public void UpdateTest() { IAccount a = AccountGateway.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine("Old Values:"); PrintAccount(a); a.Host = ""; a.UserName = "******"; a.IsDefault = true; a.Password = "******"; IAccount b = AccountGateway.Update(a); Console.WriteLine("New Values:"); PrintAccount(b); Assert.AreEqual(a.Id, b.Id); }
public void UpdateCollectionTest() { IAccount a1 = AccountGateway.Add("test1", "test1", "", "*****@*****.**"); IAccount a2 = AccountGateway.Add("test2", "test2", "", "*****@*****.**", true); Process.Start(AccountGateway.AccountSettingPath); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Account(a1) Old Values:"); PrintAccount(a1); Console.WriteLine("Account(a2) Old Values:"); PrintAccount(a2); a1.UserName = "******"; a1.Host = ""; a2.UserName = "******"; a2.Host = ""; IList <IAccount> expect = new List <IAccount>() { a1, a2 }; IList <IAccount> actual = AccountGateway.Update(expect); Process.Start(AccountGateway.AccountSettingPath); a1 = actual.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == a1.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(a1); Console.WriteLine("Found Account(a1) New Values:"); PrintAccount(a1); a2 = actual.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == a2.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(a2); Console.WriteLine("Found Account(a1) New Values:"); PrintAccount(a2); }
public void RefreshTest() { IList <Cookie> cookies = new List <Cookie>(); #region Test email host domain //IList<IAccount> accounts = AccountGateway.GetAll(); //foreach (IAccount account in accounts) //{ // account.IsDefault = account.Host == ""; //} //accounts= AccountGateway.Update(accounts); #endregion #region Test wrong email host domain IAccount a = AccountGateway.GetDefault(); a.Host = ""; a = AccountGateway.Update(a); #endregion Process.Start(AccountGateway.AccountSettingPath); try { Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Refresh(); cookies = Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Current.CookieCache; } catch (Exception e) { Assert.IsInstanceOfType(e, typeof(AuthenticationException)); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Assert.IsTrue(cookies.Count < 2); #region Test email host domain //foreach (IAccount account in accounts) //{ // account.IsDefault = account.Host == ""; //} //AccountGateway.Update(accounts); #endregion #region Test wrong email host domain a.Host = ""; a = AccountGateway.Update(a); #endregion Process.Start(AccountGateway.AccountSettingPath); Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Refresh(); cookies = Authentication.AuthenticationManager.Current.CookieCache; Console.WriteLine("Count:{0}", cookies.Count); Assert.IsTrue(cookies.Count >= 2); }
/** * Facilitate testing of data layer */ public static void Main(string[] args) { // FOR PROTOTYPE DEMO, START WITH EMPTY DB var db = new DbObj(); var db2 = new DbObj(); var accGateway = new AccountGateway(db); var metadataGateway = new MetadataGateway(db2); string email = "*****@*****.**"; ObjectId objId; AccountModel acc; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("\nSelect an operation:"); Console.WriteLine("0. Exit."); Console.WriteLine("1. Create 4 new users."); Console.WriteLine("2. View all users."); Console.WriteLine("3. Update a user's name."); Console.WriteLine("4. Delete a user's account."); Console.WriteLine("5. View name & password of a user."); Console.WriteLine("6. Create sample file and folders."); Console.WriteLine("7. View content of user's root folder."); string cmd = Console.ReadLine(); switch (cmd) { case "0": Console.WriteLine("\nExit ok."); return; case "1": // CREATE objId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); accGateway.Insert(new AccountModel(objId, "Ng Cai Feng", "Mr", "*****@*****.**", "password1", DateTime.Now, true, "", "Bio")); objId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); accGateway.Insert(new AccountModel(objId, "Chua Xiang Wei, Jerahmeel", "Mr", "*****@*****.**", "password2", DateTime.Now, true, "", "Bio")); objId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); accGateway.Insert(new AccountModel(objId, "Ryan Chia Dong Yi", "Mr", "*****@*****.**", "password3", DateTime.Now, true, "", "Bio")); objId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); accGateway.Insert(new AccountModel(objId, "Lim Jing Pei", "Ms", "*****@*****.**", "password4", DateTime.Now, true, "", "Bio")); accGateway.Save(); break; case "2": // READ all accounts var readResults = accGateway.SelectAll().GetEnumerator(); while (readResults.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(readResults.Current?.Email + " " + readResults.Current?.Name); } break; case "3": // UPDATE account by email Console.WriteLine("Enter the email of the user whose name you want to update:"); email = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the new name:"); String name = Console.ReadLine(); acc = accGateway.SelectByEmail(email); if (acc != null) { acc.Name = name; accGateway.Update(acc); accGateway.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Email not found."); } break; case "4": // DELETE account by email Console.WriteLine("Enter the email of the user to delete:"); email = Console.ReadLine(); acc = accGateway.SelectByEmail(email); if (acc != null) { accGateway.Delete(acc); accGateway.Save(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Email not found."); } break; case "5": // SELECT ACCOUNT MODEL BY EMAIL Console.WriteLine("Enter the email of the user you want to view:"); email = Console.ReadLine(); acc = accGateway.SelectByEmail(email); if (acc != null) { Console.WriteLine("Name of " + email + ": " + acc.Name); Console.WriteLine("Password of " + email + ": " + acc.Password); } else { Console.WriteLine("Email not found."); } break; case "6": // CREATE FILES AND FOLDERS AccessControlsModel acModel1 = new AccessControlsModel("*****@*****.**", true, true); AccessControlsModel acModel2 = new AccessControlsModel("*****@*****.**", true, true); List <AccessControlsModel> acList = new List <AccessControlsModel>(); acList.Add(acModel1); acList.Add(acModel2); ObjectId userRootId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); ObjectId folderAId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); ObjectId folderBId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); ObjectId folderCId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); // userRoot metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(userRootId, email, email, 0, DateTime.Now, "", "", acList)); // folderA in root metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(folderAId, email, "FolderA", 0, DateTime.Now, "", userRootId.ToString(), acList)); // fileA in folderA metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileA", 1, DateTime.Now, "", folderAId.ToString(), acList)); // fileB in folderA metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileB", 1, DateTime.Now, "", folderAId.ToString(), acList)); // fileC in folderA metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileC", 1, DateTime.Now, "", folderAId.ToString(), acList)); // folderB in folderA metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(folderBId, email, "FolderB", 0, DateTime.Now, "", folderAId.ToString(), acList)); // fileD in folderB metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileD", 1, DateTime.Now, "", folderBId.ToString(), acList)); // folderC in root metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(folderCId, email, "FolderC", 0, DateTime.Now, "", userRootId.ToString(), acList)); // fileE in folderC metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileE", 1, DateTime.Now, "", folderCId.ToString(), acList)); // fileF in root metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileF", 1, DateTime.Now, "", userRootId.ToString(), acList)); // fileG in root metadataGateway.Insert(new MetadataModel(ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), email, "FileG", 1, DateTime.Now, "", userRootId.ToString(), acList)); metadataGateway.Save(); break; case "7": // View content of user's root folder Console.WriteLine("Enter the email of the user:"******"\nTop level files and folders:\n"); var contentEnumerator = content.GetEnumerator(); while (contentEnumerator.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine(contentEnumerator.Current?.name); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Email not found."); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid command."); break; } } }