        public static string[] GetObjects(string bounds)
            List <string> bb = new List <string>();
            List <AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject> __datas = new List <AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject>();

            //Get all the objects of the current user.
            System.Data.DataTable dt = AVL.ObjectList.JObjectLists.GetDataTableToday(WebClassLibrary.SessionManager.Current.MainFrame.CurrentUserCode);
            //Create an array to store data that will be send back to the google map control.
            AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject[] objects = new AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject[dt.Rows.Count];
            //Extract south west and north east from bounds string
            AVL.Controls.Map.BoundsObject NESW = AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject.BoundsStringtoPoints(bounds);
            //First item of returned array from BoundsStringtoPoints method is alwas South West, and second one is always North East
            AVL.Controls.Map.Point SW = NESW.SouthWest;
            AVL.Controls.Map.Point NE = NESW.NorthEast;
            //Loop through objects returned from AVLObjectList table.
            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                //Create a point object with latitude and longitude of current row.
                AVL.Controls.Map.PointD p = new AVL.Controls.Map.PointD(
                //Geofence using a circle. Specify whether point is in the area or not.
                //There is some other types of geofence methods in AVL.Geofence.JGeofence
                //Note that distance between 2 coordinate in map is so small.
                if (AVL.Geofence.JGeofence.IsInTheCircle(
                        new AVL.Controls.Map.Point()
                    Latitude = SW.Latitude + (NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2, Longitude = SW.Longitude + (NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2
                        ((NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2) > ((NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2) ? ((NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2) : ((NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2),
                        new AVL.Controls.Map.Point()
                    Latitude = p.Y, Longitude = p.X
                    //If point is in the area, it is allowed to pass through google map,
                    __datas.Add(new AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject()
                        ID       = "Bus_" + dt.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString(),
                        Location = p
            //We need to pass just IDs of objects as an array of strings.
            //Here we do joining of objects that are so close to each other.
            //If third argumant increase,then objects should be closer to be joined.otherwise method will join the objects with longer distance.
            foreach (AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject g in
                     AVL.Controls.Map.Marker.JoinMarkers(NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude, __datas.ToArray(), 50))// o) //
        public static List <AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject> GetCommunicationObjects(string bounds, string id, Dictionary <string, string[]> objects, int currentUserCode)
            bool isinarea = true;

            System.Data.DataTable dt;
            string ids = " AND ol.Code IN(";

            if (id == "1")
                if (objects[currentUserCode.ToString()].Length > 0)
                    foreach (string aa in objects[currentUserCode.ToString()])
                        ids += aa + ",";
                    ids  = ids.Remove(ids.Length - 1);
                    ids += ")";
            else if (id.Contains(','))
                foreach (string aa in id.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    ids += aa + ",";
                ids  = ids.Remove(ids.Length - 1);
                ids += ")";
            //Get fresh data from database.
            dt = WebClassLibrary.JWebDataBase.GetDataTable("select ol.* from AVLObjectList ol inner join " +
                                                           " AVLCash c ON c.userCode=ol.personCode  where ol.personCode=" +
                                                           WebClassLibrary.SessionManager.Current.MainFrame.CurrentUserCode + " AND  ol.lastSendDate > DATEADD(hour,-24,getdate())   AND (c.paid > 0) " + ids);
            List <AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject> s = new List <AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                //Extract north east and south west from bounds string.
                AVL.Controls.Map.BoundsObject SwNe = AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject.BoundsStringtoPoints(bounds);
                AVL.Controls.Map.Point        SW   = SwNe.SouthWest;
                AVL.Controls.Map.Point        NE   = SwNe.NorthEast;
                //Create a point with latitude and longitude of current row.
                AVL.Controls.Map.PointD p = new AVL.Controls.Map.PointD(
                //Is in area or not?
                if (!id.Contains(','))
                    if (AVL.Geofence.JGeofence.IsInTheCircle(
                            new AVL.Controls.Map.Point()
                        Latitude = SW.Latitude + (NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2, Longitude = SW.Longitude + (NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2
                            ((NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2) > ((NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2) ? ((NE.Latitude - SW.Latitude) / 2) : ((NE.Longitude - SW.Longitude) / 2),
                            new AVL.Controls.Map.Point()
                        Latitude = p.Y, Longitude = p.X
                        isinarea = true;
                        isinarea = false;
                if (isinarea)
                    AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject gObject = new AVL.Controls.Map.GCommunicateObject();
                    gObject.ID    = "Bus_" + dt.Rows[i]["Code"].ToString();
                    gObject.Title = dt.Rows[i]["Label"].ToString();
                    WebClassLibrary.JActionsInfo action = new WebClassLibrary.JActionsInfo();
                    //     action.Name = dt.Rows[i]["ClassName"].ToString();
                    action.Method         = dt.Rows[i]["ClassName"].ToString() + ".GetIcon";
                    action.ParameterValue = new List <object>();
                    gObject.Icon = action.runAction().ToString();
                    // مختصات جدید مارکر
                    gObject.Location = new AVL.Controls.Map.PointD()
                        // NEW Longitude
                        X = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["LastLng"].ToString()),
                        //NEW Latitude
                        Y = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[i]["LastLat"].ToString())