public HttpResponseMessage ManageDriveRoute(Int64 RouteId, bool IsSelected) { Response res = new Response(); try { AV_DriveRoutesBL drb = new AV_DriveRoutesBL(); AV_DriveRoutes dr = new AV_DriveRoutes(); dr.RouteId = RouteId; dr.IsSelected = IsSelected; int Id = drb.Manage("UpdateIsSelected", dr); if (Id > 0) { if (dr.IsSelected == true) { res.Status = "success"; res.Message = "Drive Route Active Successfully."; res.Value = Id; } else { res.Status = "success"; res.Message = "Drive Route Deactived."; res.Value = Id; } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, res)); } else { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = "Record not found."; return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Record with Id " + RouteId.ToString() + " not found")); } } catch (Exception ex) { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = ex.Message; return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Error Occured")); } }
public Response DriveRoute(DriveRoute driveRoute) { List <Cordinates> cordinates = driveRoute.cordinates; List <Cordinates> pathJson = driveRoute.pathJson; Response res = new Response(); DirectoryHandler dh = new DirectoryHandler(); string CompleteKml = null; string ClientPrefix = ""; string SiteCode = ""; long RouteId = 0; string Delete = ""; long SiteId = 0; string TestType = ""; int ScopeId = 0; long UserId = 0; string Filter = ""; ClientPrefix = driveRoute.ClientPrefix; SiteCode = driveRoute.SiteCode; RouteId = driveRoute.RouteId; Delete = ""; SiteId = driveRoute.SiteId; TestType = driveRoute.TestType; ScopeId = driveRoute.ScopeId; UserId = driveRoute.UserId; Filter = "Insert"; KML km = new KML(); try { CompleteKml += km.Open("Routes", "Routes For Site"); int count = 1; #region Existing File Coordinates string Path = "/Content/AirViewLogs/" + ClientPrefix + "/" + SiteCode; if (dh.FileExist(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + Path + "/route-" + RouteId + ".kml"))) { string text; var fileStream = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + Path + "/route-" + RouteId + ".kml"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { text = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } MyString ms = new MyString(); string MyPlacemarks = ""; string[] MyPlacemarksSplit; int MyIndex = 5782; if (Delete != "") { MyPlacemarks = ms.BetweenTag(text, "Placemark", "&"); MyPlacemarksSplit = MyPlacemarks.Split('&'); int counter = 0; foreach (var item in MyPlacemarksSplit) { if (item.Contains(Delete)) { MyIndex = counter; } counter++; } } string Cordinate = ms.BetweenTag(text, "coordinates", "&"); string Colors = ms.BetweenTag(text, "color", "&"); string[] ColorsArr = Colors.Split('&'); //Cordinate = Cordinate.Replace(",0", ","); //Cordinate = Cordinate.Replace(",-", "-"); //Cordinate = Cordinate.Replace("-", ",-"); //Cordinate = Cordinate.Replace(",,", ","); string[] Tags = Cordinate.Split('&'); string cords;; string[] Cordinates; for (int i = 0; i < Tags.Length; i++) { if (Delete == "" || (i != MyIndex && MyIndex != 5782)) { if (Tags[i].Trim().Length > 0) { cords = null; Cordinates = Tags[i].Split('\n'); for (int j = 0; j < Cordinates.Length; j++) { if (Cordinates[j].Trim().Length > 0) { cords += Cordinates[j] + "0\n"; } } CompleteKml += km.Style("LineId" + count, "LineStyle", "color", "FFA9A9A9", "width", "4"); CompleteKml += km.Placemark("LineId" + count, "LineId" + count, "LineString", "relative", cords); count++; } } } } #endregion if (cordinates != null || Delete != "") { if (Delete == "") { // foreach (var jk in cordinates) // { string cords = null; string plotColor = "FFA9A9A9"; //(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Color)) ? r.Color.Replace("#", "") : plotColor = "ff" + plotColor.Substring(4, 2) + plotColor.Substring(2, 2) + plotColor.Substring(0, 2); CompleteKml += km.Style("LineId" + count, "LineStyle", "color", plotColor, "width", "4"); foreach (var cor in cordinates) { cords += cor.location.lng + "," + + ",0\n"; } CompleteKml += km.Placemark("LineId" + count, "LineId" + count, "LineString", "relative", cords); // CompleteKml += km.Placemarks("LineId" + count, "#LineStyle", "relativeToGround", cords); count++; // } } AV_DriveRoutesBL drb = new AV_DriveRoutesBL(); AV_DriveRoutes dr = new AV_DriveRoutes(); dr.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; dr.RouteId = RouteId; dr.SiteId = Convert.ToInt64(SiteId); dr.CreatedBy = UserId; dr.RoutePath = Path; if (TestType.Length > 1) { dr.TestType = TestType; //.Remove(TestType.Length - 1); } dr.ScopeId = ScopeId; RouteId = drb.Manage(Filter, dr); if (RouteId > 0) { res.Status = "success"; res.Value = RouteId; CompleteKml += km.Close(); dh.CreateDirectory(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path)); km.SaveKml2(CompleteKml, "route-" + RouteId, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(Path)); if (pathJson != null) { string jsonpath = "~" + Path; string fname = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(jsonpath); if (!Directory.Exists(fname)) { // if it doesn't exist, create System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(fname); } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pathJson.ToArray()); //write string to file System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fname + "/route-" + RouteId + ".txt", json); } } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); if (Delete == "") { res.Message = "Drive Route Planned Successfully."; } else { res.Message = "Drive Route Deleted Successfully."; } } else { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = "No Route Selected."; } } catch (Exception ex) { res.Status = "danger"; res.Message = ex.Message; } //return Json(res, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); return(res); }