1.Compute(offset, buffer) : HmacSha1.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "HMAC SHA 256 - {32Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? HmacSha256.Compute(offset, buffer) : HmacSha256.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "HMAC SHA 384 - {48Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? HmacSha384.Compute(offset, buffer) : HmacSha384.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "HMAC SHA 512 - {64Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? HmacSha512.Compute(offset, buffer) : HmacSha512.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "MD5 - {16Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Md5.Compute(offset, buffer) : Md5.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);

            case "MD5 CNG - {16Bytes}":
                returnValue = eof == -1 ? Md5Cng.Compute(offset, buffer) : Md5Cng.Compute(offset, buffer, eof);
 /// <summary>
 /// Write Bytes Routine
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
 /// <param name="pos">The position.</param>
 /// <param name="len">The length.</param>
 protected override void WriteBytes(byte[] buffer, int pos, int len)
     _writeAdler32 = Adler32.Checksum(_writeAdler32, buffer, pos, len);
     _writeFile.Write(buffer, pos, len);
        public static V6Packet DecodeV6(byte[] v6HeaderBins, byte[] v6BodyBins, byte[] crcBins, byte[] bodyKey, MIMCUser user)
            byte[] v6Bins = new byte[v6HeaderBins.Length + v6BodyBins.Length + crcBins.Length];
            //logger.DebugFormat("decodeV6 ============== v6BodyBins.Length:{0}", v6BodyBins.Length);

            v6HeaderBins.CopyTo(v6Bins, 0);
            v6BodyBins.CopyTo(v6Bins, v6HeaderBins.Length);
            crcBins.CopyTo(v6Bins, v6HeaderBins.Length + v6BodyBins.Length);
            //logger.DebugFormat("decodeV6 ============== data v6HeaderBins :{0}", BitConverter.ToString(v6HeaderBins));
            //logger.DebugFormat("decodeV6 ============== data v6BodyBins:{0}", BitConverter.ToString(v6BodyBins));
            //logger.DebugFormat("decodeV6 ============== data crcBins:{0}", BitConverter.ToString(crcBins));
            //logger.DebugFormat("decodeV6 ============== data v6Bins:{0}", BitConverter.ToString(v6Bins));

            uint fecrc = GetUint(crcBins, 0);
            uint crc   = Adler32.checkCRC(v6Bins, 0, v6Bins.Length - 4);

            if (fecrc != crc)
                logger.WarnFormat("decodeV6, INVALID_CRC, {0}!={1}", fecrc, crc);
            V6Packet v6Packet = new V6Packet();

            v6Packet.Magic     = V6PacketDecoder.GetChar(v6HeaderBins, 0);
            v6Packet.Version   = V6PacketDecoder.GetChar(v6HeaderBins, 2);
            v6Packet.PacketLen = (int)V6PacketDecoder.GetUint(v6HeaderBins, 4);

            if (v6Packet.PacketLen == 0)

            if (bodyKey != null && bodyKey.Length > 0 && v6BodyBins != null && v6BodyBins.Length > 0)
                v6BodyBins = RC4Cryption.DoEncrypt(bodyKey, v6BodyBins);
            v6Packet.PacketLen = v6BodyBins == null ? 0 : v6BodyBins.Length;

            short payloadType     = GetShort(v6BodyBins, 0);
            short clientHeaderLen = GetShort(v6BodyBins, 2);
            uint  v6PayloadLen    = GetUint(v6BodyBins, 4);

            if (payloadType != Constant.PAYLOAD_TYPE || clientHeaderLen < 0 || v6PayloadLen < 0)
                logger.WarnFormat("decodeV6, INVALID_HEADER, payloadType:{0}, clientHeaderLen:{1}, v6PayloadLen:{2}",
                                  payloadType, clientHeaderLen, v6PayloadLen);

            byte[] clientHeaderBins = new byte[clientHeaderLen];
            Array.Copy(v6BodyBins, Constant.V6_BODY_HEADER_LENGTH, clientHeaderBins, 0, clientHeaderLen);

            byte[] v6PayloadBins = new byte[v6PayloadLen];
            Array.Copy(v6BodyBins, Constant.V6_BODY_HEADER_LENGTH + clientHeaderLen, v6PayloadBins, 0, v6PayloadLen);

            ClientHeader clientHeader = null;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(clientHeaderBins))
                clientHeader = Serializer.Deserialize <ClientHeader>(ms);

            //logger.InfoFormat("receive v6 packet cmd:{0}, user:{1}", clientHeader.cmd, user.AppAccount());
            if (Constant.CMD_SECMSG == clientHeader.cmd)
                byte[] payloadKey = RC4Cryption.GenerateKeyForRC4(user.SecurityKey, clientHeader.id);
                v6PayloadBins = RC4Cryption.DoEncrypt(payloadKey, v6PayloadBins);
            v6Packet.V6BodyBin = v6BodyBins;

            V6Packet.V6Body v6Body = new V6Packet.V6Body();
            v6Body.PayloadType     = payloadType;
            v6Body.ClientHeaderLen = clientHeaderLen;
            v6Body.PayloadLen      = (int)v6PayloadLen;
            v6Body.ClientHeader    = clientHeader;
            v6Body.Payload         = v6PayloadBins;

            v6Packet.Body = v6Body;

        /// <summary>Calculates the Adler32 check-sum on specified portion of a buffer.</summary>
        /// <param name="data">Data buffer to perform check-sum on.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Starts index in data buffer to begin check-sum.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Total number of bytes from <paramref name="startIndex">startIndex</paramref> to
        /// perform check-sum over.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// Computes Adler32 checksum for a stream of data. An Adler32 checksum is not as reliable as a CRC32
        /// checksum, but a lot faster to compute.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The specification for Adler32 may be found in RFC 1950. ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification
        /// version 3.3.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>Computed Adler32 checksum over the specified portion of the buffer.</returns>
        public static uint Adler32Checksum(this byte[] data, int startIndex, int length)
            Adler32 checksum = new Adler32();

            checksum.Update(data, startIndex, length);

            return checksum.Value;
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new inflater.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="noHeader">
		/// True if no RFC1950/Zlib header and footer fields are expected in the input data
		/// This is used for GZIPed/Zipped input.
		/// For compatibility with
		/// Sun JDK you should provide one byte of input more than needed in
		/// this case.
		/// </param>
		public Inflater(bool noHeader)
			this.noHeader = noHeader;
			this.adler = new Adler32();
			input = new StreamManipulator();
			outputWindow = new OutputWindow();
			mode = noHeader ? DECODE_BLOCKS : DECODE_HEADER;
		/// <summary>
		/// Construct instance with pending buffer
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="pending">
		/// Pending buffer to use
		/// </param>>
		public DeflaterEngine(DeflaterPending pending) 
			this.pending = pending;
			huffman = new DeflaterHuffman(pending);
			adler = new Adler32();
			window = new byte[2 * WSIZE];
			head   = new short[HASH_SIZE];
			prev   = new short[WSIZE];
			// We start at index 1, to avoid an implementation deficiency, that
			// we cannot build a repeat pattern at index 0.
			blockStart = strstart = 1;
文件: Adler32Test.cs 项目: avs009/gsf
        public void MixedUpdateTest()
            Adler32 checksum = new Adler32();
            int i = 0;


            while (i < LicenseData.Length / 4)

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                checksum.Update(LicenseData, i, LicenseData.Length / 4);
                i += LicenseData.Length / 4;

            while (i < LicenseData.Length)

            Assert.AreEqual(LicenseChecksum, checksum.Value);
文件: Adler32Test.cs 项目: avs009/gsf
        public void UpdateByteTest()
            Adler32 checksum = new Adler32();

            foreach (byte d in LicenseData)

            Assert.AreEqual(LicenseChecksum, checksum.Value);
        private void WriteDataChunksUncompressed()
            // First setup some variables we're going to use later on so we can calculate how big of byte[] we need
            // to store the entire PNG file in so we only keep a single copy of the data in memory.

            // Figure out how much image data we're going to have:
            //      H * W * (number of bytes in an ARGB value) + H to account for the filter byte in PNG files
            int dataLength = _bitmap.PixelWidth * _bitmap.PixelHeight * 4 + _bitmap.PixelHeight;

            // Variables for the number of PNG blocks and how big the last block is going to be.
            int blockCount;
            int lastBlockSize;

            // We could have an exactly even count of blocks (ie MaxBlockSize * x), but that seems unlikely.
            // If we don't, then add one for the remainder of the data and figure out how much data will be
            // left.
            if ( ( dataLength % MaxBlockSize ) == 0 )
                blockCount = dataLength / MaxBlockSize;
                lastBlockSize = MaxBlockSize;
                blockCount = ( dataLength / MaxBlockSize ) + 1;
                lastBlockSize = dataLength - ( MaxBlockSize * ( blockCount - 1 ) );

            // The size of the PNG file will be:
            //      2 header bytes +
            //      ( blockCount - 1 ) *
            //      (
            //          1 last block byte +
            //          2 block size bytes +
            //          2 block size one's complement bytes +
            //          maxBlockSize ) +
            //      (
            //          1 last block byte +
            //          2 block size bytes +
            //          2 block size one's complement bytes +
            //          lastBlockSize ) +
            //      4 Adler32 bytes +
            //  = 2 + ((blockCount-1)*(5+MaxBlockSize)) + (5+lastBlockSize) + 4
            //  = 11 + ((blockCount-1)*(5+MaxBlockSize)) + lastBlockSize
            int pngLength;
            pngLength = 11 + ( ( blockCount - 1 ) * ( 5 + MaxBlockSize ) ) + lastBlockSize;

            // Make a buffer to store the PNG in.
            byte[] data = new byte[pngLength];

            // Write zlib headers.
            data[0] = 0x78;
            data[1] = 0xDA;

            //  zlib compression uses Adler32 CRCs instead of CRC32s, so setup on up to calculate.
            Adler32 crcCode = new Adler32();

            // Setup some variables to use in the loop.
            var blockRemainder = 0;                         // How much of the current block we have left, 0 to start so we write the block header out on the first block.
            var currentBlock = 0;                           // The current block we're working on, start with 0 as we increment in the first pass thorugh.
            var dataPointer = 2;                            // A pointer to where we are in the data array, start at 2 as we 'wrote' two bytes a few lines ago.
            var pixelSource = 0;                            // The current pixel we're working on from the image.
            byte[] pixel = new byte[4];                     // Temporary storage to store the current pixel in as a byte array.

            // This is the main logic loop, we're going to be doing a lot of work so stick with me...
            //      The loop has three parts to it:
            //          1. looping through each row (y)
            //          2. looping through each pixel in the row (x)
            //          3. looping through each byte of the pixel (z)

            // Loop thorough each row in the image.
            for ( int y = 0; y < _bitmap.PixelHeight; y++ )
                // This code appears twice, once here and once in the pixel byte loop (loop 3).
                // It checks to see if we're at the boundry for the PNG block and if so writes
                // out a new block header.  It get executed on the first time through to setup
                // the first block but is unlikly to get executed again as it would mean the
                // block boundry is at a row boundry, which seems unlikly.
                if ( blockRemainder == 0 )
                    // Setup a temporary byte array to store the block size in.
                    byte[] tempBytes = new byte[2];

                    // Increment the current block count.

                    // Figure out the current block size and if we're at the last block, write
                    // out and 1 to let the zlib decompressor know.  By default, use the MaxBlockSize.
                    int length = MaxBlockSize;

                    if ( currentBlock == blockCount )
                        length = lastBlockSize;
                        data[dataPointer] = 0x01;
                        data[dataPointer] = 0x00;

                    // Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer.

                    // Write the block length out.
                    tempBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes( length );
                    data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                    data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                    dataPointer += 2;

                    // Write one's compliment of length for error checking.
                    tempBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes( (ushort) ~length );
                    data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                    data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                    dataPointer += 2;

                    // Reset the remaining block size to the next block's length.
                    blockRemainder = length;

                // Set the filter byte to 0, not really required as C# initalizes the byte array to 0 by default, but here for clarity.
                data[dataPointer] = 0;

                // Add the current byte to the running Adler32 value, note we ONLY add the filter byte and the pixel bytes to the
                // Adler32 CRC, all other header and block header bytes are execluded from the CRC.
                crcCode.Add( data, 1, (uint) dataPointer );

                // Increment the data pointer and decrement the remain block value.

                // Loop thorough each pixel in the row, you have to do this as the source format and destination format may be different.
                for ( int x = 0; x < _bitmap.PixelWidth; x++ )
                    // Data is in RGBA format but source may not be
                    pixel = BitConverter.GetBytes( _bitmap.Pixels[pixelSource] );

                    // Loop through the 4 bytes of the pixel and 'write' them to the data array.
                    for ( int z = 0; z < 4; z++ )
                        // This is the second appearance of this code code.
                        // It checks to see if we're at the boundry for the PNG block and if so writes
                        // out a new block header.
                        if ( blockRemainder == 0 )
                            // Setup a temporary byte array to store the block size in.
                            byte[] tempBytes = new byte[2];

                            // Increment the current block count.

                            // Figure out the current block size and if we're at the last block, write
                            // out and 1 to let the zlib decompressor know.  By default, use the MaxBlockSize.
                            int length = MaxBlockSize;

                            if ( currentBlock == blockCount )
                                length = lastBlockSize;
                                data[dataPointer] = 0x01;
                                data[dataPointer] = 0x00;

                            // Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer.

                            // Write the block length out.
                            tempBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes( length );
                            data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                            data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                            dataPointer += 2;

                            // Write one's compliment of length for error checking.
                            tempBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes( (ushort) ~length );
                            data[dataPointer + 0] = tempBytes[0];
                            data[dataPointer + 1] = tempBytes[1];
                            dataPointer += 2;

                            // Reset the remaining block size to the next block's length.
                            blockRemainder = length;

                        // Store the pixel's byte in to the data array. We use the WBByteOrder array to ensure
                        // we have the write order of bytes to store in the PNG file.
                        if ( z != 3 && pixel[WBByteOrder[3]] != 0 && pixel[WBByteOrder[3]] != 255 )
                            // Calculate unmultiplied pixel value from premultiplied value (Windows Phone always uses premultiplied ARGB32)
                            data[dataPointer] = (byte) ( ( 255 * pixel[WBByteOrder[z]] ) / pixel[WBByteOrder[3]] );
                            // Alpha channel or no need to unpremultiply
                            data[dataPointer] = pixel[WBByteOrder[z]];

                        // Add the current byte to the running Adler32 value, note we ONLY add the filter byte and the pixel bytes to the
                        // Adler32 CRC, all other header and block header bytes are execluded from the CRC.
                        crcCode.Add( data, 1, (uint) dataPointer );

                        // Increment the data pointer and decrement the remain block value.

                    // Increment where we start writting the next pixel and where we get the next pixel from.

            // Whew, wipe that brow, we're done all the complex bits now!

            // Write the Adler32 CRC out, but reverse the order of the bytes to match the zlib spec.
            pixel = BitConverter.GetBytes( crcCode.CurrentValue );
            data[dataPointer + 0] = pixel[3];
            data[dataPointer + 1] = pixel[2];
            data[dataPointer + 2] = pixel[1];
            data[dataPointer + 3] = pixel[0];

            // Yes, yes, I know I said "Each and every time we write something to the data array, increment the pointer."
            // but we're done with it now so I'm not going to bother ;)

            // Write the entire PNG data chunk out to the file stream.
            WriteChunk( PngChunkTypes.Data, data, 0, pngLength );
文件: ZLib.cs 项目: nheng0/TenenoVPN
 public void free()
     next_in = null;
     next_out = null;
     msg = null;
     _adler = null;