        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new ApsimX Soil object from an Xml soil description in "classic" APSIM format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="soil">The xml "soil" node holding the description</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful</returns>
        private Soil SoilFromApsoil(XmlNode soil)
            Soil soilObj = null;

                XmlDocument   soilDoc  = new XmlDocument();
                XmlNode       rootNode = soilDoc.CreateNode("element", "root", "");
                APSIMImporter importer = new APSIMImporter();
                XmlNode       newNode  = null;
                newNode = importer.ImportSoil(soil, rootNode, newNode);

                List <Exception> errors = null;
                soilObj = (Soil)FileFormat.ReadFromString <Soil>(newNode.OuterXml, out errors);

                // Looks like we also need a soil temperature model as well....
                Structure.Add(new CERESSoilTemperature(), soilObj);
            catch (Exception e) // Needs better error handling. We should inform the user of any problems.
        /// <summary>
        /// Pastes the contents of the clipboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">The XML document text</param>
        /// <param name="parentPath">Path to the parent</param>
        public void Add(string xml, string parentPath)
                XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                catch (XmlException)
                    MainPresenter.ShowMessage("Invalid XML. Are you sure you're trying to paste an APSIM model?", Simulation.ErrorLevel.Error);

                object newModel = XmlUtilities.Deserialise(document.DocumentElement, this.ApsimXFile.GetType().Assembly);

                // See if the presenter is happy with this model being added.
                Model         parentModel   = Apsim.Get(this.ApsimXFile, parentPath) as Model;
                AllowDropArgs allowDropArgs = new AllowDropArgs();
                allowDropArgs.NodePath   = parentPath;
                allowDropArgs.DragObject = new DragObject()
                    NodePath  = null,
                    ModelType = newModel.GetType(),
                    Xml       = this.GetClipboardText()

                this.OnAllowDrop(null, allowDropArgs);

                // If it is happy then issue an AddModelCommand.
                if (allowDropArgs.Allow)
                    // If the model xml is a soil object then try and convert from old
                    // APSIM format to new.
                    if (document.DocumentElement.Name == "Soil" && XmlUtilities.Attribute(document.DocumentElement, "Name") != string.Empty)
                        XmlDocument newDoc = new XmlDocument();
                        APSIMImporter importer = new APSIMImporter();
                        importer.ImportSoil(document.DocumentElement, newDoc.DocumentElement, newDoc.DocumentElement);
                        XmlNode soilNode = XmlUtilities.FindByType(newDoc.DocumentElement, "Soil");
                        if (soilNode != null &&
                            XmlUtilities.FindByType(soilNode, "Sample") == null &&
                            XmlUtilities.FindByType(soilNode, "InitialWater") == null)
                            // Add in an initial water and initial conditions models.
                            XmlNode initialWater = soilNode.AppendChild(soilNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("InitialWater"));
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialWater, "Name", "Initial water");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialWater, "PercentMethod", "FilledFromTop");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialWater, "FractionFull", "1");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialWater, "DepthWetSoil", "NaN");
                            XmlNode initialConditions = soilNode.AppendChild(soilNode.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("Sample"));
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "Name", "Initial conditions");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "Thickness/double", "1800");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "NO3/double", "10");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "NH4/double", "1");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "NO3Units", "kgha");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "NH4Units", "kgha");
                            XmlUtilities.SetValue(initialConditions, "SWUnits", "Volumetric");


                    IModel child = XmlUtilities.Deserialise(document.DocumentElement, this.ApsimXFile.GetType().Assembly) as IModel;

                    AddModelCommand command = new AddModelCommand(parentModel, document.DocumentElement, this.GetNodeDescription(child), this.view);
                    this.CommandHistory.Add(command, true);
            catch (Exception exception)
                this.MainPresenter.ShowMessage(exception.Message, Simulation.ErrorLevel.Error);