/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the interface.</param> /// <param name="addPropertyCallback">A callback to be called when a property is added.</param> /// <param name="removePropertyCallback">A callback to be called when a property is removed.</param> /// <param name="validateCallback">A callback to be called when the data should be validated.</param> public EditInterface(String name, AddProperty addPropertyCallback, RemoveProperty removePropertyCallback, Validate validateCallback) { this.name = name; this.addPropertyCallback = addPropertyCallback; this.removePropertyCallback = removePropertyCallback; this.validateCallback = validateCallback; }
internal void AddNewProperty() { // Populating the data from Excel ExcelLib.PopulateInCollection(Config.Keys_Resource.ExcelPath, "Register"); Thread.Sleep(1000); //calling the common methods Common_methods(); Thread.Sleep(500); //Select properties page PropertiesPage.Click(); //Click on Add New Property button AddProperty.Click(); //Calling Property details method PropertyDetails(); //Calling Finance details method FinanceDetails(); //Calling Tenant details method TenantDetails(); }
/// <summary> /// Show "Add new Propery" View through set CurrentViewModel /// </summary> public void ShowAddNewPropertyView() { var p = new AddProperty { DataContext = new AddPropertiViewModel() }; CurrentViewModel = p; }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostProperty([FromBody] AddProperty addProperty) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var userCp = HttpContext.User; string landlord = TokenVerifier.GetLandlord(userCp); //Generate property Property property = _mapper.Map <AddProperty, Property>(addProperty); property.PropertyStatus = Property.VerificationStatus.Pending; property.AppUserRef = landlord; //Validate property if (!TryValidateModel(property)) { return(BadRequest()); } List <BasicImage> images = new List <BasicImage>(); int imgCount = 0; foreach (string imageStr in addProperty.Images) { BasicImage bi = WriteImage(imageStr, imgCount); if (bi != null) { images.Add(bi); imgCount++; } else { CleanImages(images); return(BadRequest()); } } //All Images are valid and added _context.Property.Add(property); foreach (BasicImage bi in images) { bi.PropertyRef = property.ID; Image im = _mapper.Map <BasicImage, Image>(bi); _context.Image.Add(im); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }
public async Task AddProperty(Guid id, [FromBody] AddProperty model) { var value = await _metaDbContext.DomainEvents.Include(e => e.Properties).SingleAsync(e => e.Id == id); value.Properties.Add(new Property { Name = model.Name, Description = model.Description, IsCollection = model.IsCollection, SystemType = model.SystemType, ValueTypeId = model.ValueTypeId }); await _metaDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); }
set => SetValue(AddProperty, value);
private async void ListItemClicked(int position) { Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment fragment = null; switch (position) { case 0: int id = int.Parse(ap.getAccessKey()); string url = "http://housechecker.co.uk/api/export.php"; JsonValue json = await FetchUserAsync(url); string jsonString = json.ToString(); List <Student> listOfLandlords = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Student> >(jsonString); var user = listOfLandlords.Where(a => a.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.Type == "Landlord") { IMenuItem item1 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra1); item1.SetTitle("Add Property"); IMenuItem item2 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra2); item2.SetTitle("My Properties"); // If the user type is Landlord, it sets the two extra features to these options } else { IMenuItem item1 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra1); item1.SetTitle("Favourite Properties"); IMenuItem item2 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra2); item2.SetTitle("My Reviews"); // If you're a student the options are different } // Gets the list of users and finds the one that matches your ID usernameDisplay = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.navBarHeader); // Gets the display name for the nav bar if (user.Type == "Landlord") { fragment = LandlordDashboard.NewInstance(); usernameDisplay.Text = user.CompanyName; // Sets the name to company name if you are a landlord } else { fragment = StudentDashboard.NewInstance(); usernameDisplay.Text = user.Name; // And to username if you are a student } break; case 1: fragment = PropertyDetail.NewInstance(); Bundle idBundle = new Bundle(); idBundle.PutString("accomID", "77"); fragment.Arguments = idBundle; // This code calls the new fragment and places it on the screen aka loading a new page break; case 2: fragment = SearchPage.NewInstance(); break; case 3: fragment = Profile.NewInstance(); break; case 4: if (userType == "Landlord") { fragment = AddProperty.NewInstance(); } else { fragment = DisplayFavourites.NewInstance(); } break; case 5: if (userType == "Landlord") { fragment = MyProperties.NewInstance(); } else { fragment = MyReviews.NewInstance(); } break; case 6: id = int.Parse(ap.getAccessKey()); url = "http://housechecker.co.uk/api/export.php"; json = await FetchUserAsync(url); jsonString = json.ToString(); listOfLandlords = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Student> >(jsonString); user = listOfLandlords.Where(a => a.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.Type == "Landlord") { IMenuItem item1 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra1); item1.SetTitle("Add Property"); IMenuItem item2 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra2); item2.SetTitle("My Properties"); // If the user type is Landlord, it sets the two extra features to these options } else { IMenuItem item1 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra1); item1.SetTitle("Favourite Properties"); IMenuItem item2 = navigationView.Menu.FindItem(Resource.Id.nav_extra2); item2.SetTitle("My Reviews"); // If you're a student the options are different } // Gets the list of users and finds the one that matches your ID url = "http://housechecker.co.uk/api/display.php"; json = await FetchUserAsync(url); jsonString = json.ToString(); var addressList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Address> >(jsonString); accomID = addressList.Where(a => a.address1 == markerTitle).FirstOrDefault().id; fragment = PropertyDetail.NewInstance(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.PutString("accomID", accomID.ToString()); fragment.Arguments = bundle; // Gets the accomodation that has been clicked on from the map page and then loads it break; } SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction() .Replace(Resource.Id.content_frame, fragment) .Commit(); // Commits the transaction }
private static extern bool GetProperties(Smoke* smoke, short classId, AddProperty addProp);
private static extern bool GetProperties(Smoke *smoke, short classId, AddProperty addProp);
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name of the interface.</param> /// <param name="addPropertyCallback">A callback to be called when a property is added.</param> /// <param name="removePropertyCallback">A callback to be called when a property is removed.</param> public EditInterface(String name, AddProperty addPropertyCallback, RemoveProperty removePropertyCallback) : this(name, addPropertyCallback, removePropertyCallback, null) { }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateProperty([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] AddProperty addProperty) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } var userCp = HttpContext.User; string landlord = TokenVerifier.GetLandlord(userCp); Property currentProperty = await _context.Property.FindAsync(id); if (currentProperty == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (landlord == null || landlord != currentProperty.AppUserRef) { return(Unauthorized()); } //Generate property Property newproperty = _mapper.Map <AddProperty, Property>(addProperty); newproperty.PropertyStatus = Property.VerificationStatus.Pending; newproperty.AppUserRef = landlord; //Validate new property if (!TryValidateModel(newproperty)) { return(BadRequest()); } List <BasicImage> images = new List <BasicImage>(); int imgCount = 0; foreach (string imageStr in addProperty.Images) { BasicImage bi = WriteImage(imageStr, imgCount); if (bi != null) { images.Add(bi); imgCount++; } else { CleanImages(images); return(BadRequest()); } } List <Image> oldImages = _context.Image.Where(i => i.PropertyRef == id).ToList(); List <BasicImage> oldBasicImages = _mapper.Map <List <Image>, List <BasicImage> >(oldImages); //From DB foreach (Image i in oldImages) { _context.Image.Remove(i); } //From disk CleanImages(oldBasicImages); currentProperty.AddressLine1 = addProperty.AddressLine1; currentProperty.AddressLine2 = addProperty.AddressLine2; currentProperty.City = addProperty.City; currentProperty.County = addProperty.County; currentProperty.Postcode = addProperty.Postcode; currentProperty.Longitude = addProperty.Longitude; currentProperty.Latitude = addProperty.Latitude; currentProperty.PropertyDescription = addProperty.PropertyDescription; currentProperty.PropertyStatus = Property.VerificationStatus.Pending; foreach (BasicImage bi in images) { bi.PropertyRef = currentProperty.ID; Image im = _mapper.Map <BasicImage, Image>(bi); _context.Image.Add(im); } await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }