        public AllAccountsModel AddOrganizationAccount(string OrgCode, string newAccountName)
            var myAccount = new AllAccountsModel
                Organization     = OrgCode,
                Name             = newAccountName,
                EventSalesStatus = "A",                                 //Use your configured Status codes to set the account designation status property
                Class            = USISDKConstants.AccountClass.Account //The class determines if this is an Account or a Contact

                                                                        //myAccount.AccountCode = "ACCTCODE" 'You can set the Account code manually, or leave it empty if your configuration allows for it to be set automatically.

            return(APIUtil.AddAccount(USISDKClient, myAccount));
        /// <summary>
        /// This example will show you how to add a new account with custom fields attached.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orgCode">The organization code of the account you wish to add.</param>
        /// <param name="newAccountName">This is the the name of the new account.</param>
        /// <param name="issueClass">This is the code that represents the Issue Class of the custom fields.</param>
        /// <param name="issueType">This is the code that represents the Issue Type of the custom fields</param>
        /// <param name="newTxt01Value">In this example, we are changing Text_01.  Enter a new value here to set this.</param>
        public AllAccountsModel AddWithUserFields(string orgCode, string newAccountName, string issueClass, string issueType, string newTxt01Value)
            var myAccount = new AllAccountsModel
                Organization         = orgCode,
                Name                 = newAccountName,
                EventSalesStatus     = "A",                                  //Use your configured Status codes to set the account designation status property
                Class                = USISDKConstants.AccountClass.Account, //The class determines if this is an Account or a Contact
                AccountUserFieldSets = new List <UserFields>()

            //Here's how to add a user field set with values to a new account
            var myUserField = new UserFields
                Header     = USISDKConstants.UserFieldHeaders.OrganizationAccountUserFields, //Designate if this is an organization account user field set, an individual account user field set, or a membership user field set
                Class      = issueClass,                                                     //Set the designation of the user field.  You can use the USISDKConstants.AccountDesignations class to set this.
                Type       = issueType,                                                      //Use the Opportunity Type code from your user field.  This matches the value stored in Ungerboeck table column CR073_ISSUE_TYPE.
                UserText01 = newTxt01Value                                                   //Set the value in the user field property

            myAccount.AccountUserFieldSets.Add(myUserField); //Then add it back into the AllAccountsModel object.  You can add multiple user field sets to the same account object before saving.

            return(APIUtil.AddAccount(USISDKClient, myAccount));