public void Test_05_ChangingChannelSupportPersistsOnCommit()
			CheckedListBox edPolicySupport = new CheckedListBox();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.PolicySupportControl = edPolicySupport;
			IResourceAction actionForTest = GetMockActionForTest();

			List<PolicyType> policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, policys.Count, "Should start as ActiveContent and ClientEmail");
            Assert.IsTrue(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "Should start as ActiveContent and ClientEmail");

            //get first non client email policy in list
            int id = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < edPolicySupport.Items.Count; i++)
                if (edPolicySupport.Items[i].ToString() != "Client Email Policy")
                    id = i;
			edPolicySupport.SetItemChecked(id, true);
            policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, policys.Count, "We haven't committed anything yet");
            Assert.IsTrue(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "We haven't committed anything yet");

            policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, policys.Count, "We haven't committed anything yet");
            Assert.IsTrue(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "We added ClientEmail, this should still be here");
		public void Test_02_ChangingActionNamePersistsOnCommit()
			TextBox edActionName = new TextBox();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ActionNameControl = edActionName;
			IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
			Assert.AreEqual("DRMAction", edActionName.Text, "Initial value not as expected.");
			edActionName.Text = "Digital Rights Management";
			Assert.AreEqual("DRMAction", action.Name, "We haven't called commit yet.");
			Assert.AreEqual("Digital Rights Management", action.Name, "Commit failed to persist the action name!.");
		public void Test_01_ConstructionAndSetup()
			TextBox edActionName = new TextBox();
			CheckedListBox edPolicySupport = new CheckedListBox();
			CheckedListBox edFileTypeSupport = new CheckedListBox();
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			edPropMapPanel.Width = 300;
			edPropMapPanel.Height = 200;

			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
			edActionName.Text = "Something";
			controller.ActionNameControl = edActionName;
			Assert.AreEqual("", edActionName.Text, "No value expected for this before connection.");

			edPolicySupport.Items.Add("Something irrelevant");
			controller.PolicySupportControl = edPolicySupport;
			Assert.AreEqual(0, edPolicySupport.Items.Count, "The controller should initialise the checked list box to empty");
			Assert.AreEqual(true, edPolicySupport.CheckOnClick, "Check on click should be set for this item");

			edFileTypeSupport.Items.Add("Something silly");
			controller.FileTypeSupportControl = edFileTypeSupport;
			Assert.AreEqual(0, edFileTypeSupport.Items.Count, "The controller should initialise the checked list box to empty");
			Assert.AreEqual(true, edFileTypeSupport.CheckOnClick, "Check on click should be set for this item");

			edPropMapPanel.Controls.Add(new Panel());
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;
			Assert.AreEqual(0, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We should connect to this panel as a clean slate");
			Assert.IsTrue(edPropMapPanel.AutoScroll, "In case there are lots of properties");
			IResourceAction actionForTest = GetMockActionForTest();

			Assert.AreEqual("DRMAction", edActionName.Text, "The action name field should be populated immediately after connect");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, edPolicySupport.CheckedItems.Count, "The mock resource action uses SMTP, HTTP and ActiveContent");
            Assert.AreEqual("Client Email Policy", edPolicySupport.Items[edPolicySupport.CheckedIndices[0]], "Only email should be checked");

			Assert.AreEqual(3, edFileTypeSupport.Items.Count, "The mock resource supports \".doc (Word Documents)\", \".xls (Excel Spreadsheets)\" and \".ppt (PowerPoint Documents)\"");
			Assert.AreEqual(".doc (Word Documents)", edFileTypeSupport.Items[0], "These should appear in order");
			Assert.AreEqual(".xls (Excel Spreadsheets)", edFileTypeSupport.Items[1], "These should appear in order");
			Assert.AreEqual(".ppt (PowerPoint Documents)", edFileTypeSupport.Items[2], "These should appear in order");

			Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "Controls need to be added; one for each of the 4 ResourceActionProperties in the mock.");
        public void Test_20_TestResourceAction_AutoExpandFirstItem()
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();

            IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
            action.AutoExpand = true;

            CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
            cb.Checked = false;
            controller.AutoExpandItemControl = cb;

            Assert.IsTrue(cb.Checked, "After connecting to an action with ExpandFirstFile==true, the checkbox should be checked.");

            cb.Checked = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(action.AutoExpand, "After un-checking the checkbox and Committing, the action should have ExpandFirstFile==false.");

            action.AutoExpand = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(cb.Checked, "After connecting to an action with ExpandFirstFile==false, the checkbox should be un-checked.");

            cb.Checked = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(action.AutoExpand, "After checking the checkbox and Committing, the action should have ExpandFirstFile==true.");
        public void Test_19_ChangingChannelSupportPersistsOnCommitIfChannelNotDisplayedInUI()
            CheckedListBox edPolicySupport = new CheckedListBox();
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.PolicySupportControl = edPolicySupport;
            IResourceAction actionForTest = GetMockActionForTest();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, edPolicySupport.CheckedIndices.Count, "test setup failure - Incorrect number of items in checked list box");
            List<PolicyType> policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, policys.Count, "Should start as ClientEmail");
            Assert.IsTrue(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "Should start as ActiveContent and ClientEmail");

            //find clientemail id
            int clientemailid = -1;
            int otherrandompolicy = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < edPolicySupport.Items.Count; i++)
                if (edPolicySupport.Items[i].ToString() == "Client Email Policy")
                    clientemailid = i;
            if (clientemailid == 0)
                otherrandompolicy = 1;

            edPolicySupport.SetItemChecked(1, true);
            policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, policys.Count, "We haven't committed anything yet");
            Assert.IsTrue(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "We haven't committed anything yet");

            //we'll remove a channel from the checked list box. This is effectively what happens when displaying an action
            //that supports removeable device channel, if protect mobile is not installed

            policys = new List<PolicyType>(actionForTest.SupportedPolicySetting);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, policys.Count, "Unexpected number of policies in committed action. We only exoect to receive a single supported policy");
            Assert.IsFalse(policys.Contains(PolicyType.ClientEmail), "Client email should have dissappeared");
 public void Test_18_TestResourceAction_AllowTransparentWithBlockingAction()
     ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
     controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
     IResourceAction action = new MockBlockingResourceAction();
     CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
     cb.Checked = true;
     cb.Enabled = true;
     controller.TransparentSendControl = cb;
     Assert.IsFalse(cb.Checked, "Checkbox should be automatically unchecked for any blocking action.");
     Assert.IsFalse(cb.Enabled, "Checkbox should be disabled for any blocking action.");
     Assert.IsFalse(action.AllowTransparent, "Property should always be false for blocking actions.");
        public void Test_17_TestResourceAction_AllowTransparent()
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();

            IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
            action.AllowTransparent = true;
            CheckBox cb = new CheckBox();
            cb.Checked = false;
            controller.TransparentSendControl = cb;
            Assert.IsTrue( cb.Checked, "After connecting to an action with Transparent==true, the checkbox should be checked.");
            cb.Checked = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(action.AllowTransparent, "After un-checking the checkbox and Committing, the action should have Transparent==false.");

            action.AllowTransparent = false;
            Assert.IsFalse(cb.Checked, "After connecting to an action with Transparent==false, the checkbox should be un-checked.");

            cb.Checked = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(action.AllowTransparent, "After checking the checkbox and Committing, the action should have Transparent==true.");
        public void Test_16_TestResourceActionPropertyNameValidation()
            ActionDetailController actionDetailController = new ActionDetailController();
            string errorMessage;

            //empty name
            bool validationResult = actionDetailController.ValidateCustomPropertyName(@"   ", out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsFalse(validationResult, "Should not allow empty resource action property names");
            Assert.AreEqual(Properties.AdminUIResources.CUSTOMPROPERTY_NAME_BLANK, errorMessage, "incorrect error on empty resource action property names");

            //begins with space
            errorMessage = null;
            validationResult = actionDetailController.ValidateCustomPropertyName(@" A Property Name", out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsFalse(validationResult, "Should not allow resource action name beginning with space");
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.AdminUIResources.ACTION_NAME_INVALID_CHAR, " ", "1"), errorMessage, "incorrect error on resource action property name beginning with space");

            //invalid filename char
            errorMessage = null;
            validationResult = actionDetailController.ValidateCustomPropertyName(@"A Property*Name", out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsFalse(validationResult, "Should not allow resource action name containing special file name chars");
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.AdminUIResources.ACTION_NAME_INVALID_CHAR, "*", "11"), errorMessage, "incorrect error on resource action property name containing special file name chars");

            //too long
            errorMessage = null;
            string name = @"A Property Name that is too long cos there is a limit on exactly how long it can be and for very good reason";
            Assert.IsTrue(name.Length > ActionDetailController.PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, "test setup failure - test name is not long enough");
            validationResult = actionDetailController.ValidateCustomPropertyName(name, out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsFalse(validationResult, "Should not allow resource action property name that is too long");
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Properties.AdminUIResources.CUSTOMPROPERTY_NAME_INVALID_LENGTH, ActionDetailController.PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)), errorMessage, "incorrect error on resource action property name that is too long");

            //ah... just right
            errorMessage = null;
            validationResult = actionDetailController.ValidateCustomPropertyName("A resource action property name", out errorMessage);
            Assert.IsTrue(validationResult, "Should not complain about this resource action property name");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, errorMessage, "incorrect error on valid resource action property name");
        public void Test_15_CantDeleteNonExistantProperty()
            Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
            controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;

            IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
            Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting 4 controls on the panel");
            Label label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "This property does not exist");
            Assert.IsNull(label, "This label should not exist!");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
            Assert.IsNull(GetPropertyFromUIByName(edPropMapPanel, "This property does not exist"), "Property should not exist");

                controller.DeleteCustomProperty("This property does not exist");
                Assert.Fail("Failed to throw expected exception");
            catch(Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(Properties.AdminUIResources.CUSTOMPROPERTY_NOT_FOUND, ex.Message, "unexpected exception thrown");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting the controls to remain the same");
            label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "This property does not exist");
            Assert.IsNull(label, "This label should not exist!");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");


            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
		public void Test_07_ChangingPropertyValuePersistsOnCommit()
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;

			IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();

            //boolean property
			ComboBox combo = GetComboBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Bool Property");
			IResourceActionProperty bigTextProperty = GetPropertyFromActionByName(action, "Bool Property");
			combo.SelectedIndex = 1; // Setting for 'false'
			Assert.AreEqual("False", combo.Text, "Property now mapped to false, but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, bigTextProperty.Value, "Unexpected value in property before the commit");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, bigTextProperty.Value, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            combo.SelectedIndex = 0; // Setting for 'true'
            Assert.AreEqual("True", combo.Text, "Property now mapped to true, but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, bigTextProperty.Value, "Unexpected value in property before the commit");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, bigTextProperty.Value, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            combo.SelectedIndex = 1; // Setting for 'false'
            Assert.AreEqual("False", combo.Text, "Property now mapped to false, but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, bigTextProperty.Value, "Unexpected value in property before the commit");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, bigTextProperty.Value, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            //text property
            TextBox textBox = GetTextBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
			IResourceActionProperty passwordProperty = GetPropertyFromActionByName(action, "Password");
            textBox.Text = "MyNewPassword";
            Assert.AreEqual("MyNewPassword", textBox.Text, "Property now 'MyNewPassword', but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual("MyPassword", passwordProperty.Value.ToString(), "Unexpected value in property before commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("MyNewPassword", passwordProperty.Value.ToString(), "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            //add custom property
            controller.CreateCustomProperty("Super Custom");
            IResourceActionProperty customProperty = GetPropertyFromActionByName(action, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsNull(customProperty, "Custom property should exist only in the UI");
            customProperty = GetPropertyFromActionByName(action, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsNotNull(customProperty, "Custom property should have been committed to the collection");

            //mapped system property on custom property
            combo = GetComboBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            combo.SelectedIndex = 1; //mapped to system property "GroupID (string)"
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", combo.Text, "Property now GroupId (string), but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual("Undefined", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Unexpected value in property before commit");
            Assert.IsNull(customProperty.MappedSystemProperty, "Unexpected mapped system property before commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", customProperty.MappedSystemProperty.PropertyName, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            combo.Text = "Free text"; //not mapped to a system property
            Assert.AreEqual("Free text", combo.Text, "Property now Free text, but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Unexpected mapped system property before commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", customProperty.MappedSystemProperty.PropertyName, "Unexpected mapped system property before commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("Free text", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");
            Assert.IsNull(customProperty.MappedSystemProperty, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

            combo.SelectedIndex = 2; //mapped to system property "GroupID (string)"
            Assert.AreEqual("Recipients (string)", combo.Text, "Property now GroupId (string), but ONLY in UI");
            Assert.AreEqual("Free text", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Unexpected value in property before commit");
            Assert.IsNull(customProperty.MappedSystemProperty, "Unexpected mapped system property before commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("Recipients (string)", customProperty.Value.ToString(), "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");
            Assert.AreEqual("Recipients (string)", customProperty.MappedSystemProperty.PropertyName, "Failed to map the value to the property after commit");

        public void Test_13_DeleteCustomProperty()
            Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
            controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;

            IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
            controller.CreateCustomProperty("Super Custom");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting 5 controls on the panel");
            Label label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsNotNull(label, "This label should now exist!");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
            IResourceActionProperty resourceActionProperty = GetPropertyFromUIByName(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsTrue(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should be in the collection");

            ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            Assert.AreEqual(ComboBoxStyle.DropDown, comboBox.DropDownStyle, "Custom properties are string properties");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, comboBox.Items.Count, "There should only be the empty property item and system properties 'GroupId & Recipients (string)' here");
            Assert.AreEqual("", comboBox.Items[0], "First Item should always be empty");
            Assert.AreEqual("GroupId (string)", comboBox.Items[1], "This should be 'GroudId'");
            Assert.AreEqual("Recipients (string)", comboBox.Items[2], "This should be 'Recipients'");

            controller.DeleteCustomProperty("Super Custom");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting a control to have been removed from the panel");
            label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsNull(label, "This label should not now exist in the UI");
            comboBox = GetComboBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Super Custom");
            Assert.IsNull(comboBox, "We are not expecting a combo box for the deleted custom property");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action; the property we deleted should still be in the collection as we haven;t committed the change");
            Assert.IsTrue(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should still be in the collection as we haven;t yet committed the change");


            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action; the property should have been removed from the collection");
            Assert.IsFalse(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should have been removed from the collection");
		public void Test_12_CantAddCustomPropertiesWithSameName_TwoCustom()
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;
			IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
		public void Test_11_CantAddCustomPropertiesWithSameName_AlreadyExisting()
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;
			IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();
        public void Test_09_OptionsMapsOnlyToAssociatedType()
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;

			IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();

			ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Encrypt Document");
			Assert.AreEqual(ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList, comboBox.DropDownStyle, "Boolean is not text editable");
			Assert.AreEqual(2, comboBox.Items.Count, "There should only be the empty property item and system property 'thingy (bool)' here");
			Assert.AreEqual("True", comboBox.Items[0], "First Item should always be empty");
			Assert.AreEqual("False", comboBox.Items[1], "First Item should always be empty");

            TextBox textBox = GetTextBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "password");
            Assert.IsNotNull(textBox, "This is a text property, should return a textbox");
            Assert.AreEqual("MyPassword", textBox.Text, "Text should be MyPassword");
		public void Test_08_ConnectingAPropertiesControlRequiresValidResourceManager()
			Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;
        public void Test_14_CantDeleteNonCustomProperty()
            Panel edPropMapPanel = new Panel();
            ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
            controller.ResourceManager = new MockResourceManager();
            controller.PropertiesControl = edPropMapPanel;

            IResourceAction action = GetMockActionForTest();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting 4 controls on the panel");
            Label label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
            Assert.IsNotNull(label, "This label should now exist!");
            TextBox textBox = GetTextBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
            Assert.IsNotNull(textBox, "We are expecting to find a TextBox for the password property");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
            IResourceActionProperty resourceActionProperty = GetPropertyFromUIByName(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
            Assert.IsTrue(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should be in the collection");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual(Properties.AdminUIResources.CUSTOMPROPERTY_DELETE_NOTACUSTOMPROPERTY, ex.Message, "Unexpected exception thrown");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, edPropMapPanel.Controls.Count, "We are expecting the controls to remain the same");
            label = GetLabelWithText(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
            Assert.IsNotNull(label, "This label should still exist in the UI");
            textBox = GetTextBoxForProperty(edPropMapPanel, "Password");
            Assert.IsNotNull(textBox, "We are expecting to find a TextBox for the password property");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
            Assert.IsTrue(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should be in the collection");


            Assert.AreEqual(4, action.Properties.Count, "unexpected number of properties on the action");
            Assert.IsTrue(action.Properties.Contains(resourceActionProperty), "Resource action property should be in the collection");
		public void Test_06_ChangingSupportedFileTypesPersistsOnCommit()
			CheckedListBox edFileTypeSupport = new CheckedListBox();
			ActionDetailController controller = new ActionDetailController();
			controller.FileTypeSupportControl = edFileTypeSupport;
			IResourceAction actionForTest = GetMockActionForTest();

			List<string> files = new List<string>(actionForTest.SupportedFileCollectionSetting.SupportedFiles());
			Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count, "The mock supports .doc and .ppt on creation");
			Assert.AreEqual(".doc (Word Documents)", files[0], "Should have .doc as first");
			Assert.AreEqual(".ppt (PowerPoint Documents)", files[1], "Should have .ppt as first");

			edFileTypeSupport.SetItemChecked(1, true);
			files = new List<string>(actionForTest.SupportedFileCollectionSetting.SupportedFiles());
			Assert.AreEqual(2, files.Count, "We haven't called commit yet");
			Assert.AreEqual(".doc (Word Documents)", files[0], "We haven't called commit yet");
			Assert.AreEqual(".ppt (PowerPoint Documents)", files[1], "We haven't called commit yet");

			files = new List<string>(actionForTest.SupportedFileCollectionSetting.SupportedFiles());
			Assert.AreEqual(3, files.Count, "Commit should have added .xls");
			Assert.AreEqual(".doc (Word Documents)", files[0], "We added .xls, .doc should still be here");
			Assert.AreEqual(".xls (Excel Spreadsheets)", files[1], "Commit should have added .xls");
			Assert.AreEqual(".ppt (PowerPoint Documents)", files[2], "We added .xls, .ppt should still be here");