public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_byTags_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); string[] tags = new string[] { "SDK", "GAME" }; ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { tags = tags }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by item by tags failed."); if ( > 0) { TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue([0].tags[0] == tags[0] ||[0].tags[0] == tags[1], "Get item by item by tags failed."); } }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_CategoryPathInvalid_SuccessButEmpty() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); const string invalidCategoryPath = "/invalidPath"; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { categoryPath = invalidCategoryPath }; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by invalid category path failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue( == 0, "Get item by invalid category path failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_LanguageInvalid_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); const string invalidCategoryLanguage = "id"; ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { categoryPath = TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath, language = invalidCategoryLanguage }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by invalid language failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue([0].categoryPath.Contains(TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath), "Get item by invalid language failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetUserOrder_OrderExists_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { categoryPath = TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath, sortBy = "createdAt:desc" }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemsByCriteria = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemsByCriteria = result; }); while (getItemsByCriteria == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } int quantity = 1; Orders orders = AccelBytePlugin.GetOrders(); OrderRequest orderRequest = new OrderRequest { currencyCode =[0].regionData[0].currencyCode, discountedPrice =[0].regionData[0].discountedPrice * quantity, itemId =[0].itemId, price =[0].regionData[0].price * quantity, quantity = quantity, returnUrl = "" }; Result <OrderInfo> createOrderResult = null; orders.CreateOrder(orderRequest, result => { createOrderResult = result; }); while (createOrderResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Result <OrderInfo> getUserOrderResult = null; orders.GetUserOrder(createOrderResult.Value.orderNo, result => { getUserOrderResult = result; }); while (getUserOrderResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getUserOrderResult.IsError, "Get user order failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItem_ItemLanguageEmpty_Fail() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); Result <PopulatedItemInfo> getItemResult = null; items.GetItemById(this.expectedItemId, TestVariables.region, "", result => { getItemResult = result; }); while (getItemResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(getItemResult.IsError, "Get item with empty language not failed."); }
public IEnumerator SetUp_ExpectedEcommerceStuff() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); Categories categories = AccelBytePlugin.GetCategories(); Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemResult = null; Result <CategoryInfo[]> getChildCategoryResult = null; ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { categoryPath = TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath, region = TestVariables.region, language = TestVariables.language }; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemResult = result; this.expectedItemId =[0].itemId; }); while (getItemResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } categories.GetChildCategories( TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath, TestVariables.language, result => { getChildCategoryResult = result; }); while (getChildCategoryResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } Assert.That(!getItemResult.IsError); Assert.That(!getChildCategoryResult.IsError); }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_ItemTypeBUNDLE_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { itemType = ItemType.BUNDLE }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by item type BUNDLE failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_LanguageEmpty_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { categoryPath = TestVariables.expectedChildCategoryPath, language = "" }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by empty language not failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_CategoryPathUnspecified_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria(); Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by valid criteria failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue( > 0, "Get item by valid criteria failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItem_ItemRegionInvalid_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); Result <PopulatedItemInfo> getItemResult = null; const string invalidItemRegion = "ID"; items.GetItemById( this.expectedItemId, invalidItemRegion, TestVariables.language, result => { getItemResult = result; }); while (getItemResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemResult.IsError, "Get item failed with invalid region failed."); TestHelper.Assert.That(getItemResult.Value, Is.Not.Null, "Get item failed with invalid region failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItem_ItemValid_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); Result <PopulatedItemInfo> getItemResult = null; items.GetItemById( this.expectedItemId, TestVariables.region, TestVariables.language, result => { getItemResult = result; }); while (getItemResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemResult.IsError, "Get item failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue( getItemResult.Value.categoryPath.Contains(this.expectedCategoryName), "Get item failed."); }
public IEnumerator GetItemByCriteria_AppTypeGAME_Success() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); ItemCriteria itemCriteria = new ItemCriteria { appType = EntitlementAppType.GAME }; Result <ItemPagingSlicedResult> getItemByCriteriaResult = null; items.GetItemsByCriteria( itemCriteria, result => { getItemByCriteriaResult = result; }); while (getItemByCriteriaResult == null) { yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(!getItemByCriteriaResult.IsError, "Get item by item appType GAME failed."); if ( > 0) { TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue([0].appType == EntitlementAppType.GAME, "Get item by item appType GAME failed."); } }
public IEnumerator GetItem_ItemIdEmpty_ItemNotFound() { Items items = AccelBytePlugin.GetItems(); Result <PopulatedItemInfo> getItemResult = null; items.GetItemById( "", TestVariables.region, TestVariables.language, result => { getItemResult = result; }); while (getItemResult == null) { Thread.Sleep(100); yield return(null); } TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue(getItemResult.IsError, "Request error on get item failed."); TestHelper.Assert.IsTrue( getItemResult.Error.Code.Equals(ErrorCode.NotFound), "Request error on get get item failed."); }