        private string GetAsyncMessageFromInputQueue()
            using (pipeInputQueue) {
                while (OK_TO_RUN)
                    try {
                        using (Message msg = pipeInputQueue.Receive()) {
                            ActiveXMessageFormatter mft = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
                            string mess = mft.Read(msg) as string;
                    } catch (MessageQueueException e) {
                        // Handle no message arriving in the queue.
                        if (e.MessageQueueErrorCode == MessageQueueErrorCode.IOTimeout)
                            logger.Info($"Queue Error: {this.pipeInputQueue.Path} {e.StackTrace}");
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        logger.Info(ex, "Unhandled MSMQ listen Error");

 public override TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
     object[] values = new object[4];
     values[0] = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
     values[1] = new BinaryMessageFormatter();
     values[2] = new XmlMessageFormatter();
     return(new TypeConverter.StandardValuesCollection(values));
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to extract the content of a message in string format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message to extract.</param>
        /// <param name="usedMessageFormatterType">Informs which formatter was used to extract the message.</param>
        /// <returns>A string if successful else null.</returns>
        private string ExtractMessageContent(System.Messaging.Message message)
            string result = null;

            //create an array of formatters, ordered as we are going to attempt to use them
            IMessageFormatter[] formatterArray = new IMessageFormatter[3];
            formatterArray[0] = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
            formatterArray[1] = new XmlMessageFormatter();
            formatterArray[2] = new BinaryMessageFormatter();

            //attempt to read the message body using the different formatters
            foreach (IMessageFormatter formatter in formatterArray)
                    //attempt to extract the message
                    message.Formatter = formatter;
                    if (message.Formatter is ActiveXMessageFormatter)
                        result = Convert.ToString(message.Body);
                        message.BodyStream.Position = 0;
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(message.BodyStream); //do not dispose this stream else the underlying stream will close
                        result = sr.ReadToEnd();

                    //message has been successfully extracted (else we would have thrown an exception)

                    //check the xml formatter has given us valid xml
                    if (!(formatter is XmlMessageFormatter && !IsXml(result)))
                    result = null;
            if (result == null)
                result = Locale.UserMessages.UnableToDisplayBinaryMessage;

        public override void Execute(Context context)
            _request = MessageBody.Load(context);
            context.LogXmlData("Message", _request, true);

                if (!UseTransactions)
                    _transactionType = MessageQueueTransactionType.None;

                context.LogInfo("MSMQWriteStep about to write data to the queue: {0}", QueuePath);

                var queue = new MessageQueue(MSMQHelper.DeNormalizeQueueName(QueuePath));
                var msg   = new Message();

                if (BodyType == VarEnum.VT_EMPTY)
                    msg.BodyStream = _request;
                    msg.BodyType = (int)BodyType;
                    var formatter = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
                    formatter.Write(msg, Common.StreamHelper.WriteStreamToString(_request));

                msg.UseDeadLetterQueue = true;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CorrelationId))
                    msg.CorrelationId = CorrelationId;
                msg.AppSpecific = AppSpecific;

                queue.Send(msg, MessageLabel, _transactionType);
                if (null != _request)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ActiveXMessageConverter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageFormatter">The message formatter.</param>
 public ActiveXMessageConverter(ActiveXMessageFormatter messageFormatter)
     this.messageFormatter = messageFormatter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ActiveXMessageConverter"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public ActiveXMessageConverter()
     messageFormatter = new ActiveXMessageFormatter();
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
                //search for the weatherLayer first
                ILayer layer = null;
                RSSWeatherLayerClass RSSLayer = null;

                if (m_pHookHelper.FocusMap.LayerCount == 0)

                IEnumLayer layers = m_pHookHelper.FocusMap.get_Layers(null, false);
                layer = layers.Next();
                while (layer != null)
                    if (layer is RSSWeatherLayerClass)
                        RSSLayer = (RSSWeatherLayerClass)layer;
                    layer = layers.Next();

                //In case that the weather layer wasn't found,just return
                if (null == RSSLayer)

                //Launch the layer's properties
                Type   typ;
                object obj;
                Guid[] g;

                // METHOD 1: Instantiating a COM object and displaying its property pages
                // ONLY WORKS ON TRUE COM OBJECTS!  .NET objects that have rolled their own
                // ISpecifyPropertyPages implementation will error out when you try to cast
                // the instantiated object to your own ISpecifyPropertyPages implementation.

                // Get the typeinfo for the ActiveX common dialog control
                typ = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("MSComDlg.CommonDialog");

                // Create an instance of the control.  We pass it to the property frame function
                // so the property pages have an object from which to get current settings and apply
                // new settings.
                obj = Activator.CreateInstance(typ);
                // This handy function calls IPersistStreamInit->New on COM objects to initialize them

                // Get the property pages for the control using the direct CAUUID method
                // This only works for true COM objects and I demonstrate it here only
                // to show how it is done.  Use the static method
                // PropertyPage.GetPagesForType() method for real-world use.
                ISpecifyPropertyPages pag = (ISpecifyPropertyPages)obj;
                CAUUID cau = new CAUUID(0);
                pag.GetPages(ref cau);
                g = cau.GetPages();

                // Instantiating a .NET object and displaying its property pages
                // WORKS ON ALL OBJECTS, .NET or COM

                // Create an instance of the .NET control, MyUserControl
                typ = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("RSSWeatherLayer.PropertySheet");

                // Retrieve the pages for the control
                g = PropertyPage.GetPagesForType(typ);

                // Create an instance of the control that we can give to the property pages
                obj = Activator.CreateInstance(typ);

                //add the RSS layer to the property-sheet control
                ((PropertySheet)obj).RSSWatherLayer = RSSLayer;

                // Display the OLE Property page for the control
                object[] items = new object[] { obj };

                PropertyPage.CreatePropertyFrame(IntPtr.Zero, 500, 500, "RSS Layer properties", items, g);
            catch (Exception ex)