private void installapp() { string TESTExe = mTESTExecutable; string[] results = mCommandResponse.TestCommand.Split(new char[] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (results.Length == 2) { TESTExe = Path.Combine(mTargetDirectory, results[1]); } Log("Install path: " + TESTExe); bool result = false; if (GetOperatingSystemType() == OperatingSystemType.Windows) { result = APPHelper.installapp(mTargetDirectory, TESTExe, mCommandResponse.LicenseKey); } else { result = APPHelper.installappMac(mTargetDirectory, TESTExe, mCommandResponse.LicenseKey); } if (result == false) { Log("APP failed to install"); mCommandResultString += "APP Failed to install" + "; "; mCommandResult = false; } else { Log("Waiting for " + mWaitForAPPSeconds + " seconds to let APP start up"); Thread.Sleep(mWaitForAPPSeconds * 1000); if (GetOperatingSystemType() == OperatingSystemType.Windows) { result = APPHelper.CheckTESTIsRunning(); Log("TEST running: " + result); if (result == false) { mCommandResultString += "APP is not running" + "; "; mCommandResult = false; } else { result = Directory.Exists(mProgramDataDirDirectory); Log("TEST ProgramDataDir exists: " + result); if (result == false) { mCommandResultString += "APP Data directory was not created" + "; "; mCommandResult = false; } } } } CreateOutputJson((result == true ? 1 : 0), (result == true ? 0 : 1)); }