internal static ILocationDao getDao(AbstractConnection cxn) { if (!cxn.IsConnected) { throw new MdoException(MdoExceptionCode.USAGE_NO_CONNECTION, "Unable to instantiate DAO: unconnected"); } AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(cxn.DataSource.Protocol)); return(f.getLocationDao(cxn)); }
public static AbstractConnection authorizedConnect(string theUser, bool isBse) { string securityPhrase = (isBse ? "" : "NON-BSE"); MockApp theApp = getTheApp(securityPhrase); DataSource src = VistaSetups.getSrc(theApp.SiteTable, theApp.LoginSitecode); AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); AbstractConnection cxn = f.getConnection(src); AbstractCredentials credentials = getVisitCredentials(theApp); AbstractPermission permission = new MenuOption(theApp.User.PermissionString); theApp.User = (User)cxn.authorizedConnect(credentials, permission, null); return(cxn); }
public UserTO loginActiveDirectory(string domain, string username, string password) { UserTO result = new UserTO(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(domain) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(username) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Must supply domain, username and password"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { DataSource src = new DataSource() { SiteId = new SiteId("1"), Modality = "FEDUID", Protocol = "LDAP", Provider = domain }; AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); LdapConnection cxn = new LdapConnection(src); cxn.Account = new LdapAccount(cxn); LdapCredentials creds = new LdapCredentials() { AccountName = username, AccountPassword = password }; using (new Impersonator(mySession.MdwsConfiguration.LdapConfiguration.RunasUser)) { string guid = cxn.Account.authenticate(creds); LdapUserDao dao = new LdapUserDao(cxn); IList <User> guidLookupResult = dao.userLookupList(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("", guid)); if (guidLookupResult.Count != 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error - more than one user returned for authenticated user's GUID"); } return(new UserTO(guidLookupResult[0])); } } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Use this setup method to authenticate to a real Vista system (both production and test) for the prupose /// of running a 'live' test(s) /// </summary> /// <param name="siteId">The site to authenticate against - should have a corresponding 'User###' entry in your secret-testObjects.xml file with valid credentials</param> /// <returns>AbstractConnection</returns> public AbstractConnection setup(string siteId) { DataSource source = this.SiteTable.getSite(siteId).Sources[0]; // TBD - should we loop through data sources to make sure we get VISTA protocol? AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(source.Protocol)); if (String.Equals(source.Protocol, "VISTA")) { return(this.Cxn = VistaSetups.authorizedConnect("User" + siteId, false)); } else { return(this.Cxn = f.getConnection(source)); } }
//public UserTO updateActiveDirectoryProfile(string domain, string username, string password, string title, // string officePhone, string faxNumber, string addressLine1, string addressLine2, string addressLine2, // string city, string state, string zip, string office, public UserArray ldapUserLookup(string uid, string domainSearchRoot) { UserArray result = new UserArray(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid)) { result.fault = new FaultTO("Must supply domain, username and password"); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { DataSource src = new DataSource() { SiteId = new SiteId("1"), Modality = "FEDUID", Protocol = "LDAP", Provider = "GC://dc=va,dc=gov" }; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(domainSearchRoot)) { src.Provider = domainSearchRoot; } AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); LdapConnection cxn = new LdapConnection(src); cxn.Account = new LdapAccount(cxn); LdapUserDao dao = new LdapUserDao(cxn); IList <User> users = null; using (new Impersonator(mySession.MdwsConfiguration.LdapConfiguration.RunasUser)) { users = dao.userLookupList(new KeyValuePair <String, String>("", uid)); } result = new UserArray(users); } catch (Exception exc) { result.fault = new FaultTO(exc); } return(result); }
void growPool() { if (_consecutiveCxnErrorCount > this.PoolSource.MaxConsecutiveErrors) // we want to recognize when a site might be down, network issues, etc. - wait to retry if we have many connection failures without success { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastSuccessfulCxn).CompareTo(this.PoolSource.WaitOnMaxConsecutiveErrors) < 0) { // LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("{0} consecutive failed connection attempts... waiting {1} to start new cxns", _consecutiveCxnErrorCount, this.PoolSource.WaitOnMaxConsecutiveErrors.Subtract(DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastSuccessfulCxn)))); return; // don't start any new cxns if we've seen a lot of errors and haven't waited at least 5 mins (or configurable timespan) } else // waited configured time, reset error vars so growPool will try creating cxns { //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Resetting error related vars so will re-try instantiating cxns.. " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id); _consecutiveCxnErrorCount = 0; _lastSuccessfulCxn = DateTime.Now; } } if ((_cleanupTasks.Count + this.TotalResources) >= this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) { //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("The # of cleanup tasks scheduled + the number of current resources exceeds the max pool size - waiting until cleanup tasks are addressed to grow"); return; // too many cleanup tasks scheduled! don't grow the pool until the cxns we've attempted to start have been addressed } // i think there may be a possible race condition here where a cxn may be disconnected during the size int growSize = this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize; if ((this.TotalResources + growSize) > this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) // if the growth would expand the pool above the max pool size, only grow by the amount allowed { growSize = this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize - this.TotalResources; } //LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("Connection pool at min size {0}/{1} - growing by {2}. Current total resources: {3} - site: {4}", this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize, this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize, growSize, this.TotalResources, ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id)); for (int i = 0; i < growSize; i++) { ConnectionThread a = new ConnectionThread(); _startedCxns.Add(a); a.Connection = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.Protocol)) .getConnection(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource); // Task connectTask = new Task(() => connect(a)); // a.Thread = connectTask; // connectTask.Start(); //connect(a); Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(connect)); a.Thread = t; t.Start(a); } }
public void testIsAlive() { VistaPoolConnection cxn = (VistaPoolConnection)AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant("PVISTA")).getConnection(_localSource.CxnSource); cxn.connect(); login(cxn); cxn.setTimeout(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); // set this low - one second - so the test can run quickly Assert.IsTrue(cxn.isAlive()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // sleep for less than timeout \ // \ cxn.heartbeat(); Assert.IsTrue(cxn.isAlive()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // sleep for less than timeout -- These three add up to more than timeout cxn.heartbeat(); Assert.IsTrue(cxn.isAlive()); // / System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // sleep for less than timeout / cxn.heartbeat(); Assert.IsTrue(cxn.isAlive()); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1100);// sleep for more than timeout Assert.IsFalse(cxn.isAlive()); Assert.IsFalse(cxn.IsConnected); try { new VistaPatientDao(cxn).match("m1234"); Assert.Fail("Uh-oh! Previous line should have thrown exception!"); } catch (Exception) { // cool! } }
// This is the core visit method the others are using. The permission must have been set before // getting here. internal User doTheVisit(string sitecode, AbstractCredentials credentials, AbstractPermission permission) { Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sitecode); DataSource src = site.getDataSourceByModality("HIS"); if (src == null) { throw new Exception("No HIS data source at site " + sitecode); } AbstractDaoFactory factory = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); myCxn = factory.getConnection(src); myCxn.Account.AuthenticationMethod = mySession.DefaultVisitMethod; if (!MdwsUtils.isValidCredentials(myCxn.Account.AuthenticationMethod, credentials, permission)) { throw new Exception("Invalid credentials"); } object result = null; if (myCxn.Account.AuthenticationMethod == VistaConstants.BSE_CREDENTIALS_V2WEB) { result = myCxn.authorizedConnect(credentials, permission, new DataSource() { ConnectionString = mySession.MdwsConfiguration.BseValidatorConnectionString }); } else { result = myCxn.authorizedConnect(credentials, permission, null); } if (result.GetType().Name.EndsWith("Exception")) { throw (Exception)result; } else { return((User)result); } }
public DataSourceArray connectToLoginSite(string sitecode) { DataSourceArray result = new DataSourceArray(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(NO_SITECODE); } else if (mySession.SiteTable == null) { result.fault = new FaultTO(NO_SITE_TABLE); } else if (mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sitecode) == null) { result.fault = new FaultTO(SITE_NOT_IN_SITE_TABLE); } else if (mySession.ConnectionSet != null && mySession.ConnectionSet.Count > 0 && mySession.ConnectionSet.HasConnection(sitecode)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_SITE); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Site site = mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sitecode); DataSource src = site.getDataSourceByModality("HIS"); AbstractDaoFactory factory = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); AbstractConnection c = factory.getConnection(src); c.connect(); result = new DataSourceArray(src); result.items[0].welcomeMessage = c.getWelcomeMessage(); mySession.ConnectionSet.Add(c); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
void growPool() { //Console.WriteLine("Connection pool at min size {0} - growing by {1}", this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize, this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize); int growSize = this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize; if (this.TotalResources + growSize > this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) // if the growth would expand the pool above the max pool size, only grow by the amount allowed { growSize = this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize - this.TotalResources; } for (int i = 0; i < growSize; i++) { ConnectionThread a = new ConnectionThread(); a.Connection = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.Protocol)) .getConnection(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource); Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(connect)); a.Thread = t; t.Start(a); _startedCxns.Add(a); } }
public DataSourceArray connectToLoginSite(string sitecode) { // TODO - FIX!!! This is very ugly - here so that SOAP and REST services can both be stateful or stateless if (!Convert.ToBoolean(_mySession.MdwsConfiguration.AllConfigs[MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOL_CONFIG_SECTION][MdwsConfigConstants.CONNECTION_POOLING])) { return(new; } DataSourceArray result = new DataSourceArray(); try { MdwsUtils.checkNullArgs(MdwsUtils.getArgsDictionary(System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().GetParameters(), new List <object>() { sitecode })); MdwsUtils.checkSiteTable(_mySession, sitecode); MdwsUtils.checkConnections(_mySession, sitecode); Site site = _mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sitecode); DataSource src = site.getDataSourceByModality("HIS"); AbstractDaoFactory factory = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(src.Protocol)); // REST SessionMgr.getInstance().setConnection(_mySession, sitecode); // END REST result = new DataSourceArray(src); result.items[0].welcomeMessage = "TODO - implement cached connection messages in pool"; } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } finally { //RestSessionMgr.getInstance().returnConnections(_mySession); } return(result); }
protected void TestVistaSettingsClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { int port = 0; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textboxVistaIp.Text) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(textboxVistaPort.Text) || !Int32.TryParse(textboxVistaPort.Text, out port)) { labelMessage.Text = "Invalid Vista connection parameters. Please be sure to enter a valid IP address and port number"; return; } DataSource testSrc = new DataSource(); testSrc.Provider = textboxVistaIp.Text; testSrc.Modality = "HIS"; testSrc.Port = port; testSrc.Protocol = "VISTA"; testSrc.SiteId = new SiteId("900", "Test"); // this site id doesn't matter - it's just there because a site ID is expected by the code below string welcomeMsg = ""; try { AbstractDaoFactory factory = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(testSrc.Protocol)); AbstractConnection cxn = factory.getConnection(testSrc); cxn.connect(); welcomeMsg = cxn.getWelcomeMessage(); cxn.disconnect(); } catch (Exception exc) { labelMessage.Text = "Unable to connect to that datasource. Please check your test system and try again." + "This might help figure out why:</p><p>" + exc.ToString() + "</p>"; return; } labelMessage.Text = "<p>You rock. Connection successfully established. You should put this site in your VhaSites.xml " + "file is you'd like it to be available later on via MDWS.</p><p>" + welcomeMsg + "</p>"; }
public DataSourceTO connectSite(string sitecode) { DataSourceTO result = new DataSourceTO(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sitecode)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(NO_SITECODE); } else if (mySession.SiteTable == null || mySession.SiteTable.getSite(sitecode) == null) { result.fault = new FaultTO(NO_SITE_TABLE); } else if (mySession.ConnectionSet != null && mySession.ConnectionSet.Count > 0 && mySession.ConnectionSet.HasConnection(sitecode)) { result.fault = new FaultTO(ALREADY_CONNECTED_TO_SITE); } if (result.fault != null) { return(result); } try { Site site = (Site)mySession.SiteTable.Sites[sitecode]; DataSource dataSource = site.getDataSourceByModality("HIS"); AbstractDaoFactory factory = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(dataSource.Protocol)); AbstractConnection c = factory.getConnection(dataSource); c.connect(); result = new DataSourceTO(dataSource); result.welcomeMessage = c.getWelcomeMessage(); mySession.ConnectionSet.Add(c); } catch (Exception e) { result.fault = new FaultTO(e.Message); } return(result); }
internal static IOrdersDao getDao(AbstractConnection cxn) { AbstractDaoFactory f = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(cxn.DataSource.Protocol)); return(f.getOrdersDao(cxn)); }
internal void buildConnectionSetForGetClaimants() { Dictionary <string, AbstractConnection> cxns = new Dictionary <string, AbstractConnection>(3); //DataSource nptSrc = new DataSource(); //nptSrc.Protocol = "NPT"; //nptSrc.SiteId = new SiteId("NPT", "National Patient Table"); //AbstractConnection nptCxn = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.NPT).getConnection(nptSrc); //try //{ // nptCxn.connect(); // cxns.Add("NPT", nptCxn); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ //} DataSource adrSrc = new DataSource(); adrSrc.Protocol = "ADR"; adrSrc.SiteId = new SiteId("ADR", "Administrative Data Repository"); adrSrc.ConnectionString =; AbstractConnection adrCxn = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.ADR).getConnection(adrSrc); try { adrCxn.connect(); cxns.Add("ADR", adrCxn); } catch (Exception ex) { } DataSource vadirSrc = new DataSource(); vadirSrc.Protocol = "VADIR"; vadirSrc.SiteId = new SiteId("VADIR", "VA-DoD Information Repository"); vadirSrc.ConnectionString =; AbstractConnection vadirCxn = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.VADIR).getConnection(vadirSrc); try { vadirCxn.connect(); cxns.Add("VADIR", vadirCxn); } catch (Exception ex) { } DataSource vbacorpSrc = new DataSource(); vbacorpSrc.Protocol = "VBACORP"; vbacorpSrc.SiteId = new SiteId("VBACORP", "VBA Corp"); vbacorpSrc.ConnectionString =; AbstractConnection vbacorpCxn = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.VBACORP).getConnection(vbacorpSrc); try { vbacorpCxn.connect(); cxns.Add("VBACORP", vbacorpCxn); } catch (Exception ex) { } mySession.ConnectionSet = new ConnectionSet(cxns); }
internal AbstractConnection initializeVistaConnection() { DataSource vistaDataSource = new DataSource(); vistaDataSource.Provider = Cxn.DataSource.Provider; vistaDataSource.Port = Cxn.DataSource.Port; vistaDataSource.SiteId = new SiteId("CDW"); // Use the factory to ensure that the vista connection is initialized with the right Factory-defined Connection Strategy factory = (vista.VistaDaoFactory)AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.VISTA); vistaConnection = (vista.VistaConnection)factory.getConnection(vistaDataSource); vistaConnection.connect(); return(vistaConnection); }