public static IEnumerable<MissingDepInfo> GetMissingDependencies(Addin addin) { IEnumerable<Addin> allAddins = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddins ().Union (AddinManager.Registry.GetAddinRoots ()); foreach (var dep in addin.Description.MainModule.Dependencies) { AddinDependency adep = dep as AddinDependency; if (adep != null) { if (!allAddins.Any (a => Addin.GetIdName (a.Id) == Addin.GetIdName (adep.FullAddinId) && a.SupportsVersion (adep.Version))) { Addin found = allAddins.FirstOrDefault (a => Addin.GetIdName (a.Id) == Addin.GetIdName (adep.FullAddinId)); yield return new MissingDepInfo () { Addin = Addin.GetIdName (adep.FullAddinId), Required = adep.Version, Found = found != null ? found.Version : null }; } } } }
public void InitForUninstall (Addin[] info) { this.uninstallIds = info.Select (a => a.Id); buttonOk.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Uninstall"); HashSet<Addin> sinfos = new HashSet<Addin> (); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("<b>").Append (Catalog.GetString ("The following packages will be uninstalled:")).Append ("</b>\n\n"); foreach (var a in info) { sb.Append (a.Name + "\n\n"); sinfos.UnionWith (service.GetDependentAddins (a.Id, true)); } if (sinfos.Count > 0) { sb.Append ("<b>").Append (Catalog.GetString ("There are other add-ins that depend on the previous ones which will also be uninstalled:")).Append ("</b>\n\n"); foreach (Addin si in sinfos) sb.Append (si.Description.Name + "\n"); } ShowMessage (sb.ToString ()); Services.PlaceDialog (this, TransientFor); }
public ITextEditorResolverProvider CreateResolver() { return((ITextEditorResolverProvider)Addin.CreateInstance(className, true)); }
public AddinResourceDomain(string domainName) : base(domainName) { m_addin = Addin.LoadFrom(domainName); }
string BuildPackageInternal(IProgressStatus monitor, bool debugSymbols, string targetDirectory, string filePath, PackageFormat format) { AddinDescription conf = registry.GetAddinDescription(monitor, filePath); if (conf == null) { monitor.ReportError("Could not read add-in file: " + filePath, null); return(null); } string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(filePath)); if (targetDirectory == null) { targetDirectory = basePath; } // Generate the file name string name; if (conf.LocalId.Length == 0) { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); } else { name = conf.LocalId; } name = Addin.GetFullId(conf.Namespace, name, conf.Version); name = name.Replace(',', '_').Replace(".__", "."); string outFilePath = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, name); switch (format) { case PackageFormat.Mpack: outFilePath += ".mpack"; break; case PackageFormat.Vsix: outFilePath += ".vsix"; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(format.ToString()); } ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(outFilePath)); s.SetLevel(5); if (format == PackageFormat.Vsix) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; doc.LoadXml(conf.SaveToVsixXml().OuterXml); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; doc.WriteTo(tw); tw.Flush(); byte [] data = ms.ToArray(); var infoEntry = new ZipEntry("extension.vsixmanifest") { Size = data.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(infoEntry); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); s.CloseEntry(); } // Generate a stripped down description of the add-in in a file, since the complete // description may be declared as assembly attributes if (format == PackageFormat.Mpack || format == PackageFormat.Vsix) { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; doc.LoadXml(conf.SaveToXml().OuterXml); CleanDescription(doc.DocumentElement); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; doc.WriteTo(tw); tw.Flush(); byte [] data = ms.ToArray(); var infoEntry = new ZipEntry("") { Size = data.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(infoEntry); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); s.CloseEntry(); } // Now add the add-in files var files = new HashSet <string> (); files.Add(Path.GetFileName(Util.NormalizePath(filePath))); foreach (string f in conf.AllFiles) { var file = Util.NormalizePath(f); files.Add(file); if (debugSymbols) { if (File.Exists(Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".pdb"))) { files.Add(Path.ChangeExtension(file, ".pdb")); } else if (File.Exists(file + ".mdb")) { files.Add(file + ".mdb"); } } } foreach (var prop in conf.Properties) { try { var file = Util.NormalizePath(prop.Value); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(basePath, file))) { files.Add(file); } } catch { // Ignore errors } } //add satellite assemblies for assemblies in the list var satelliteFinder = new SatelliteAssemblyFinder(); foreach (var f in files.ToList()) { foreach (var satellite in satelliteFinder.FindSatellites(Path.Combine(basePath, f))) { var relativeSatellite = satellite.Substring(basePath.Length + 1); files.Add(relativeSatellite); } } monitor.Log("Creating package " + Path.GetFileName(outFilePath)); foreach (string file in files) { string fp = Path.Combine(basePath, file); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fp)) { byte[] buffer = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var fileName = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\' ? file.Replace('\\', '/') : file; var entry = new ZipEntry(fileName) { Size = fs.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(entry); s.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); s.CloseEntry(); } } if (format == PackageFormat.Vsix) { files.Add(""); files.Add("extension.vsixmanifest"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null); XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; doc.InsertBefore(xmlDeclaration, root); HashSet <string> alreadyAddedExtensions = new HashSet <string> (); var typesEl = doc.CreateElement("Types"); typesEl.SetAttribute("xmlns", ""); foreach (var file in files) { var extension = Path.GetExtension(file); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { continue; } if (extension.StartsWith(".", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { extension = extension.Substring(1); } if (alreadyAddedExtensions.Contains(extension)) { continue; } alreadyAddedExtensions.Add(extension); var typeEl = doc.CreateElement("Default"); typeEl.SetAttribute("Extension", extension); typeEl.SetAttribute("ContentType", GetContentType(extension)); typesEl.AppendChild(typeEl); } doc.AppendChild(typesEl); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; doc.WriteTo(tw); tw.Flush(); byte [] data = ms.ToArray(); var infoEntry = new ZipEntry("[Content_Types].xml") { Size = data.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(infoEntry); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); s.CloseEntry(); } s.Finish(); s.Close(); return(outFilePath); }
#pragma warning restore 649 public override object CreateInstance() { ActionType ct = ActionType.Normal; bool isArray = false; bool custom = false; bool isAction = false; foreach (string p in type.Split('|')) { switch (p) { case "check": ct = ActionType.Check; if (isAction) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Action type specified twice."); } isAction = true; break; case "radio": ct = ActionType.Radio; if (isAction) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Action type specified twice."); } isAction = true; break; case "normal": ct = ActionType.Normal; if (isAction) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Action type specified twice."); } isAction = true; break; case "custom": if (widget == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Widget type not specified in custom command."); } custom = true; break; case "array": isArray = true; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown command type: " + p); } } if (isAction && custom) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid command type combination: " + type); } Command cmd; if (custom) { if (isArray) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Array custom commands are not allowed."); } CustomCommand ccmd = new CustomCommand(); ccmd.Text = label; ccmd.WidgetType = Addin.GetType(widget); if (ccmd.WidgetType == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find command type '" + widget + "'."); } cmd = ccmd; } else { if (widget != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Widget type can only be specified for custom commands."); } ActionCommand acmd = new ActionCommand(); acmd.ActionType = ct; acmd.CommandArray = isArray; if (defaultHandler != null) { acmd.SetDefaultHandlerTypeInfo(Addin, defaultHandler); } cmd = acmd; } cmd.Id = ParseCommandId(this); cmd.Text = StringParserService.Parse(BrandingService.BrandApplicationName(label)); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_displayName)) { cmd.DisplayName = StringParserService.Parse(BrandingService.BrandApplicationName(_displayName)); } if ((_description != null) && (_description.Length > 0)) { cmd.Description = BrandingService.BrandApplicationName(_description); } cmd.Description = cmd.Description; if (icon != null) { cmd.Icon = GetStockId(Addin, icon); } var keyBinding = Platform.IsMac ? macShortcut : shortcut; if (Platform.IsWindows && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(winShortcut)) { keyBinding = winShortcut; } string[] splittedKeys = (keyBinding ?? "").Split(' '); cmd.AccelKey = KeyBindingManager.FixChordSeparators(KeyBindingManager.CanonicalizeBinding(splittedKeys[0])); if (splittedKeys.Length > 1) { cmd.AlternateAccelKeys = splittedKeys.Skip(1).Select(KeyBindingManager.FixChordSeparators).ToArray(); } cmd.DisabledVisible = disabledVisible; // Assign the category of the command CommandCategoryCodon cat = Parent as CommandCategoryCodon; if (cat != null) { cmd.Category = cat.Name; } return(cmd); }
public AddinRepositoryEntry GetUpdate(Addin a) { AddinRepositoryEntry[] updates = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddinUpdates(Addin.GetIdName(a.Id)); AddinRepositoryEntry best = null; string bestVersion = a.Version; foreach (AddinRepositoryEntry e in updates) { if (Addin.CompareVersions(bestVersion, e.Addin.Version) > 0) { best = e; bestVersion = e.Addin.Version; } } return(best); }
public static IEnumerable <MissingDepInfo> GetMissingDependencies(Addin addin) { IEnumerable <Addin> allAddins = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddins().Union(AddinManager.Registry.GetAddinRoots()); foreach (var dep in addin.Description.MainModule.Dependencies) { AddinDependency adep = dep as AddinDependency; if (adep != null) { if (!allAddins.Any(a => Addin.GetIdName(a.Id) == Addin.GetIdName(adep.FullAddinId) && a.SupportsVersion(adep.Version))) { Addin found = allAddins.FirstOrDefault(a => Addin.GetIdName(a.Id) == Addin.GetIdName(adep.FullAddinId)); yield return(new MissingDepInfo() { Addin = Addin.GetIdName(adep.FullAddinId), Required = adep.Version, Found = found != null ? found.Version : null }); } } } }
bool IsHidden(Addin ainfo) { return(service.ApplicationNamespace != null && !(ainfo.Namespace + ".").StartsWith(service.ApplicationNamespace + ".") || ainfo.Description.IsHidden); }
public Addin GetAddinForHostAssembly (string assemblyLocation) { InternalCheck (); Addin ainfo = null; object ob = cachedAddinSetupInfos [assemblyLocation]; if (ob != null) { ainfo = ob as Addin; if (ainfo != null) return ainfo; else return null; } AddinHostIndex index = GetAddinHostIndex (); string addin, addinFile; if (index.GetAddinForAssembly (assemblyLocation, out addin, out addinFile)) { ainfo = new Addin (this, addin, addinFile); cachedAddinSetupInfos [assemblyLocation] = ainfo; } return ainfo; }
internal bool SupportsVersion(string ver) { return(Addin.CompareVersions(ver, Version) >= 0 && (CompatVersion.Length == 0 || Addin.CompareVersions(ver, CompatVersion) <= 0)); }
void LoadGallery() { object s = galleryTree.SaveStatus(); galleryTree.Clear(); string rep = GetRepoSelection(); AddinRepositoryEntry[] reps; if (rep == AllRepoMarker) { reps = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddins(RepositorySearchFlags.LatestVersionsOnly); } else { reps = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddins(rep, RepositorySearchFlags.LatestVersionsOnly); } int count = 0; foreach (AddinRepositoryEntry arep in reps) { if (!Services.InApplicationNamespace(service, arep.Addin.Id)) { continue; } if (IsFiltered(arep.Addin)) { continue; } AddinStatus status = AddinStatus.NotInstalled; // Find whatever version is installed Addin sinfo = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(arep.Addin.Id)); if (sinfo != null) { status |= AddinStatus.Installed; if (!sinfo.Enabled || Services.GetMissingDependencies(sinfo).Any()) { status |= AddinStatus.Disabled; } if (Addin.CompareVersions(sinfo.Version, arep.Addin.Version) > 0) { status |= AddinStatus.HasUpdate; } } galleryTree.AddAddin(arep.Addin, arep, status); count++; } if (count > 0) { galleryTree.RestoreStatus(s); } else { galleryTree.ShowEmptyMessage(); } galleryTabLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString("Gallery"); if (filterEntry.Text.Length != 0 && count > 0) { galleryTabLabel.Text += " (" + count + ")"; } }
public void Initialize() { service = Addin.CreateInstance(class_name) as IService; }
internal bool ResolveDependencies(IProgressMonitor monitor, PackageCollection packages, out PackageCollection toUninstall, out DependencyCollection unresolved) { PackageCollection requested = new PackageCollection(); requested.AddRange(packages); unresolved = new DependencyCollection(); toUninstall = new PackageCollection(); PackageCollection installedRequired = new PackageCollection(); for (int n = 0; n < packages.Count; n++) { Package p = packages [n]; p.Resolve(monitor, this, packages, toUninstall, installedRequired, unresolved); } if (unresolved.Count != 0) { foreach (Dependency dep in unresolved) { monitor.ReportError(string.Format("The package '{0}' could not be found in any repository", dep.Name), null); } return(false); } // Check that we are not uninstalling packages that are required // by packages being installed. foreach (Package p in installedRequired) { if (toUninstall.Contains(p)) { // Only accept to uninstall this package if we are // going to install a newer version. bool foundUpgrade = false; foreach (Package tbi in packages) { if (tbi.Equals(p) || tbi.IsUpgradeOf(p)) { foundUpgrade = true; break; } } if (!foundUpgrade) { return(false); } } } // Check that we are not trying to uninstall from a directory from // which we don't have write permissions foreach (Package p in toUninstall) { AddinPackage ap = p as AddinPackage; if (ap != null) { Addin ia = service.Registry.GetAddin(ap.Addin.Id); if (File.Exists(ia.AddinFile) && !HasWriteAccess(ia.AddinFile) && IsUserAddin(ia.AddinFile)) { monitor.ReportError(GetUninstallErrorNoRoot(ap.Addin), null); return(false); } } } // Check that we are not installing two versions of the same addin PackageCollection resolved = new PackageCollection(); resolved.AddRange(packages); bool error = false; for (int n = 0; n < packages.Count; n++) { AddinPackage ap = packages [n] as AddinPackage; if (ap == null) { continue; } for (int k = n + 1; k < packages.Count; k++) { AddinPackage otherap = packages [k] as AddinPackage; if (otherap == null) { continue; } if (ap.Addin.Id == otherap.Addin.Id) { if (ap.IsUpgradeOf(otherap)) { if (requested.Contains(otherap)) { monitor.ReportError("Can't install two versions of the same add-in: '" + ap.Addin.Name + "'.", null); error = true; } else { packages.RemoveAt(k); } } else if (otherap.IsUpgradeOf(ap)) { if (requested.Contains(ap)) { monitor.ReportError("Can't install two versions of the same add-in: '" + ap.Addin.Name + "'.", null); error = true; } else { packages.RemoveAt(n); n--; } } else { error = true; monitor.ReportError("Can't install two versions of the same add-in: '" + ap.Addin.Name + "'.", null); } break; } } } // Don't allow installing add-ins which are scheduled for uninstall foreach (Package p in packages) { AddinPackage ap = p as AddinPackage; if (ap != null && Registry.IsRegisteredForUninstall(ap.Addin.Id)) { error = true; monitor.ReportError("The addin " + ap.Addin.Name + " v" + ap.Addin.Version + " is scheduled for uninstallation. Please restart the application before trying to re-install it.", null); } } return(!error); }
public void Uninstall(IProgressStatus statusMonitor, IEnumerable <string> ids) { IProgressMonitor monitor = ProgressStatusMonitor.GetProgressMonitor(statusMonitor); monitor.BeginTask("Uninstalling add-ins", ids.Count()); foreach (string id in ids) { bool rollback = false; ArrayList toUninstall = new ArrayList(); ArrayList uninstallPrepared = new ArrayList(); Addin ia = service.Registry.GetAddin(id); if (ia == null) { throw new InstallException("The add-in '" + id + "' is not installed."); } toUninstall.Add(AddinPackage.FromInstalledAddin(ia)); Addin[] deps = GetDependentAddins(id, true); foreach (Addin dep in deps) { toUninstall.Add(AddinPackage.FromInstalledAddin(dep)); } monitor.BeginTask("Deleting files", toUninstall.Count * 2 + uninstallPrepared.Count + 1); // Prepare install foreach (Package mpack in toUninstall) { try { mpack.PrepareUninstall(monitor, this); monitor.Step(1); uninstallPrepared.Add(mpack); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportException(monitor, ex); rollback = true; break; } } // Commit install if (!rollback) { foreach (Package mpack in toUninstall) { try { mpack.CommitUninstall(monitor, this); monitor.Step(1); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportException(monitor, ex); rollback = true; break; } } } // Rollback if failed if (rollback) { monitor.BeginTask("Rolling back uninstall", uninstallPrepared.Count); foreach (Package mpack in uninstallPrepared) { try { mpack.RollbackUninstall(monitor, this); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportException(monitor, ex); } } monitor.EndTask(); } monitor.Step(1); // Cleanup foreach (Package mpack in uninstallPrepared) { try { mpack.EndUninstall(monitor, this); monitor.Step(1); } catch (Exception ex) { monitor.Log.WriteLine(ex); } } monitor.EndTask(); monitor.Step(1); } // Update the extension maps service.Registry.Update(statusMonitor); monitor.EndTask(); service.SaveConfiguration(); ResetCachedData(); }
public ImageContainer(Addin addin, string fileName) : this() { string path = System.IO.Path.Combine (addin.Description.BasePath, fileName); LoadImage (File.OpenRead (path)); }
void PrintAddinInfo(string[] args) { bool generateXml = false; bool generateAll = false; bool pickNamespace = false; bool extensionModel = true; ArrayList addins = new ArrayList(); ArrayList namespaces = new ArrayList(); foreach (string a in args) { if (pickNamespace) { namespaces.Add(a); pickNamespace = false; continue; } if (a == "--xml") { generateXml = true; continue; } if (a == "--namespace" || a == "-n") { pickNamespace = true; continue; } if (a == "--all") { generateAll = true; continue; } if (a == "--full") { extensionModel = false; continue; } AddinDescription desc = null; if (File.Exists(args[0])) { desc = registry.GetAddinDescription(new Mono.Addins.ConsoleProgressStatus(verbose), args[0]); } else { Addin addin = registry.GetAddin(args [0]); if (addin != null) { desc = addin.Description; } } if (desc == null) { throw new InstallException(string.Format("Add-in '{0}' not found.", a)); } if (desc != null) { addins.Add(desc); } } if (generateAll) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.AddRange(registry.GetAddinRoots()); list.AddRange(registry.GetAddins()); foreach (Addin addin in list) { if (namespaces.Count > 0) { foreach (string ns in namespaces) { if (addin.Id.StartsWith(ns + ".")) { addins.Add(addin.Description); break; } } } else { addins.Add(addin.Description); } } } if (addins.Count == 0) { throw new InstallException("A file name or add-in ID is required."); } if (generateXml) { XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(Console.Out); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; tw.WriteStartElement("Addins"); foreach (AddinDescription desc in addins) { if (extensionModel && desc.ExtensionPoints.Count == 0) { continue; } PrintAddinXml(tw, desc); } tw.Close(); } else { foreach (AddinDescription des in addins) { PrintAddin(des); } } }
public Addin GetAddinForHostAssembly(string domain, string assemblyLocation) { InternalCheck (domain); Addin ainfo = null; object ob = cachedAddinSetupInfos [assemblyLocation]; if (ob != null) return ob as Addin; // Don't use a cast here is ob may not be an Addin. AddinHostIndex index = GetAddinHostIndex (); string addin, addinFile, rdomain; if (index.GetAddinForAssembly (assemblyLocation, out addin, out addinFile, out rdomain)) { string sid = addin + " " + rdomain; ainfo = cachedAddinSetupInfos [sid] as Addin; if (ainfo == null) ainfo = new Addin (this, rdomain, addin); cachedAddinSetupInfos [assemblyLocation] = ainfo; cachedAddinSetupInfos [addin + " " + rdomain] = ainfo; } return ainfo; }
protected virtual PadContent CreatePad() { Counters.PadsLoaded++; return((PadContent)Addin.CreateInstance(className, true)); }
public void InitForUninstall(Addin[] info) { this.uninstallId = info[0].Id; buttonOk.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Uninstall"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("<b>").Append (Catalog.GetString ("The following packages will be uninstalled:")).Append ("</b>\n\n"); sb.Append (info[0].Name + "\n\n"); Addin[] sinfos = service.GetDependentAddins (uninstallId, true); if (sinfos.Length > 0) { sb.Append ("<b>").Append (Catalog.GetString ("There are other add-ins that depend on the previous ones which will also be uninstalled:")).Append ("</b>\n\n"); foreach (Addin si in sinfos) sb.Append (si.Description.Name + "\n"); } ShowMessage (sb.ToString ()); Services.PlaceDialog (this, TransientFor); }
void IAddinInstaller.InstallAddins(AddinRegistry reg, string message, string[] addinIds) { if (logLevel > 0) { if (message != null && message.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(message); } else { Console.WriteLine("Additional extensions are required to perform this operation."); } } ArrayList entries = new ArrayList(); SetupService setup = new SetupService(reg); string idNotFound; do { idNotFound = null; foreach (string id in addinIds) { string name = Addin.GetIdName(id); string version = Addin.GetIdVersion(id); AddinRepositoryEntry[] ares = setup.Repositories.GetAvailableAddin(name, version); if (ares.Length == 0) { idNotFound = id; entries.Clear(); break; } else { entries.Add(ares[0]); } } if (idNotFound != null) { if (repoUpdated) { throw new InstallException("Extension '" + idNotFound + "' not found in the registered extension repositories"); } if (prompt) { Console.WriteLine("The extension '" + idNotFound + "' could not be found in the registered repositories."); Console.WriteLine("The repository indices may be outdated."); if (!Confirm("Do you wan't to update them now?")) { throw new InstallException("Extension '" + idNotFound + "' not found in the registered extension repositories"); } } setup.Repositories.UpdateAllRepositories(new ConsoleProgressStatus(logLevel)); repoUpdated = true; } }while (idNotFound != null); if (logLevel > 0) { Console.WriteLine("The following extensions will be installed:"); foreach (AddinRepositoryEntry addin in entries) { Console.WriteLine(" - " + addin.Addin.Name + " v" + addin.Addin.Version); } if (prompt) { if (!Confirm("Do you want to continue with the installation?")) { throw new InstallException("Installation cancelled"); } } } setup.Install(new ConsoleProgressStatus(logLevel), (AddinRepositoryEntry[])entries.ToArray(typeof(AddinRepositoryEntry))); }
public ImageContainer(Addin addin, string fileName) : this() { string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(addin.Description.BasePath, fileName); LoadImage(File.OpenRead(path)); }
public AddinStateChangedEventArgs(Addin addin, bool state) { Addin = addin; State = state; }
string BuildPackageInternal(IProgressStatus monitor, string targetDirectory, string filePath) { AddinDescription conf = registry.GetAddinDescription(monitor, filePath); if (conf == null) { monitor.ReportError("Could not read add-in file: " + filePath, null); return(null); } string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath); if (targetDirectory == null) { targetDirectory = basePath; } // Generate the file name string name; if (conf.LocalId.Length == 0) { name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); } else { name = conf.LocalId; } name = Addin.GetFullId(conf.Namespace, name, conf.Version); name = name.Replace(',', '_').Replace(".__", "."); string outFilePath = Path.Combine(targetDirectory, name) + ".mpack"; ZipOutputStream s = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(outFilePath)); s.SetLevel(5); // Generate a stripped down description of the add-in in a file, since the complete // description may be declared as assembly attributes XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.PreserveWhitespace = false; doc.LoadXml(conf.SaveToXml().OuterXml); CleanDescription(doc.DocumentElement); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter tw = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); tw.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; doc.WriteTo(tw); tw.Flush(); byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); var infoEntry = new ZipEntry("") { Size = data.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(infoEntry); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // Now add the add-in files ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (!conf.AllFiles.Contains(Path.GetFileName(filePath))) { list.Add(Path.GetFileName(filePath)); } foreach (string f in conf.AllFiles) { list.Add(Util.NormalizePath(f)); } foreach (var prop in conf.Properties) { try { var file = Util.NormalizePath(prop.Value); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(basePath, file))) { list.Add(file); } } catch { // Ignore errors } } monitor.Log("Creating package " + Path.GetFileName(outFilePath)); foreach (string file in list) { string fp = Path.Combine(basePath, file); using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(fp)) { byte[] buffer = new byte [fs.Length]; fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); var entry = new ZipEntry(file) { Size = fs.Length }; s.PutNextEntry(entry); s.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } } s.Finish(); s.Close(); return(outFilePath); }
public ServiceDecorator(IService service, Addin addin) { this.addin = addin; this.service = service; }
/// <summary> /// Gets information about an add-in /// </summary> /// <param name="addin"> /// The add-in /// </param> /// <returns> /// Add-in header data /// </returns> public static AddinHeader GetAddinHeader(Addin addin) { return(AddinInfo.ReadFromDescription(addin.Description)); }
public StreamReader GetStream() { return(new StreamReader(Addin.GetResource(resource, true))); }
public override Result Execute(ExternalCommandData data, ref string message, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ElementSet elements) { var result = Result.Failed; string rhinoTab = Addin.RhinoVersionInfo?.ProductName ?? "Rhinoceros"; if (RhinoCommand.Availability.Available) { if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl)) { return(Rhinoceros.RunCommandAbout()); } using (var modal = new Rhinoceros.ModalScope()) result = modal.Run(false, true); // If no windows are visible we show the Ribbon tab if (result == Result.Cancelled) { result = data.Application.ActivateRibbonTab(rhinoTab) ? Result.Succeeded : Result.Failed; } return(result); } result = Addin.CheckSetup(); if (result != Result.Succeeded) { return(result); } result = Revit.OnStartup(Revit.ApplicationUI); if (RhinoCommand.Availability.Available = result == Result.Succeeded) { // Update Rhino button Tooltip Button.ToolTip = $"Restores previously visible Rhino windows on top of Revit window"; Button.LongDescription = $"Use CTRL key to open a Rhino model"; // Register UI on Revit data.Application.CreateRibbonTab(rhinoTab); var RhinocerosPanel = data.Application.CreateRibbonPanel(rhinoTab, "Rhinoceros"); HelpCommand.CreateUI(RhinocerosPanel); RhinocerosPanel.AddSeparator(); CommandRhino.CreateUI(RhinocerosPanel); CommandPython.CreateUI(RhinocerosPanel); var GrasshopperPanel = data.Application.CreateRibbonPanel(rhinoTab, "Grasshopper"); CommandGrasshopper.CreateUI(GrasshopperPanel); CommandGrasshopperPreview.CreateUI(GrasshopperPanel); var SamplesPanel = data.Application.CreateRibbonPanel(rhinoTab, "Samples"); Samples.Sample1.CreateUI(SamplesPanel); Samples.Sample4.CreateUI(SamplesPanel); Samples.Sample6.CreateUI(SamplesPanel); Samples.Sample8.CreateUI(SamplesPanel); } if (result == Result.Succeeded) { // Activate Rhinoceros Tab result = data.Application.ActivateRibbonTab(rhinoTab) ? Result.Succeeded : Result.Failed; } else { // No more loads in this session Button.Enabled = false; Button.ToolTip = "Failed to load."; } return(result); }
public Editor GetEditor() { return((Editor)Addin.CreateInstance(editor_type)); }
protected override void OnActivated(object o, EventArgs e) { IExporter exporter = (IExporter)Addin.CreateInstance(class_name); exporter.Run(SelectedImages()); }
static IEnumerable <Release> ParseReleases(string addinId, AddinRepositoryEntry entry) { // Format of release notes is: // {{version1,date1}} release note text {{version2,date2}} release note text ... // Releases msyu // for example: // {{1.1,2011-01-10}} Release notes for 1.1 {{1.2,2011-03-22}} Release notes for 2.3 string releaseNotes = entry.Addin.Properties.GetPropertyValue("ReleaseNotes"); if (releaseNotes.Length == 0) { string file = entry.Addin.Properties.GetPropertyValue("ReleaseNotesFile"); if (file.Length > 0) { IAsyncResult res = entry.BeginDownloadSupportFile(file, null, null); res.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); try { using (Stream s = entry.EndDownloadSupportFile(res)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s); releaseNotes = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("Could not download release notes", ex); } } } if (releaseNotes.Length == 0) { yield break; } var addin = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(addinId)); string currentVersion = addin != null ? addin.Version : null; int i = releaseNotes.IndexOf("{{"); while (i != -1) { int j = releaseNotes.IndexOf("}}", i + 2); if (j == -1) { break; } string[] h = releaseNotes.Substring(i + 2, j - i - 2).Trim().Split(','); if (h.Length != 2) { break; } DateTime date; if (!DateTime.TryParse(h[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out date)) { break; } int k = releaseNotes.IndexOf("{{", j + 2); string version = h[0].Trim(); if (currentVersion == null || Addin.CompareVersions(currentVersion, version) > 0) { string txt = k != -1 ? releaseNotes.Substring(j + 2, k - j - 2) : releaseNotes.Substring(j + 2); yield return(new Release() { Version = version, Date = date, Notes = txt.Trim(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n') }); } i = k; } }
protected virtual ITaskListView CreateView() { return((ITaskListView)Addin.CreateInstance(className, true)); }
void LoadAddins() { object s = tree.SaveStatus(); tree.Clear(); Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (!repoCombo.GetActiveIter(out iter)) { return; } bool showUpdates = filterComboBox.Active >= 1; bool showNotInstalled = filterComboBox.Active <= 1; string rep = (string)repoStore.GetValue(iter, 1); AddinRepositoryEntry[] reps; if (rep == "") { reps = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddins(); } else { reps = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddins(rep); } foreach (AddinRepositoryEntry arep in reps) { if (!Services.InApplicationNamespace(service, arep.Addin.Id)) { continue; } // Find whatever version is installed Addin sinfo = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(arep.Addin.Id)); if (sinfo == null) { if (showNotInstalled) { tree.AddAddin(arep.Addin, arep, true); } continue; } if (showUpdates && Addin.CompareVersions(sinfo.Version, arep.Addin.Version) <= 0) { continue; } tree.AddAddin(arep.Addin, arep, true); } FillAddinInfo(); // Only show the select all button when "Show updates only" is selected btnSelectAll.Visible = filterComboBox.Active == 2; btnUnselectAll.Visible = filterComboBox.Active == 2; tree.RestoreStatus(s); }
public AddinHeader GetUpdate(Addin a) { AddinRepositoryEntry[] updates = service.Repositories.GetAvailableAddinUpdates (Addin.GetIdName (a.Id)); AddinHeader best = null; string bestVersion = a.Version; foreach (AddinRepositoryEntry e in updates) { if (Addin.CompareVersions (bestVersion, e.Addin.Version) > 0) { best = e.Addin; bestVersion = e.Addin.Version; } } return best; }
protected string Description(Addin a) { return(Description(a.Name, a.Description.Description, a.Version)); }
Addin GetInstalledDomainAddin(string domain, string id, bool exactVersionMatch, bool enabledOnly, bool dbLockCheck) { Addin sinfo = null; string idd = id + " " + domain; object ob = cachedAddinSetupInfos [idd]; if (ob != null) { sinfo = ob as Addin; if (sinfo != null) { if (!enabledOnly || sinfo.Enabled) return sinfo; if (exactVersionMatch) return null; } else if (enabledOnly) // Ignore the 'not installed' flag when disabled add-ins are allowed return null; } if (dbLockCheck) InternalCheck (domain); using ((dbLockCheck ? fileDatabase.LockRead () : null)) { string path = GetDescriptionPath (domain, id); if (sinfo == null && fileDatabase.Exists (path)) { sinfo = new Addin (this, domain, id); cachedAddinSetupInfos [idd] = sinfo; if (!enabledOnly || sinfo.Enabled) return sinfo; if (exactVersionMatch) { // Cache lookups with negative result cachedAddinSetupInfos [idd] = this; return null; } } // Exact version not found. Look for a compatible version if (!exactVersionMatch) { sinfo = null; string version, name, bestVersion = null; Addin.GetIdParts (id, out name, out version); foreach (Addin ia in InternalGetInstalledAddins (domain, name, AddinSearchFlagsInternal.IncludeAll)) { if ((!enabledOnly || ia.Enabled) && (version.Length == 0 || ia.SupportsVersion (version)) && (bestVersion == null || Addin.CompareVersions (bestVersion, ia.Version) > 0)) { bestVersion = ia.Version; sinfo = ia; } } if (sinfo != null) { cachedAddinSetupInfos [idd] = sinfo; return sinfo; } } // Cache lookups with negative result // Ignore the 'not installed' flag when disabled add-ins are allowed if (enabledOnly) cachedAddinSetupInfos [idd] = this; return null; } }
bool CheckBug77135() { try { // Check for bug 77135. Some versions of gnome-vfs2 and libgda // make MD crash in the file open dialog or in FileIconLoader. // Only in Suse. string path = "/etc/SuSE-release"; if (!File.Exists(path)) { return(true); } // Only run the check for SUSE 10 StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(path); string txt = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); if (txt.IndexOf("SUSE LINUX 10") == -1) { return(true); } string current_libgda; string current_gnomevfs; string required_libgda = ""; string required_gnomevfs = ""; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); ProcessWrapper pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("rpm", "--qf %{version}.%{release} -q libgda", null, sw, null, null); pw.WaitForOutput(); current_libgda = sw.ToString().Trim(' ', '\n'); sw = new StringWriter(); pw = Runtime.ProcessService.StartProcess("rpm", "--qf %{version}.%{release} -q gnome-vfs2", null, sw, null, null); pw.WaitForOutput(); current_gnomevfs = sw.ToString().Trim(' ', '\n'); bool fail1 = Addin.CompareVersions(current_libgda, required_libgda) == 1; bool fail2 = Addin.CompareVersions(current_gnomevfs, required_gnomevfs) == 1; if (fail1 || fail2) { string msg = GettextCatalog.GetString("Some packages installed in your system are not compatible with MonoDevelop:\n"); if (fail1) { msg += "\nlibgda " + current_libgda + " (" + GettextCatalog.GetString("version required: {0}", required_libgda) + ")"; } if (fail2) { msg += "\ngnome-vfs2 " + current_gnomevfs + " (" + GettextCatalog.GetString("version required: {0}", required_gnomevfs) + ")"; } msg += "\n\n"; msg += GettextCatalog.GetString("You need to upgrade the previous packages to start using MonoDevelop."); SplashScreenForm.SplashScreen.Hide(); Gtk.MessageDialog dlg = new Gtk.MessageDialog(null, Gtk.DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Ok, msg); dlg.Run(); dlg.Destroy(); return(false); } else { return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Just ignore for now. Console.WriteLine(ex); return(true); } }
public Addin GetInstalledAddin (string id, bool exactVersionMatch, bool enabledOnly) { Addin sinfo = null; object ob = cachedAddinSetupInfos [id]; if (ob != null) { sinfo = ob as Addin; if (sinfo != null) { if (!enabledOnly || sinfo.Enabled) return sinfo; if (exactVersionMatch) return null; } else if (enabledOnly) // Ignore the 'not installed' flag when disabled add-ins are allowed return null; } InternalCheck (); using (fileDatabase.LockRead ()) { string path = GetDescriptionPath (id); if (sinfo == null && fileDatabase.Exists (path)) { sinfo = new Addin (this, path); cachedAddinSetupInfos [id] = sinfo; if (!enabledOnly || sinfo.Enabled) return sinfo; if (exactVersionMatch) { // Cache lookups with negative result cachedAddinSetupInfos [id] = this; return null; } } // Exact version not found. Look for a compatible version if (!exactVersionMatch) { sinfo = null; string version, name, bestVersion = null; Addin.GetIdParts (id, out name, out version); // FIXME: Not very efficient, will load all descriptions foreach (Addin ia in InternalGetInstalledAddins ()) { if (Addin.GetIdName (ia.Id) == name && (!enabledOnly || ia.Enabled) && (version.Length == 0 || ia.SupportsVersion (version)) && (bestVersion == null || Addin.CompareVersions (bestVersion, ia.Version) > 0)) { bestVersion = ia.Version; sinfo = ia; } } if (sinfo != null) { cachedAddinSetupInfos [id] = sinfo; return sinfo; } } // Cache lookups with negative result // Ignore the 'not installed' flag when disabled add-ins are allowed if (enabledOnly) cachedAddinSetupInfos [id] = this; return null; } }
public void ShowAddins(object[] data) { selectedEntry.Clear(); selectedAddin.Clear(); eboxButs.Visible = true; topHeaderBox.Hide(); urlButton.Hide(); if (titleIcon != null) { boxTitle.Remove(titleIcon); titleIcon.Destroy(); titleIcon = null; } foreach (var img in previewImages) { ((Gtk.Container)img.Parent).Remove(img); img.Destroy(); } previewImages.Clear(); if (data.Length == 1) { headerBox.Show(); ShowAddin(data[0]); } else if (data.Length > 1) { headerBox.Hide(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(Catalog.GetString("Multiple selection:\n\n")); bool allowUpdate = AllowInstall; bool allowInstall = true; bool allowUninstall = AllowInstall; bool allowEnable = true; bool allowDisable = true; foreach (object o in data) { Addin installed; if (o is Addin) { Addin a = (Addin)o; installed = a; selectedAddin.Add(a); sb.Append(a.Name); } else { AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry)o; selectedEntry.Add(entry); sb.Append(entry.Addin.Name); installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(entry.Addin.Id)); } if (installed != null) { if (GetUpdate(installed) == null) { allowUpdate = false; } allowInstall = false; if (installed.Enabled) { allowEnable = false; } else { allowDisable = false; } } else { allowEnable = allowDisable = allowUninstall = allowUpdate = false; } sb.Append('\n'); labelDesc.Text = sb.ToString(); if (allowEnable) { btnDisable.Visible = true; btnDisable.Label = Catalog.GetString("Enable"); } else if (allowDisable) { btnDisable.Visible = true; btnDisable.Label = Catalog.GetString("Disable"); } else { btnDisable.Visible = false; } btnInstall.Visible = allowInstall; btnUninstall.Visible = allowUninstall; btnUpdate.Visible = allowUpdate; } } else { headerBox.Hide(); btnDisable.Visible = false; btnInstall.Visible = false; btnUninstall.Visible = false; btnUpdate.Visible = false; eboxButs.Visible = false; labelDesc.Text = Catalog.GetString("No selection"); } }
public static AddinHeader GetAddinHeader(Addin addin) { return AddinInfo.ReadFromDescription (addin.Description); }
void ShowAddin(object data) { AddinHeader sinfo = null; Addin installed = null; AddinHeader updateInfo = null; string repo = ""; string downloadSize = null; topHeaderBox.Hide(); if (data is Addin) { installed = (Addin)data; sinfo = SetupService.GetAddinHeader(installed); var entry = GetUpdate(installed); if (entry != null) { updateInfo = entry.Addin; selectedEntry.Add(entry); } foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties) { if (prop.Name.StartsWith("PreviewImage")) { previewImages.Add(new ImageContainer(installed, prop.Value)); } } string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("Icon32"); if (icon32.Length > 0) { titleIcon = new ImageContainer(installed, icon32); } } else if (data is AddinRepositoryEntry) { AddinRepositoryEntry entry = (AddinRepositoryEntry)data; sinfo = entry.Addin; installed = AddinManager.Registry.GetAddin(Addin.GetIdName(sinfo.Id)); if (installed != null && Addin.CompareVersions(installed.Version, sinfo.Version) > 0) { updateInfo = sinfo; } selectedEntry.Add(entry); string rname = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.RepositoryName) ? entry.RepositoryName : entry.RepositoryUrl; repo = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Available in repository:") + "</b>\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(rname) + "\n\n</small>"; foreach (var prop in sinfo.Properties) { if (prop.Name.StartsWith("PreviewImage")) { previewImages.Add(new ImageContainer(entry, prop.Value)); } } string icon32 = sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("Icon32"); if (icon32.Length > 0) { titleIcon = new ImageContainer(entry, icon32); } int size; if (int.TryParse(sinfo.Properties.GetPropertyValue("DownloadSize"), out size)) { float fs = ((float)size) / 1048576f; downloadSize = fs.ToString("0.00 MB"); } } else { selectedEntry.Clear(); } if (installed != null) { selectedAddin.Add(installed); } string missingDepsTxt = null; if (sinfo == null) { btnDisable.Visible = false; btnUninstall.Visible = false; btnUpdate.Visible = false; } else { string version; string newVersion = null; if (installed != null) { btnInstall.Visible = false; btnUpdate.Visible = updateInfo != null && AllowInstall; btnDisable.Visible = true; btnDisable.Label = installed.Enabled ? "Disable" : "Enable"; btnDisable.Visible = installed.Description.CanDisable; btnUninstall.Visible = installed.Description.CanUninstall; version = installed.Version; var missingDeps = Services.GetMissingDependencies(installed); if (updateInfo != null) { newVersion = updateInfo.Version; labelHeader.Markup = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString("Update available") + "</span></b>"; // topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color (0, 132, 208); imageHeader.Pixbuf = Gdk.Pixbuf.LoadFromResource("software-update-available.png"); topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 176, 0); topHeaderBox.Show(); } else if (missingDeps.Any()) { labelHeader.Markup = "<b><span color='black'>" + Catalog.GetString("This add-in can't be loaded due to missing dependencies") + "</span></b>"; topHeaderBox.BackgroundColor = new Gdk.Color(255, 176, 0); imageHeader.SetFromStock(Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu); topHeaderBox.Show(); missingDepsTxt = ""; foreach (var mdep in missingDeps) { if (mdep.Found != null) { missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Required: {0} v{1}, found v{2}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required, mdep.Found); } else { missingDepsTxt += "\n" + string.Format(Catalog.GetString("Missing: {0} v{1}"), mdep.Addin, mdep.Required); } } } } else { btnInstall.Visible = AllowInstall; btnUpdate.Visible = false; btnDisable.Visible = false; btnUninstall.Visible = false; version = sinfo.Version; } labelName.Markup = "<b><big>" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(sinfo.Name) + "</big></b>"; string ver; if (newVersion != null) { ver = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Installed version") + ":</b> " + version + "</small>\n"; ver += "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Repository version") + ":</b> " + newVersion + "</small>"; } else { ver = "<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Version") + " " + version + "</b></small>"; } if (downloadSize != null) { ver += "\n<small><b>" + Catalog.GetString("Download size") + ":</b> " + downloadSize + "</small>"; } if (missingDepsTxt != null) { ver += "\n\n" + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(Catalog.GetString("The following depedencies required by this add-in are not available:")) + missingDepsTxt; } labelVersion.Markup = ver; string desc = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(sinfo.Description); labelDesc.Markup = repo + GLib.Markup.EscapeText(desc); foreach (var img in previewImages) { vboxDesc.PackStart(img, false, false, 0); } urlButton.Visible = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sinfo.Url); infoUrl = sinfo.Url; if (titleIcon != null) { boxTitle.PackEnd(titleIcon, false, false, 0); labelName.WidthRequest = titleWidth - 32; labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth - 32; } else { labelName.WidthRequest = titleWidth; labelVersion.WidthRequest = titleWidth; } if (IsRealized) { SetComponentsBg(); } } }