static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(CoreLibPath: toolkitPath))
                // Get the page count of the PDF
                int result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(
                    InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result == 0)
                    // Get the rotation of the page
                    // Note: there is no need to open an input file as NumPages
                    // opened the PDF
                    result = toolkit.GetInputPageRotation(PageNumber: 1);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Page Rotation: {result}");

                    // Close the input file

                    // Load the page 1 details of the PDF
                        FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf", PageNbr: 1);

                    // Get the Page Width and Height for page one
                    Console.WriteLine($"Page Width: {toolkit.BoundingBoxWidth}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Page Height: {toolkit.BoundingBoxHeight}");

                    // Get the top left coordinates of the bounding box
                    Console.WriteLine($"Page Top Left Coordinates: {toolkit.BoundingBoxLeft}, {toolkit.BoundingBoxTop}");

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit())
                // Get the page count of the PDF
                int result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(
                    FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Get the rotation of the page
                // Note: there is no need to open an input file as NumPages
                // opened the PDF
                result = toolkit.GetInputPageRotation(PageNumber: 1);
                Console.WriteLine($"Page Rotation: {result}");

                // Close the input file

                // Load the page 1 details of the PDF
                    FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf", PageNbr: 1);

                // Get the Page Width and Height for page one
                Console.WriteLine($"Page Width: {toolkit.BoundingBoxWidth}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Page Height: {toolkit.BoundingBoxHeight}");

                // Get the top left coordinates of the bounding box
                Console.WriteLine($"Page Top Left Coordinates: {toolkit.BoundingBoxLeft}, {toolkit.BoundingBoxTop}");

                // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strPath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Starting with Toolkit version 10 native DLLs are no longer
            // copied to the system folder. The Toolkit constructor must
            // be called with the path to the native DLLs or place them
            // in your applications working directory. This example
            // assumes they are located in the default installation folder.
            // (Use x86 in the path for 32b applications)
            string toolkitPath = $@"{Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles)}\ActivePDF\Toolkit\bin\x64";

            // Instantiate Object
            using (APToolkitNET.Toolkit toolkit = new APToolkitNET.Toolkit(toolkitPath))
                // Here you can place any code that will alter the output file
                // such as adding security, setting page dimensions, etc.

                // Create the new PDF file
                int result = toolkit.OpenOutputFile(FileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.RotateText.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening output file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                // Open the template PDF
                result = toolkit.OpenInputFile(InputFileName: $"{strPath}Toolkit.Input.pdf");
                if (result != 0)
                    WriteResult($"Error opening input file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                int totalPages = toolkit.NumPages("");
                if (totalPages < 1)
                    WriteResult($"Error getting page count: {result}");
                    // Loop through all pages of the input file
                    for (int currentPage = 1; currentPage <= totalPages; currentPage++)
                        // Get the current page width, height and rotation
                        short pageRotation   = toolkit.GetInputPageRotation(PageNumber: currentPage);
                        int   getBoundingBox = toolkit.GetBoundingBox(FileName: "", PageNbr: currentPage);
                        if (getBoundingBox != 0)
                            WriteResult($"Bad bounding box: {getBoundingBox}", toolkit);

                        // Set font properties and text rotation
                        toolkit.SetFont(FontName: "Helvetica", FontSize: 12, PageNumber: currentPage);
                        toolkit.SetTextColor(AmountRed: 255, AmountGreen: 0, AmountBlue: 0, AmountGrey: 0, PageNumber: currentPage);
                        toolkit.SetTextRotation(RotationAngle: pageRotation);

                        // Depending on the rotation of the page, adjust coordinates
                        // This only accounts for rotations of 0, 90, 180, 270
                        float xCoord = 72, yCoord = 24;

                        switch (pageRotation)
                        case 0:

                        case 90:
                            xCoord = toolkit.BoundingBoxWidth - yCoord;

                        case 180:
                            xCoord = toolkit.BoundingBoxWidth - 72;
                            yCoord = toolkit.BoundingBoxHeight - 24;

                        case 270:
                            xCoord = yCoord;
                            yCoord = toolkit.BoundingBoxHeight - 72;

                            WriteResult($"Error getting page rotation: {pageRotation}", toolkit);

                        // Add the text stamp
                        toolkit.PrintText(X: xCoord, Y: yCoord, Text: "Confidential", PageNumber: currentPage);

                    // Copy the template (with any changes) to the new file
                    // Start page and end page, 0 = all pages
                    result = toolkit.CopyForm(FirstPage: 0, LastPage: 0);
                    if (result != 1)
                        WriteResult($"Error copying file: {result.ToString()}", toolkit);

                    // Close the new file to complete PDF creation

            // Process Complete