public override void Reset() { array = null; gameObject = null; activeType = ActiveType.ActiveInHirarchy; ifEnabled = true; }
private void ShowPanelBaseInfo() { GUILayout.Label("UI层级"); uiLayer = (UILayer)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(uiLayer); GUILayout.Label("显示方式"); activeType = (ActiveType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(activeType); }
public static List <T> GetObjectsFromBaseInterface <T>(Type TypeOfT, Type[] ArrayTypes, params object[] Args) { List <T> ListObject = new List <T>(); foreach (Type ActiveType in ArrayTypes) { if (ActiveType.IsAbstract) { continue; } foreach (Type ActiveInterface in ActiveType.GetInterfaces()) { Type ObjectType = ActiveInterface; bool InstanceIsBaseObject = false; while (ObjectType != null && !InstanceIsBaseObject) { if (ObjectType == TypeOfT) { InstanceIsBaseObject = true; } ObjectType = ObjectType.BaseType; } if (InstanceIsBaseObject) { T NewObject = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(ActiveType, Args); ListObject.Add(NewObject); } } } return(ListObject); }
public ActionResult EditActiveType(ActiveTypeModel editActiveType) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var saveActiveType = new ActiveType { Id = editActiveType.Id, TypeCode = editActiveType.TypeCode, TypeName = editActiveType.TypeName, BaseAmmortizationMounth = editActiveType.BaseAmmortizationMounth }; var validate = catalogsValidator.ValidateActiveTypeBeforeSave(saveActiveType); if (validate.IsValid) { activeTypesService.SaveActiveType(saveActiveType); return(RedirectToAction("ActiveTypeDetails", new { id = editActiveType.Id })); } else { ViewBag.WarningMessage = validate.ValidationMessage; } } return(View(editActiveType)); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the enabled/disabled/visible status for the backing field /// </summary> /// <param name="editor"></param> public void updateEnabledStatus(bool editor) { if (editor && editorActiveType == ActiveType.NO_CHANGE) { return; } else if (!editor && flightActiveType == ActiveType.NO_CHANGE) { return; } ActiveType type = editor ? editorActiveType : flightActiveType; bool enable = type == ActiveType.ACTIVE; switch (fieldType) { case FieldType.FIELD: module.Fields[fieldName].guiActive = module.Fields[fieldName].guiActiveEditor = enable; break; case FieldType.EVENT: module.Events[fieldName].active = enable; break; case FieldType.ACTION: module.Actions[fieldName].active = enable; break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// 页面初始化 1 -- 最新动态 2 -- @我 3 -- 评论 4 -- 我自己 /// </summary> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e) { //说明此页来自主页的点击 if (this.NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("catalog")) { ActiveType ActiveType = ( ActiveType )Enum.Parse(typeof(ActiveType), this.NavigationContext.QueryString["catalog"], true); this.activeListControl.ActiveType = ActiveType; switch (ActiveType) { case ActiveType.All: this.lblTitle.Text = "动态 - 所有"; break; case ActiveType.AtMe: this.lblTitle.Text = "动态 - 提到我"; break; case ActiveType.Comment: this.lblTitle.Text = "动态 - 对我的评论"; break; case ActiveType.MySelf: this.lblTitle.Text = "动态 - 我自己"; break; } } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
void OnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button(LanguageCfg.REFRESH, GUILayout.Width(200))) { Init(); } activeType = (ActiveType)GUILayout.Toolbar((int)activeType, toolbarStrings); switch (activeType) { case ActiveType.Home: DrawHome(); break; case ActiveType.Textures: texturesAnalyzer.DrawTextures(); break; case ActiveType.Models: modelsAnalyzer.DrawModels(); break; case ActiveType.Materials: materialsAnalyzer.DrawMaterials(); break; case ActiveType.Particles: particleAnalyzer.DrawParticles(); break; } }
public override void SetActive(ActiveType active) { base.SetActive(active); foreach (var itemSlot in ItemSlot) { itemSlot.SetActive(active); } }
/// <summary> /// Makes this enemy aggressive /// </summary> /// <param name="level"> The level to activate( >= 1) </param> public void Activate(int level) { _state = ActiveType.Aggressive; _activeTime = Time.time; _level = level; _chargeLevel = Random.Range(1, _maxChargeLevel); GetComponent <Image>().color = _colorTabel[_chargeLevel]; }
private void Start() { _state = ActiveType.Inactive; _gameOverTime = GlobalManager.levelDefinitions[GlobalManager.currentLevel].lifeTime; _maxChargeLevel = GlobalManager.levelDefinitions[GlobalManager.currentLevel].maxChargeLevel; _level = 0; _activeTime = -5f; }
void Set(int __index, ActiveType __activeType, string __name, int __modelIndex, IocEffect.Expiration __expiration, int __count, IocEffect.Target __target, int __where, IocEffect.What __what, int __value, string __info) { SetIndex(__index); SetActiveType(__activeType); SetName(__name); effect.Set(__expiration, __count, __target, __where, __what, __value); SetInfo(__info); }
public override void SetActive(ActiveType active) { base.SetActive(active); if (active == ActiveType.Enable) { Sync(); } }
public override void Reset() { gameObject = new FsmGameObject() { UseVariable = true }; activeType = ActiveType.ActiveSelf; everyFrame = false; }
public void Reset() { _state = ActiveType.Inactive; _level = 0; GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; _charger.Reset(); _elapsedTime = 0; _activeTime = -5f; }
public override void SetActive(ActiveType active) { base.SetActive(active); foreach (var button in SaleItemButtonTriggers) { button.SetActive(active); } }
private void Add() { SelectedSupplier = new Supplier(); SelectedSupplier.SupplierId = -1; SelectedSupplier.IsActive = true; SelectedActiveType = new ActiveType { ActiveId = 1, ActiveCategory = "TRUE" }; NotifyPropertyChanged("SelectedActiveType"); }
public SSTUFieldManipulationData(ConfigNode node, PartModule module) { fieldName = node.GetStringValue("name"); newGuiName = node.GetStringValue("newGuiName"); this.module = module; updateType = (UpdateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(UpdateType), node.GetStringValue("updateType", updateType.ToString()), true); fieldType = (FieldType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldType), node.GetStringValue("fieldType", fieldType.ToString()), true); flightActiveType = (ActiveType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActiveType), node.GetStringValue("flightActiveType", flightActiveType.ToString()), true); editorActiveType = (ActiveType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActiveType), node.GetStringValue("editorActiveType", editorActiveType.ToString()), true); }
public override void SetActive(ActiveType active) { base.SetActive(active); NextLevelButton.SetActive(active); RetryButton.SetActive(active); if (active == ActiveType.Enable) { ResultAnimation.Initialize(); } }
/////////////////////C2S/////////////////////////////////////// public void sendWelfare(ActiveType at, uint id = uint.MaxValue) { Variant msg = new Variant(); msg["welfare_type"] = (uint)at; if (id != uint.MaxValue) { msg["id"] = id; } sendRPC(PKG_NAME.C2S_ACTIVE, msg); }
private void Update() { switch (activeType) { case ActiveType.None: if (IsGameObjectInCameraView(gameObject) && !isAppearing) { activeType = ActiveType.Appear; } else if (!IsGameObjectInCameraView(gameObject) && !isDissolving) { activeType = ActiveType.Dissolving; } timer = 0; break; case ActiveType.Dissolving: if (!isDissolving) { if (timer < duration) { timer += Time.deltaTime; renderer.material.SetFloat("_Threshold", timer / duration); } else { isDissolving = true; activeType = ActiveType.None; isAppearing = false; } } break; case ActiveType.Appear: if (!isAppearing) { if (timer < duration) { timer += Time.deltaTime; renderer.material.SetFloat("_Threshold", 1 - timer / duration); } else { isAppearing = true; activeType = ActiveType.None; isDissolving = false; } } break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// Валидация типа МЦ перед сохранением /// </summary> public ValidationInfo ValidateActiveTypeBeforeSave(ActiveType checkItem) { var curActiveType = activeTypesService.GetAllActiveTypes().FirstOrDefault(o => o.TypeCode == checkItem.TypeCode); if (curActiveType != null && checkItem.Id == 0) { return(ValidationInfo.addError("Тип с таким кодом уже существует в системе. Измените или удалите существующий тип.")); } return(ValidationInfo.isValid()); }
public override void SetActive(ActiveType active) { base.SetActive(active); if (active == ActiveType.Enable) { SpriteGroup[0].spriteName = "ButtonActive"; } else { SpriteGroup[0].spriteName = "ButtonUnactive"; } }
public override void Reset() { gameObjectToCheck = null; keepActive = null; state = CheckState.IsActive; activeType = ActiveType.ActiveInHirarchy; go = null; everyFrame = true; updateType = FrameUpdateSelector.OnUpdate; }
private bool CheckActiveSkill(ActiveType type) { foreach (ActiveSkill activeSkill in activeSkills) { if (activeSkill.type == type) { return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Handles updates including keypresses and time management for game over/resetting to inactive /// </summary> /// <returns> the state of this enemy after the update has effected </returns> public ActiveType ProcessInput() { float chargeAmount = _charger.Charge(); if (_state == ActiveType.Aggressive) { if (chargeAmount >= 0.25f * _chargeLevel) { _level -= 1; if (_level == 0) { _state = ActiveType.Inactive; GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } else { // TODO: rethink this, possible to abuse? // Give only what is possible for player to handle in time // 2.5 instead of 3 so that player has 0.5s at least to react int maxChargeLevel = (int)System.Math.Min((2.5f - (Time.time - _activeTime)) / 0.5f, 4f); _chargeLevel = Random.Range(1, maxChargeLevel); GetComponent <Image>().color = _colorTabel[_chargeLevel]; } } } else if (_state == ActiveType.Friendly) { if (chargeAmount >= 0.25f) { _state = ActiveType.GameOver; } } _elapsedTime = Time.time - _activeTime; if (_state == ActiveType.Aggressive && _elapsedTime >= _gameOverTime) { _state = ActiveType.GameOver; } else if (_state == ActiveType.Friendly && _elapsedTime >= _friendlyTime) { _state = ActiveType.Inactive; GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; } return(_state); }
public UserModel(User user) { this.Id = user.Id; this.Username = user.Username; this.Email = user.Email; this.BirthYear = user.BirthYear; this.Phone = user.BirthYear; this.Fullname = user.Fullname; this.Type = user.Type; this.Gender = user.Gender; this.ManagerId = user.ManagerId; this.IsActive = user.IsActive; }
private void InitialCommand(ActiveType activeType) { switch (activeType) { case ActiveType.Move: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.Move; CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.CmpStatusMove; TransferStep = EnumTransferStep.MoveToAddress; EnrouteState = CommandState.None; break; case ActiveType.Load: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.Load; CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.CmpStatusLoad; TransferStep = EnumTransferStep.MoveToLoad; EnrouteState = CommandState.LoadEnroute; break; case ActiveType.Unload: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.Unload; CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.CmpStatusUnload; TransferStep = EnumTransferStep.MoveToUnload; EnrouteState = CommandState.UnloadEnroute; break; case ActiveType.Loadunload: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.LoadUnload; CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.CmpStatusLoadunload; TransferStep = EnumTransferStep.MoveToLoad; EnrouteState = CommandState.LoadEnroute; break; case ActiveType.Movetocharger: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.MoveToCharger; CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.CmpStatusMoveToCharger; TransferStep = EnumTransferStep.MoveToAddress; EnrouteState = CommandState.None; break; case ActiveType.Home: break; case ActiveType.Override: AgvcTransCommandType = EnumAgvcTransCommandType.Override; //CompleteStatus = CompleteStatus.Loadunload; break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Effect"></param> public AbstractSpellBuff(CastInfos castInfos, AbstractFighter target, ActiveType activeType, DecrementType decrementType) { CastInfos = castInfos; Duration = target.Fight.CurrentFighter == target ? castInfos.Duration + 1 : castInfos.Duration; Caster = castInfos.Caster; Target = target; ActiveType = activeType; DecrementType = decrementType; switch (castInfos.EffectType) { case EffectEnum.ReflectSpell: Target.Fight.Dispatch(WorldMessage.FIGHT_EFFECT_INFORMATION(CastInfos.EffectType, Target.Id, CastInfos.Value2.ToString(), CastInfos.Value2.ToString(), "10", CastInfos.Value2.ToString(), CastInfos.Duration.ToString(), CastInfos.SpellId.ToString())); break; case EffectEnum.EcaflipChance: case EffectEnum.AddChatiment: Target.Fight.Dispatch(WorldMessage.FIGHT_EFFECT_INFORMATION(CastInfos.EffectType, Target.Id, CastInfos.Value1.ToString(), CastInfos.Value2.ToString(), CastInfos.Value3.ToString(), "", CastInfos.Duration.ToString(), CastInfos.SpellId.ToString())); break; case EffectEnum.PandaCarrier: break; default: Target.Fight.Dispatch(WorldMessage.FIGHT_EFFECT_INFORMATION(CastInfos.EffectType, Target.Id, CastInfos.Value1.ToString(), "", "", "", CastInfos.Duration.ToString(), CastInfos.SpellId.ToString())); break; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="activeType"></param> /// <param name="fight"></param> /// <param name="caster"></param> /// <param name="castInfos"></param> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <param name="duration"></param> /// <param name="actionId"></param> /// <param name="canGoThrough"></param> /// <param name="canStack"></param> /// <param name="hide"></param> protected AbstractActivableObject(FightObstacleTypeEnum type, ActiveType activeType, AbstractFight fight, AbstractFighter caster, CastInfos castInfos, int cell, int duration, int actionId, bool canGoThrough, bool canStack, bool hide = false) { m_fight = fight; m_caster = caster; m_spellId = castInfos.SpellId; m_actionSpell = SpellManager.Instance.GetTemplate(castInfos.Value1); m_actionEffect = m_actionSpell.GetLevel(castInfos.Value2); Cell = fight.GetCell(cell); ObstacleType = type; ActivationType = activeType; CanGoThrough = canGoThrough; CanStack = canStack; Color = castInfos.Value3; Targets = new List <AbstractFighter>(); Length = Pathfinding.GetDirection(castInfos.RangeType[1]); AffectedCells = new List <FightCell>(); Duration = duration; ActionId = actionId; Hide = hide; foreach (var effect in m_actionEffect.Effects) { if (CastInfos.IsDamageEffect(effect.TypeEnum)) { Priority--; } } // On ajout l'objet a toutes les cells qu'il affecte foreach (var cellId in CellZone.GetCircleCells(fight.Map, cell, Length)) { var fightCell = m_fight.GetCell(cellId); if (fightCell != null) { fightCell.AddObject(this); AffectedCells.Add(fightCell); } } if (Hide) { Appear(caster.Team); } else { AppearForAll(); } }
public void SaveActiveType(ActiveType saveActiveType) { if (saveActiveType.Id == 0) { dbContext.ActiveTypes.Add(saveActiveType); } else { var curActiveType = dbContext.ActiveTypes.Single(o => o.Id == saveActiveType.Id); curActiveType.TypeCode = saveActiveType.TypeCode; curActiveType.TypeName = saveActiveType.TypeName; curActiveType.BaseAmmortizationMounth = saveActiveType.BaseAmmortizationMounth; } dbContext.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="activeType"></param> /// <param name="fight"></param> /// <param name="caster"></param> /// <param name="castInfos"></param> /// <param name="cell"></param> /// <param name="duration"></param> /// <param name="actionId"></param> /// <param name="canGoThrough"></param> /// <param name="canStack"></param> /// <param name="hide"></param> protected AbstractActivableObject(FightObstacleTypeEnum type, ActiveType activeType, AbstractFight fight, AbstractFighter caster, CastInfos castInfos, int cell, int duration, int actionId, bool canGoThrough, bool canStack, bool hide = false) { m_fight = fight; m_caster = caster; m_spellId = castInfos.SpellId; m_actionSpell = SpellManager.Instance.GetTemplate(castInfos.Value1); m_actionEffect = m_actionSpell.GetLevel(castInfos.Value2); Cell = fight.GetCell(cell); ObstacleType = type; ActivationType = activeType; CanGoThrough = canGoThrough; CanStack = canStack; Color = castInfos.Value3; Targets = new List<AbstractFighter>(); Length = Pathfinding.GetDirection(castInfos.RangeType[1]); AffectedCells = new List<FightCell>(); Duration = duration; ActionId = actionId; Hide = hide; foreach(var effect in m_actionEffect.Effects) { if(CastInfos.IsDamageEffect(effect.TypeEnum)) { Priority--; } } // On ajout l'objet a toutes les cells qu'il affecte foreach (var cellId in CellZone.GetCircleCells(fight.Map, cell, Length)) { var fightCell = m_fight.GetCell(cellId); if (fightCell != null) { fightCell.AddObject(this); AffectedCells.Add(fightCell); } } if (Hide) Appear(caster.Team); else AppearForAll(); }
void OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button(LanguageCfg.REFRESH,GUILayout.Width(200))) { Init(); } activeType = (ActiveType)GUILayout.Toolbar((int)activeType, toolbarStrings); switch (activeType) { case ActiveType.Home: DrawHome(); break; case ActiveType.Textures: texturesAnalyzer.DrawTextures(); break; case ActiveType.Models: modelsAnalyzer.DrawModels(); break; case ActiveType.Materials: materialsAnalyzer.DrawMaterials(); break; case ActiveType.Particles: particleAnalyzer.DrawParticles(); break; } }
public SSTUFieldManipulationData(ConfigNode node, PartModule module) { fieldName = node.GetStringValue("name"); newGuiName = node.GetStringValue("newGUIName"); this.module = module; updateType = (UpdateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(UpdateType), node.GetStringValue("updateType", updateType.ToString()), true); fieldType = (FieldType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FieldType), node.GetStringValue("fieldType", fieldType.ToString()), true); flightActiveType = (ActiveType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActiveType), node.GetStringValue("flightActiveType", flightActiveType.ToString()), true); editorActiveType = (ActiveType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActiveType), node.GetStringValue("editorActiveType", editorActiveType.ToString()), true); }