public void PO_SearchTenantAfterAddingNewTenant() { // Creates a toggle for the given test, adds all log events under it test = extent.StartTest("Search the tenant after adding new tenant for a given property"); test.AssignCategory("Add New Tenant"); #region Delete the existing tenant of the given proeprty //Before adding new tenant, check whether the tenant already exist, if exist ,delete it ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelPath, "Add Tenant"); String propertyName = ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Property Name"); String tenantEmail = ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Tenant Email"); //go to my properties page from dashboard DashboardPage dashBoard = new DashboardPage(); dashBoard.GoToMyPropertiesPage(); //search the given property MyPropertiesPage myProperty = new MyPropertiesPage(); myProperty.SearchAPropertySuccessfully(propertyName); //go to manage tenant page and delete the tenant which user want to add myProperty.GoToManageTenantPage(); ManageTenantPage manageTenant = new ManageTenantPage(); manageTenant.RemoveTenant(tenantEmail); //go back to my properties page and then go to add tenant page manageTenant.GoBackToProperties(); myProperty.AddTenant(); #endregion #region Add new tenant //Fill out the add tenant details form and go to liability details form AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddTenantDetails(); addTenant.NextToLiabilityDetails(); //Add a new liability and go to sumamry form addTenant.ClickAddNewLiability(); addTenant.AddLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.SaveNewLiability(); addTenant.NextToSummary(); //Save the new tenant addTenant.Submit(); #endregion //Search the given property under my properties page myProperty.SearchAPropertySuccessfully(propertyName); //Go to manage tenant page myProperty.GoToManageTenantPage(); if (manageTenant.FindATenant(tenantEmail)) { Base.test.Log(RelevantCodes.ExtentReports.LogStatus.Pass, "Test passed, successfully find the new tenant under manage tenant page"); } else { Base.test.Log(RelevantCodes.ExtentReports.LogStatus.Pass, "Test failed, fail to find the new tenant under manage tenant page"); } }
public void GivenIAmAlreadyUnderTheLiabilitiesDetailsSection() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddTenantDetails(); addTenant.NextToLiabilityDetails(); }
public void GivenIHaveAddedANewLiability() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.ClickAddNewLiability(); addTenant.AddLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.SaveNewLiability(); }
public void GivenIAmAlreadyUnderTheSummarySection() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddTenantDetails(); addTenant.NextToLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.ClickAddNewLiability(); addTenant.AddLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.NextToSummary(); }
public void GivenIHaveAddedANewTenantForAGivenPropertyAndWentBackToMyPropertiesPage() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddTenantDetails(); addTenant.NextToLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.ClickAddNewLiability(); addTenant.AddLiabilityDetails(); addTenant.NextToSummary(); addTenant.Submit(); }
public void ThenAllTheInforamtionShouldBeTheSameAsWhatIEnteredInTenantDetailsAndLiabilitiesDetails() { test = extent.CreateTest("Add Tenant -- Check all the information under summary section"); test.AssignCategory("Add Tenant Testing"); AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); if (addTenant.ValidateDataInSummary()) { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Pass, "test passed, successfully validate all the inforamtion in summary"); } else { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Fail, "test failed, fail to validate all the inforamtion in summary"); } }
public void ThenIMNavigatedToTheSummary() { test = extent.CreateTest("Add Tenant -- Add liability details and go to summary section"); test.AssignCategory("Add Tenant Testing"); AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); if (addTenant.IsSubmitButtonDisplay()) { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Pass, "Test passed, successfully navigate to the summary "); } else { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Fail, "Test failed, fail to navigate to the summary "); } }
public void ThenThereShouldBeWarningMessageAndHeNextButtonShouldBeUnclickable() { // Creates a toggle for the given test, adds all log events under it test = extent.CreateTest("Add Tenant -- Add an existing tenant under tenant details section"); test.AssignCategory("Add Tenant Testing"); AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); if (addTenant.IsTenantAlreadyInThisPropertyWarningMessageDisplayed() & addTenant.IsNextButtonUnclickableUnderTenatDetails()) { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Pass, "Test passed, successfully display the warning message and next button is unclickable"); } else { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Fail, "Test failed, fail to display the warning message or next button is clickable"); } }
public void ThenIAmNavigatedToLiabilityDetails() { // Creates a toggle for the given test, adds all log events under it test = extent.CreateTest("Add Tenant -- Add tenant details and go to liabilities details"); test.AssignCategory("Add Tenant Testing"); // Create an class and object to call the method AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); if (addTenant.IsAddNewLiabilityButtonDisplay()) { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Pass, "Test passed, successfully navigated to liability details "); } else { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Fail, "Test failed, fail to navigate to liability details "); } Thread.Sleep(6000); }
public void ThenTheNewLiabilityShouldBeAddedSuccessfully() { test = extent.CreateTest("Add Tenant -- Add new liability details under liabilities details section"); test.AssignCategory("Add Tenant Testing"); //get the liability name and amount from excel file ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Base.ExcelPath, "Add Tenant"); String liabilityName = ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Liability Name"); String amount = ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Amount"); AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); if (addTenant.FindLiabilitySuccessfully(liabilityName, amount)) { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Pass, "Test passed, successfully add new liability"); } else { Base.test.Log(AventStack.ExtentReports.Status.Fail, "Test failed, fail to add new liability"); } Thread.Sleep(6000); }
public void WhenIEnterAnExistingTenantEmailOfThisProperty() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddExistingTenantDetails(); }
public void WhenIClickNextButtonUnderTenantDetailsSection() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.NextToLiabilityDetails(); }
public void WhenIEnterAllTheTenantDetailsWithValidDataUnderTenantDetailsSection() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddTenantDetails(); }
public void WhenIClickSubmitButtonUnderSummary() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.Submit(); }
public void WhenIEnterNewLiabilityDetail() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.AddLiabilityDetails(); }
public void WhenIClickNextButtonUnderLiabilitiesDetails() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.NextToSummary(); }
public void WhenIClickSaveNewLiabilityButton() { AddTenantPage addTenant = new AddTenantPage(); addTenant.SaveNewLiability(); }