private void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); string text = _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_divapproval = 'Yes', o_divapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計處理中' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice) : _status == "會計處理中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_staffapproval = 'Yes', o_staffapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計承認中' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice) : string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_accapproval = 'Yes', o_accapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'申請處理完成' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); string applicant = AccUtil.GetApplicant(_invoice); string div = AccUtil.GetDivisionApprover(_invoice); string staff = AccUtil.GetAccStaff(_invoice); string acc = AccUtil.GetAccApprover(_invoice); if (_status == "科責承認中") { EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_invoice, applicant, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(staff, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip - " + _invoice); } if (_status == "會計處理中") { EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_invoice, applicant, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip - " + _invoice); } if (_status == "會計承認中") { EformUtil.SendFinishedEmail(_invoice, acc, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), "Outstanding Slip Application Finished - " + _invoice, "You Outstanding Slip Application has been finished."); } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'拒絕承認' where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); string sect = ""; string div = ""; string dept = ""; string createdby = ""; string text = string.Format("select d_sect, d_div, d_dept, d_createdby from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno); using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(text)) { while (reader.Read()) { sect = reader.GetString(0).Trim(); div = reader.GetString(1).Trim(); dept = reader.GetString(2).Trim(); createdby = reader.GetString(3).Trim(); } } string subject = "Debit/Credit Note Application has been Rejected"; string content = "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nYour Debit/Credit Note Application has been Rejected. Please go to MyCloud to revise or apply a new application.\n\nThis is system message, please do not reply."; EformUtil.SendRejectEmail(_docno, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(createdby, "kmhk.local"), subject, content);//cc? }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtAttachment.Text == "") { switch (MessageBox.Show("No Attachment found. Continue?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)) { case DialogResult.Yes: string query = string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_itattachment = N'{0}', r_status = N'經管承認中' where r_chaseno = '{1}'", "", _chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); break; case DialogResult.No: break; } } else { string query = string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_itattachment = N'{0}', r_status = N'經管承認中' where r_chaseno = '{1}'", txtAttachment.Text.Trim(), _chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); } string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(txtApplicant.Text.Trim(), "kmhk.local"); string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(_cmApprover, "kmhk.local"); string text = "IT Application Approval required. Please click <a href=\"\\\\kdthk-dm1\\project\\it system\\MyCloud Beta\\KDTHK-DM-SP.application\">HERE</a> to approval process."; string body = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + text + "</span></p>"; EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_chaseno, from, to, body, "R3申請", txtApplicant.Text.Trim()); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvAsset.EndEdit(); if (!IsDataValid(dgvAsset)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input found."); return; } string applicant = DataUtil.GetApplicant(GlobalService.ChaseNo); string head = DataUtil.GetHead(applicant); string approval = DataUtil.IsItemApproved(GlobalService.ChaseNo) ? "Yes" : "No"; string chaseno = DataUtil.GetAssetChaseNo(); string status = approval == "Yes" ? "I.T.處理中" : "上司承認中"; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvAsset.Rows) { if (row.IsNewRow) { continue; } string category = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim(); string name = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString().Trim(); string start = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString().Trim(); string preReturn = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString().Trim(); string inout = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString().Trim(); string assigned = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString().Trim(); string query = string.Format("insert into TB_FORM_LOANING (l_name, l_category, l_start, l_end, l_created, l_applicant, l_status, l_refno, l_approval, l_approver, l_chaseno, l_remarks, l_handledby)" + " values (N'{0}', N'{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', N'{5}', N'{6}', '{7}', '{8}', N'{9}', '{10}', '{11}', N'{12}')", name, category, start, preReturn, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), applicant, status, GlobalService.ChaseNo, approval, head, chaseno, inout, assigned); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); //string text = string.Format("update TB_IT_ASSET set a_status = N'借用中', a_refno = '{0}' where a_name = '{1}'", GlobalService.ChaseNo, name); //DataServiceIT.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); } if (approval == "No") { string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"); string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(head, "kmhk.local"); EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(GlobalService.ChaseNo, from, to, "Approval Required for 資產外借", "資產外借", applicant); } GlobalService.SavedForm = "asset"; if (SavedEvent != null) { SavedEvent(this, new EventArgs()); } }
public static string GetEmail(string user) { try { return(AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(user, "kmhk.local")); } catch { return(AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(user, "kmas.local")); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string category = cbCategory.SelectedItem.ToString(); string item = cbItem.SelectedItem.ToString(); string date = dtpComplete.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string status = cbStatus.SelectedItem.ToString(); string assigned = cbAssign.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); rtbRemarks.SaveFile("temp.rtf"); FileStream stream = new FileStream("temp.rtf", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); int size = Convert.ToInt32(stream.Length); Byte[] rtf = new Byte[size]; stream.Read(rtf, 0, size); string applicant = DataUtil.GetApplicant(GlobalService.ChaseNo); string head = DataUtil.GetHead(applicant); string approval = DataUtil.IsItemApproved(GlobalService.ChaseNo) ? "Yes" : "No"; string chaseno = DataUtil.GetDevelopChaseNo(); string st = approval == "Yes" ? "I.T處理中" : "上司承認中";//status == "Completed" ? "申請處理完成" : status == "Processing" ? "I.T.處理中" : "取消"; string query = string.Format("if not exists (select * from TB_FORM_DEVELOP where d_chaseno = '{0}') insert into TB_FORM_DEVELOP (d_chaseno, d_category, d_item, d_estimate, d_status, d_remarks, d_applicant, d_approver, d_approval, d_refno, d_created, d_handledby)" + " values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', @Remarks, N'{5}', N'{6}', '{7}', '{8}', '{9}', N'{10}') else update TB_FORM_DEVELOP set d_category = '{1}', d_item = N'{2}', d_estimate = '{3}', d_status = N'{4}', d_remarks = @Remarks where d_chaseno = '{0}'", chaseno, category, item, date, st, applicant, head, approval, GlobalService.ChaseNo, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), assigned); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, DataService.GetInstance().Connection); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Remarks", SqlDbType.Image, rtf.Length, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, null, DataRowVersion.Current, rtf); cmd.Parameters.Add(param); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); GlobalService.SavedForm = "develop"; if (approval == "No") { string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"); string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(head, "kmhk.local"); string[] attachments = _attachList.Select(x => x.FilePath).ToArray(); EformUtil.SendApprovalEmailWithAttachment(GlobalService.ChaseNo, from, to, "Approval Required for 工具開發/修改", "工具開發/修改", applicant, attachments); //EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(GlobalService.ChaseNo, from, to, "Approval Required for 權限及軟件安裝", "權限及軟件安裝", applicant); } if (SavedEvent != null) { SavedEvent(this, new EventArgs()); } }
public static void SendNotificationEmail(List <string> receiverList) { try { string fromEmail = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"); string hostname = ""; string text = "Dear colleague,<br/><br/>You have received file from " + GlobalService.User + ". Please use the link below to read file.<br/><br/>" + "<a href=\"\\\\\\project\\KDTHK-DM\\littlesource\\LittleCloud.xlsm\">Installation Source (Excel 2007 or above)</a><br/><br/>" + "<a href=\"\\\\\\project\\KDTHK-DM\\littlesource\\LittleCloud.xls\">Installation Source (Excel 2003 only)</a><br/><br/>" + "If you have any questions, please follow the instruction below.<br/><a href=\"\\\\\\project\\KDTHK-DM\\littlesource\\Enable Macro.pdf\">Installation Guide</a><br/><br/>Regards"; string content = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + text + "</span></p>"; string subject = "File Received"; foreach (string user in receiverList) { string domain = UserUtil.IsCnMember(user) ? "kmcn.local" : UserUtil.IsVnMember(user) ? "kdtvn.local" : UserUtil.IsJpMember(user) ? "km.local" : "kmhk.local"; string toEmail = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(user, domain); if (user == GlobalService.User) { continue; } if (!IsEmailSent(toEmail)) { SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(hostname); client.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(fromEmail, toEmail); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Subject = subject; mail.Body = content; client.Send(mail); string query = string.Format("insert into TB_EMAIL_RECORD (e_datetime, e_name, e_from, e_receiver, e_to) values ('{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', N'{3}', N'{4}')", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"), GlobalService.User, fromEmail, user, toEmail); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void btnReject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); string text = _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_divapproval = 'No', o_divapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'科責已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice) : _status == "會計處理中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_staffapproval = 'No', o_staffapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice) : string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_accapproval = 'No', o_accapprovaldate = '{0}', o_status = N'會計已拒絕' where o_invoice = '{1}'", now, _invoice); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); string applicant = AccUtil.GetApplicant(_invoice); EformUtil.SendRejectEmail(_invoice, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), "Outstanding Slip Rejected - " + _invoice, "Your Outstanding Slip has been rejected by " + GlobalService.User); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void btnApprove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = string.Format("select d_div, d_dept, d_mcstaff, d_mcreviewer, d_mcfinal, d_createdby, d_reason from TB_CM_DEBIT where d_docno = '{0}'", _docno); string target = ""; string applicant = ""; string reason = ""; using (IDataReader reader = DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteReader(query)) { while (reader.Read()) { target = _status == "係責承認中" ? reader.GetString(0).Trim() : _status == "科責承認中" ? reader.GetString(1).Trim() : _status == "部責承認中" ? reader.GetString(2).Trim() : _status == "經管確認中" ? reader.GetString(3).Trim() : _status == "經管檢查中" ? reader.GetString(4).Trim() : ""; applicant = reader.GetString(5).Trim(); reason = reader.GetString(6).Trim(); } } string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); string text = _status == "係責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'科責承認中', d_sectapproval = 'Yes', d_sectdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno) : _status == "科責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'部責承認中', d_divapproval = 'Yes', d_divdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno) : _status == "部責承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'經管確認中', d_deptapproval = 'Yes', d_deptdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno) : _status == "經管檢查中" ? string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = N'經管承認中', d_mcreviewerapproval = 'Yes', d_mcreviewerdate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno) : string.Format("update TB_CM_DEBIT set d_status = '申請處理完成', d_mcfinalapproval = 'Yes', d_mcfinaldate = '{0}' where d_docno = '{1}'", now, _docno); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); string email = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(target, "kmhk.local"); string fromEmail = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"); if (_status == "部責承認中") { EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_docno, applicant, fromEmail, email, reason, "Debit Note Application Approval Required: " + _docno); } else { EformUtil.SendDebitNotificationEmail(_docno, applicant, fromEmail, email, "Received a Debit/Credit Note Application Form\n\nPlease check in Management Console"); } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); if (!rbtnApprove.Checked && !rbtnReject.Checked) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } else if (rbtnApprove.Checked) { string query = _status == "上司承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_approval = 'Yes', r_status = N'申請已發送' where r_chaseno = '{0}'", _chaseno) : string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_cmapproval = 'Yes', r_cmappdate = '{0}', r_status = N'申請處理完成' where r_chaseno = '{1}'", now, _chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); if (_status == "上司承認中") { string mail = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(_applicant, "kmhk.local"); EformUtil.SendR3NotificationEmail(_chaseno, "R3申請", _applicant, mail, _title, EformUtil.GetR3Id(_chaseno), EformUtil.GetR3Request(_chaseno), EformUtil.GetR3Reason(_chaseno)); } else { EformUtil.SendNotificationEmail(_chaseno, "R3申請", GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), "經管承認完了", "", 0, 0, null); } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { string query = _status == "上司承認中" ? string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_approval = 'Reject', r_status = N'上司已拒絕' where r_chaseno = '{0}'", _chaseno) : string.Format("update TB_FORM_R3 set r_cmapproval = 'Reject', r_status = N'經管已拒絕' where r_chaseno = '{0}'", _chaseno); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); EformUtil.SendNotificationEmail(_chaseno, "R3申請", GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), "經管已拒絕", "", 0, 0, null); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { DataTable table = ImportExcel2007.TranslateToTable(ofd.FileName); List <int> invoiceIdList = new List <int>(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string invoice = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim(); string vendor = row.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); string acccode = row.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim(); string costcentre = row.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim(); string amount = row.ItemArray[10].ToString().Trim(); string approval = row.ItemArray[11].ToString().Trim(); if (approval == "Yes") { int id = GetInvoiceId(invoice); string status = GetInvoiceStatus(invoice); string query = status == "會計處理中" ? string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL set od_staffapproval = 'Yes' where od_o_id = '{0}' and od_accountcode = '{1}'" + " and od_costcentre = '{2}' and od_amount = '{3}'", id, acccode, costcentre, amount) : string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL set od_divapproval = 'Yes'" + " where od_o_id = '{0}' and od_accountcode = '{1}' and od_costcentre = '{2}' and od_amount = '{3}'", id, acccode, costcentre, amount); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); invoiceIdList.Add(id); } } invoiceIdList = invoiceIdList.Distinct().ToList(); string now = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); foreach (int item in invoiceIdList) { string status = GetInvoiceStatusById(item); string invoice = GetInvoiceById(item); string applicant = AccUtil.GetApplicant(invoice); string div = AccUtil.GetDivisionApprover(invoice); string staff = AccUtil.GetAccStaff(invoice); string acc = AccUtil.GetAccApprover(invoice); if (status == "會計處理中") { if (IsAllItemApprovedByStaff(item)) { string query = string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_status = N'會計承認中', o_staffapproval = 'Yes', o_staffapprovaldate = '{0}' where o_id = '{1}'", now, item); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(_invoice, applicant, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip - " + invoice); } } if (status == "會計承認中") { if (IsAllItemApprovedByAcc(item)) { string query = string.Format("update TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING set o_status = N'申請處理完成', o_accapproval = 'Yes', o_accapprovaldate = '{0}' where o_id = '{1}'", now, item); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); EformUtil.SendFinishedEmail(_invoice, acc, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(acc, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"), "Outstanding Slip Application Finished - " + invoice, "You Outstanding Slip Application has been finished."); } } } MessageBox.Show("Record has been uploaded."); } }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sectHead = UserUtil.GetSectionHead(UserUtil.GetSect(GlobalService.User)); string divHead = UserUtil.GetDivisionHead(UserUtil.GetDivision(GlobalService.User)); string dept = UserUtil.GetDept(GlobalService.User); string deptHead = dept.Contains("RPS") ? UserUtil.GetDepartmentHead(dept) : ""; string cm1st = "Lee Suk Ha(李淑霞,Zoe)"; string cm2nd = "Li Yuen Yan(李婉茵,Sharon)"; foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvPreview.Rows) { string invoice = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString().Trim(); string code = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim(); string name = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString().Trim(); string currency = AccUtil.GetVendorCurrency(code); string payterm = AccUtil.GetVendorPayTerm(code); string paydate = AccUtil.PayDate(Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")), payterm); string total = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString().Trim(); string invoiceText = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_MASTER_INVOICE (i_invoice, i_vendor) values ('{0}', '{1}')", invoice, code); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(invoiceText); string query = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING (o_invoice, o_vendor, o_vendorname, o_inputdate, o_paymentdate, o_currency, o_amount, o_createdby" + ", o_created, o_div, o_staff, o_acc, o_sect, o_dept) values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', N'{7}', '{8}', N'{9}', N'{10}', N'{11}', N'{12}', N'{13}')", invoice, code, name, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), paydate, currency, total, GlobalService.User, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), divHead, cm1st, cm2nd, sectHead, deptHead); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); //KDTHK_DM_SP.utils.EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(invoice, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(sectHead, "kmhk.local"), "", "Outstanding Slip"); } foreach (Outstanding item in dataList) { int id = AccUtil.GetOutstandingIdByInvoice(item.Invoice); string acName = AccUtil.GetAccountName(item.AccountCode); string ccName = AccUtil.GetCostCentreName(item.CostCentre); string desc = (item.Desc1 + item.Desc2 + item.Desc3 + item.Desc4 + item.Desc5); desc = desc.Substring(0, Math.Min(desc.Length, 50)); string text = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL (od_o_id, od_accountcode, od_accountname, od_costcentre, od_costcentrename, od_amount" + ", od_desc1, od_desc2, od_desc3, od_desc4, od_desc5, od_display) values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', '{5}', N'{6}', N'{7}', N'{8}', N'{9}', N'{10}', N'{11}')", id, item.AccountCode, acName, item.CostCentre, ccName, item.Amount, item.Desc1, item.Desc2, item.Desc3, item.Desc4, item.Desc5, desc); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); } string content = "Application Approval required. Please click <a href=\"\\\\kdthk-dm1\\project\\it system\\MyCloud Beta\\KDTHK-DM-SP.application\">HERE</a> to approval process."; string body = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + content + "</span></p>"; bool isSent = false; if (!isSent) { isSent = true; KDTHK_DM_SP.utils.EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail("", GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(sectHead, "kmhk.local"), body, "Outstanding Slip"); } MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved."); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string appType = cbAppType.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); string reason = txtReason.Text.Trim(); string vendorType = cbVendorType.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); string vendorCode = txtVendorCode.Text.Trim(); string vendorName = txtVendorName.Text.Trim(); string addr1 = txtAddr1.Text.Trim(); string addr2 = txtAddr2.Text.Trim(); string addr3 = txtAddr3.Text.Trim(); string person = txtPerson.Text.Trim(); string phone = txtPhone.Text.Trim(); string email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); string currency = cbCurrency.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); string payterm = txtPayterm.Text.Trim(); string fob = cbFob.SelectedItem.ToString().Trim(); if (reason.Contains("'")) { reason = reason.Replace("'", "''"); } if (vendorName.Contains("'")) { vendorName = vendorName.Replace("'", "''"); } if (addr1.Contains("'")) { addr1 = addr1.Replace("'", "''"); } if (addr2.Contains("'")) { addr2 = addr2.Replace("'", "''"); } if (addr3.Contains("'")) { addr3 = addr3.Replace("'", "''"); } string divHead = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //UserUtil.GetDiv(GlobalService.User); string cm1st = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //"Ng Wai Kwan(吳蕙君,Wendy)"; string cm2nd = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //"Li Yuen Yan(李婉茵,Sharon)"; string cm3rd = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //"Leung Wai Yip(梁偉業,Philip)"; string cm4th = "Ho Kin Hang(何健恒,Ken)"; //"Hara Masatoshi(原雅俊)"; string attachment = ""; string query = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_VENDOR (v_type, v_reason, v_vendortype, v_code, v_name, v_addr1, v_addr2, v_addr3, v_person, v_phone, v_email" + ", v_currency, v_payterm, v_fob, v_attachment, v_created, v_createdby, v_div, v_cm1st, v_cm2nd, v_cm3rd, v_cm4th) values ('{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', N'{5}', N'{6}'" + ", N'{7}', N'{8}', '{9}', '{10}', '{11}', '{12}', '{13}', N'{14}', '{15}', N'{16}', N'{17}', N'{18}', N'{19}', N'{20}', N'{21}')", appType, reason, vendorType, vendorCode, vendorName, addr1, addr2, addr3, person, phone, email, currency, payterm, fob, "", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), GlobalService.User, divHead, cm1st, cm2nd, cm3rd, cm4th); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail("", GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(divHead, "kmhk.local"), "", "Vendor Master Application - " + appType); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }
private void SaveData() { dgvOutstanding.EndEdit(); string vendor = txtVendorCode.Text.Trim(); string vendorname = txtVendorName.Text.Trim(); string invoice = txtInvoice.Text.Trim(); string currency = cbCurr.Text; string indate = dtpInput.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string paydate = dtpPaymentDate.Value.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string total = txtAmount.Text.Trim(); if (!AccUtil.IsVendorExists(vendor)) { MessageBox.Show("Vendor: " + vendor + " does not exist. Please check your data."); return; } if (AccUtil.IsInvoiceExists(invoice, vendor)) { MessageBox.Show("Invoice: " + invoice + " has been used."); return; } string signal = dtpInput.Value.Month == DateTime.Today.Month ? "True" : "False"; string sectHead = UserUtil.GetSectionHead(UserUtil.GetSect(GlobalService.User)); string divHead = UserUtil.GetDivisionHead(UserUtil.GetDivision(GlobalService.User)); string dept = UserUtil.GetDept(GlobalService.User); string deptHead = dept.Contains("RPS") ? UserUtil.GetDepartmentHead(dept) : ""; string cm1st = "Lee Suk Ha(李淑霞,Zoe)"; string cm2nd = "Li Yuen Yan(李婉茵,Sharon)"; bool isValid = true; List <Outstanding> list = new List <Outstanding>(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvOutstanding.Rows) { if (row.IsNewRow) { continue; } if (row.Cells[0].Value == null && row.Cells[2].Value == null && row.Cells[4].Value == null && row.Cells[5].Value == null && row.Cells[6].Value == null && row.Cells[7].Value == null && row.Cells[8].Value == null && row.Cells[9].Value == null) { continue; } if (row.Cells[0].Value == null || row.Cells[2].Value == null || row.Cells[4].Value == null || row.Cells[5].Value == null) { isValid = false; } string desc1 = "", desc2 = "", desc3 = "", desc4 = "", desc5 = ""; try { desc1 = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString().Trim(); desc2 = row.Cells[6].Value == null ? "" : row.Cells[6].Value.ToString().Trim(); desc3 = row.Cells[7].Value == null ? "" : row.Cells[7].Value.ToString().Trim(); desc4 = row.Cells[8].Value == null ? "" : row.Cells[8].Value.ToString().Trim(); desc5 = row.Cells[9].Value == null ? "" : row.Cells[9].Value.ToString().Trim(); } catch { isValid = false; } string acc = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString().Trim(); string accountcode = acc.Substring(0, 10); string accname = acc.Substring(12); accname = accname.Substring(0, accname.Length - 1); string cc = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString().Trim(); string costcentre = cc.Substring(0, 10); string costcentrename = cc.Substring(12); costcentrename = costcentrename.Substring(0, costcentrename.Length - 1); string inputAmount = row.Cells[4].Value.ToString().Trim(); list.Add(new Outstanding { VendorCode = vendor, Invoice = invoice, AccountCode = accountcode, CostCentre = costcentre, Amount = inputAmount, Desc1 = desc1, Desc2 = desc2, Desc3 = desc3, Desc4 = desc4, Desc5 = desc5 }); } if (!isValid) { MessageBox.Show("Please check the following:\n1. Select AccountCode & CostCentre.\n2. Input Amount.\n3. Remarks 1 must be input.", "Error found", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { string invoiceText = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_MASTER_INVOICE (i_invoice, i_vendor) values ('{0}', '{1}')", invoice, vendor); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(invoiceText); string name = AccUtil.GetVendorName(vendor); string curr = AccUtil.GetVendorCurrency(vendor); string payterm = AccUtil.GetVendorPayTerm(vendor); string query = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING (o_invoice, o_vendor, o_vendorname, o_inputdate, o_paymentdate, o_currency, o_amount, o_createdby" + ", o_created, o_div, o_staff, o_acc, o_sect, o_dept) values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}', '{6}', N'{7}', '{8}', N'{9}', N'{10}', N'{11}', N'{12}', N'{13}')", invoice, vendor, name, indate, paydate, currency, total, GlobalService.User, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"), divHead, cm1st, cm2nd, sectHead, deptHead); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); foreach (Outstanding item in list) { int id = AccUtil.GetOutstandingIdByInvoice(item.Invoice); string accname = AccUtil.GetAccountName(item.AccountCode); string costcentrename = AccUtil.GetCostCentreName(item.CostCentre); string desc = (item.Desc1 + item.Desc2 + item.Desc3 + item.Desc4 + item.Desc5); desc = desc.Substring(0, Math.Min(desc.Length, 50)); string text = string.Format("insert into TB_ACC_OUTSTANDING_DETAIL (od_o_id, od_accountcode, od_accountname, od_costcentre, od_costcentrename, od_amount" + ", od_desc1, od_desc2, od_desc3, od_desc4, od_desc5, od_display) values ('{0}', '{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', '{5}', N'{6}', N'{7}', N'{8}', N'{9}', N'{10}', N'{11}')", id, item.AccountCode, accname, item.CostCentre, costcentrename, DoFormat(item.Amount), item.Desc1, item.Desc2, item.Desc3, item.Desc4, item.Desc5, desc); DataServiceCM.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(text); } string content = "Application Approval required. Please click <a href=\"\\\\kdthk-dm1\\project\\it system\\MyCloud Beta\\KDTHK-DM-SP.application\">HERE</a> to approval process."; string body = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + content + "</span></p>"; KDTHK_DM_SP.utils.EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(invoice, GlobalService.User, AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(sectHead, "kmhk.local"), body, "Outstanding Slip"); MessageBox.Show("Record has been saved."); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgvPermission.Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No record found."); return; } dgvPermission.EndEdit(); if (!IsDataValid(dgvPermission)) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input found."); return; } string applicant = DataUtil.GetApplicant(GlobalService.ChaseNo); string head = DataUtil.GetHead(applicant); string approval = DataUtil.IsItemApproved(GlobalService.ChaseNo) ? "Yes" : "No"; string strApprovalDate = DataUtil.GetApprovalDate(GlobalService.ChaseNo); string st = approval == "Yes" ? "I.T處理中" : "上司承認中"; string chaseno = DataUtil.GetPermissionChaseNo(); foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvPermission.Rows) { if (row.IsNewRow) { continue; } string item = row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(); string user = row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); string start = row.Cells[2].Value.ToString(); string status = row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(); string remarks = row.Cells[4].Value == null? "": row.Cells[4].Value.ToString(); string assigned = row.Cells[5].Value.ToString().Trim(); //string query = string.Format("insert into TB_FORM_PERMISSION (p_type, p_user, p_item, p_created, p_createdby, p_start, p_remarks, p_chaseno, p_approver, p_approval, p_refno, p_applicant, p_status, p_handledby)" + // " values ('{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', '{5}', N'{6}', '{7}', N'{8}', '{9}', '{10}', N'{11}', N'{12}', N'{13}')", status, user, item, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), GlobalService.Creator, start, remarks, chaseno, head, approval, GlobalService.ChaseNo, GlobalService.Creator, st, assigned); string query = string.Format("insert into TB_FORM_PERMISSION (p_type, p_user, p_item, p_created, p_createdby, p_start, p_remarks, p_chaseno, p_approver, p_approval, p_refno, p_applicant, p_status, p_handledby, p_itapproval, p_approvaldate)" + " values ('{0}', N'{1}', N'{2}', '{3}', N'{4}', '{5}', N'{6}', '{7}', N'{8}', '{9}', '{10}', N'{11}', N'{12}', N'{13}', N'{14}', N'{15}')", status, user, item, DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"), GlobalService.Creator, start, remarks, chaseno, head, approval, GlobalService.ChaseNo, GlobalService.Creator, st, assigned, UserUtil.ItManagerName(), strApprovalDate); DataService.GetInstance().ExecuteNonQuery(query); } GlobalService.SavedForm = "permission"; /*if (st == "上司承認中") * { * string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUserId(AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(GlobalService.User, "kmhk.local"), "kmhk.local"); * * string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUserId(AdUtil.GetUserIdByUsername(head, "kmhk.local"), "kmhk.local"); * * string text = "IT Application Approval required. Please click <a href=\"\\\\kdthk-dm1\\project\\it system\\MyCloud Beta\\KDTHK-DM-SP.application\">HERE</a> to approval process."; * string body = "<p><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">" + text + "</span></p>"; * //EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(chaseno, from, to, body); * }*/ if (approval == "No") { string from = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(applicant, "kmhk.local"); string to = AdUtil.GetEmailByUsername(head, "kmhk.local"); EformUtil.SendApprovalEmail(GlobalService.ChaseNo, from, to, "Approval Required for 權限及軟件安裝", "權限及軟件安裝", applicant); } if (SavedEvent != null) { SavedEvent(this, new EventArgs()); } }