protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"]); //ns.getDetails(); //SourceList.SelectedValue = ns.SourceList; if (!Page.IsPostBack) { DataTable tb = addNotificationRepository.GetEventData(0).Tables[0]; DataRow dr = tb.Select("Id = " + id)[0]; NameTextBox.Text = dr[1].ToString(); MandetoryCheckBox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dr[3]); ConfidentialCheckBox.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(dr[4]); SourceList.SelectedValue = dr[2].ToString(); SourceList.Enabled = false; DataTable tb1 = addNotificationRepository.EventChannelGetData(id).Tables[0]; for (int count = 0; count < tb1.Rows.Count; count++) { // if(tb1.Rows[count]) if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 1) { Intranet.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 2) { EmailsCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 3) { UnaBotCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 4) { SmsCheckBox.Checked = true; } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { notificationsRepository.getDetails(); //if (Page.IsPostBack) //{ if (Context.User.IsInRole("Super Admin")) { for (int Sourcecount = 0; Sourcecount < notificationsRepository.SourceList.Count; Sourcecount++) { Label lb = new Label(); lb.Text = notificationsRepository.SourceList[Sourcecount].SourceName1 + "<br/>"; lb.ID = "count"; lb.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(lb); DataTable dataEvenets = addNotificationRepository.GetEventData(notificationsRepository.SourceList[Sourcecount].SourceId).Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < dataEvenets.Rows.Count; i++) { Label Name = new Label(); Name.Text = " " + dataEvenets.Rows[i]["Name"] + "<br/>"; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(Name); Name.Width = 300; HyperLink Edit = new HyperLink(); HyperLink delete = new HyperLink(); Edit.Text = "Edit"; Edit.Width = 200; string qstr = dataEvenets.Rows[i]["Id"].ToString(); Edit.NavigateUrl = "EditEvent?Id=" + dataEvenets.Rows[i]["Id"]; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(Edit); delete.Text = "Delete" + "<br/><hr/>"; delete.NavigateUrl = "DeleteEvent?id=" + qstr; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(delete); } } } //TreeView tree = new TreeView(); //NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(tree); //for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) //{ // TreeNode tn = new TreeNode(); // tn.Text = "child"; // tn.PopulateOnDemand = false; // tree.Nodes.Add(tn); // for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) // { // TreeNode tree1 = new TreeNode(); // tree1.Text = "shubham" + i; // tree.Target = "_blank"; // tree.Nodes.Add(tree1); // } //} //} //if (Context.User.IsInRole("")) //{ for (int Sourcecount = 0; Sourcecount < notificationsRepository.SourceList.Count; Sourcecount++) { Label lb = new Label(); lb.Text = "<br/>" + notificationsRepository.SourceList[Sourcecount].SourceName1 + "<br/><br/>"; lb.ID = "count"; lb.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(lb); AddNotificationButton.Visible = false; DataTable dataEvenets = addNotificationRepository.GetEventData(notificationsRepository.SourceList[Sourcecount].SourceId).Tables[0]; for (int EventCount = 0; EventCount < dataEvenets.Rows.Count; EventCount++) { Label Name = new Label(); Name.Text = " " + dataEvenets.Rows[EventCount]["Name"] + "<br/>"; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(Name); Name.Width = 300; HyperLink Edit = new HyperLink(); HyperLink subscribe = new HyperLink(); string xxx = dataEvenets.Rows[EventCount]["Id"].ToString(); DataTable SelectPeople = addNotificationRepository.GetData("select UserName from AspNetUsers where Id = any (select distinct(essu.UserId) from Event_slm_subscribe ess, Event_slm_subscribe_users essu where ess.Id = essu.Event_slm_subscribe_Id and ess.EventId = '" + xxx + "')"); if (SelectPeople.Rows.Count > 0) { Edit.Text = "Edit"; Edit.Width = 200; Edit.NavigateUrl = "Subscribe?id=" + xxx; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(Edit); subscribe.Text = "UnSubscribe" + "<br/>"; subscribe.NavigateUrl = "Notifications"; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(subscribe); } else { Edit.Text = "Edit"; Edit.Width = 200; Edit.NavigateUrl = "Notifications"; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(Edit); subscribe.Text = "Subscribe" + "<br/>"; subscribe.NavigateUrl = "Subscribe?id=" + xxx; NotificationPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(subscribe); } } } //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int qstring = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"]); DataTable tb = addNotificationRepository.GetEventData(0).Tables[0]; DataRow dr = tb.Select("Id = " + qstring)[0]; EventName.Text = dr[1].ToString(); ConfCheck.Enabled = false; MandCheck.Enabled = false; if (dr[4].ToString() == "True") { ConfCheck.Enabled = true; ConfCheck.Checked = true; } if (dr[3].ToString() == "True") { MandCheck.Enabled = true; MandCheck.Checked = true; } DataTable tb1 = addNotificationRepository.EventChannelGetData(qstring).Tables[0]; IntranetCheck.Enabled = false; SmsCheckBox.Enabled = false; UnabotCheckBox.Enabled = false; EmailCheckbox.Enabled = false; if (!IsPostBack) { for (int count = 0; count < tb1.Rows.Count; count++) { // if(tb1.Rows[count]) if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 1) { IntranetCheck.Enabled = true; IntranetCheck.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 2) { EmailCheckbox.Enabled = true; EmailCheckbox.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 3) { UnabotCheckBox.Enabled = true; UnabotCheckBox.Checked = true; } if (Convert.ToInt32(tb1.Rows[count][0]) == 4) { SmsCheckBox.Enabled = true; SmsCheckBox.Checked = true; } } } DataTable SelectPeople = addNotificationRepository.GetData("select UserName from AspNetUsers where Id = any (select distinct(essu.UserId) from Event_slm_subscribe ess, Event_slm_subscribe_users essu where ess.Id = essu.Event_slm_subscribe_Id and ess.EventId = '" + qstring + "')"); list = new ListBox(); list.SelectionMode = ListSelectionMode.Multiple; SelectedPeopleList.Controls.Add(list); if (!IsPostBack) { for (int count = 0; count < SelectPeople.Rows.Count; count++) { list.Items.Add(SelectPeople.Rows[count]["UserName"].ToString()); //ListBox1.Items.da DataValueField = ""; //ListBox1.; } } // for }