protected virtual IEnumerable Inquiry(PXAdapter adapter, [PXInt] [PXIntList(new int[] { 1, 2 }, new string[] { "Sales Prices", "Vendor Prices" })] int?inquiryID ) { switch (inquiryID) { case 1: if (Item.Current != null) { ARSalesPriceMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <ARSalesPriceMaint>(); graph.Filter.Current.InventoryID = Item.Current.InventoryID; throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, "Sales Prices"); } break; case 2: if (Item.Current != null) { APVendorPriceMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <APVendorPriceMaint>(); graph.Filter.Current.InventoryID = Item.Current.InventoryID; throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, "Vendor Prices"); } break; } return(adapter.Get()); }
public static void SetFairValueSalesPrice(DRSchedule schedule, DRScheduleDetail scheduleDetail, PXSelectBase <DRScheduleDetail> scheduleDetailsView, Location location, CurrencyInfo currencyInfo, bool takeInBaseCurrency) { if (takeInBaseCurrency) { currencyInfo.CuryID = currencyInfo.BaseCuryID; } var salesPriceItem = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateFairValueSalesPrice(scheduleDetailsView.Cache, location?.CPriceClassID, schedule.BAccountID, scheduleDetail.ComponentID, currencyInfo, scheduleDetail.Qty, scheduleDetail.UOM, schedule.DocDate.Value, takeInBaseCurrency); var newValue = salesPriceItem.Price; if (newValue == 0m) { InventoryItem inventoryItem = PXSelect < InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(scheduleDetailsView.Cache.Graph, scheduleDetail.ComponentID); if (scheduleDetail.ParentInventoryID == null) { throw new NoFairValuePriceFoundException(inventoryItem.InventoryCD, scheduleDetail.UOM, currencyInfo.CuryID, schedule.DocDate.Value); } else { InventoryItem parentInventoryItem = PXSelect < InventoryItem, Where <InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(scheduleDetailsView.Cache.Graph, scheduleDetail.ParentInventoryID); throw new NoFairValuePriceFoundException(inventoryItem.InventoryCD, parentInventoryItem.InventoryCD, scheduleDetail.UOM, currencyInfo.CuryID, schedule.DocDate.Value); } } scheduleDetail.FairValueCuryID = salesPriceItem.CuryID; scheduleDetail.FairValuePrice = newValue; scheduleDetail.EffectiveFairValuePrice = newValue * (salesPriceItem.Prorated ? scheduleDetail.CoTermRate : 1); }
/// <summary>Returns the sales price for the specified detail row.</summary> /// <param name="row">A detail line.</param> /// <param name="sender">A cache object.</param> protected virtual decimal GetPrice(PXCache sender, Detail row) { string customerPriceClass = ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass; PriceClassSource source = PriceClassSource.Select(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source?.PriceClassID)) { customerPriceClass = source.PriceClassID; } Document doc = Documents.Current; CurrencyInfo info = SelectCurrencyInfo(doc); return (ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(sender, customerPriceClass, doc.BAccountID, row.InventoryID, info.GetCM(), row.UOM, row.Quantity, doc.DocumentDate ?? sender.Graph.Accessinfo.BusinessDate.Value, row.CuryUnitPrice) ?? 0m); }
public virtual decimal?GetSalesPrice(PXCache sender, SOOrder order, SOLine line) { if (line == null || order == null) { return(null); } var extension = order.GetExtension <SOOrderDAExtension>(); if (extension == null) { return(null); } return(ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(sender, extension.DAPriceClassID, order.CustomerID, line.InventoryID, Base.currencyinfo.Select(), line.UOM, line.Qty, order.OrderDate.GetValueOrDefault(), line.CuryUnitPrice) ?? 0m); }
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldDefaulting <PMBudget, PMBudget.rate> e) { PMAccountGroup ag = PXSelect <PMAccountGroup, Where <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Required <PMAccountGroup.groupID> > > > .Select(this, e.Row.AccountGroupID); if (ag != null) { if (ag.IsExpense == true) { if (e.Row.InventoryID != null && e.Row.InventoryID != PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID) { InventoryItem item = (InventoryItem)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <PMCostBudget.inventoryID>(e.Cache, e.Row); e.NewValue = item?.StdCost; } } else { if (e.Row.InventoryID != null && e.Row.InventoryID != PMInventorySelectorAttribute.EmptyInventoryID) { string customerPriceClass = ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass; PMTask projectTask = (PMTask)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <PMRevenueBudget.projectTaskID>(e.Cache, e.Row); CR.Location c = (CR.Location)PXSelectorAttribute.Select <PMTask.locationID>(e.Cache, projectTask); if (c != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.CPriceClassID)) { customerPriceClass = c.CPriceClassID; } CM.CurrencyInfo dummy = new CM.CurrencyInfo(); dummy.CuryID = Accessinfo.BaseCuryID; dummy.BaseCuryID = Accessinfo.BaseCuryID; dummy.CuryRate = 1; e.NewValue = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(Caches[typeof(PMTran)], customerPriceClass, projectTask.CustomerID, e.Row.InventoryID, dummy, e.Row.Qty, e.Row.UOM, Accessinfo.BusinessDate.Value, true); } } } }
public virtual decimal GetItemPrice(PXCache sender, string curyID, int?customerID, int?locationID, string contractStatus, int?contractItemID, int?itemID, string itemType, string priceOption, decimal?fixedPrice, decimal?setupPrice, decimal?qty, DateTime?date) { decimal itemPrice = 0m; ContractItem item = PXSelect <ContractItem, Where <ContractItem.contractItemID, Equal <Required <ContractItem.contractItemID> > > > .Select(sender.Graph, contractItemID); if (item != null) { IN.InventoryItem nonstock = PXSelect <IN.InventoryItem, Where <IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal <Required <IN.InventoryItem.inventoryID> > > > .Select(sender.Graph, itemID); CR.Location customerLocation = PXSelect < CR.Location, Where < CR.Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Contract.customerID> >, And <CR.Location.locationID, Equal <Required <Contract.locationID> > > > > .Select(sender.Graph, customerID, locationID); string customerPriceClass = string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerLocation?.CPriceClassID) ? ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass : customerLocation.CPriceClassID; if (priceOption == null) { switch (itemType) { case ContractDetailType.Setup: priceOption = item.BasePriceOption; break; case ContractDetailType.Renewal: priceOption = item.RenewalPriceOption; break; case ContractDetailType.Billing: priceOption = item.FixedRecurringPriceOption; break; case ContractDetailType.UsagePrice: priceOption = item.UsagePriceOption; break; } } CM.CurrencyInfo currencyInfo = new CM.CurrencyInfo(); currencyInfo.BaseCuryID = new PXSetup <Company>(sender.Graph).Current.BaseCuryID; currencyInfo.CuryID = curyID; Customer customer = PXSelect <Customer, Where <Customer.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Customer.bAccountID> > > > .Select(sender.Graph, customerID); if (customer != null && customer.CuryRateTypeID != null) { currencyInfo.CuryRateTypeID = customer.CuryRateTypeID; } currencyInfo.SetCuryEffDate(sender.Graph.Caches[typeof(CM.CurrencyInfo)], date); if (nonstock != null && currencyInfo != null) { switch (priceOption) { case PriceOption.ItemPrice: itemPrice = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(sender, customerPriceClass, customerID, itemID, currencyInfo, qty, nonstock.BaseUnit, date ?? DateTime.Now, false) ?? 0m; break; case PriceOption.ItemPercent: itemPrice = ((ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(sender, customerPriceClass, customerID, itemID, currencyInfo, qty, nonstock.BaseUnit, date ?? DateTime.Now, false) ?? 0m) / 100m * (fixedPrice ?? 0m)); break; case PriceOption.BasePercent: itemPrice = (setupPrice ?? 0m) / 100m * (fixedPrice ?? 0m); break; case PriceOption.Manually: itemPrice = fixedPrice ?? 0m; break; } } } return(itemPrice); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates/Retrieves the price for an item depending on the price set for it. /// </summary> private static SalesPriceSet CalculateSalesPrice(PXCache cache, int?customerID, int?customerLocationID, int?inventoryID, int?siteID, CurrencyInfo currencyinfo, decimal?quantity, string uom, DateTime date, decimal?currentUnitPrice, bool alwaysFromBaseCurrency, bool catchSalesPriceException) { string custPriceClass = ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass; string errorCode = ID.PriceErrorCode.OK; // Check if it exists a price by customerID string priceType = CheckPriceByPriceType(cache, custPriceClass, customerID, inventoryID, currencyinfo.BaseCuryID, alwaysFromBaseCurrency ? currencyinfo.BaseCuryID : currencyinfo.CuryID, Math.Abs(quantity ?? 0m), uom, date, ID.PriceType.CUSTOMER, ref errorCode); // If it does not exist a price by customerID, then verify if it exists at least a Customer Price Class if (priceType == null) { custPriceClass = SingleFSPriceManagement.DetermineCustomerPriceClass(cache, customerID, customerLocationID, inventoryID, currencyinfo, quantity, uom, date, alwaysFromBaseCurrency); // If it does not exist a price by Customer Price Class for the item, then try to verify the BASE price or DEFAULT price if (custPriceClass == ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass) { priceType = CheckPriceByPriceType(cache, custPriceClass, customerID, inventoryID, currencyinfo.BaseCuryID, alwaysFromBaseCurrency ? currencyinfo.BaseCuryID : currencyinfo.CuryID, Math.Abs(quantity ?? 0m), uom, date, ID.PriceType.BASE, ref errorCode); } else { priceType = ID.PriceType.PRICE_CLASS; } } decimal?price = null; try { if (alwaysFromBaseCurrency == true) { price = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(cache, custPriceClass, customerID, inventoryID, currencyinfo, quantity, uom, date, alwaysFromBaseCurrency: true); } else { price = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(cache, custPriceClass, customerID, inventoryID, siteID, currencyinfo, uom, quantity, date, currentUnitPrice); } } catch (PXUnitConversionException exception) { if (catchSalesPriceException == true) { return(new SalesPriceSet(custPriceClass, price, priceType, customerID, ID.PriceErrorCode.UOM_INCONSISTENCY)); } else { throw exception; } } SalesPriceSet salesPriceSet = new SalesPriceSet(custPriceClass, price, priceType, customerID, errorCode); return(salesPriceSet); }
protected virtual void CRServiceCaseItem_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e) { var row = e.Row as CRServiceCaseItem; var oldRow = e.OldRow as CRServiceCaseItem; if (row == null || oldRow == null) { return; } var inventoryChanged = row.InventoryID != oldRow.InventoryID; var customerChanged = row.CustomerID != oldRow.CustomerID; if (inventoryChanged) { sender.SetDefaultExt <CRServiceCaseItem.uOM>(e.Row); } var current = ServiceCase.Current; var isFreeChanged = row.IsFree != oldRow.IsFree; var isUOMChanged = row.UOM != oldRow.UOM; if (inventoryChanged || isFreeChanged || isUOMChanged) { var newCuryUnitPrice = 0m; if (row.IsFree != true && row.ManualPrice != true) //TODO: need review 'ManualPrice' { string customerPriceClass = ARPriceClass.EmptyPriceClass; string priceClass = current. With(cr => (Location)PXSelect <Location, Where <Location.bAccountID, Equal <Required <Location.bAccountID> >, And <Location.locationID, Equal <Required <Location.locationID> > > > > . Select(this, cr.CustomerID, cr.LocationID)). With(loc => loc.CPriceClassID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(priceClass)) { customerPriceClass = priceClass; } var curyInfo = (CurrencyInfo)PXSelect <CurrencyInfo, Where <CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID, Equal <Required <CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID> > > > . Select(this, current.CuryInfoID); newCuryUnitPrice = ARSalesPriceMaint.CalculateSalesPrice(sender, customerPriceClass, (int)row.InventoryID, curyInfo, row.UOM, (DateTime)current.CreatedDateTime) ?? 0m; } if (row.CuryUnitPrice != newCuryUnitPrice) { sender.SetValueExt <CRServiceCaseItem.curyUnitPrice>(row, newCuryUnitPrice); } } decimal?manualDiscount = null; if (row.ManualDiscount == true && row.Discount != oldRow.Discount) { manualDiscount = row.Discount; } decimal?manualDiscountAmount = null; if (row.ManualDiscount == true && row.ActualCuryDiscountAmount != oldRow.ActualCuryDiscountAmount) { manualDiscountAmount = row.ActualDiscountAmount; } decimal?manualAmount = null; if (row.ManualPrice == true && row.ActualCuryAmount != oldRow.ActualCuryAmount) { manualAmount = row.ActualCuryAmount; } if (manualAmount != null) { manualDiscountAmount = (row.CuryUnitPrice ?? 0) * (row.ActualQuantity ?? 0) - (decimal)manualAmount; } if (manualDiscountAmount != null) { manualDiscount = (decimal)manualDiscountAmount * 100 / ((row.CuryUnitPrice ?? 0) * (row.ActualQuantity ?? 0)); } var quantityChanged = row.ActualQuantity != oldRow.ActualQuantity; if (inventoryChanged || customerChanged || quantityChanged || manualDiscount != null) { if (row.IsFree != true) { SO.SODiscountEngine <CRServiceCaseItem> . SetDiscounts(sender, row, current.LocationID, (DateTime)current.CreatedDateTime); if (manualDiscount != null) { sender.SetValueExt <>(row, manualDiscount); } RecalculateDiscounts(sender, row); } else { sender.SetValueExt <>(row, 0m); } RemoveUnappliableDiscountDetails(); } var curyUnitPriceChanged = row.CuryUnitPrice != oldRow.CuryUnitPrice; var discountChanged = row.Discount != oldRow.Discount; if (curyUnitPriceChanged || discountChanged || quantityChanged || manualDiscountAmount != null) { var actualCuryDiscountAmount = 0m; if (row.IsFree != true) { actualCuryDiscountAmount = (row.CuryUnitPrice ?? 0) * (row.ActualQuantity ?? 0) * (row.Discount ?? 0) * 0.01m; if (manualDiscountAmount != null) { actualCuryDiscountAmount = (decimal)manualDiscountAmount; } } sender.SetValueExt <CRServiceCaseItem.actualCuryDiscountAmount>(row, actualCuryDiscountAmount); } var discountAmountChanged = row.ActualCuryDiscountAmount != oldRow.ActualCuryDiscountAmount; if (curyUnitPriceChanged || discountAmountChanged || quantityChanged || manualAmount != null) { var actualCuryAmount = 0m; if (row.IsFree != true) { actualCuryAmount = (row.CuryUnitPrice ?? 0) * (row.ActualQuantity ?? 0) - (row.ActualCuryDiscountAmount ?? 0); if (manualAmount != null) { actualCuryAmount = (decimal)manualAmount; } } sender.SetValueExt <CRServiceCaseItem.actualCuryAmount>(row, actualCuryAmount); } //TaxAttribute.Calculate<SOLine.taxCategoryID>(sender, e); }
public static void X_CuryUnitPrice_FieldDefaulting <DAC, CuryUnitPrice>( PXCache cache, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e, decimal?qty, DateTime?docDate, FSServiceOrder fsServiceOrderRow, FSAppointment fsAppointmentRow, CurrencyInfo currencyInfo) where DAC : class, IBqlTable, IFSSODetBase, new() where CuryUnitPrice : class, IBqlField { if (e.Row == null) { return; } var row = (DAC)e.Row; // TODO: AC-97482 // FSSODet does not have PriceType nor PriceCode. FSAppointmentDet fsAppointmentDetRow = null; Type dacType = typeof(DAC); if (dacType == typeof(FSAppointmentDet) || dacType == typeof(FSAppointmentDetService) || dacType == typeof(FSAppointmentDetPart) || dacType == typeof(FSAppointmentInventoryItem)) { fsAppointmentDetRow = (FSAppointmentDet)e.Row; } if (row.InventoryID == null || row.UOM == null || (row.BillingRule == ID.BillingRule.NONE && row.ManualPrice != true)) { // Special cases with price 0 PXUIFieldAttribute.SetWarning <CuryUnitPrice>(cache, row, null); e.NewValue = 0m; // TODO: AC-97482 if (fsAppointmentDetRow != null) { fsAppointmentDetRow.PriceType = null; fsAppointmentDetRow.PriceCode = null; } } else if (row.ManualPrice != true && !cache.Graph.IsCopyPasteContext) { SalesPriceSet salesPriceSet = FSPriceManagement.CalculateSalesPriceWithCustomerContract( cache, fsServiceOrderRow.ServiceContractID, fsAppointmentRow != null ? fsAppointmentRow.BillServiceContractID : fsServiceOrderRow.BillServiceContractID, fsAppointmentRow != null ? fsAppointmentRow.BillContractPeriodID : fsServiceOrderRow.BillContractPeriodID, fsServiceOrderRow.BillCustomerID, fsServiceOrderRow.BillLocationID, row.ContractRelated, row.InventoryID, row.SiteID, qty, row.UOM, (DateTime)(docDate ?? cache.Graph.Accessinfo.BusinessDate), row.CuryUnitPrice, alwaysFromBaseCurrency: false, currencyInfo: currencyInfo.GetCM(), catchSalesPriceException: false); if (salesPriceSet.ErrorCode == ID.PriceErrorCode.UOM_INCONSISTENCY) { InventoryItem inventoryItemRow = SharedFunctions.GetInventoryItemRow(cache.Graph, row.InventoryID); throw new PXException(PXMessages.LocalizeFormat(TX.Error.INVENTORY_ITEM_UOM_INCONSISTENCY, inventoryItemRow.InventoryCD), PXErrorLevel.Error); } e.NewValue = salesPriceSet.Price ?? 0m; if (fsAppointmentDetRow != null) { // These fields are just report fields so they wouldn't have associated events // and therefore they don't need be assigned with SetValueExt. fsAppointmentDetRow.PriceType = salesPriceSet.PriceType; fsAppointmentDetRow.PriceCode = salesPriceSet.PriceCode; } ARSalesPriceMaint.CheckNewUnitPrice <DAC, CuryUnitPrice>(cache, row, salesPriceSet.Price); } else { e.NewValue = row.CuryUnitPrice ?? 0m; e.Cancel = row.CuryUnitPrice != null; return; } }