/* Connects a node to another (by creating an edge between them)
     * param: node - node to connect
     * param: cost - the cost of the path between two nodes
    public void connect(AStarNode node, float cost)
        // Create a weighted edge between this node and the specified node
        AStarEdge edge = new AStarEdge(this, node, cost);

        // Add the edge to this node's list of edges
        // Add the edge to the other node's list of edges
    /* Find the shortest path from a start to target position
     * param: start - start position
     * param: target - end position
     * returns: List<Vector2> - list of positions corresponding to grid nodes
     * of the shortest path between start and target, null if start or target
     * not on the walkable part of the grid
     * This method implements the A* algorithm.  It maintains a list of open nodes (to
     * which path from starting position has been found).  At the beginning, only the
     * starting node is added to the list of open nodes.  In each iteration, connections from
     * all open nodes are considered, and one that gives the smallest cost + guess is the next
     * node chosen for travelling through.  If the next node is not on open list, it gets added
     * to the open list.  This continues until the next node is the target node.
     * The paths are maintained by saving recording in each node the prevoius node in the path.
     * Tracing path of previous nodes from target to start node allows reconstruction of the path taken.
    public List <Vector2> ShortestPath(Vector2 start, Vector2 target)
        // List of nodes that have a path to from the start node
        List <AStarNode> open = new List <AStarNode> ();
        // List of nodes that are dead ends - cannot take a new path from
        // those nodes to the target
        List <AStarNode> closed = new List <AStarNode> ();

        //Find the closest node to the start position
        AStarNode startNode = closestNode(start);
        //Find the closest node to the target position
        AStarNode targetNode = closestNode(target);

        if (startNode == null || !startNode.walkable)

        if (targetNode == null || !targetNode.walkable)

        if (startNode == targetNode)

        //Reset the start node cost - clears the path links from the prevoius run of A*
        //Compute the guess value - Euclidean distance from start to target
        startNode.guess = Vector2.Distance(startNode.position, targetNode.position);
        //Add the start node to the list of nodes to consider for taking on the next

        // Create a list of examined nodes - debugging only */
        gizmos = new List <AStarNode>();

        //Keep traversing the grid until get to the target node
        while (true)
            //Sort the list of open nodes according to path cost+guess - this assures
            // that open nodes with smallest total cost will be considered first
            open = open.OrderBy(x => x.cost + x.guess).ToList();

            List <AStarNode> removeFromOpen = new List <AStarNode>();

            AStarNode nextNode = null;

            //Examine connections of each open node.
            foreach (AStarNode node in open)
                AStarEdge nextEdge = null;

                //For each connection of the open node...
                foreach (AStarEdge edge in node.neighbours)
                    AStarNode neighbour = edge.getNeighbour(node);

                    //Check if there is a new path to consider.
                    if (!closed.Contains(neighbour))
                        if (!open.Contains(neighbour))
                            nextEdge = edge;
                            float newGuess = Vector2.Distance(neighbour.position, targetNode.position);

                            // If there is a new path to consider, compute its cost - save the edge
                            // that gives new path with the lowest cost
                            float newCost = node.cost + edge.cost;
                            if ((newCost + newGuess < neighbour.cost + neighbour.guess))
                                nextEdge = edge;

                //If no new paths were found, move the node from the opne nodes list
                //to the closed list (it won't be considered for new paths)
                if (nextEdge == null)
                    //If a new path has been found, take it, and update the cost in the
                    nextNode = nextEdge.getNeighbour(node);
                    /* Save new noded to the list of examined nodes - debugging only */
                    if (!gizmos.Contains(nextNode))

                    float newGuess = Vector2.Distance(nextNode.position, targetNode.position);
                    float newCost  = node.cost + nextEdge.cost;
                    nextNode.prev  = node;
                    nextNode.cost  = newCost;
                    nextNode.guess = newGuess;

                    //If the new path takes us to the target node, we are done - return
                    //the path taken to this node
                    if (nextNode == targetNode)

            if (nextNode == null)

            //If the next node is not on open nodes list, add it to open
            //nodes list
            if (!open.Contains(nextNode))

            //Clean up - remove any nodes that have been added to the closed
            //node list from te open nodes list
            foreach (AStarNode node in removeFromOpen)
