public AccountMsg deposit(dwacc value) { string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value); StringContent content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(client.BaseAddress + "/Transaction/deposit/", content).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string data1 = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Ts s1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ts>(data1); if (s1.Message == "Success") { if (value.AccountId % 2 == 0) { var sa = savingsAccounts.Find(a => a.savingsAccountId == value.AccountId); sa.savingsAccountbalance = sa.savingsAccountbalance + value.Balance; AccountMsg sob = new AccountMsg { accountId = value.AccountId, AccType = "Deposited Correctly", AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance }; return(sob); } var ca = currentAccounts.Find(a => a.CAId == value.AccountId); ca.CBal = ca.CBal + value.Balance; AccountMsg cob = new AccountMsg { accountId = value.AccountId, AccType = "Deposited Correctly", AccBal = ca.CBal }; return(cob); } /* if (value.AccountId % 2 == 0) * { * var sad = savingsAccounts.Find(a => a.savingsAccountId == value.AccountId); * sad.savingsAccountbalance = sad.savingsAccountbalance + value.Balance; * AccountMsg sobd = new AccountMsg * { * accountId = value.AccountId, * AccType = "Deposited Correctly", * AccBal = sad.savingsAccountbalance * }; * return sobd; * } * var cad = currentAccounts.Find(a => a.CAId == value.AccountId); * cad.CBal = cad.CBal + value.Balance; * AccountMsg cobd = new AccountMsg * { * accountId = value.AccountId, * AccType = "Deposited Correctly", * AccBal = cad.CBal * }; * return cobd;*/ } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// 获取卡号 /// </summary> /// <returns>读者编号</returns> public string strGetCardNo() { AccountMsg am = new AccountMsg(); int s = TA_ReadCardSimple(ref am); _cardNo = s.ToString() + "," + am.StudentCode; return(_cardNo); //am.StudentCode.ToString() ; }
public ruleStatus evaluateMinBal(dwacc value) { AccountMsg ob = new AccountMsg(); ruleStatus ob1 = new ruleStatus(); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(client.BaseAddress + "/Account/getAccount/" + value.AccountId).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string data = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; ob = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AccountMsg>(data); ob.AccBal = ob.AccBal - value.Balance; if (ob.AccBal < 500) { ob1.message = "Warning"; } else { ob1.message = "No Warning"; } } return(ob1); }
public AccountMsg getAccount(int id) { if (id % 2 != 0) { var ca = currentAccounts.Find(a => a.CAId == id); var ac1 = new AccountMsg { accountId = ca.CAId, AccType = "Current Account", AccBal = ca.CBal }; return(ac1); } var sa = savingsAccounts.Find(a => a.savingsAccountId == id); var ac = new AccountMsg { accountId = sa.savingsAccountId, AccType = "Savings Account", AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance }; return(ac); }
public static extern int TA_InqAcc(ref AccountMsg pAccMsg, short TimeOut);
public static extern int TA_HazyInqAcc(ref AccountMsg pAccMsg, int *RecNum, string FileName, short TimeOut);
public void Setup() { am = new AccountMsg { AccId = 1, AccBal = 1000, AccType = "Savings" }; }
public AccountMsg withdraw(dwacc value) { string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value); StringContent content = new StringContent(data, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsync(client.BaseAddress + "/Transaction/withdraw/", content).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string data1 = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; Ts s1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ts>(data1); AccountMsg amsg = new AccountMsg(); if (s1.Message == "No Warning") { if (value.AccountId % 2 == 0) { var sa = savingsAccounts.Find(a => a.savingsAccountId == value.AccountId); sa.savingsAccountbalance = sa.savingsAccountbalance - value.Balance; if (sa.savingsAccountbalance >= 0) { amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Withdrawn Successfully"; amsg.AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance; return(amsg); } else { sa.savingsAccountbalance = sa.savingsAccountbalance + value.Balance; amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Insufficient Fund"; amsg.AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance; return(amsg); } } var car = currentAccounts.Find(a => a.CAId == value.AccountId); car.CBal = car.CBal - value.Balance; if (car.CBal >= 0) { amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Withdrawn Successfully"; amsg.AccBal = car.CBal; return(amsg); } else { car.CBal = car.CBal + value.Balance; amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Insufficient Fund"; amsg.AccBal = car.CBal; return(amsg); } } if (value.AccountId % 2 == 0) { var sa = savingsAccounts.Find(a => a.savingsAccountId == value.AccountId); sa.savingsAccountbalance = sa.savingsAccountbalance - value.Balance; if (sa.savingsAccountbalance >= 0) { amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Withdrawn Successfully.Service charge applicable at the end of month"; amsg.AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance; return(amsg); } else { sa.savingsAccountbalance = sa.savingsAccountbalance + value.Balance; amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Insufficient Fund"; amsg.AccBal = sa.savingsAccountbalance; return(amsg); } } var ca = currentAccounts.Find(a => a.CAId == value.AccountId); ca.CBal = ca.CBal - value.Balance; if (ca.CBal >= 0) { amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Withdrawn Successfully.Service Charge Applicable at the end of month"; amsg.AccBal = ca.CBal; return(amsg); } else { ca.CBal = ca.CBal + value.Balance; amsg.accountId = value.AccountId; amsg.AccType = "Insufficient Fund"; amsg.AccBal = ca.CBal; return(amsg); } } return(null); }
private static extern int TA_ReadCardSimple(ref AccountMsg pAccMsg);