 public Access(Organization organization, Geography geography, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Organization = organization;
     this.Geography = geography;
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type = type;
 public Access(Organization organization, Geography geography, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Organization = organization;
     this.Geography    = geography;
     this.Aspect       = aspect;
     this.Type         = type;
        public bool CanSeePerson(Person person, AccessAspect aspect = AccessAspect.Participation)
            if (aspect != AccessAspect.Participation && aspect != AccessAspect.PersonalData)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"AccessAspect needs to reflect visibility of people data", "aspect");

            // Three cases:

            // 1) the current Position has system-level access.
            // 2) the current Position has org-level, but not system-level, access.
            // 3) the current Position has org-and-geo-level access.

            if (HasSystemAccess(AccessType.Read))   // case 1
                // Still filter to the current Organization, even though we have systemwide access

                if (person.ParticipatesInOrganizationOrParent(Organization))

            // Is this Person a Participant of an org or sub-org where the current Authority
            // has organizationwide access? Case 2.

            if (
                HasAccess(new Access(Organization, aspect, AccessType.Read)))
                if (person.ParticipatesInOrganizationOrParent(Organization))

            // Finally, determine by geography AND organization.

            if (Position == null || Position.Geography == null)

            if (
                HasAccess(new Access(Organization, Position.Geography, aspect, AccessType.Read)))
                if (person.ParticipatesInOrganizationOrParent(Organization))
                    if (person.GeographyId == Position.GeographyId || person.Geography.Inherits(Position.Geography))

        public People FilterPeople(People rawList, AccessAspect aspect = AccessAspect.Participation)
            if (aspect != AccessAspect.Participation && aspect != AccessAspect.PersonalData)
                throw new ArgumentException(@"AccessAspect needs to reflect visibility of people data", "aspect");

            // Three cases:

            // 1) the current Position has system-level access.
            // 2) the current Position has org-level, but not system-level, access.
            // 3) the current Position has org-and-geo-level access.

            Dictionary <int, bool> orgLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            Dictionary <int, bool> geoLookup = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

            People result = new People();

            // Org lookup will always be needed. Geo lookup may be needed for case 3.

            Organizations orgStructure = this.Organization.ThisAndBelow();

            int[] orgIds = orgStructure.Identities;
            foreach (int orgId in orgIds)
                orgLookup[orgId] = true;
            orgLookup[Organization.Identity] = true;

            Dictionary <int, List <BasicParticipation> > membershipLookup = null;

            if (HasSystemAccess(AccessType.Read) || HasAccess(new Access(Organization, aspect, AccessType.Read)))
                // cases 1 and 2: systemwide access, return everybody at or under the current Organization,
                // or org-wide read access (at least) to participant/personal data at current Organization

                // Optimization: Get all memberships in advance, without instantiating logic objects
                membershipLookup = Participations.GetParticipationsForPeople(rawList.Identities, 0);

                foreach (Person person in rawList)
                    // For each person, we must test the list of active memberships to see if one of
                    // them is visible to this Authority - if it's a membership in an org at or below the
                    // Authority object's organization

                    if (membershipLookup.ContainsKey(person.Identity))
                        List <BasicParticipation> list = membershipLookup[person.Identity];

                        foreach (BasicParticipation basicMembership in list)
                            if (orgLookup.ContainsKey(basicMembership.OrganizationId))
                                // hit - this person has an active membership that makes them visible to this Authority


            // Case 3: Same as above but also check for Geography (in an AND pattern).

            if (this.Position == null)
                // No access at all. That was an easy case!

                return(new People()); // return empty list

            if (this.Position.Geography == null)
                // Org-level position, but one that doesn't have access to personal data, apparently.

                return(new People()); // empty list again

            if (!HasAccess(new Access(this.Organization, Position.Geography, aspect, AccessType.Read)))
                // No people access for active position. Also a reasonably easy case.

                return(new People()); // also return empty list

            Geographies geoStructure = this.Position.Geography.ThisAndBelow();

            int[] geoIds = geoStructure.Identities;
            foreach (int geoId in geoIds)
                geoLookup[geoId] = true;
            geoLookup[Position.GeographyId] = true;

            // Optimization: Get all memberships in advance, without instantiating logic objects
            Dictionary <int, List <BasicParticipation> > personLookup =
                Participations.GetParticipationsForPeople(rawList.Identities, 0);

            foreach (Person person in rawList)
                // For each person, we must test the list of active memberships to see if one of
                // them is visible to this Authority - if it's a membership in an org at or below the
                // Authority object's organization - and also test the person's Geography against
                // the list (lookup) of visible Geographies. We do Geographies first, because that test is
                // much cheaper.

                if (geoLookup[person.GeographyId])
                    // Geography hit. Test Membership / Organization.

                    List <BasicParticipation> list = personLookup[person.Identity];

                    foreach (BasicParticipation basicMembership in list)
                        if (orgLookup.ContainsKey(basicMembership.OrganizationId))
                            // Organization hit - this person has an active membership that makes them visible to this Authority


 public Access(Organization organization, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Organization = organization;
     this.Aspect       = aspect;
     this.Type         = type;
 public Access(AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type   = type;
 public Access(AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type = AccessType.Write)   // Default to demanding r/w access unless r/o specified
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type   = type;
 public Access (AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type = type;
 public Access(Organization organization, AccessAspect aspect, AccessType type)
     this.Organization = organization;
     this.Aspect = aspect;
     this.Type = type;