 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the active measurement asynchronous when the BeginMeasurementAsync event is raised.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
 /// <param name="m">The m.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private async Task GetActiveMeasurementAsync(object sender, ActiveMeasurement m)
     _comm.BeginMeasurementAsync -= GetActiveMeasurementAsync;
     ActiveMeasurement            = m;
     if (ActiveMeasurement is ImpedimetricMeasurement eis)
         _activeSimpleMeasurement.NewSimpleCurve(PalmSens.Data.DataArrayType.ZRe, PalmSens.Data.DataArrayType.ZIm, "Nyquist", true); //Create a nyquist curve by default
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the ActiveMeasurement at the start of a measurement and casts BeginMeasurement events coming from a different thread to the UI thread when necessary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
 /// <param name="newMeasurement">The new measurement.</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.NullReferenceException">Platform not set.</exception>
 private void _comm_BeginMeasurement(object sender, ActiveMeasurement newMeasurement)
     if (_platform == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("Platform not set.");
     if (_platform.InvokeIfRequired(new CommManager.BeginMeasurementEventHandler(_comm_BeginMeasurement), sender, newMeasurement)) //Recast event to UI thread when necessary
     MeasurementStarted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
        private string GetDescription(MeasurementKey key, TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> table)
            ActiveMeasurement measurement = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString());
            string            text        = measurement.Description;
            string            stopAt      = measurement.PhasorType == 'I' ? "-I" : "-V";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                int charLocation = text.IndexOf(stopAt, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                if (charLocation > 0)
                    return(text.Substring(0, charLocation));

        private SignalType GetSignalType(MeasurementKey key, TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> table)
            ActiveMeasurement measurement = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString());

            if (measurement.SignalType == "IPHM")
            if (measurement.SignalType == "IPHA")
            if (measurement.SignalType == "VPHM")
            if (measurement.SignalType == "VPHA")

 //Notifies when a measurement begins on the potentiostat
 protected virtual void Comm_BeginMeasurement(object sender, ActiveMeasurement newMeasurement)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the reporting Measurment List from Aggregate Channels if available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> List of ReportMeasurements to be added to Report.</returns>
        /// <param name="start">Start date of the Report.</param>
        /// <param name="end">End date of the Report.</param>
        /// <param name="type"> Type of Report <see cref="ReportType"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="criteria"> Criteria for sorting this Report <see cref="ReportCriteria"/></param>
        /// <param name="numberRecords"> Number of Records that are being obtained. </param>
        /// <param name="cancelationToken"> Cancleation Token for the historian read operation.</param>
        /// <param name="dataContext">DataContext from which the available reportingParameters are pulled <see cref="DataContext"/>.</param>
        private List <ReportMeasurements> GetFromStats(DataContext dataContext, DateTime start, DateTime end, ReportType type, ReportCriteria criteria, int numberRecords, CancellationToken cancelationToken)
            List <ReportMeasurements> result = new List <ReportMeasurements>();

            // For now lump I and V together since we have to change all of this logic anyway to get away from SignalID back to Point Tags eventually
            // and get away from SQLLite files - waiting for ritchies comments before implementing that
            // Also using SignalID for everything this will be adjusted once I figured out how to combine the 2 SQL DB
            string idCollumn       = (type == ReportType.SNR? "SignalID" : "PositivePhaseSignalID");
            string sortCollumn     = "Max";
            string typerestriction = $" AND SignalType = '{(type == ReportType.Unbalance_I? "I" : "V")}'";

            switch (criteria)
            case (ReportCriteria.Maximum):
                sortCollumn = "Max";

            case (ReportCriteria.Mean):
                sortCollumn = "Mean";

            case (ReportCriteria.StandardDev):
                sortCollumn = "StandardDeviation";

            case (ReportCriteria.TimeInAlarm):
                sortCollumn = "PercentAlarms";

            string sqlQuery = $@"SELECT TOP {numberRecords}
                                    {idCollumn} AS ID,
                                    {idCollumn} AS SignalID,
                                    {idCollumn} AS PointTag,
                                    {idCollumn} AS SignalReference,
                                    (SUM(SUM)/SUM(Count)) AS Mean,
                                    MAX(Maximum) AS Max,
                                    Min(Minimum) AS Min,
                                    SQRT((1/CAST(SUM(COUNT) AS Float))*(SUM(SquaredSum)-2*SUM(Sum)*Sum(Sum)/CAST(SUM(Count) AS Float)+SUM(Sum)*Sum(Sum)/SUM(Count))) AS StandardDeviation,
                                    SUM(AlarmCount) AS NumberOfAlarms, 
                                    (CAST(SUM(AlarmActiveCount)AS float)/CAST(SUM(Count) AS Float)) as PercentAlarms
                                FROM {(type == ReportType.SNR? "SNRSummary" : "UnbalanceSummary")}
                                WHERE Date >= '{start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' AND Date <= '{end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}'{(type == ReportType.SNR? "" : typerestriction)} 
                                GROUP BY {idCollumn}
                                ORDER BY {sortCollumn}";

            DataTable reportTbl;

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(ReportSettingsCategory))
                reportTbl = connection.RetrieveData(sqlQuery);

            using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("Systemsettings"))
                TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> activeMeasurementTbl = new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(connection);
                TableOperations <Phasor>            phasorTbl            = new TableOperations <Phasor>(connection);
                int i = 0;

                foreach (DataRow row in reportTbl.Rows)
                    UpdatePercentage(i, numberRecords);

                    Guid signalID = row.Field <Guid>("SignalID");
                    ActiveMeasurement sourceMeasurement = activeMeasurementTbl.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", signalID);

                    if (sourceMeasurement == null)

                    Phasor phasor = phasorTbl.QueryRecordWhere("ID = {0}", sourceMeasurement.PhasorID);

                    result.Add(new ReportMeasurements()
                        SignalID          = signalID,
                        PointTag          = (((phasor != null) && (type != ReportType.SNR))? phasor.Label : sourceMeasurement.PointTag),
                        SignalReference   = sourceMeasurement.SignalReference,
                        SignalType        = sourceMeasurement.SignalType,
                        DeviceName        = sourceMeasurement.Device,
                        Mean              = row.Field <double>("Mean"),
                        Max               = row.Field <double>("Max"),
                        Min               = row.Field <double>("Min"),
                        StandardDeviation = row.Field <double>("StandardDeviation"),
                        AlarmCount        = row.Field <int>("NumberOfAlarms"),
                        PercentInAlarm    = row.Field <double>("PercentAlarms") * 100.0D,
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the ActiveMeasurement at the start of a measurement and casts BeginMeasurement events coming from a different thread to the UI thread when necessary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The new measurement.</param>
 /// <exception cref="System.NullReferenceException">Platform not set.</exception>
 private async Task _comm_BeginMeasurementAsync(object sender, ActiveMeasurement e)
     _comm_BeginMeasurement(sender, e);
 public void Comm_BeginMeasurement(object sender, ActiveMeasurement newMeasurement)
     measurement = newMeasurement;
        private Guid?GetSignalID(string pointTag, TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> table)
            ActiveMeasurement measurement = table.QueryRecordWhere("PointTag = {0}", pointTag);

        private bool SearchZero(MeasurementKey key, TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> table)
            ActiveMeasurement measurement = table.QueryRecordWhere("SignalID = {0}", key.SignalID.ToString());

            return(measurement.Phase == '0');
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the reporting Measurment List from Aggregate Channels if available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> List of ReportMeasurements to be added to Report.</returns>
        /// <param name="start">Start date of the Report.</param>
        /// <param name="end">End date of the Report.</param>
        /// <param name="type"> Type of Report <see cref="ReportType"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="cancelationToken"> Cancleation Token for the historian read operation.</param>
        /// <param name="dataContext">DataContext from which the available reportingParameters are pulled <see cref="DataContext"/>.</param>
        private List <ReportMeasurements> GetFromStats(DataContext dataContext, DateTime start, DateTime end, ReportType type, CancellationToken cancelationToken)
            List <ReportMeasurements> result = new List <ReportMeasurements>();

            string filterString = "";

            if (type == ReportType.SNR)
                filterString = "%-SNR";
            else if (type == ReportType.Unbalance_I)
                filterString = "%-IUBAL";
            else if (type == ReportType.Unbalance_V)
                filterString = "%-VUBAL";

            TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement> tableOperations = new TableOperations <ActiveMeasurement>(dataContext.Connection);

            tableOperations.RootQueryRestriction[0] = $"{GetSelectedInstanceName()}:%";

            if (tableOperations.QueryRecordCountWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":SUM") > 0)
                List <ActiveMeasurement> sumMeasurements       = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":SUM").ToList();
                List <ActiveMeasurement> squaredSumMeasurments = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":SQR").ToList();
                List <ActiveMeasurement> minimumMeasurements   = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":MIN").ToList();
                List <ActiveMeasurement> maximumMeasurements   = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":MAX").ToList();
                List <ActiveMeasurement> countMeasurements     = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":NUM").ToList();
                List <ActiveMeasurement> alertMeasurements     = tableOperations.QueryRecordsWhere("PointTag LIKE {0}", filterString + ":ALT").ToList();

                result = sumMeasurements.Select(point => new ReportMeasurements(point)).ToList();

                // Pull Data From the Open Historian
                List <ActiveMeasurement>  all = sumMeasurements.Concat(squaredSumMeasurments).Concat(minimumMeasurements).Concat(maximumMeasurements).Concat(countMeasurements).Concat(alertMeasurements).ToList();
                List <CondensedDataPoint> historiandata;

                if (cancelationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    return(new List <ReportMeasurements>());

                    Progress <ulong> progress = new Progress <ulong>(UpdatePercentage);
                    historiandata = m_historianOperations.ReadCondensed(start, end, all, double.MaxValue, cancelationToken, progress).ToList();
                    return(new List <ReportMeasurements>());

                if (cancelationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                    return(new List <ReportMeasurements>());

                result = result.Where((item, index) =>
                    ReportMeasurements sum = item;
                    string tag             = item.PointTag.Remove(item.PointTag.Length - 4);

                    ActiveMeasurement squaredSumChannel = squaredSumMeasurments.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement minimumChannel    = minimumMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement maximumChannel    = maximumMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement countChannel      = countMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement countAlertChannel = alertMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);

                    if (squaredSumChannel is null || minimumChannel is null || maximumChannel is null || countChannel is null || countAlertChannel is null)

                    return(historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(sum.PointID) &&
                           historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(squaredSumChannel.PointID) &&
                           historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(minimumChannel.PointID) &&
                           historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(maximumChannel.PointID) &&
                           historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(countAlertChannel.PointID) &&
                           historiandata.Select(point => point.PointID).Contains(countChannel.PointID));

                result = result.Select(item =>
                    string tag = item.PointTag.Remove(item.PointTag.Length - 4);

                    ActiveMeasurement squaredSumChannel = squaredSumMeasurments.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement minimumChannel    = minimumMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement maximumChannel    = maximumMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement countChannel      = countMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement countAlertChannel = alertMeasurements.Find(channel => channel.PointTag.Remove(channel.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);
                    ActiveMeasurement sumChannel        = sumMeasurements.Find(meas => meas.PointTag.Remove(meas.PointTag.Length - 4) == tag);

                    double minimum    = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == minimumChannel.PointID).Min;
                    double maximum    = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == maximumChannel.PointID).Max;
                    double count      = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == countChannel.PointID).Sum;
                    double alarmCount = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == countAlertChannel.PointID).Sum;
                    double summation  = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == sumChannel.PointID).Sum;
                    double squaredsum = historiandata.Find(point => point.PointID == squaredSumChannel.PointID).Sum;

                    item.Max               = maximum;
                    item.Min               = minimum;
                    item.Mean              = summation / count;
                    item.NumberOfAlarms    = alarmCount;
                    item.PercentAlarms     = alarmCount * 100.0D / count;
                    item.StandardDeviation = Math.Sqrt((squaredsum - 2 * summation * item.Mean + count * item.Mean * item.Mean) / count);
                    item.TimeInAlarm       = item.PercentAlarms * (end - start).TotalSeconds / 100.0D;

                    if (type == ReportType.SNR)
                        item.NumberOfAlarms = count - item.NumberOfAlarms;
                        item.PercentAlarms  = 100 - item.PercentAlarms;
                        item.TimeInAlarm    = item.PercentAlarms * (end - start).TotalSeconds / 100.0D;

                    item.PointTag = item.PointTag.Remove(item.PointTag.Length - 4);
