        protected void InsertPhoneNumber()
            try {
                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();

                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("INSERT INTO MasterDNC (PhoneNum,DateTimeOfImport) VALUES ('{0}','{1}')", hdnPhone.Value, DateTime.Now);

                string sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt.ToString();

                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Insert Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);

                //string campaignMasterDBConn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                //dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = campaignMasterDBConn;
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;
                hdnAction.Value = "add";
                //hdnPhone.Value = txtPhoneNumber.Text;

                Response.Redirect("~/Campaign/MasterDNC.aspx?action=add&phonenumber=" + txtPhoneNumber.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception adding record: " + ex.Message;
        protected void DeletePhoneNumber()
                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();

                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM MasterDNC Where PhoneNum = '{0}'", hdnPhoneDelete.Value);

                string sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt.ToString();

                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Delete Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);

                //string campaignMasterDBConn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                //dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = campaignMasterDBConn;
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;

                hdnPhoneDelete.Value = txtPhoneNumber.Text;

                Response.Redirect("~/Campaign/MasterDNC.aspx?action=delete&phonenumber=" + txtPhoneNumber.Text);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception adding record: " + ex.Message;
        protected void lbtnShutdown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Admin Action:  lbtnShutdown button clicked by Admin. Global shutdown to idle all campaigns has been initiated.");
            CampaignService campaignService = new CampaignService();


        /*protected void grdDataPortal_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "grdDataPortal_EditCommand '{0}'", "triggered");
         *  //-----------------------------------------------------
         *  // Don: forcing the name to away, back to numbers
         *  // for the result codes.
         *  //-----------------------------------------------------
         *  BuildFieldList();
         *  BuildDataGridQuery();
         *  grdDataPortal.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
         *  grdDataPortal.Columns[1].Visible = false;
         *  BindDataGrid();
         * }*/


        /*protected void grdDataPortal_CancelEdit(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  BuildFieldList();
         *  BuildDataGridQuery();
         *  grdDataPortal.EditItemIndex = -1;
         *  grdDataPortal.Columns[1].Visible = true;
         *  BindDataGrid();
         * }
         * //-------------------------------------------------------------
         * //
         * //
         * //-------------------------------------------------------------
         * protected void grdDataPortal_UpdateRecord(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
         * {
         *  ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "grdDataPortal_UpdateRecord '{0}'", "triggered");
         *  try
         *  {
         *      bool bContinue = true;
         *      if (Session["GridFields"] != null)
         *      {
         *          StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();
         *          string[] strFieldNames = Session["GridFields"].ToString().Split(',');
         *          sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("UPDATE MasterDNC SET ");
         *          // Formatting as sql string types for now ... handle data types?
         *          sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("{0} = '{1}'", strFieldNames[0].Trim(), ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[0]).Text.prepSQL());
         *          //DataRow dr = ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem).Row;
         *          for (int i = 3; i < (e.Item.Cells.Count - 1); i++)
         *          {
         *              if (((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[i].Controls[0]).Text.Length > 0)
         *                  sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(", {0} = '{1}'", strFieldNames[i - 2].Trim(), ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[i].Controls[0]).Text.prepSQL());
         *              else
         *                  sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(", {0} = NULL", strFieldNames[i - 2].Trim());
         *          }
         *          sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(" WHERE UniqueKey = {0}", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[e.Item.Cells.Count - 2].Controls[0]).Text.prepSQL());
         *          string sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt.ToString();
         *          string campaignMasterDBConn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
         *          dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = "Server=leadsweeper-dev\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=RainmakerMaster;User Id=sa;Password=R@inM@ker;";
         *          dsMainGrid.SelectCommand = sqlStmt;
         *          dsMainGrid.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
         *          /*
         * D. Pollastrini
         * 2012-04-18
         * Update validation code to determine whether CallResultCode is NULL or digits.  If so, OK to continue.

        //bContinue = new Regex(@"CallResultCode\s*=\s*(NULL|'\d+'),").IsMatch(sqlStmt);

        /*if (bContinue == true)
         * {
         *  ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Update Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);
         *  dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
         *  dsMainGrid.SelectCommand = sqlStmt;
         *  dsMainGrid.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  PageMessage = "Invalid Call Result Code - numeric value required.";
         *  bContinue = false;
         * }*/

         * if (bContinue == true)
         * {
         *  BuildFieldList();
         *  BuildDataGridQuery();
         *  grdDataPortal.EditItemIndex = -1;
         *  grdDataPortal.Columns[1].Visible = true;
         *  BindDataGrid();
         * }
         * }
         * catch (Exception ex)
         * {
         * PageMessage = "Exception updating record: " + ex.Message;
         * }
         * }*/

        protected void grdDataPortal_DeleteRecord(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
            // Update the database here
                string[] strFieldNames = Session["GridFields"].ToString().Split(',');
                int      ColumnCount   = 0;
                foreach (string str in strFieldNames)
                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();

                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM MasterDNC ");

                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(" WHERE UniqueKey = {0}", e.Item.Cells[ColumnCount].Text);

                string sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt.ToString();

                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(null, "Delete Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);

                //string campaignMasterDBConn = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                //dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = campaignMasterDBConn;

                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MasterConnectionString"];
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;

                lblMessage.Text = "Phone number " + e.Item.Cells[ColumnCount + 1].Text + " has been successfully deleted.";


                grdDataPortal.EditItemIndex = -1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception deleting record: " + ex.Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// It plays the selected wave file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Campaign objCampaign = (Campaign)Session["Campaign"];

            if (Request.QueryString["IsEditAudioFileName"] != null)
                //string strFilePath = Request.Url.ToString();
                //strFilePath = strFilePath.Substring(0, strFilePath.IndexOf("/Campaign"));
                //Audio = strFilePath + Request.QueryString["IsEditAudioFileName"].ToString();

                Audio = Request.QueryString["IsEditAudioFileName"].ToString();
                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(objCampaign, "Playing media file: '{0}'", Audio);
                //Audio = Audio.Replace(@"\\\\", @"\");
                hdnFileToPlay.Value = Audio;
                //lblFileToPlay.Text = Audio;
            if (Request.QueryString["IsBrowseAudioFileName"] != null)
                Audio = Request.QueryString["IsBrowseAudioFileName"].ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind Queries.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindQueries(Campaign objCampaign, bool IsActive)
            //if (IsCampaignRunning())
            //    Isrunning = true;

            DataSet dsQuerList;

                CampaignService objCampService = new CampaignService();
                XmlDocument     xDocCampaign   = new XmlDocument();

                xDocCampaign.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(objCampaign, "Campaign"));
                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(objCampaign, "Getting campaign query status, generic.");
                dsQuerList = objCampService.GetCampaignQueryStatus(xDocCampaign);
                DataView dvQueries = new DataView();

                catch { }

                // Added 11/12/10 for preventing 0 available queries to be activated - enhancement
                DataView dvExhaustedQueries = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 1 AND Available = 0");

                if (dvExhaustedQueries == null)
                    PageMessage = "This campaign has no queries, please create a dialing query to begin dialing.";

                if (dvExhaustedQueries.Count > 0)
                    DataRowView dr = dvExhaustedQueries[0];
                    long        campaignQueryStatusId = Convert.ToInt64(dr["CampaignQueryID"]);
                    string      queryName             = dr["QueryName"].ToString();
                    UpdateQueryStatus(campaignQueryStatusId, false, false, false);
                    ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(objCampaign, "Getting campaign query status, exhausted queries exist.");
                    dsQuerList = objCampService.GetCampaignQueryStatus(xDocCampaign);

                    PageMessage = string.Format("\"{0}\" has no available numbers, it will remain on hold.", queryName, campaignQueryStatusId);
                    ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(objCampaign, "Query '{0}' has no available numbers when user attempted to activate, moving to on hold.", queryName, campaignQueryStatusId);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "QueryAlert", "alert('" + PageMessage + "');", true);

                if (IsActive)
                    dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 1");
                    dvQueries.Sort = "DateModified ASC";
                    grdActiveQueries.DataSource = dvQueries;
                    dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 1");
                    dvQueries.Sort = "DateModified ASC";
                    grdActiveQueries.DataSource = dvQueries;

                    dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 0 AND IsStandby = 1");
                    dvQueries.Sort = "DateModified ASC";
                    grdStandbyQueries.DataSource = dvQueries;

                    dvQueries                = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 0 OR IsActive = 1");
                    dvQueries.Sort           = "DateModified ASC";
                    grdAllQueries.DataSource = dvQueries;
                if (grdActiveQueries.Items.Count < 1)
                    lblNoActive.Visible      = true;
                    grdActiveQueries.Visible = false;
                    lblNoActive.Visible      = false;
                    grdActiveQueries.Visible = true;
                if (grdStandbyQueries.Items.Count < 1)
                    lblNoStanByQueries.Visible = true;
                    grdStandbyQueries.Visible  = false;
                    lblNoStanByQueries.Visible = false;
                    grdStandbyQueries.Visible  = true;
                // *** Bonus add query conditions as tooltips
                dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 1");
                dvQueries.Sort = "Priority ASC";
                for (int i = 0; i < grdActiveQueries.Items.Count; i++)
                    LinkButton lbtnQuery = (LinkButton)grdActiveQueries.Items[i].FindControl("lbtnQuery");

                    string strSubQueryConditions         = dvQueries.Table.Rows[i]["QueryCondition"].ToString();;
                    string strFilteredSubQueryConditions = "";

                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));
                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));
                    strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strFilteredSubQueryConditions.Trim();

                    lbtnQuery.ToolTip = strFilteredSubQueryConditions;
                dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 0 AND IsStandby = 1");
                dvQueries.Sort = "Priority ASC";
                for (int i = 0; i < grdStandbyQueries.Items.Count; i++)
                    LinkButton lbtnQuery = (LinkButton)grdStandbyQueries.Items[i].FindControl("lbtnQuery");

                    string strSubQueryConditions         = dvQueries.Table.Rows[i]["QueryCondition"].ToString();;
                    string strFilteredSubQueryConditions = "";

                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));
                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));

                    strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strFilteredSubQueryConditions.Trim();
                    lbtnQuery.ToolTip             = strFilteredSubQueryConditions;
                dvQueries      = FilterData(dsQuerList.Tables[0], "IsActive = 0 OR IsActive = 1");
                dvQueries.Sort = "Priority ASC";
                for (int i = 0; i < grdAllQueries.Items.Count; i++)
                    LinkButton lbtnQuery = (LinkButton)grdAllQueries.Items[i].FindControl("lbtnQuery");

                    string strSubQueryConditions         = dvQueries.Table.Rows[i]["QueryCondition"].ToString();;
                    string strFilteredSubQueryConditions = "";

                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("And ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));
                    if (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") > 0)
                        strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strSubQueryConditions.Substring((strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7), (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("AND ((DATEPART(hour, GETDATE()) < 13") - (strSubQueryConditions.IndexOf("WHERE (") + 7)));

                    strFilteredSubQueryConditions = strFilteredSubQueryConditions.Trim();
                    lbtnQuery.ToolTip             = strFilteredSubQueryConditions;

            catch (Exception ex)
                ActivityLogger.WriteException(ex, "Admin");
        protected void grdCampaignFields_DeleteRecord(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
            Campaign objCampaign;

            if (Session["Campaign"] != null)
                objCampaign        = (Campaign)Session["Campaign"];
                anchHome.InnerText = objCampaign.Description;// Replaced Short description

                if (IsCampaignRunning())
                    Isrunning = true;
            if (Isrunning)
                PageMessage = "Fields may not be changed while the campaign is running.  Please stop the campaign and try again.";

            // Update the database here
                if (Session["Campaign"] != null)
                    // we have an existing campaign
                    currentCampaign = (Campaign)Session["Campaign"];

                string strOriginalFieldName = "";
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = string.Format("SELECT FieldName FROM CampaignFields WHERE FieldID = {0}", e.Item.Cells[7].Text);

                DataView dv1 = (DataView)dsMainGrid.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
                DataRow  dr  = dv1.Table.Rows[0];
                strOriginalFieldName = dr["FieldName"].ToString();

                // Udelete the field in the campaign table
                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt2 = new StringBuilder();
                sbSqlStmt2.AppendFormat("ALTER TABLE Campaign DROP COLUMN {0}", strOriginalFieldName);

                string sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt2.ToString();
                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Change columns Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;

                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();
                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM CampaignFields ");

                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(" WHERE FieldID = {0}", e.Item.Cells[7].Text);

                sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt.ToString();
                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Delete statement to execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;
                string sortDirection   = (string)Session["SortDir"];
                string sortQueryAppend = "";
                if (Session["SortExp"] != null)
                    if (Session["SortExp"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        sortQueryAppend = string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", Session["SortExp"].ToString(), sortDirection);
                grdCampaignFields.EditItemIndex = -1;
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception deleting record: " + ex.Message;
        protected void grdCampaignFields_UpdateRecord(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
                // Update the database here
                if (Session["Campaign"] != null)
                    // we have an existing campaign
                    currentCampaign = (Campaign)Session["Campaign"];

                string sqlStmt = "";
                string strOriginalFieldName = "";
                string strOriginalLength    = "";
                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = string.Format("SELECT FieldName, FieldTypeID, Value FROM CampaignFields WHERE FieldID = {0}", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[e.Item.Cells.Count - 1].Controls[0]).Text);

                DataView dv1 = (DataView)dsMainGrid.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
                DataRow  dr  = dv1.Table.Rows[0];
                strOriginalFieldName = dr["FieldName"].ToString();
                strOriginalLength    = dr["Value"].ToString();

                StringBuilder sbSqlStmt = new StringBuilder();
                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("UPDATE CampaignFields SET ");

                // *** CHeck how nulls will work ... alert?  EMpty string?
                // Formatting as sql string types for now ... handle data types?
                if (((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text.Length > 0)
                    sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("FieldName = '{0}', ", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text);
                    PageMessage = "Field Name cannot be blank.  Please enter a name.";
                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("FieldTypeID = {0}, ", ((DropDownList)e.Item.Cells[3].Controls[1]).SelectedValue);

                if (((CheckBox)e.Item.Cells[5].Controls[1]).Checked)
                    sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("ReadOnly = 1");
                    sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat("ReadOnly = 0");

                // Update the field name if it has changed
                if (strOriginalFieldName != ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text)
                    StringBuilder sbSqlStmt2 = new StringBuilder();
                    sbSqlStmt2.AppendFormat("EXEC sp_rename 'Campaign.{0}', '{1}', 'COLUMN'", strOriginalFieldName, ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text);

                    sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt2.ToString();

                    ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Change columns Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);

                    dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                    dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;

                // Update the field name if it has changed
                if (strOriginalLength != ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text)
                    int  numeric;
                    bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text, out numeric);
                    if (isNumeric)
                        StringBuilder sbSqlStmt2 = new StringBuilder();
                        sbSqlStmt2.AppendFormat("ALTER TABLE Campaign ALTER COLUMN [{0}] varchar({1})", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text, ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text);

                        sqlStmt = sbSqlStmt2.ToString();
                        ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Change columns Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmt);
                        dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                        dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmt;
                        if (((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text.Length > 0)
                            sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(", Value = '{0}' ", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[4].Controls[0]).Text);
                            sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(", Value = NULL ");
                sbSqlStmt.AppendFormat(" WHERE FieldID = {0}", ((TextBox)e.Item.Cells[e.Item.Cells.Count - 1].Controls[0]).Text);
                string sqlStmtFinal = sbSqlStmt.ToString();

                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Update Statement to Execute: '{0}'", sqlStmtFinal);

                dsMainGrid.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsMainGrid.SelectCommand    = sqlStmtFinal;

                string sortQueryAppend = "";
                if (Session["SortExp"] != null)
                    if (Session["SortExp"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        string sortDirection = (string)Session["SortDir"];

                        sortQueryAppend = string.Format(" ORDER BY {0} {1}", Session["SortExp"].ToString(), sortDirection);
                grdCampaignFields.EditItemIndex      = -1;
                grdCampaignFields.Columns[1].Visible = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception updating record: " + ex.Message;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves result code for call,
        /// update agent Stat,
        /// and update status to Ready for waiting for call agent,
        /// update call campaign fields
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected void lbtnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string exportFilePath = "";
                string exportFileName = txtFileName.Text;
                if (txtFileName.Text.Length < 1)
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('You must specify a valid file name.');</script>");

                    exportFilePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/campaign/DataExports/"), exportFileName);
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('Error creating a file path on the server.  Your filename may have invalid characters or saving on the server may not be permitted.');</script>");

                Campaign currentCampaign = new Campaign();

                if (Session["Campaign"] != null)
                    // we have an existing campaign
                    currentCampaign = (Campaign)Session["Campaign"];
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('There is no campaign selected to export from.  Please go back to Data Manager and select one.');</script>");

                if (Session["SelectStmt"] == null || Session["SelectStmt"].ToString().Length < 2)
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('There is no query selected to export from.  Please go back to Data Manager and select one.');</script>");
                //Response.Write("<script>alert('Please wait for the Save As dialog to appear. \n The system is working on your export.\n Depending on your export size, this may take a few minutes. \n Only close the window after you have been prompted to save.');</script>");
                string selectStatement = Session["SelectStmt"].ToString();

                // Load up the query
                dsExportData.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                dsExportData.SelectCommand    = selectStatement;
                DataView dv = new DataView();
                dv = (DataView)dsExportData.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
                // add csv extension unless another extension exists

                if (exportFilePath.LastIndexOf('.') < (exportFilePath.Length - 4))
                    exportFilePath = exportFilePath + ".csv";
                    exportFileName = exportFileName + ".csv";

                // Make the file
                FileInfo file = new FileInfo(exportFilePath);



                // Open the file stream object to start writing
                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(exportFilePath, false);

                DataRowView drv = dv[0];

                // Write out column names
                int    iColCount     = dv.Table.Columns.Count;
                string fieldContents = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
                    fieldContents = dv.Table.Columns[i].ToString();

                    // Remove commas
                    fieldContents = fieldContents.Replace(",", " ");
                    if (i < iColCount - 1)
                ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Exporting {0} record to file '{1}'", dv.Table.Rows.Count, exportFilePath);

                // Now write all the rows.
                foreach (DataRow dr in dv.Table.Rows)
                    for (int i = 0; i < iColCount; i++)
                        if (!Convert.IsDBNull(dr[i]))
                            string fieldname = dv.Table.Columns[i].ToString();
                            fieldContents = dr[i].ToString();
                            if (Session["EncryptedFields"] != null)
                                string encryptedfields = Session["EncryptedFields"].ToString();

                                string[] fieldListArray = encryptedfields.Split(',');

                                string passPhrase = "whatevesfasdfasdfr23"; // can be any string
                                string initVector = "Qt@&^SDF15F6g7H8";     // must be 16 bytes

                                // Before encrypting data, we will append plain text to a random
                                // salt value, which will be between 4 and 8 bytes long (implicitly
                                // used defaults).
                                RijndaelEnhanced rijndaelKey =
                                    new RijndaelEnhanced(passPhrase, initVector);
                                foreach (string strField in fieldListArray)
                                    if (fieldname.Trim() == strField.Trim())
                                        int    index        = dr.Table.Columns[strField.Trim()].Ordinal;
                                        string currentvalue = dr[index].ToString();
                                        ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "ExportDMData - Column and current text: '{0}'", strField + " " + currentvalue);
                                        if (currentvalue != "&nbsp;" && currentvalue != "")
                                            fieldContents = rijndaelKey.Decrypt(currentvalue);
                            // Remove commas
                            fieldContents = fieldContents.Replace(",", " ");
                        if (i < iColCount - 1)

                if (rdoDelete.Checked)
                        dsExportData.ConnectionString = currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString;
                        string uniqueKeySelectStmt = string.Format("SELECT UniqueKey FROM Campaign {0}", selectStatement.Substring(selectStatement.IndexOf("WHERE"), (selectStatement.Length - selectStatement.IndexOf("WHERE"))));
                        dsExportData.SelectCommand = uniqueKeySelectStmt;
                        DataView dv1 = new DataView();
                        dv1 = (DataView)dsExportData.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
                        // Execute WS method to delete everything in the DB
                        List <long> keyList = new List <long>();
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dv1.Table.Rows)
                        ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Key List complete, contains {0} keys.", keyList.Count);

                        string deleteStatement = string.Format("DELETE {0}", selectStatement.Substring(selectStatement.IndexOf("FROM"), (selectStatement.Length - selectStatement.IndexOf("FROM"))));
                        dsExportData.SelectCommand = deleteStatement;
                        dv = (DataView)dsExportData.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);
                        ActivityLogger.WriteAdminEntry(currentCampaign, "Bulk delete complete.");

                        long totalKeys = keyList.Count;
                        if (keyList.Count > 0)
                            int chunkSize = 1000;
                                chunkSize = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ChunkSize"]);
                            catch { }
                            CampaignService campService      = new CampaignService();
                            XmlDocument     xDocKeysToDelete = new XmlDocument();
                            campService.Timeout = System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite;
                            while (keyList.Count > 0)
                                if (keyList.Count < chunkSize)
                                    xDocKeysToDelete.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(keyList, typeof(List <long>)));
                                    campService.DeleteExportedLeads(xDocKeysToDelete, currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString);
                                    List <long> templist = keyList.GetRange(0, chunkSize);
                                    keyList.RemoveRange(0, chunkSize);
                                    xDocKeysToDelete.LoadXml(Serialize.SerializeObject(templist, typeof(List <long>)));
                                    campService.DeleteExportedLeads(xDocKeysToDelete, currentCampaign.CampaignDBConnString);
                        hdnDeleteConfirmed.Value = "False";
                        Session["ViewChanged"]   = "yes";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ActivityLogger.WriteException(ex, "Admin");
                // Download file here

                Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
                Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + exportFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                PageMessage = "Exception saving view: " + ex.Message;