public ResponseModel CreateNode(A_GlAccount aObj) { if (aObj != null) { A_GlAccount nameEsist = _db.A_GlAccount.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == aObj.Name); if (nameEsist != null) { return(_aModel.Respons(false, "Given Name Exists In The Chart Of Account")); } } try { A_GlAccount aParent = _db.A_GlAccount.FirstOrDefault(x => x.A_GlAccountId == aObj.ParentId); if (aParent != null) { aParent.TransactionAllowed = false; _db.A_GlAccount.Attach(aParent); _db.Entry(aParent).State = EntityState.Modified; aObj.TransactionAllowed = true; aObj.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; aObj.AccountType = aParent.AccountType; aObj.BalanceType = aParent.BalanceType; } aObj.IsActive = true; aObj.IsDeleted = false; _db.A_GlAccount.Add(aObj); _db.SaveChanges(); return(_aModel.Respons(true, " Congratulation : A new node created successfully")); } catch (Exception ex) { return(_aModel.Respons(false, ex.Message)); } }
public JsonResult CreateNode(A_GlAccount aObj) { var data = _aCOA.CreateNode(aObj); return(Json(new { success = data.Status, data }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }