public void RegisterScore() { // 로그인이 안되어있을 때 종료 if (!checkStatus()) { return; } float time = timer.GetTime(); int myScore = _score.GetScore(); if (MainMenu.myRankInfo == null) { Ab001Score myBestScore = ScoreService.Instance.FindScoreByScoreDateInCurrentWeekAndUserId(MainMenu.userInfo.user_id); // Load my best score MainMenu.myRankInfo = new RankInfo(); MainMenu.myRankInfo.nick_name = MainMenu.userInfo.nick_name; MainMenu.myRankInfo.score = myBestScore; } if (MainMenu.myRankInfo.score != null) { // compare who are bigger score Debug.Log("myScore : " + myScore); Debug.Log("bestScore : " + MainMenu.myRankInfo.score.score); if (myScore <= MainMenu.myRankInfo.score.score) // 최고점수 아님. 무시한다. { Debug.Log("score is not higher"); return; } } ToggleInputUI(true); }
public int InsertScore(Ab001Score score) { int ret = 0; string query = String.Format("insert into ab001_score (user_id, message, score, level, score_date, time) values ('{0}', '{1}', {2}, {3}, '{4}', {5})", score.user_id, score.message, score.score, score.level, score.score_date.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"), score.time); ret = MySqlConnector.Instance.DoNonQuery(query); Debug.Log("InsertScore() ret is " + ret); return(ret); }
public Ab001Score FindScoreByScoreDateBetweenBeginToEndAndUserId(DateTime begin, DateTime end, string _user_id) { Ab001Score score = null; string query = String.Format("select t1.* from ab001_score as t1, " + "(select user_id, max(score) as max_score " + "from (select * from ab001_score " + "where score_date " + "between date('{0}') and date('{1}') + 1) as week_table " + "group by user_id) as t2 " + "where t1.user_id = t2.user_id and t1.user_id = '{2}' and t1.score = t2.max_score order by t1.score desc limit 1", begin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), _user_id); MySqlConnector.Instance.DoSelectQuery(query, (MySqlDataReader reader) => { // 데이터 없음 if (reader == null) { Debug.Log("No data"); return; } /////////// for debuging /////////// Debug.Log("Parsing data"); //List<string> columns = GetDataReaderColumnNames(reader); //foreach (string col in columns) //{ // Debug.Log(col); //} //Debug.Log("reader: " + columns.ToString()); /////////// for debuging /////////// int id = int.Parse(reader["id"].ToString()); string user_id = reader["user_id"].ToString(); string message = reader["message"].ToString(); int _score = int.Parse(reader["score"].ToString()); int level = int.Parse(reader["level"].ToString()); string score_date = reader["score_date"].ToString(); float time = float.Parse(reader["time"].ToString()); score = new Ab001Score { id = id, user_id = user_id, message = message, score = _score, level = level, score_date = Convert.ToDateTime(score_date), time = time }; }); return(score); }
public Ab001Score FindScoreByScoreDateInCurrentWeekAndUserId(string userId) { DateTime today = DateTimeManager.Instance.getKoreaTimeFromUTCNow(); int week = DateTimeManager.Instance.GetWeeksOfYear(today); // 일요일을 시작일로 하도록... DateTime begin = DateTimeManager.Instance.GetFirstDateOfWeek(today.Year, week - 1); begin = begin.AddDays(-1); // 일요일 DateTime end = begin.AddDays(7); Ab001Score score = null; score = FindScoreByScoreDateBetweenBeginToEndAndUserId(begin, end, userId); return(score); }
public int UpdateScore(Ab001Score score) { int ret = 0; string query = String.Format("update ab001_score set score = {0}, level = {1}, time = {2}, message = '{3}', score_date = '{4}', level = {5} where id = '{6}'" , score.score , score.level , score.time , score.message , score.score_date.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") , score.level ,; ret = MySqlConnector.Instance.DoNonQuery(query); Debug.Log("UpdateScore() ret is " + ret); return(ret); }
public Ab001Score FindScoreByScoreDateContain(DateTime date) { string query = String.Format("select * from ab001_score where score_date like '%{0}%'" , date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); Ab001Score score = null; MySqlConnector.Instance.DoSelectQuery(query, (MySqlDataReader reader) => { // 데이터 없음 if (reader == null) { Debug.Log("No data"); return; } /////////// for debuging /////////// Debug.Log("Parsing data"); //List<string> columns = GetDataReaderColumnNames(reader); //foreach (string col in columns) //{ // Debug.Log(col); //} //Debug.Log("reader: " + columns.ToString()); /////////// for debuging /////////// int id = int.Parse(reader["id"].ToString()); string user_id = reader["user_id"].ToString(); string message = reader["message"].ToString(); int _score = int.Parse(reader["score"].ToString()); int level = int.Parse(reader["level"].ToString()); string score_date = reader["score_date"].ToString(); float time = float.Parse(reader["time"].ToString()); Debug.Log("Set data on the ab001_score"); score = new Ab001Score { id = id, user_id = user_id, message = message, score = _score, level = level, score_date = Convert.ToDateTime(score_date), time = time }; }); return(score); }
public RankInfo() { nick_name = ""; score = null; }