        //private int GetUserInputOption(Win32Window excelHandle)
        //    // ask for data input type
        //    using (var frmDESelectInput = new frmDESelectInput())
        //    {
        //        if (frmDESelectInput.ShowDialog(excelHandle) == DialogResult.Cancel)
        //        {
        //            frmDESelectInput.Close();

        //            // user pressed "Cancel"
        //            return 0;
        //        }

        //        // get what the user selected from the frmDESelectInput
        //        // 1 = Tabular Form radio button
        //        return frmDESelectInput.UserSelection;
        //    }

        //private void decideHowToProcessUserInput(Win32Window excelHandle)
        //    switch (userInputOption)
        //    {
        //        // user selected the Tabular Form radio button
        //        case 1:
        //            // the user chose "Yes"
        //            processTabularFormInput(excelHandle);

        //            break;

        //        // user selected option 2 radio button
        //        case 2:
        //            processOption2Input(excelHandle);
        //            break;
        //    }

        /// <summary>
        /// Take data from the current sheet of the Excel table, process it and dump the results to a csv file
        /// </summary>
        private void processTabularFormInput(Win32Window excelHandle, frmDESelectInput fDESelectInput)
            //Interop.Workbook wb = AddInUtils.GetActiveWorkbook_IfExists();
            //Interop.Worksheet activeWS = AddInUtils.GetActiveWorksheet_IfExists();

            bool keepWindow2 = false;

                //MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, $"You have selected radio button {userInputOption}", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                string             inputTableName;
                Interop.ListObject inputTable             = null;
                char          InputCSVlistSeparatorParsed = '!';
                bool          boolVarTableHeaderInExport;
                string        csvUsrIinputListSeparator = String.Empty;
                bool          AggregateTableRowsSwitch;
                List <string> excelTableColumnsDataTypes = new List <string>();

                var wb       = AddInUtils.GetActiveWorkbook_IfExists();
                var activeWS = AddInUtils.GetActiveWorksheet_IfExists();

                // ask for table name
                using (wb)
                    using (activeWS)
                        using (var frmDETInputTableName = new frmDETInputTableName())
                                if (frmDETInputTableName.ShowDialog(fDESelectInput) == DialogResult.Cancel)

                                    _secondWindowClosed = true;


                                inputTableName             = frmDETInputTableName.GetInputTableName();
                                boolVarTableHeaderInExport = frmDETInputTableName.IncludeTableHeaderValuesInExportFile();
                                csvUsrIinputListSeparator  = frmDETInputTableName.GetCSVlistSeparator();
                                AggregateTableRowsSwitch   = frmDETInputTableName.GetAggregationSwitchValue();

                                // check the table name so it's not empty, whitespace or null
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(inputTableName) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputTableName))
                                    MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, "Please enter a table name of at least 1 visible character.",
                                                    "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                                    keepWindow2 = true;
                                    keepWindow2 = false;

                                if (keepWindow2 == false)
                                    ////MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, $"table name {inputTableName}", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                                    InputCSVlistSeparatorParsed = Parser.GetListSeparatorFromUserInput(csvUsrIinputListSeparator);

                                    var numOfTablesInCurrentWorkbook = AddInUtils.currentWorkbookTableCount(wb);

                                    //MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, $"tables in workbook {numOfTablesInCurrentWorkbook}", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                                    if (numOfTablesInCurrentWorkbook == 0 || numOfTablesInCurrentWorkbook == null)
                                        MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, $"There are no tables in your current workbook. Please create at least one table in order to use this form of data input.",
                                                        "", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                                        keepWindow2 = true;
                                        keepWindow2 = false;

                                    if (keepWindow2 == false)
                                        inputTable = AddInUtils.ReturnInputTableFromWorkbook(wb, inputTableName);

                                        // if the input table was not found
                                        if (inputTable == null)
                                            MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, $"The input table could not be found. Please create at least one table with the specified name in order to use this form of data input.",
                                                            "", MessageBoxButtons.OK,

                                            keepWindow2 = true;
                                            keepWindow2 = false;

                                    if (keepWindow2 == false)
                                        // the column data types are in the excelTableColumnsDataTypes var
                                        AddInUtils.GetExcelTableColumnDataTypes(excelHandle, wb, inputTable, out excelTableColumnsDataTypes);

                                        // change from default type to new type
                                        using (var frmDEShowExcelTableColumnsDataType = new frmDEShowExcelTableColumnsDataType(excelTableColumnsDataTypes,
                                            if (frmDEShowExcelTableColumnsDataType.ShowDialog(frmDETInputTableName) != DialogResult.Cancel)
                                                keepWindow2 = false;

                                                // close form 2

                                                // user input for each column store in Transform.usrInputForAggregationProcess

                                                // based on user input aggregate rows or not
                                                TextProcessor.SaveExcelTableToCSVFile(inputTable, boolVarTableHeaderInExport, InputCSVlistSeparatorParsed,
                                                                                      AggregateTableRowsSwitch, wb, activeWS);

                                                // erase all the user info about each column.
                                                // From my brief search System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary does not implement IDisposable interface
                                                keepWindow2 = true;

                                                // close form 3
                            }while (keepWindow2 == true);

                            // don't come back to window 1
                            _secondWindowClosed = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(excelHandle, "Error occured: " + ex.Message, "Oops!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                // NOT WORKING
                //if (wb != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wb);
                //if (activeWS != null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(activeWS);