static void Main(string[] args) { ServerList serverList = new ServerList(); ActiveServer activeServer = new ActiveServer(); activeServer.SetState("Sicilia", ""); serverList.Add(activeServer.GetSnaphot()); activeServer.SetState("Ireland", ""); serverList.Add(activeServer.GetSnaphot()); activeServer.Restore(serverList.Get(0)); activeServer.Restore(serverList.Get(1)); activeServer.SetState("Oregon", ""); serverList.Add(activeServer.GetSnaphot()); activeServer.Restore(serverList.Get(1)); activeServer.Restore(serverList.Get(2)); Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task TopicTest() { int counter = 0; ActiveServer activeServer = new ActiveServer(); activeServer.Register(services => { services.AddActiveProducer(options => { options.IsCluster = true; options.BrokerUris = brokerUris; options.Destination = $"service.{topic}"; options.IsPersistent = true; options.Transactional = false; options.Password = password; options.UserName = userName; }); services.AddActiveConsumer(options => { options.IsCluster = true; options.BrokerUris = brokerUris; options.Durable = false; options.Destination = $"service.{topic}"; options.AutoAcknowledge = false; options.FromQueue = false; options.Password = password; options.UserName = userName; options.ClientId = "service.topic"; options.PrefetchCount = 10; }).AddListener(result => { Output.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.Serialize(result)); counter++; result.Commit(); }); }); await activeServer.StartAsync(); Thread.Sleep(1000);//等待运行1秒 var serviceProvider = activeServer.ServiceProvider; var factory = serviceProvider.GetService <IActiveProducerFactory>(); var producer = factory.Create(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await producer.PublishAsync("message" + i); } BlockUntil(() => counter >= 10, 3000); Thread.Sleep(1000);//等待运行1秒 Assert.Equal(10, counter); await activeServer.StopAsync(); }
/// <summary> /// Handler URL server was changed. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void ServerURL_Changed(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ActiveServer.SetUrl(ServerURL.Text); InvalidServerURL.Visible = false; } catch { InvalidServerURL.Visible = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Connect to any server, if a server is already connected, disconnect from it and no connect again /// </summary> public void ConnectToAnyServer() { m_FailedConnetions = 0; if (m_ConnectionIndex >= Count) { m_ConnectionIndex = 0; } if (ActiveServer != null) { ActiveServer.Disconnect(); ActiveServer = null; //if (!CKernel.Preferences.GetBool("AutoReconnect")) m_ConnectToNextServers(); return; } m_ConnectToNextServers(); }
/// <summary> /// Search sources for the 15 next files using TCP /// </summary> public void SearchNextSourcesTCP() { if ((ActiveServer != null) && (!ActiveServer.AllFilesPublished) && (DateTime.Now - ActiveServer.LastPublishedTime > new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0))) { ActiveServer.PublishSharedFiles(); } if ((m_NextTCPSourcesSearch > DateTime.Now) || (ActiveServer == null) || (CKernel.FilesList.Count == 0)) { return; } if (m_TimesshownUDPClosedMessage < 8) { m_TimesshownUDPClosedMessage++; } if ((!CKernel.UDPListener.PortIsAccesible) && (m_TimesshownUDPClosedMessage < 8) && (m_TimesshownUDPClosedMessage > 2) && //ignore first 2 pass (CKernel.Preferences.GetUInt("ID") > Protocol.LowIDLimit)) { if (m_TimesshownUDPClosedMessage < 7) { CLog.Log(Types.Constants.Log.Info, "UDP_PORT_NOT_OPEN"); } else { CLog.Log(Types.Constants.Log.Notify, "UDP_PORT_NOT_OPEN"); } } ArrayList hashes = new ArrayList(); CElement Element; do { if (CKernel.FilesList.Count <= m_TCPSourceSearchFileIndex) { m_TCPSourceSearchFileIndex = 0; break; } else { Element = CKernel.FilesList[m_TCPSourceSearchFileIndex]; m_TCPSourceSearchFileIndex++; } if ((Element.SourcesList != null) && (Element.File.FileStatus != Protocol.FileState.Stopped) && (Element.File.MaxSources > Element.SourcesList.Count() - 5)) { hashes.Add(Element.File.FileHash); } }while (hashes.Count < Protocol.SourcesPerTCPFrame); if ((m_TCPSourceSearchFileIndex == 0) || (hashes.Count == 0)) { m_NextTCPSourcesSearch = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, Protocol.ReaskServerTCP, 0); } else { m_NextTCPSourcesSearch = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, Protocol.ReaskNextTCPFile * hashes.Count); } if (hashes.Count > 0) { ActiveServer.RequestSources(hashes); } }
private void HandleSelect(ActiveServer selectedServer) { foreach (var server in this.Servers) { server.IsSelected = false; } selectedServer.IsSelected = true; this.manager.SetSelectedServer(selectedServer.Name); }
public async Task LoggerTest() { int counter = 0; ActiveServer activeServer = new ActiveServer(); activeServer.Register(services => { services.AddLogging(builder => { builder.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Trace); }); services.AddActiveLogger(options => { options.IsCluster = true; options.ApplicationName = nameof(ActiveMqServiceTest); options.BrokerUris = brokerUris; options.Category = nameof(ActiveMqServiceTest); options.UseQueue = true; options.Destination = $"service.{logger}"; options.MinLevel = LogLevel.Trace; options.InitializeCount = 10; options.IsPersistent = true; options.Password = password; options.UserName = userName; }); services.AddActiveConsumer(options => { options.IsCluster = true; options.BrokerUris = brokerUris; options.Durable = false; options.FromQueue = true; options.Destination = $"service.{logger}"; options.AutoAcknowledge = true; options.Password = password; options.UserName = userName; }).AddListener(result => { WriteLogger(result); if (result.Message.Contains(nameof(ActiveMqServiceTest))) { counter++; } }); }); await activeServer.StartAsync(); Thread.Sleep(1000);//等待运行1秒 var serviceProvider = activeServer.ServiceProvider; var loggerFactory = serviceProvider.GetService <ILoggerFactory>(); var _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger <ActiveMqServiceTest>(); _logger.LogTrace("LogTrace"); _logger.LogDebug("LogDebug"); _logger.LogInformation("LogInformation"); _logger.LogWarning("LogWarning"); _logger.LogError("LogError"); _logger.LogCritical("LogCritical"); BlockUntil(() => counter >= 6, 3000); Thread.Sleep(1000);//等待运行1秒 Assert.Equal(6, counter); await activeServer.StopAsync(); }