public MySqlDataReader GetTable(List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > condition) { MySqlDataReader data = null; string Condition = ""; if (condition.Count > 1) { Condition = Condition + " AND " + condition[0].Key + " LIKE " + condition[0].Value; Condition = Condition + " ORDER BY " + condition[1].Key + " " + condition[1].Value; } else { Condition = Condition + " ORDER BY " + condition[0].Key + " " + condition[0].Value; } string Query = "SELECT * FROM (\n" + " SELECT (@NoUrut := @NoUrut+1) AS `No`, Tbl.* FROM (\n" + " SELECT " + FIELDNAME + " FROM " + TABLENAME + "\n" + " ) Tbl CROSS JOIN (SELECT @NoUrut:=0)testing\n" + ") TblLuar WHERE `Hapus` = 0 " + Condition; if (!aspQuery.Select(Query, ref data)) { ASPMsgCmp.ErrorMessage("Fail to read get data from Master Group!"); } return(data); }
protected override void Save() { LoadData(); if (GMode == ASPConstant.ModeNew) { if (GDBMKaryawan.Insert(GMKaryawan)) { ASPMsgCmp.InfoMessage("Data berhasil disimpan."); } else { ASPMsgCmp.ErrorMessage("Data gagal disimpan."); } } else if (GMode == ASPConstant.ModeEdit) { if (GDBMKaryawan.Update(GMKaryawan)) { ASPMsgCmp.InfoMessage("Data berhasil disimpan."); } else { ASPMsgCmp.ErrorMessage("Data gagal disimpan."); } } GMKaryawan = GDBMKaryawan.Clear(); ShowData(); SetMode(ASPConstant.ModeBrowse); GetTable(); dataGridView.Focus(); }
public BindingSource GetTable(string query) { BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource(); string Query = "SELECT * FROM (\n" + query + ") TblLuar WHERE `Hapus` = 0 LIMIT 0,50"; if (!aspQuery.Select(Query, ref bindingSource)) { ASPMsgCmp.ErrorMessage("Fail to read get data from Browse Form!"); } return(bindingSource); }
protected override void DeleteRecord() { bool CanDelete = true; if (GMode == ASPConstant.ModeBrowse && dataGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { base.DeleteRecord(); DataGridViewRow row = dataGridView.SelectedRows[0]; if (!GDBMKaryawan.SelectById(int.Parse(row.Cells["IdMKaryawan"].Value.ToString()), ref GMKaryawan)) { GMKaryawan = GDBMKaryawan.Clear(); CanDelete = false; } if (CanDelete) { if (ASPMsgCmp.QuestionMessage("Yakin ingin menghapus " + GMKaryawan.NmMKaryawan + "?") == DialogResult.Yes) { GMKaryawan.IdMUserUpdate = MainForm.FMCurrUser.IdMKaryawan; GMKaryawan.TglUpdate = GDBMJabatan.GetNow(); GMKaryawan.Hapus = true; if (GDBMKaryawan.Delete(GMKaryawan)) { ASPMsgCmp.InfoMessage("Data berhasil dihapus."); } else { ASPMsgCmp.ErrorMessage("Data gagal dihapus."); } } } GMKaryawan = GDBMKaryawan.Clear(); ShowData(); SetMode(ASPConstant.ModeBrowse); GetTable(); } }