        // ----------------------- MaterializeEscapeChar ---------------------
        // used by the Dequote method. unpacks the standard escape sequences used in
        // quoted strings.
        // returns an int/char pair holding the length of the escape sequence and the
        // materialized character value.
        private static IntCharPair MaterializeEscapeChar(string InString, int InIx)
            char nx = AcCommon.PullCharArray(InString, InIx, 2)[1];

            if (nx == 't')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\t'));
            else if (nx == 'r')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\r'));
            else if (nx == 'n')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\n'));
            else if (nx == '\'')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\''));
            else if (nx == '\\')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\\'));
            else if (nx == '"')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '"'));
            else if (nx == '0')
                return(new IntCharPair(2, '\0'));
                throw(new ApplicationException("Unexpected escape sequence starting at " +
                                               "position " + InIx + " in string: " + InString));
        // -------------------------- CalcEncodedByteBounds ------------------------
        // An encoded byte can either be in form "=xx" or a single literal byte character.
        // The bounds of the encoded byte are either the single char, or run from the
        // "=" character to the 2nd octet external form character.
        // This method is passed and encoded string and a position in that string. It returns,
        // by reference, the bounds of the encoded byte at that position.
        private static void CalcEncodedByteBounds(
            ref int OutBx,
            ref int OutEx,
            string InEncodedChars,
            int InIx)
            // isolate chars prior to InIx.
            char[] chars = AcCommon.PullCharArray(InEncodedChars, InIx - 2, 3);

            // find the begin position of the encoded byte.
            if (chars[2] == '=')
                OutBx = InIx;
            else if (chars[1] == '=')
                OutBx = InIx - 1;
            else if (chars[0] == '=')
                OutBx = InIx - 2;
                OutBx = InIx;

            // calc the end position of the encoded byte.
            if (InEncodedChars[OutBx] == '=')
                OutEx = OutBx + 2;
                OutEx = OutBx;
        // ------------------------ RequiresEncoding -------------------------
        // evaluate if the string requires encoding according to the QuotedPrintableTraits.
        public static bool RequiresEncoding(string InValue, QuotedPrintableTraits InTraits)
            bool requiresEncoding = false;

            char[] newLineChars = Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray( );

            // encode always.
            if (InTraits.EncodeAlways == true)
                requiresEncoding = true;

            // length of string exceeds the "RequiresEncodingTriggerLength"
            else if ((InTraits.RequiresEncodingTriggerLength != -1) &&
                     (InValue.Length > InTraits.RequiresEncodingTriggerLength))
                requiresEncoding = true;

            // loop for each character in the string.  Test each to determine if the
            // string requires Quoted-Printable encoding.
            for (int Ix = 0; Ix < InValue.Length; ++Ix)
                if (requiresEncoding == true)
                char ch1 = InValue[Ix];

                // one of the "other" chars to encode.
                if ((InTraits.OtherEncodeChars != null) &&
                    (InTraits.OtherEncodeChars.IndexOf(ch1) != -1))
                    requiresEncoding = true;

                // space or tab.  encoding depends on if followed by crlf or not.
                else if ((ch1 == 9) || (ch1 == 32))
                    char[] nxChars =
                        AcCommon.PullCharArray(InValue, Ix + 1, newLineChars.Length);
                    if ((InTraits.LinebreakTreatment == LinebreakTreatment.Break) &&
                        (AcCommon.CompareEqual(nxChars, newLineChars) == true))
                        requiresEncoding = true;

                // LineBreak sequence handled as a line break.
                else if ((ch1 == newLineChars[0]) &&
                                                AcCommon.PullCharArray(InValue, Ix, newLineChars.Length)) == true))
                    if (InTraits.LinebreakTreatment == LinebreakTreatment.Encode)
                        requiresEncoding = true;

                // a basic ascii char. literal representation.
                else if (((ch1 >= 33) && (ch1 <= 60)) ||
                         ((ch1 >= 62) && (ch1 <= 126)))

                // an equal sign.  by itself, does not trigger QP encoding.
                else if (ch1 == '=')

                // an encode required character.
                    requiresEncoding = true;

        // ------------------------- EncodeChars -----------------------------------
        // Quoted-Printable encode the chars of a string without regard for the line
        // length maximum.
        private static string EncodeChars(
            string InValue, QuotedPrintableTraits InTraits)
            char[]        newLineChars = Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray( );
            StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder(InValue.Length * 2);

            // first pass.  encode one char at a time, without regard to 76 char line
            // limit.
            for (int Ix = 0; Ix < InValue.Length; ++Ix)
                char ch1 = InValue[Ix];

                // one of the "other" chars to encode.
                if ((InTraits.OtherEncodeChars != null) &&
                    (InTraits.OtherEncodeChars.IndexOf(ch1) != -1))
                    sb.Append(EncodeChar(InTraits, ch1));

                // space or tab.  encoding depends on if followed by crlf or not.
                else if ((ch1 == 9) || (ch1 == 32))
                    char[] nxChars =
                        AcCommon.PullCharArray(InValue, Ix + 1, newLineChars.Length);
                    if ((InTraits.LinebreakTreatment == LinebreakTreatment.Break) &&
                        (AcCommon.CompareEqual(nxChars, newLineChars) == true))
                        sb.Append(EncodeChar(InTraits, ch1));

                // Linebreak sequence handled as a line break.
                else if ((ch1 == newLineChars[0]) &&
                         (InTraits.LinebreakTreatment == LinebreakTreatment.Break) &&
                              AcCommon.PullCharArray(InValue, Ix, newLineChars.Length))
                          == true))

                // a basic ascii char. literal representation.
                else if (((ch1 >= 33) && (ch1 <= 60)) ||
                         ((ch1 >= 62) && (ch1 <= 126)))

                    sb.Append(EncodeChar(InTraits, ch1));

            return(sb.ToString( ));