        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index          = index;
            this.category       = null;
            this.actor          = null;
            this.title          = "<" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ">";
            this.sprite         = DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";
            this.color          = 0;
            this.arrow          = true;
            this.radius         = 10f;
            this.height         = 20f;
            this.hangs          = false;
            this.blocking       = 0;
            this.errorcheck     = 0;
            this.spritescale    = new SizeF(1.0f, 1.0f);
            this.fixedsize      = false;
            this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;
            this.args           = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown        = false;
            this.absolutez      = false;

            // We have no destructor
        //mxd. Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, ActorStructure actor, int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = cat;
            this.title           = "";
            this.actor           = actor;
            this.classname       = actor.ClassName; //mxd
            this.isknown         = true;
            this.bright          = false;           //mxd
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue;    //mxd
            this.args            = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true),
                                       } };                //mxd
            this.color         = cat.Color;
            this.alpha         = cat.Alpha;                //mxd
            this.alphabyte     = (byte)(this.alpha * 255); //mxd
            this.renderstyle   = cat.RenderStyle;          //mxd
            this.arrow         = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius        = cat.Radius;
            this.height        = cat.Height;
            this.hangs         = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking      = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck    = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize     = cat.FixedSize;
            this.fixedrotation = cat.FixedRotation;             //mxd
            this.absolutez     = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale   = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);
            this.flagsrename   = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);        //mxd

            // Safety
            if (this.hangs && this.absolutez)
                this.hangs = false;                                          //mxd
            // Apply settings from actor

            //mxd. Create sprite frame
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                       } };

            this.optional = false; // [ZZ]

            // We have no destructor
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index, ThingTypeInfo other)
            // Initialize
            this.index     = index;
            this.category  = other.category;
            this.title     = other.title;
            this.actor     = other.actor;
            this.classname = other.classname;             //mxd
            this.isknown   = true;
            this.args      = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = other.args[i];

            // Copy properties
            this.sprite      = other.sprite;
            this.spriteframe = new SpriteFrameInfo[other.spriteframe.Length]; //mxd
            other.spriteframe.CopyTo(this.spriteframe, 0);                    //mxd
            this.color           = other.color;
            this.alpha           = other.alpha;                               //mxd
            this.alphabyte       = other.alphabyte;                           //mxd
            this.renderstyle     = other.renderstyle;                         //mxd
            this.bright          = other.bright;                              //mxd
            this.arrow           = other.arrow;
            this.radius          = other.radius;
            this.height          = other.height;
            this.distancechecksq = other.distancechecksq;             //mxd
            this.hangs           = other.hangs;
            this.blocking        = other.blocking;
            this.errorcheck      = other.errorcheck;
            this.fixedsize       = other.fixedsize;
            this.fixedrotation   = other.fixedrotation;                                                                     //mxd
            this.absolutez       = other.absolutez;
            this.xybillboard     = other.xybillboard;                                                                       //mxd
            this.spritescale     = new SizeF(other.spritescale.Width, other.spritescale.Height);
            this.flagsrename     = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd

            //mxd. Copy GZDoom rendering properties
            this.rendermode = other.rendermode;
            this.rollsprite = other.rollsprite;
            this.rollcenter = other.rollcenter;

            this.dynamiclighttype = other.dynamiclighttype;

            this.optional = other.optional;

            // We have no destructor
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, Configuration cfg, IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index    = index;
            this.category = cat;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.actor    = null;

            // Read properties
            this.title      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".title", "<" + key + ">");
            this.sprite     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".sprite", cat.Sprite);
            this.color      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".color", cat.Color);
            this.arrow      = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".arrow", cat.Arrow) != 0);
            this.radius     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".width", cat.Radius);
            this.height     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".height", cat.Height);
            this.hangs      = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".hangs", cat.Hangs) != 0);
            this.blocking   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".blocking", cat.Blocking);
            this.errorcheck = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".error", cat.ErrorCheck);
            this.fixedsize  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedsize", cat.FixedSize);
            this.absolutez  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".absolutez", cat.AbsoluteZ);
            float sscale = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".spritescale", cat.SpriteScale);

            this.spritescale = new SizeF(sscale, sscale);

            // Read the args
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(cfg, "thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key, i, enums);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Make long name for sprite lookup
            if (this.sprite.Length <= 8)
                this.spritelongname = Lump.MakeLongName(this.sprite);
                this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;

            // We have no destructor
        // [ZZ] this is for proper inheritance of lights.
        //      technically this can be found by parsing gzdoom.pk3/mapinfo/common.txt, but I wouldn't do that without a good reason for now.

        public static LightData GetGZLightTypeByClass(ActorStructure actor)
            ActorStructure p = actor;

            while (p != null)
                // found dynamic light type. alter it by actor flags.
                // +MISSILEMORE makes it additive.
                // +MISSILEEVENMORE makes it subtractive.
                // +INCOMBAT makes it attenuated.
                LightData ld = GetLightDataByClass(p.ClassName);
                if (ld != null)
                    if (ld.LightDef != LightDef.VAVOOM_GENERIC && ld.LightDef != LightDef.VAVOOM_COLORED) // not vavoom
                        int baseType = ld.LightNum % 10;
                        int dispType = ld.LightNum - baseType;
                        if (actor.GetFlagValue("MISSILEMORE", false) || actor.GetFlagValue("DYNAMICLIGHT.ADDITIVE", false))
                            dispType = 9810;
                        else if (actor.GetFlagValue("MISSILEEVENMORE", false) || actor.GetFlagValue("DYNAMICLIGHT.SUBTRACTIVE", false))
                            dispType = 9820;
                        else if (actor.GetFlagValue("INCOMBAT", false) || actor.GetFlagValue("DYNAMICLIGHT.ATTENUATE", false))
                            dispType = 9830;
                        if (!actor.GetFlagValue("DYNAMICLIGHT.SPOT", false) && dispType >= 9840)
                            dispType -= 40;
                        if (actor.GetFlagValue("DYNAMICLIGHT.SPOT", false) && dispType < 9840)
                            dispType += 40;
                        return(GetLightDataByNum(dispType + baseType));

                p = p.BaseClass;

        // Constructor
        public ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, string title)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index    = index;
            this.category = cat;
            this.title    = title;
            this.actor    = null;
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.color       = cat.Color;
            this.arrow       = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius      = cat.Radius;
            this.height      = cat.Height;
            this.hangs       = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking    = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck  = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize   = cat.FixedSize;
            this.absolutez   = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Make long name for sprite lookup
            if (this.sprite.Length <= 8)
                this.spritelongname = Lump.MakeLongName(this.sprite);
                this.spritelongname = long.MaxValue;

            // We have no destructor
        public static int GetGZLightTypeByClass(ActorStructure actor)
            int            idx = -1;
            ActorStructure p   = actor;

            while (p != null)
                idx = Array.IndexOf(gzLightClasses, p.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant());
                if (idx != -1)
                    // found dynamic light type. alter it by actor flags.
                    // +MISSILEMORE makes it additive.
                    // +MISSILEEVENMORE makes it subtractive.
                    // +INCOMBAT makes it attenuated.
                    int light = gzLights[idx];
                    if (idx < GZ_LIGHT_TYPES[3])
                        int baseType = light % 10;
                        int dispType = light - baseType;
                        if (actor.GetFlagValue("MISSILEMORE", false))
                            dispType = 9810;
                        else if (actor.GetFlagValue("MISSILEEVENMORE", false))
                            dispType = 9820;
                        else if (actor.GetFlagValue("INCOMBAT", false))
                            dispType = 9830;
                        return(dispType + baseType);

                p = p.BaseClass;

        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(int index)
            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = null;
            this.actor           = null;
            this.title           = "<" + index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ">";
            this.sprite          = DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";
            this.classname       = string.Empty; //mxd
            this.color           = 0;
            this.alpha           = 1f;           //mxd
            this.alphabyte       = 255;          //mxd
            this.renderstyle     = "normal";     //mxd
            this.bright          = false;        //mxd
            this.arrow           = true;
            this.radius          = 10f;
            this.renderradius    = 10f;
            this.height          = 20f;
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue;             //mxd
            this.hangs           = false;
            this.blocking        = 0;
            this.errorcheck      = 0;
            this.spritescale     = new SizeF(1.0f, 1.0f);
            this.fixedsize       = false;
            this.fixedrotation   = false;           //mxd
            this.spriteframe     = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                               Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                           } };                                                                                                 //mxd
            this.args        = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown     = false;
            this.absolutez   = false;
            this.xybillboard = false;
            this.locksprite  = false;                                                                                   //mxd
            this.flagsrename = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); //mxd
            this.thinglink   = 0;
            this.optional    = false;                                                                                   // [ZZ]

            // We have no destructor
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, ActorStructure actor)
            // Initialize
            this.index    = actor.DoomEdNum;
            this.category = cat;
            this.title    = "";
            this.actor    = actor;
            this.isknown  = true;
            this.args     = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(i);

            // Read properties
            this.sprite      = cat.Sprite;
            this.color       = cat.Color;
            this.arrow       = (cat.Arrow != 0);
            this.radius      = cat.Radius;
            this.height      = cat.Height;
            this.hangs       = (cat.Hangs != 0);
            this.blocking    = cat.Blocking;
            this.errorcheck  = cat.ErrorCheck;
            this.fixedsize   = cat.FixedSize;
            this.absolutez   = cat.AbsoluteZ;
            this.spritescale = new SizeF(cat.SpriteScale, cat.SpriteScale);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;

            // Apply settings from actor

            // We have no destructor
        }                                                                                                          //mxd

        internal void ModifyByDecorateActor(ActorStructure actor, bool replacetitle)
            // Keep reference to actor
            this.actor     = actor;
            this.classname = actor.ClassName;             //mxd

            // Set the title
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$title"))
                title = actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$title");
            else if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("tag"))
                string tag = actor.GetPropertyAllValues("tag");
                if (!tag.StartsWith("\"$"))
                    title = tag;                                        //mxd. Don't use LANGUAGE keywords.

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || replacetitle)
                title = actor.ClassName;

            //mxd. Color override?
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$color"))
                int ci = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("$color", 0);
                color = (ci == 0 || ci > 19 ? 18 : ci);

            //mxd. Custom argument titles?
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (!actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$arg" + i))
                string argtitle       = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i));
                string argtooltip     = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "tooltip").Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine));
                int    argtype        = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("$arg" + i + "type", 0);
                int    defaultvalue   = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("$arg" + i + "default", 0);
                string argenum        = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "enum"));
                string argrenderstyle = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "renderstyle"));
                string argrendercolor = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "rendercolor"));
                args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(title, argtitle, argtooltip, argrenderstyle, argrendercolor, argtype, defaultvalue, argenum, General.Map.Config.Enums);

            //mxd. Some SLADE compatibility
            if (actor.HasProperty("$angled"))
                this.arrow = true;
            else if (actor.HasProperty("$notangled"))
                this.arrow = false;

            //mxd. Marked as obsolete?
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$obsolete"))
                obsoletemessage = actor.GetPropertyValueString("$obsolete", 0, true);
                obsolete        = true;
                color           = 4;       //red

            // Remove doublequotes from title
            title = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(title);             //mxd

            // Set sprite
            StateStructure.FrameInfo info = actor.FindSuitableSprite(); //mxd
            if (!locksprite && info != null)                            //mxd. Added locksprite property
                sprite = info.Sprite;
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sprite))           //mxd
                sprite = DataManager.INTERNAL_PREFIX + "unknownthing";

            //mxd. Store dynamic light name
            lightname = (info != null ? info.LightName : string.Empty);

            //mxd. Create sprite frame
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                       } };

            // Set sprite scale (mxd. Scale is translated to xscale and yscale in ActorStructure)
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("xscale"))
                this.spritescale.Width = actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("xscale", 0);

            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("yscale"))
                this.spritescale.Height = actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("yscale", 0);

            // Size
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("radius"))
                radius = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("radius", 0);
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("height"))
                height = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("height", 0);

            //mxd. DistanceCheck. The value is CVAR. Also we'll need squared value
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("distancecheck"))
                string cvarname = actor.GetPropertyValueString("distancecheck", 0);
                if (!General.Map.Data.CVars.Integers.ContainsKey(cvarname))
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Error in actor \"" + title + "\":" + index + ". DistanceCheck property references undefined cvar \"" + cvarname + "\"");
                    distancechecksq = int.MaxValue;
                    distancechecksq = (int)Math.Pow(General.Map.Data.CVars.Integers[cvarname], 2);

            //mxd. Renderstyle
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("renderstyle") && !actor.HasProperty("$ignorerenderstyle"))
                renderstyle = actor.GetPropertyValueString("renderstyle", 0, true).ToLower();

            //mxd. Alpha
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("alpha"))
                this.alpha     = General.Clamp(actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("alpha", 0), 0f, 1f);
                this.alphabyte = (byte)(this.alpha * 255);
            else if (actor.HasProperty("defaultalpha"))
                this.alpha     = (General.Map.Config.BaseGame == GameType.HERETIC ? 0.4f : 0.6f);
                this.alphabyte = (byte)(this.alpha * 255);

            //mxd. BRIGHT
            this.bright = (info != null && info.Bright) || actor.GetFlagValue("bright", false);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f || this.fixedsize)
                this.radius = THING_FIXED_SIZE;
            if (this.spritescale.Width == 0.0f)
                this.spritescale.Width = 1.0f;
            if (this.spritescale.Height == 0.0f)
                this.spritescale.Height = 1.0f;

            // Options
            hangs = actor.GetFlagValue("spawnceiling", hangs);
            int blockvalue = (blocking > 0) ? blocking : 2;

            blocking    = actor.GetFlagValue("solid", (blocking != 0)) ? blockvalue : 0;
            xybillboard = actor.GetFlagValue("forcexybillboard", false);             //mxd

            //mxd. GZDoom rendering flags
            rollsprite = actor.GetFlagValue("rollsprite", false);
            if (rollsprite)
                rollcenter = actor.GetFlagValue("rollcenter", false);
            if (actor.GetFlagValue("wallsprite", false))
                rendermode = ThingRenderMode.WALLSPRITE;
            if (actor.GetFlagValue("flatsprite", false))
                if (rendermode == ThingRenderMode.WALLSPRITE)
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "Error in actor \"" + title + "\":" + index + ". WALLSPRITE and FLATSPRITE flags can not be combined");
                    rendermode = ThingRenderMode.FLATSPRITE;
                    dontflip   = actor.GetFlagValue("dontflip", false);

            if (blocking > THING_BLOCKING_NONE)
                errorcheck = THING_ERROR_INSIDE_STUCK;
 // This updates the properties from a decorate actor
 internal void ModifyByDecorateActor(ActorStructure actor)
     ModifyByDecorateActor(actor, false);
 }                                                                                                          //mxd
        // Constructor
        internal ThingTypeInfo(ThingCategory cat, int index, Configuration cfg, IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums)
            string key = index.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Initialize
            this.index           = index;
            this.category        = cat;
            this.args            = new ArgumentInfo[Linedef.NUM_ARGS];
            this.isknown         = true;
            this.actor           = null;
            this.bright          = false;        //mxd
            this.distancechecksq = int.MaxValue; //mxd

            // Read properties
            this.title         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".title", "<" + key + ">");
            this.sprite        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".sprite", cat.Sprite);
            this.color         = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".color", cat.Color);
            this.alpha         = General.Clamp(cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".alpha", cat.Alpha), 0f, 1f); //mxd
            this.alphabyte     = (byte)(this.alpha * 255);                                                                           //mxd
            this.renderstyle   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".renderstyle", cat.RenderStyle).ToLower();  //mxd
            this.arrow         = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".arrow", cat.Arrow) != 0);
            this.radius        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".width", cat.Radius);
            this.height        = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".height", cat.Height);
            this.hangs         = (cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".hangs", cat.Hangs) != 0);
            this.blocking      = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".blocking", cat.Blocking);
            this.errorcheck    = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".error", cat.ErrorCheck);
            this.fixedsize     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedsize", cat.FixedSize);
            this.fixedrotation = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".fixedrotation", cat.FixedRotation);             //mxd
            this.absolutez     = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".absolutez", cat.AbsoluteZ);
            float sscale = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".spritescale", cat.SpriteScale);

            this.spritescale = new SizeF(sscale, sscale);
            this.locksprite  = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".locksprite", false);            //mxd
            this.classname   = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".class", String.Empty);          //mxd

            //mxd. Read flagsrename
            this.flagsrename = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            IDictionary maindic = cfg.ReadSetting("thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key + ".flagsrename", new Hashtable());

            foreach (DictionaryEntry de in maindic)
                string ioname = de.Key.ToString().ToLowerInvariant();
                switch (ioname)
                case "doommapsetio":
                case "hexenmapsetio":
                case "universalmapsetio":
                    IDictionary flagdic = de.Value as IDictionary;
                    if (flagdic == null)
                    flagsrename.Add(ioname, new Dictionary <string, string>());
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry fe in flagdic)
                        flagsrename[ioname].Add(fe.Key.ToString(), fe.Value.ToString());

                default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unsupported MapSetIO");

            // Read the args
            for (int i = 0; i < Linedef.NUM_ARGS; i++)
                this.args[i] = new ArgumentInfo(cfg, "thingtypes." + cat.Name + "." + key, i, enums);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f || this.fixedsize)
                this.radius = THING_FIXED_SIZE;
            if (this.hangs && this.absolutez)
                this.hangs = false;                                          //mxd
            //mxd. Create sprite frame
            this.spriteframe = new[] { new SpriteFrameInfo {
                                           Sprite = sprite, SpriteLongName = Lump.MakeLongName(sprite, true)
                                       } };

            // We have no destructor
        // Constructor
        internal StateGoto(ActorStructure actor, DecorateParser parser)
            string firsttarget    = "";
            string secondtarget   = "";
            bool   commentreached = false;
            bool   offsetreached  = false;
            string offsetstr      = "";
            int    cindex         = 0;

            // This is a bitch to parse because for some bizarre reason someone thought it
            // was funny to allow quotes here. Read the whole line and start parsing this manually.
            string line = parser.ReadLine();

            // Skip whitespace
            while ((cindex < line.Length) && ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t')))

            // Parse first target
            while ((cindex < line.Length) && (line[cindex] != ':'))
                // When a comment is reached, we're done here
                if (line[cindex] == '/')
                    if ((cindex + 1 < line.Length) && ((line[cindex + 1] == '/') || (line[cindex + 1] == '*')))
                        commentreached = true;

                // Whitespace ends the string
                if ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t'))

                // + sign indicates offset start
                if (line[cindex] == '+')
                    offsetreached = true;

                // Ignore quotes
                if (line[cindex] != '"')
                    firsttarget += line[cindex];


            if (!commentreached && !offsetreached)
                // Skip whitespace
                while ((cindex < line.Length) && ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t')))

                // Parse second target
                while (cindex < line.Length)
                    // When a comment is reached, we're done here
                    if (line[cindex] == '/')
                        if ((cindex + 1 < line.Length) && ((line[cindex + 1] == '/') || (line[cindex + 1] == '*')))
                            commentreached = true;

                    // Whitespace ends the string
                    if ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t'))

                    // + sign indicates offset start
                    if (line[cindex] == '+')
                        offsetreached = true;

                    // Ignore quotes and semicolons
                    if ((line[cindex] != '"') && (line[cindex] != ':'))
                        secondtarget += line[cindex];


            // Try to find the offset if we still haven't found it yet
            if (!offsetreached)
                // Skip whitespace
                while ((cindex < line.Length) && ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t')))

                if ((cindex < line.Length) && (line[cindex] == '+'))
                    offsetreached = true;

            if (offsetreached)
                // Parse offset
                while (cindex < line.Length)
                    // When a comment is reached, we're done here
                    if (line[cindex] == '/')
                        if ((cindex + 1 < line.Length) && ((line[cindex + 1] == '/') || (line[cindex + 1] == '*')))
                            commentreached = true;

                    // Whitespace ends the string
                    if ((line[cindex] == ' ') || (line[cindex] == '\t'))

                    // Ignore quotes and semicolons
                    if ((line[cindex] != '"') && (line[cindex] != ':'))
                        offsetstr += line[cindex];


            // We should now have a first target, optionally a second target and optionally a sprite offset

            // Check if we don't have the class specified
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(secondtarget))
                // First target is the state to go to
                classname = actor.ClassName;
                statename = firsttarget.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
                // First target is the base class to use
                // Second target is the state to go to
                classname = firsttarget.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();
                statename = secondtarget.ToLowerInvariant().Trim();

            if (offsetstr.Length > 0)
                int.TryParse(offsetstr, out spriteoffset);

            if ((classname == "super") && (actor.BaseClass != null))
                classname = actor.BaseClass.ClassName;
        //mxd. Constructor for an argument info defined in DECORATE
        // [ZZ] Constructor for an argument info defined in DECORATE/ZScript. reworked.
        internal ArgumentInfo(ActorStructure actor, int i)
            if (!actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$arg" + i))
                used = false;

            string argtitle = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i));
            string tooltip = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "tooltip").Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine));
            int    type = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("$arg" + i + "type", 0);
            string targetclasses = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "targetclasses"));
            int    defaultvalue = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("$arg" + i + "default", 0);
            string enumstr = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "enum"));
            string renderstyle = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "renderstyle"));
            string rendercolor, minrange, maxrange, minrangecolor, maxrangecolor;
            bool   str         = (actor.HasProperty("$arg" + i + "str"));
            string argtitlestr = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "str"));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(argtitlestr))
                argtitlestr = argtitle;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderstyle))
                rendercolor   = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "rendercolor"));
                minrange      = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "minrange"));
                minrangecolor = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "minrangecolor"));
                maxrange      = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "maxrange"));
                maxrangecolor = ZDTextParser.StripQuotes(actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$arg" + i + "maxrangecolor"));
                rendercolor = string.Empty; minrange = string.Empty; maxrange = string.Empty; minrangecolor = string.Empty; maxrangecolor = string.Empty;

            string actorname = actor.ClassName;
            IDictionary <string, EnumList> enums = General.Map.Config.Enums;

            this.used         = true;
            this.title        = argtitle;
            this.tooltip      = tooltip;
            this.defaultvalue = defaultvalue;
            this.flagslist    = new EnumList();          //mxd
            this.str          = str;
            this.titlestr     = argtitlestr;

            // Get rendering hint settings
            switch (renderstyle.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "circle": this.renderstyle = ArgumentRenderStyle.CIRCLE; break;

            case "rectangle": this.renderstyle = ArgumentRenderStyle.RECTANGLE; break;

                this.renderstyle = ArgumentRenderStyle.NONE;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(renderstyle))
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": action argument \"" + argtitle + "\" has unknown renderstyle \"" + renderstyle + "\"!");

            if (this.renderstyle != ArgumentRenderStyle.NONE)
                // Get rendercolor
                this.rendercolor = General.Colors.InfoLine;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rendercolor) && !ZDTextParser.GetColorFromString(rendercolor, out this.rendercolor))
                    General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": action argument \"" + argtitle + "\": unable to get rendercolor from value \"" + rendercolor + "\"!");

                this.rendercolor.a = HELPER_SHAPE_ALPHA;

                // Get minrange settings
                if (int.TryParse(minrange, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out this.minrange) && this.minrange > 0f)
                    // Get minrangecolor
                    this.minrangecolor = General.Colors.Indication;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(minrangecolor) && !ZDTextParser.GetColorFromString(minrangecolor, out this.minrangecolor))
                        General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": action argument \"" + this.title + "\": unable to get minrangecolor from value \"" + minrangecolor + "\"!");

                    this.minrangecolor.a = RANGE_SHAPE_ALPHA;

                // Get maxrange settings
                if (int.TryParse(maxrange, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out this.maxrange) && this.maxrange > 0f)
                    // Get minrangecolor
                    this.maxrangecolor = General.Colors.Indication;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maxrangecolor) && !ZDTextParser.GetColorFromString(maxrangecolor, out this.maxrangecolor))
                        General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": action argument \"" + this.title + "\": unable to get maxrangecolor from value \"" + maxrangecolor + "\"!");

                    this.maxrangecolor.a = RANGE_SHAPE_ALPHA;

                // Update tooltip?
                if (this.minrange > 0f || this.maxrange > 0f)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.tooltip))
                        this.tooltip += Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

                    if (this.minrange > 0f && this.maxrange > 0f)
                        this.tooltip += "Expected range: " + this.minrange + " - " + this.maxrange;
                    else if (this.minrange > 0f)
                        this.tooltip += "Minimum: " + this.minrange;
                        this.tooltip += "Maximum: " + this.maxrange;

            //Check for TargetClass
            this.targetclasses = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            if (type == (int)UniversalType.ThingTag)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetclasses))
                    foreach (string tclass in targetclasses.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

            // Get argument type
            if (System.Enum.IsDefined(typeof(UniversalType), type))
                this.type = type;
                General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": action argument \"" + argtitle + "\" has unknown type " + type + "!");
                this.type = 0;

            // Get or create enum
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enumstr))
                if (enums.ContainsKey(enumstr.ToLowerInvariant()))
                    this.enumlist = enums[enumstr.ToLowerInvariant()];
                    Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
                    if (cfg.InputConfiguration("enum" + enumstr, true))
                        IDictionary argdic = cfg.ReadSetting("enum", new Hashtable());
                        if (argdic.Keys.Count > 0)
                            this.enumlist = new EnumList(argdic);
                            General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": unable to parse explicit enum structure for argument \"" + argtitle + "\"!");
                        General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, actorname + ": unable to parse enum structure for argument \"" + argtitle + "\"!");

            if (this.enumlist == null)
                this.enumlist = new EnumList();
        // This updates the properties from a decorate actor
        internal void ModifyByDecorateActor(ActorStructure actor)
            // Keep reference to actor
            this.actor = actor;

            // Set the title
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("$title"))
                title = actor.GetPropertyAllValues("$title");
            else if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("tag"))
                title = actor.GetPropertyAllValues("tag");
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                title = actor.ClassName;

            // Remove doublequotes from title
            if ((title.Length > 2) && title.StartsWith("\"") && title.EndsWith("\""))
                title = title.Substring(1, title.Length - 2);

            // Set sprite
            string suitablesprite = actor.FindSuitableSprite();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suitablesprite))
                sprite = suitablesprite;

            this.spritelongname = Lump.MakeLongName(this.sprite);

            // Set sprite scale
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("scale"))
                float scale = actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("scale", 0);
                this.spritescale = new SizeF(scale, scale);
                if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("xscale"))
                    this.spritescale.Width = actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("xscale", 0);

                if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("yscale"))
                    this.spritescale.Height = actor.GetPropertyValueFloat("yscale", 0);

            // Size
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("radius"))
                radius = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("radius", 0);
            if (actor.HasPropertyWithValue("height"))
                height = actor.GetPropertyValueInt("height", 0);

            // Safety
            if (this.radius < 4f)
                this.radius = 8f;
            if (this.spritescale.Width <= 0.0f)
                this.spritescale.Width = 1.0f;
            if (this.spritescale.Height <= 0.0f)
                this.spritescale.Height = 1.0f;

            // Options
            hangs = actor.GetFlagValue("spawnceiling", hangs);
            int blockvalue = (blocking > 0) ? blocking : 2;

            blocking = actor.GetFlagValue("solid", (blocking != 0)) ? blockvalue : 0;