public override void DrawItem(Rect position, int index) { //To-be modified original-- caching original position Rect pos = position; var splat = this[index]; //Insert top padding & set height pos.y += 8f; pos.height = CTRL_HEIGHT * 2.5f; if (splat.Diffuse == null) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "This splat material does not have a selected diffuse texture.", MessageType.Warning); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT * 2.5f + PADDING_SM; } else { float texWidth = (pos.width / 2) - PADDING; Rect texPos = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, texWidth, TEX_HEIGHT); Rect labelPos = new Rect(texPos.x, texPos.y + TEX_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM, texWidth, TEX_CAPTION_HEIGHT); GUIStyle centeredStyle ="Label"); centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; EditorGUI.ObjectField(texPos, splat.Diffuse, typeof(Texture2D), false); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelPos, "Diffuse", centeredStyle); if (splat.Normal != null) { texPos.x += texPos.width + 8; labelPos.x += texPos.width + PADDING; splat.Normal = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField(texPos, splat.Normal, typeof(Texture2D), false); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelPos, "Normal", centeredStyle); } //Update position pos.y += TEX_HEIGHT + labelPos.height + PADDING; } //Reset referenced height pos.height = CTRL_HEIGHT; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.width, pos.height + 2), "Edit Material")) { AddTextureWindow.Init(ref splat); } pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING; //Blend factor splat.Blend = EditorGUI.FloatField(pos, "Blend Amount", splat.Blend); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; //Constrain Height splat.ConstrainHeight = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Constrain Height", splat.ConstrainHeight); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; if (splat.ConstrainHeight) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; splat.HeightConstraint = EditorGUIExtension.DrawConstraintRange(pos, "Height", splat.HeightConstraint, 0, 1); pos.y += (CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM) * 2; float startX = pos.x; pos.x = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(pos).x; EditorGUI.indentLevel--; //Checkboxes for infinity & -infinity heights EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (splat.IsMaxHeight || !_detail.IsMaxHeightSelected) { splat.IsMaxHeight = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Is Highest Material", splat.IsMaxHeight); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { _detail.IsMaxHeightSelected = splat.IsMaxHeight; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (splat.IsMinHeight || !_detail.IsMinHeightSelected) { splat.IsMinHeight = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Is Lowest Material", splat.IsMinHeight); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { _detail.IsMinHeightSelected = splat.IsMinHeight; } pos.x = startX; } //Constrain Angle splat.ConstrainAngle = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Constrain Angle", splat.ConstrainAngle); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; if (splat.ConstrainAngle) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; splat.AngleConstraint = EditorGUIExtension.DrawConstraintRange(pos, "Angle", splat.AngleConstraint, 0, 90); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } }
public override void DrawItem(Rect position, int index) { //To-be modified original-- caching original position Rect pos = position; TerrainPaint.SplatSetting splat = Settings.SplatSettings[index]; //Set the title //ReorderableListGUI.Title("Elevation Material " + (index + 1)); //Insert top padding & set height pos.y += 8f; pos.height = CTRL_HEIGHT * 2.5f; if (splat.Diffuse == null) { EditorGUI.HelpBox(pos, "This splat material does not have a selected diffuse texture.", MessageType.Warning); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT * 2.5f + PADDING_SM; } else { float texWidth = (pos.width / 2) - PADDING; Rect texPos = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, texWidth, TEX_HEIGHT); Rect labelPos = new Rect(texPos.x, texPos.y + TEX_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM, texWidth, TEX_CAPTION_HEIGHT); GUIStyle centeredStyle ="Label"); centeredStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; EditorGUI.ObjectField(texPos, splat.Diffuse, typeof(Texture2D), false); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelPos, "Diffuse", centeredStyle); if (splat.Normal != null) { texPos.x += texPos.width + 8; labelPos.x += texPos.width + PADDING; splat.Normal = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField(texPos, splat.Normal, typeof(Texture2D), false); EditorGUI.LabelField(labelPos, "Normal", centeredStyle); } //Update position pos.y += TEX_HEIGHT + labelPos.height + PADDING; } //Reset referenced height pos.height = CTRL_HEIGHT; if (GUI.Button(new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, pos.width, pos.height + 2), "Edit Material")) { AddTextureWindow.Init(ref splat); } pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING; //Blend factor splat.Blend = EditorGUI.FloatField(pos, "Blend Amount", splat.Blend); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; //GUI for different placement types splat.PlacementType = (TerrainPaint.PlacementType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(pos, "Placement Type", splat.PlacementType); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; switch (splat.PlacementType) { case TerrainPaint.PlacementType.Angle: EditorGUI.LabelField(pos, "Min Angle", splat.AngleMin.ToString("0") + " deg"); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; EditorGUI.LabelField(pos, "Max Angle", splat.AngleMax.ToString("0") + " deg"); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; EditorGUI.MinMaxSlider(pos, ref splat.AngleMin, ref splat.AngleMax, 0f, 90f); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; break; case TerrainPaint.PlacementType.ElevationRange: if (!splat.IsMaxHeight) { splat.MaxRange = EditorGUI.FloatField(pos, "Max Height", splat.MaxRange); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } if (!splat.IsMinHeight) { splat.MinRange = EditorGUI.FloatField(pos, "Min Height", splat.MinRange); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } //Checkboxes for infinity & -infinity heights EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (splat.IsMaxHeight || !Settings.IsMaxHeightSelected) { splat.IsMaxHeight = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Is Highest Material", splat.IsMaxHeight); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Settings.IsMaxHeightSelected = splat.IsMaxHeight; } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (splat.IsMinHeight || !Settings.IsMinHeightSelected) { splat.IsMinHeight = EditorGUI.Toggle(pos, "Is Lowest Material", splat.IsMinHeight); pos.y += CTRL_HEIGHT + PADDING_SM; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Settings.IsMinHeightSelected = splat.IsMinHeight; } //if (splat.MinRange > splat.MaxRange) splat.MinRange = splat.MaxRange; break; } }