        public void SetupEntities()
            using (DatabaseContext context = DatabaseContext.GetContext(true))
                using (new SecurityBypassContext())
                    Role              administratorRole;
                    EntityType        resourceType;
                    AccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper;

                    administratorRole = Entity.Get <Role>(new EntityRef("core", "administratorRole"), true);
                    resourceType      = Entity.Get <EntityType>(new EntityRef("core", "resource"));
                    // resourceType = Entity.Get<EntityType>(new EntityRef("core", "securableEntity"));
                    accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory();

                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(administratorRole.As <Subject>(), resourceType.As <SecurableEntity>());
                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(administratorRole.As <Subject>(), resourceType.As <SecurableEntity>(),
                                                        new[] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify, Permissions.Delete }, TestQueries.Entities().ToReport());

        public void Setup( )
            // Getting Forbidden? Or ConnectorConfigException?
            // Maybe there's duplicate copies of these objects in the DB.

            // Define key and user
            using (new TenantAdministratorContext(TenantName))
                // Define schema
                type = new EntityType( );
                type.Name = "Test type " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type.Save( );

                type2 = new EntityType();
                type2.Name = "Test type2 " + Guid.NewGuid();

                stringField               = new StringField( );
                stringField.Name          = "Field 1";
                stringField.FieldIsOnType = type;
                stringField.Save( );

                lookup = new Relationship();
                lookup.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.OneToOne;
                lookup.FromType         = type;
                lookup.ToType           = type2;

                // Define API
                mapping            = new ApiResourceMapping( );
                mapping.Name       = "Test mapping " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                mapping.MappedType = type;
                mapping.Save( );

                lookupMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping();
                lookupMapping.Name = "lookup1";
                lookupMapping.MappedRelationship       = lookup;
                lookupMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;

                fieldMapping             = new ApiFieldMapping( );
                fieldMapping.Name        = "field1";
                fieldMapping.MappedField = stringField.As <Field>( );
                fieldMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                fieldMapping.Save( );

                endpoint      = new ApiResourceEndpoint( );
                endpoint.Name = "Test endpoint " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                endpoint.ApiEndpointAddress      = EndpointAddress;
                endpoint.EndpointResourceMapping = mapping;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointEnabled      = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanCreate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanDelete       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanUpdate       = true;
                endpoint.Save( );

                api            = new Api( );
                api.Name       = "Test API " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                api.ApiAddress = ApiAddress;
                api.ApiEnabled = true;
                api.ApiEndpoints.Add(endpoint.As <ApiEndpoint>( ));
                api.Save( );

                // Define access
                userAccount      = new UserAccount( );
                userAccount.Name = "Test user " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                userAccount.AccountStatus_Enum = UserAccountStatusEnum_Enumeration.Active;
                userAccount.Password           = "******";
                userAccount.Save( );

                key      = new ApiKey( );
                key.Name = ApiKey;
                key.ApiKeyUserAccount = userAccount;
                key.ApiKeyEnabled     = true;
                key.Save( );

                updateInstance             = Entity.Create(type).AsWritable <Resource>( );
                updateInstance.Name        = updateInstanceName = "ResourceToUpdate" + Guid.NewGuid( );
                updateInstance.Description = updateInstanceDesc = "ResourceToUpdate" + Guid.NewGuid( );
                updateInstance.Save( );
                updateInstanceGuid = updateInstance.UpgradeId;

                IAccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory( );
                accessRule = accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ));
                accessRule = accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ), new[] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify, Permissions.Delete }, TestQueries.Entities(type).ToReport( ));

            cleanup = new List <IEntity> {
                userAccount, key, api, type, mapping, endpoint, fieldMapping, stringField, accessRule, updateInstance
        public void Setup( )
            // Getting Forbidden? Or ConnectorConfigException?
            // Maybe there's duplicate copies of these objects in the DB.

            UserAccount userAccount;
            AccessRule  accessRule;
            Api         api;

            // Define key and user
            using (new TenantAdministratorContext(TenantName))
                // Create Type
                type = new EntityType
                    Fields =
                        new StringField {
                            Name = "Incident Description"
                        }.As <Field>( )
                type.Save( );

                // Define access
                userAccount = new UserAccount
                    Name = "Test user " + Guid.NewGuid( ),
                    AccountStatus_Enum = UserAccountStatusEnum_Enumeration.Active,
                    Password           = "******"
                userAccount.Save( );

                var field = type.Fields [0];

                // Create import config
                importConfig = new ImportConfig
                    Name = "Test import config " + Guid.NewGuid( ),
                    ImportFileType_Enum = ImportFileTypeEnum_Enumeration.ImportFileTypeExcel,
                    ImportConfigMapping = new ApiResourceMapping
                        MappingSourceReference = "Incident",
                        ImportHeadingRow       = 4,
                        ImportDataRow          = 5,
                        MappedType             = type,
                        ResourceMemberMappings =
                            new ApiFieldMapping {
                                Name = "A", MappedField = Resource.Name_Field.As <Field>( ),
                            }.As <ApiMemberMapping>( ),
                            new ApiFieldMapping {
                                Name = "B", MappedField = field
                            }.As <ApiMemberMapping>( )

                // Create API
                api = new Api
                    Name         = "Test API " + Guid.NewGuid( ),
                    ApiAddress   = ApiAddress,
                    ApiEnabled   = true,
                    ApiEndpoints =
                        new ApiSpreadsheetEndpoint
                            Name = "Test spreadsheet endpoint " + Guid.NewGuid( ),
                            ApiEndpointAddress   = EndpointAddress,
                            ApiEndpointEnabled   = true,
                            EndpointImportConfig = importConfig
                        }.As <ApiEndpoint>( )
                    ApiKeys =
                        new ApiKey
                            Name = ApiKey,
                            ApiKeyUserAccount = userAccount,
                            ApiKeyEnabled     = true
                api.Save( );

                IAccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory( );
                accessRule = accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ));
                //accessRule2 = accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery( userAccount.As<Subject>( ), type.As<SecurableEntity>( ), new [ ] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify }, TestQueries.Entities( type ).ToReport( ) );

                IEntity apiKey = api.ApiKeys? [0];

                cleanup = new List <IEntity> {
                    userAccount, api, type, accessRule, importConfig, apiKey
        private void CreateScenarioImpl(string testInstanceName, Func <EntityRef[]> permissionsCallback)
            // Define key and user
            using (new TenantAdministratorContext(TenantName))
                // Define schema
                type = new EntityType( );
                type.Name = "Test type " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type.Save( );

                type2 = new EntityType( );
                type2.Name = "Test type2 " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                type2.Save( );

                stringField               = new StringField( );
                stringField.Name          = "Field 1";
                stringField.FieldIsOnType = type;
                stringField.MaxLength     = 50;
                stringField.Save( );

                lookup = new Relationship( );
                lookup.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.OneToOne;
                lookup.FromType         = type;
                lookup.ToType           = type2;

                relationship = new Relationship( );
                relationship.Cardinality_Enum = CardinalityEnum_Enumeration.ManyToMany;
                relationship.FromType         = type;
                relationship.ToType           = type2;

                // Define API
                mapping            = new ApiResourceMapping( );
                mapping.Name       = "Test mapping " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                mapping.MappedType = type;
                mapping.Save( );

                fieldMapping             = new ApiFieldMapping( );
                fieldMapping.Name        = "field1";
                fieldMapping.MappedField = stringField.As <Field>( );
                fieldMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                fieldMapping.Save( );

                lookupMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping( );
                lookupMapping.Name = "lookup1";
                lookupMapping.MappedRelationship       = lookup;
                lookupMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                lookupMapping.Save( );

                relationshipMapping      = new ApiRelationshipMapping( );
                relationshipMapping.Name = "rel1";
                relationshipMapping.MappedRelationship       = relationship;
                relationshipMapping.MemberForResourceMapping = mapping;
                relationshipMapping.Save( );

                endpoint      = new ApiResourceEndpoint( );
                endpoint.Name = "Test endpoint " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointAddress      = EndpointAddress;
                endpoint.EndpointResourceMapping = mapping;
                endpoint.ApiEndpointEnabled      = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanCreate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanUpdate       = true;
                endpoint.EndpointCanDelete       = true;
                endpoint.Save( );

                api            = new Api( );
                api.Name       = "Test API " + Guid.NewGuid( );;
                api.ApiAddress = ApiAddress;
                api.ApiEnabled = true;
                api.ApiEndpoints.Add(endpoint.As <ApiEndpoint>( ));
                api.Save( );

                // Define access
                userAccount      = new UserAccount( );
                userAccount.Name = "Test user " + Guid.NewGuid( );
                userAccount.AccountStatus_Enum = UserAccountStatusEnum_Enumeration.Active;
                userAccount.Password           = "******";
                userAccount.Save( );

                key      = new ApiKey( );
                key.Name = ApiKey;
                key.ApiKeyUserAccount = userAccount;
                key.ApiKeyEnabled     = true;
                key.Save( );

                if (testInstanceName != null)
                    scenarioInstance = Entity.Create(type);
                    scenarioInstance.SetField("core:name", testInstanceName);
                    scenarioInstance.Save( );

                foreignName     = "Foreign" + Guid.NewGuid( ).ToString( );
                foreignInstance = Entity.Create(type2);
                foreignInstance.SetField("core:name", foreignName);
                foreignInstance.Save( );

                // Grant create
                var permissions = permissionsCallback( );
                IAccessRuleFactory accessControlHelper = new AccessRuleFactory( );
                if (permissions [0] == Permissions.Create)
                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowCreate(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ));
                else if (permissions.Length > 0)
                    accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type.As <SecurableEntity>( ), permissions, TestQueries.Entities(type).ToReport( ));

                accessControlHelper.AddAllowByQuery(userAccount.As <Subject>( ), type2.As <SecurableEntity>( ), new [] { Permissions.Read, Permissions.Modify }, TestQueries.Entities(type2).ToReport( ));