public async Task <List <AccountsDTO> > GetSubLedgerAccountList(long ledgerid, string ConnectionString)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                accountslist = new List <AccountsDTO>();
                    using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = NPGSqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, "select t1.accountid,t1.accountname,sum(coalesce(debitamount, 0) - coalesce(creditamount, 0)) as balance from tblmstaccounts t1 left join tbltranstotaltransactions t2 on t1.accountid = t2.accountid  where t1.parentid = " + ledgerid + " and t1.chracctype = '3' and t1.statusid = " + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + " group by t1.accountid,t1.accountname order by accountname;"))
                        while (dr.Read())
                            AccountsDTO _AccountsDTO    = new AccountsDTO();
                            _AccountsDTO.psubledgerid   = Convert.ToInt64(dr["accountid"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.psubledgername = Convert.ToString(dr["accountname"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.accountbalance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["balance"]);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;

        public async Task <List <AccountsDTO> > GetLedgerAccountList(string ConnectionString, string formname)
            string query = string.Empty;
            await Task.Run(() =>
                accountslist = new List <AccountsDTO>();
                    if (formname == "DISBURSEMENT")
                        query = "select t1.accountid,t1.accountname,sum( coalesce(debitamount,0)-coalesce(creditamount,0)) as balance," +
                                " (case when acctype='L' then 'EQUITY AND LIABILITIES' when acctype='A' then 'ASSETS' when acctype='I' then 'INCOME' when acctype='E' then 'EXPENSES' end)acctype from tblmstaccounts t1 left join tbltranstotaltransactions t2 on t1.accountid=t2.parentid  where chracctype ='2' and t1.accountid not in (select accountid from tblmstuntransactionaccounts  where formname ='PAYMENT VOUCHER') and acctype  ='A' and t1.accountname='TRADE ADVANCE TO SHOWROOMS' and t1.statusid= " + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + " group by t1.accountid,t1.accountname,acctype order by accountname;";
                        query = "select t1.accountid,t1.accountname,sum( coalesce(debitamount,0)-coalesce(creditamount,0)) as balance," +
                                " (case when acctype='L' then 'EQUITY AND LIABILITIES' when acctype='A' then 'ASSETS' when acctype='I' then 'INCOME' when acctype='E' then 'EXPENSES' end)acctype from tblmstaccounts t1 left join tbltranstotaltransactions t2 on t1.accountid=t2.parentid  where chracctype ='2' and t1.accountid not in (select accountid from tblmstuntransactionaccounts  where formname ='" + formname + "') and t1.statusid= " + Convert.ToInt32(Status.Active) + " group by t1.accountid,t1.accountname,acctype order by accountname;";

                    using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = NPGSqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, query))
                        while (dr.Read())
                            AccountsDTO _AccountsDTO    = new AccountsDTO();
                            _AccountsDTO.pledgerid      = Convert.ToInt64(dr["accountid"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.pledgername    = Convert.ToString(dr["accountname"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.accountbalance = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["balance"]);

                             = Convert.ToInt64(dr["accountid"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.text         = Convert.ToString(dr["accountname"]);
                            _AccountsDTO.pAccounttype = Convert.ToString(dr["acctype"]);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
