private void dismissAbove(int position)
            View view = AdapterViewUtil.getViewForPosition(getListViewWrapper(), getListViewWrapper().getFirstVisiblePosition());

            if (view != null)
                view.Measure(View.MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified), View.MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified));
                int scrollDistance = view.MeasuredHeight;

                getListViewWrapper().smoothScrollBy(scrollDistance, (int)mDismissAnimationTime);
                mHandler.PostDelayed(new RestoreScrollRunnable(scrollDistance, position, this), mDismissAnimationTime);
        private View findViewForPosition(int position)
            if (mListViewWrapper == null)
                throw new Java.Lang.IllegalStateException("Call setAbsListView on this ExpanableListItemAdapter!");

            View result = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < mListViewWrapper.getChildCount() && result == null; i++)
                View childView = mListViewWrapper.getChildAt(i);
                if (childView != null && AdapterViewUtil.getPositionForView(mListViewWrapper, childView) == position)
                    result = childView;
        private bool handleDownEvent(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent)
            if (!mSwipeEnabled)

            View downView = findDownView(motionEvent);

            if (downView == null)

            int downPosition = AdapterViewUtil.getPositionForView(mListViewWrapper, downView);

            mCanDismissCurrent = isDismissable(downPosition);

            /* Check if we are processing the item at this position */
            if (mCurrentPosition == downPosition || downPosition >= mVirtualListCount)

            if (view != null)

            disableHorizontalScrollContainerIfNecessary(motionEvent, downView);

            mDownX = motionEvent.GetX();
            mDownY = motionEvent.GetY();

            mCurrentView     = downView;
            mSwipingView     = getSwipeView(downView);
            mCurrentPosition = downPosition;

            mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.Obtain();
         * Flings the {@link android.view.View} corresponding to given position out of sight.
         * Calling this method has the same effect as manually swiping an item off the screen.
         * @param position the position of the item in the {@link android.widget.ListAdapter}. Must be visible.
        public virtual void fling(int position)
            int firstVisiblePosition = mListViewWrapper.getFirstVisiblePosition();
            int lastVisiblePosition  = mListViewWrapper.getLastVisiblePosition();

            if (position < firstVisiblePosition || position > lastVisiblePosition)
                throw new Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException("View for position " + position + " not visible!");

            View downView = AdapterViewUtil.getViewForPosition(mListViewWrapper, position);

            if (downView == null)
                throw new Java.Lang.IllegalStateException("No view found for position " + position);
            flingView(downView, position, true);

         * Performs the undo animation and restores the original state for given {@link android.view.View}.
         * @param view the parent {@code View} which contains both primary and undo {@code View}s.
        public void undo(View view)
            int position = AdapterViewUtil.getPositionForView(getListViewWrapper(), view);


            View primaryView = mCallback.getPrimaryView(view);
            View undoView    = mCallback.getUndoView(view);

            primaryView.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;

            ObjectAnimator undoAlphaAnimator    = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(undoView, ALPHA, 1f, 0f);
            ObjectAnimator primaryAlphaAnimator = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(primaryView, ALPHA, 0f, 1f);
            ObjectAnimator primaryXAnimator     = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(primaryView, TRANSLATION_X, primaryView.Width, 0f);

            AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet();

            animatorSet.PlayTogether(undoAlphaAnimator, primaryAlphaAnimator, primaryXAnimator);
            animatorSet.AddListener(new UndoAnimatorListener(undoView, this));

            mCallback.onUndo(view, position);