        public void MeanTest()
            var    a     = new Accumulator();
            double total = 0;

            total += 1.2;
            total += 1.5;
            Assert.Equal(total / 2, a.Mean);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Chameleons simulation.");

            // a list of chameleons
            List <Chameleon> cc = new List <Chameleon>();

            // how many of each color do we need
            int nBlack = 15;
            int nBrown = 10;
            int nGray  = 14;

            // how many simulations to run
            int nSimulations = 10000;

            // create an accumulator keep track of how many generations to all same color
            Accumulator runCounts = new Accumulator();

            // number of generations for which no solution was found
            int nNoSolution = 0;

            // a random number generator
            Random r = new Random();

            // keep track of which color is the final color
            Dictionary <Chameleon.colors, int> fnlColors = new Dictionary <Chameleon.colors, int>();

            fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Black] = 0;
            fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Brown] = 0;
            fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Gray]  = 0;

            int  g;                     // count of chameleon meetings needed to reach all same color
            bool allSameColor;          // true if all same color after run

            Chameleon.colors fnlColor;  // final color if all same color reached

            // run the simulations in a loop
            for (int i = 0; i < nSimulations; i++)
                g = 0;
                Initialize(cc, nBlack, nBrown, nGray);
                RunSimulation(cc, r, out g, out allSameColor, out fnlColor);
                if (allSameColor)
                    switch (fnlColor)
                    case Chameleon.colors.Black:
                        fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Black] += 1;

                    case Chameleon.colors.Brown:
                        fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Brown] += 1;

                    case Chameleon.colors.Gray:
                        fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Gray] += 1;


            Console.WriteLine("Results of simulations");
            Console.WriteLine("Number of simulations: {0}", nSimulations);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of simulations with no solution: {0}", nNoSolution);
            Console.WriteLine("Average number of meetings to all chameleons are of "
                              + " the same color {0}\n", runCounts.Mean());
            Console.WriteLine("Final color Black: {0}", fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Black]);
            Console.WriteLine("Final color Brown: {0}", fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Brown]);
            Console.WriteLine("Final color Gray: {0}", fnlColors[Chameleon.colors.Gray]);
            Console.WriteLine("Fewest number of meetings until all same color: {0}", runCounts.Lo());
            Console.WriteLine("Greatest number of meetings until all same\ncolor "
                              + " (if solution was found): {0}", runCounts.Hi());

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Project Euler Problem 280 Ant and Seeds
            // Author:  D.
            // Date: 11/26/2014
            // https://projecteuler.net/problem=280
            // Ant and seeds
            // Problem 280:
            // "A laborious ant walks randomly on a 5x5 grid. The walk starts from the central square.
            //  At each step, the ant moves to an adjacent square at random, without leaving the grid; thus there
            //  are 2, 3 or 4 possible moves at each step depending on the ant's position.
            //  At the start of the walk, a seed is placed on each square of the lower row. When the ant
            //  isn't carrying a seed and reaches a square of the lower row containing a seed, it
            //  will start to carry the seed. The ant will drop the seed on the first empty square of
            //  the upper row it eventually reaches.
            //  What's the expected number of steps until all seeds have been dropped in the top row?
            //  Give your answer rounded to 6 decimal places."

            // Windows .NET console application in C#.
            // Created with Windows 10, .NET framework 4.6, and Visual Studio Community Edition 2015

            // Solution - Brute force approach:  run a set of simulations keeping track of number
            // of moves required to move all the seeds to their final position.
            // When all the simulations have been run, find the average number of moves
            // and display on screen.

            // Assumptions or inferences from the problem statement:
            // "Ant can only move to adjacent square" - must mean no diagonal moves.
            // Ant can only carry one seed at a time.
            // Ant may only drop seed in top row.
            // Ant can move to cell containing a seed, even if it already has a seed.
            // The grid has 'walls' - the ant never tries to move to a cell outside the grid.

            // This was an exercise in C# development.
            // Solution was not checked against official number on Project Euler site.

            Console.WriteLine("Project Euler Problem 280: Ant and Seeds");

            const int numRows = 5; //num rows in the grid
            const int numCols = 5; //num cols in the grid

            //create an array to hold the count of moves from each simulation run.  Array size = number of simulations to run.
            const double nbrSimulationsToRun = 1000;
            double nbrMoves;

            // create the ant and place it in the grid on which the ant moves in the simulations
            AntGrid antGrid = new AntGrid(numRows, numCols);

            Accumulator sumOfMoves = new Accumulator();

            for (int i = 0; i < nbrSimulationsToRun; i++)
                // initialize and center the ant on the grid
                //antGrid.DisplayGrid(numRows, numCols, grid, ant);

                // run a simulation
                nbrMoves = antGrid.RunSimulation();

            Console.WriteLine("The average number of moves in {0} simulations was:  {1:f6}", nbrSimulationsToRun, sumOfMoves.Mean());

            //antGrid.DisplayGrid(numRows, numCols, grid, ant);

            // keep console window open until user is ready to close out.
            Console.WriteLine("Complete.  Press any key to exit.");