/// <summary> </summary> public static Boolean clearTmps <t>() { t[] items = ActiveRecordBase <t> .FindAll(); bool result = false; foreach (dynamic item in items) { if (item.tmp == true && item.baseid > 0) { if (userService.isActive(item.editing) && item.editing == userService.getUser()) { //NOTE THIS IS NEEDING TO BE CORRECTED>> item.editing is null //For some resaon when we try to access it it's like we have one layer deep //and this item uses the :publish_base:_base model inheritence //LogService.writelog("Releasing editor from item ", item.editing.nid, item.baseid); logger.writelog("Deleting tmp item ", item.baseid); ActiveRecordMediator <dynamic> .Delete(item); result = true; } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void list_users(int page, int searchId, string target, string filter, Boolean ajax) { userService.clearConnections <posting>(); var pageing = new Dictionary <string, int>(); switch (target) { case "admin": { pageing.Add("adminPaging", page); break; } case "feu": { pageing.Add("feuPaging", page); break; } } PropertyBag["groups"] = ActiveRecordBase <user_group> .FindAll(); var userpool = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAll(); int pag = 0; PropertyBag["admin_users"] = PaginationHelper.CreatePagination((IList)userpool.Where(x => x.groups.isAdmin == true).ToList(), 15, (pageing.TryGetValue("adminPaging", out pag) ? pag : 0)); pag = 0; PropertyBag["FEusers"] = PaginationHelper.CreatePagination((IList)userpool.Where(x => x.groups.isAdmin == false).ToList(), 15, (pageing.TryGetValue("feuPaging", out pag) ? pag : 0)); //PropertyBag["user_groups"] = ActiveRecordBase<user_groups>.FindAll(); RenderView("list"); }
public void Edit(int id) { advertisement advertisement = ActiveRecordBase <advertisement> .Find(id); PropertyBag["advertisementimages"] = advertisement.Images; PropertyBag["tags"] = ActiveRecordBase <tags> .FindAll(); PropertyBag["advertisement"] = ActiveRecordBase <advertisement> .Find(id); media_types imgtype = ActiveRecordBase <media_types> .Find(2); PropertyBag["images"] = imgtype.media_typed; //PropertyBag["images"] = ActiveRecordBase<media_repo>.FindAll(); PropertyBag["authors"] = ActiveRecordBase <users> .FindAll(); //PropertyBag["classifiedtype"] = ActiveRecordBase<ClassifiedType>.FindAll(); //PropertyBag["location"] = ActiveRecordBase<LocationType>.FindAll(); List <tags> tags = new List <tags>(); tags.AddRange(ActiveRecordBase <advertisement> .Find(id).Tags); int tagscounts = 0; if (ActiveRecordBase <advertisement> .Find(id).Tags != null) { tagscounts = ActiveRecordBase <advertisement> .Find(id).Tags.Count; } for (int i = tagscounts; i < 2; i++) { tags.Add(new tags()); } PropertyBag["advertisementtags"] = tags; RenderView("new"); }
public static Asda2ItemRecord[] LoadItemsContainersFirst(uint lowChrId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <Asda2ItemRecord> .FindAll(Asda2ItemRecord.ContOrder, new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("OwnerId", (object)lowChrId) })); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void edit_field(int id) { field_types field = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .Find(id); PropertyBag["field"] = field; PropertyBag["p_models"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(); string ele_str = fieldsService.getfieldmodel_dynamic(field); PropertyBag["nat_html_ele"] = ele_str; //string json = "{\"Items\":[{ \"Name\":\"Apple\", \"Price\":12.3 },{ \"Name\":\"Grape\", \"Price\":3.21 }],\"Date\":\"21/11/2010\"}"; var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var ele = jss.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(field.attr.ToString()); //elementSet ele = (elementSet)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(field.attr.ToString(), typeof(elementSet)); //string ele_str = FieldsService.getfieldmodel(ele); PropertyBag["groups"] = ActiveRecordBase <user_group> .FindAll(); PropertyBag["users"] = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAll(); PropertyBag["html_ele"] = ele_str; PropertyBag["ele"] = ele; RenderView("../admin/fields/new"); }
/// <summary> </summary> public static IList <posting> get_postings(String type_alias, Boolean usedev, Boolean deleted, posting parent) { List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); filtering.Add(Expression.IsNull("parent")); //make it the working post filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("deleted", deleted)); filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst( new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("alias", type_alias) }.ToArray()) )); posting[] postlist = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll(new Order[] { Order.Desc("baseid") }, filtering.ToArray()); List <posting> outputlist = new List <posting>(); if (postlist.Count() > 0) { foreach (posting post in postlist) { posting posting = post.get_published(); if (posting != null) { outputlist.Add(posting); } } } return(outputlist); }
/// <summary> </summary> public static IList <posting_type> get_post_types(Boolean is_admin) { List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("is_admin", is_admin)); return(ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(filtering.ToArray())); }
/// <summary> </summary> public string process_fields(string text, posting place, Hashtable param) { String result = text; if (place.post_type != null) { List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("type", place.post_type.alias)); field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray()); List <string> fields = new List <string>(); if (ft != null) { foreach (field_types ft_ in ft) { string value = ""; if (text.Contains("$!{" + ft_.alias + "}")) { //log.Error("on field:" + ft_.alias); value = get_field_value(ft_, place); result = result.Replace("$!{" + ft_.alias + "}", value); PropertyBag["" + ft_.alias] = value; } } } } return(result); }
public static AchievementRecord[] Load(uint[] achievementEntryIds) { return(ActiveRecordBase <AchievementRecord> .FindAll(new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.In("_achievementEntryId", (ICollection)achievementEntryIds) })); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void sites() { PropertyBag["buttons"] = new String[] { "edit", "delete" }; PropertyBag["default_site"] = ActiveRecordBase <site> .FindAll().Where(x => x.is_default == true); PropertyBag["sites"] = ActiveRecordBase <site> .FindAll().Where(x => x.is_default == false); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void taxonomy() { //PropertyBag["campuses"] = ActiveRecordBase<campus>.FindAll(Order.Asc("name")); PropertyBag["taxonomy_types"] = ActiveRecordBase <taxonomy_type> .FindAll(Order.Asc("name")); RenderView("../admin/taxonomy/list"); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void configuration(int siteid) { PropertyBag["frontend_themelist"] = themeService.list_themes(); PropertyBag["posting_types"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindAll(); PropertyBag["posting_type_actions"] = ActiveRecordBase <posting_type_action> .FindAll(); site site_obj = new site(); if (siteid > 0) { site_obj = ActiveRecordBase <site> .Find(siteid); } else { List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("is_default", true)); site_obj = ActiveRecordBase <site> .FindFirst(filtering.ToArray()); } PropertyBag["site"] = site_obj; foreach (options option in site_obj.options) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(option.option_key)) { PropertyBag[option.option_key.ToUpper()] = option.value;//ie: post.get_meta("title"); } } RenderView("../admin/configuration"); }
/// <summary> </summary> virtual public String get_processed() { if (this.process) { List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("model", "placeController")); //typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("set", this.model.baseid)); field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray()); List <string> fields = new List <string>(); Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["item"] = this; if (ft != null) { foreach (field_types ft_ in ft) { //string value = ""; //value = FieldsService.getFieldVal(ft_, this); //hashtable["" + ft_.alias] = value; //log.Info("hashtable[" + ft_.alias+"]" + value); } } return(renderService.proccessText(hashtable, this.content)); } return("false"); }
/// <summary> </summary> public static Boolean loginUser() { String username = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies["unldap"].Value; //Authentication.authenticate(); HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["unldap"].Value = username; //Maybe this should be md5'd? // save user in database appuser[] user_list = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .FindAll(); appuser temp = null; foreach (appuser user in user_list) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.nid) && user.nid.ToUpper() == username.ToUpper()) { temp = user; } } if (temp != null) { temp.logedin = true; ActiveRecordMediator <appuser> .Save(temp); return(temp.logedin); } return(false); }
/// <summary>Retrieves the list of character relations</summary> /// <returns>The list of all characters relations.</returns> public static BaseRelation[] GetAll() { return(((IEnumerable <CharacterRelationRecord>)ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRelationRecord> .FindAll()) .Select <CharacterRelationRecord, BaseRelation>( (Func <CharacterRelationRecord, BaseRelation>)(crr => RelationMgr.CreateRelation(crr))) .ToArray <BaseRelation>()); }
/// <summary>Retrieves the list of character relations</summary> /// <returns>The list of all characters relations.</returns> public static BaseRelation[] GetAll() { return(ActiveRecordBase <CharacterRelationRecord> .FindAll() .Select( crr => RelationMgr.CreateRelation(crr)) .ToArray()); }
public static void Init() { foreach (Asda2ItemAuctionCategory key1 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Asda2ItemAuctionCategory)) .Cast <Asda2ItemAuctionCategory>()) { Dictionary <AuctionLevelCriterion, SortedSet <Asda2ItemRecord> > dictionary = new Dictionary <AuctionLevelCriterion, SortedSet <Asda2ItemRecord> >(); foreach (AuctionLevelCriterion key2 in Enum.GetValues(typeof(AuctionLevelCriterion)) .Cast <AuctionLevelCriterion>()) { dictionary.Add(key2, new SortedSet <Asda2ItemRecord>((IComparer <Asda2ItemRecord>)Asda2AuctionMgr.ItemsComparer)); } Asda2AuctionMgr.CategorizedItemsById.Add(key1, dictionary); } foreach (Asda2ItemRecord loadAuctionedItem in Asda2ItemRecord.LoadAuctionedItems()) { Asda2AuctionMgr.RegisterItem(loadAuctionedItem); } foreach (AuctionSelledRecord auctionSelledRecord in ActiveRecordBase <AuctionSelledRecord> .FindAll()) { if (!Asda2AuctionMgr.SelledRecords.ContainsKey(auctionSelledRecord.ReciverCharacterId)) { Asda2AuctionMgr.SelledRecords.Add(auctionSelledRecord.ReciverCharacterId, new List <AuctionSelledRecord>()); } Asda2AuctionMgr.SelledRecords[auctionSelledRecord.ReciverCharacterId].Add(auctionSelledRecord); } }
private bool Start() { Guild[] guilds = null; #if DEBUG try { #endif guilds = ActiveRecordBase <Guild> .FindAll(); #if DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(e); guilds = ActiveRecordBase <Guild> .FindAll(); } #endif if (guilds != null) { foreach (var guild in guilds) { guild.InitAfterLoad(); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> </summary> public static Hashtable make_all_post_json_table(String type, Boolean dev) { Hashtable all = new Hashtable(); Dictionary <string, string> queries = httpService.get_request_parmas_obj(); List <AbstractCriterion> filtering = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); filtering.Add(Expression.Eq("post_type", ActiveRecordBase <posting_type> .FindFirst( new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("alias", type) }.ToArray()) )); posting[] posts = ActiveRecordBase <posting> .FindAll(new Order[] { Order.Desc("revision"), Order.Desc("version") }, filtering.ToArray()); var i = 0; foreach (posting post in posts) { String name = (queries.ContainsKey("format") && queries["format"] == "xml") ? ("post_" + i.ToString()) : i.ToString(); all.Add(name, make_post_json_table(post.baseid, type, dev)); i++; } return(all); }
virtual public IList <style_option_types> getUnUsed(styles style, geometric_events events) { IList <style_option_types> unUsed = new List <style_option_types>(); //IList<style_options> used = getUsed(); if (style.id > 0) { style_option_types[] all_op = ActiveRecordBase <style_option_types> .FindAll(); foreach (style_option_types ops in all_op) { if (ops.style_type.Contains(style.type)) { if (style._option != null && style._option.Count > 0) { foreach (style_options op in style._option) { if (this.id == op.user_event.id) { if (op.value == "") { unUsed.Add(ops); } } } } else { unUsed.Add(ops); } } } } return(unUsed); }
public static Asda2ItemRecord[] LoadItems(uint lowCharId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <Asda2ItemRecord> .FindAll(new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("OwnerId", (object)lowCharId) })); }
public static AchievementProgressRecord[] Load(int chrRecordId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <AchievementProgressRecord> .FindAll(new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("_characterGuid", (object)chrRecordId) })); }
public static Asda2ItemRecord[] LoadAuctionedItems() { return(ActiveRecordBase <Asda2ItemRecord> .FindAll(new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("IsAuctioned", (object)true) })); }
/// <summary> </summary> virtual public List <string> get_post_feilds(posting post) { List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("set", post.post_type.baseid)); field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray()); List <string> fields = new List <string>(); List <string> user_fields = new List <string>(); if (ft != null) { foreach (field_types ft_ in ft) { if ((ft_.users.Count > 0) || (ft_.users.Count > 0)) { if (ft_.users.Contains(userService.getUser())) { user_fields.Add(fieldsService.get_field(ft_, post)); } else { fields.Add(fieldsService.get_field(ft_, post)); } } else { user_fields.Add(fieldsService.get_field(ft_, post)); } } } return(fields); }
/// <summary> </summary> public string[] get_feild_short_codes(posting cal_events) { //log.Info("________________________________________________________________________________\nLoading feilds For:" + place.prime_name+"("+place.baseid+")\n"); List <AbstractCriterion> typeEx = new List <AbstractCriterion>(); typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("model", "placeController")); // typeEx.Add(Expression.Eq("set", cal_events.model.baseid)); field_types[] ft = ActiveRecordBase <field_types> .FindAll(typeEx.ToArray()); List <string> fields = new List <string>(); string[] codes = new string[ft.Length]; int i = 0; if (ft != null) { foreach (field_types ft_ in ft) { codes[i] = "${" + ft_.alias + "}"; i++; } } return(codes); }
/// <summary> /// 根据查询条件查询满足条件的实体 /// </summary> public IList <T> Qry(IList <ICriterion> queryConditions) { return(ActiveRecordBase.FindAll( typeof(T) , queryConditions.ToArray() ) as IList <T>); }
/// <summary> </summary> public void edit_user(int id, int page) { appuser user = ActiveRecordBase <appuser> .Find(id); if (!userService.checkPrivleage("edit_users") && user != userService.getUser()) { Flash["error"] = "Sorry you are not able to edit this user."; RedirectToAction("list"); return; } PropertyBag["history"] = PaginationHelper.CreatePagination((IList)ActiveRecordBase <logs> .FindAll(Order.Desc("date"), new List <AbstractCriterion>() { Expression.Eq("nid", user.nid) }.ToArray() ).ToList(), 15, page); //media_types imgtype = ActiveRecordBase<media_types>.Find(1); //TODO restore //PropertyBag["images"] = imgtype.media_typed; //Flash["images"] != null ? Flash["images"] : //PropertyBag["userimages"] = user.media; //TODO restore PropertyBag["user"] = user; PropertyBag["groups"] = ActiveRecordBase <user_group> .FindAll(); RenderView("edit"); }
/// <summary> /// 根据条件查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="queryConditions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IList <T> Query(IList <ICriterion> queryConditions) { { Array arry = ActiveRecordBase.FindAll(typeof(T), queryConditions.ToArray()); return(arry as IList <T>); } }
public static GuildEventLogEntry[] LoadAll(uint guildId) { return(ActiveRecordBase <GuildEventLogEntry> .FindAll(GuildEventLogEntry.CreatedOrder, new ICriterion[1] { (ICriterion)Restrictions.Eq("m_GuildId", (object)(int)guildId) })); }
//This is a generic set of methods that will first check the object has a property //then if it does set it to null if the user is not actively editing it /// <summary> </summary> public static Boolean clearConnections <t>() { t[] items = ActiveRecordBase <t> .FindAll(); bool result = false; foreach (dynamic item in items) { if (item.GetType().GetProperty("editing") != null) { if (userService.isActive(item.editing)) { //NOTE THIS IS NEEDING TO BE CORRECTED>> item.editing is null //For some resaon when we try to access it it's like we have one layer deep //and this item uses the :publish_base:_base model inheritence //LogService.writelog("Releasing editor from item ", item.editing.nid, item.baseid); logger.writelog("Releasing editor from item ", item.baseid); item.editing = null; ActiveRecordMediator <dynamic> .Save(item); result = true; } } } return(result); }