public ActionResult RegenerateAllEpisodeLinks() { try { using (var upd = Repo.Instance.CrossRef_AniDB_Provider.BeginBatchUpdate(() => Repo.Instance.CrossRef_AniDB_Provider.GetByType(Shoko.Models.Enums.CrossRefType.TvDB))) { foreach (SVR_CrossRef_AniDB_Provider p in upd) { p.EpisodesList.DeleteAllUnverifiedLinks(); if (p.EpisodesList.NeedPersitance) { p.EpisodesList.Persist(); upd.Update(p); } } upd.Commit(); } Repo.Instance.AnimeSeries.GetAll().ToList().AsParallel().ForAll(animeseries => LinkingHelper.GenerateEpisodeMatches(animeseries.AniDB_ID, Shoko.Models.Enums.CrossRefType.TvDB, true)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return(APIStatus.InternalError(e.Message)); } return(APIStatus.OK()); }
public ActionResult ImportConfig(CL_ServerSettings settings) { if (ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only do this before server init")); } string raw_settings = settings.ToJSON(); if (raw_settings.Length == new CL_ServerSettings().ToJSON().Length) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("Empty settings are not allowed")); } string path = Path.Combine(ServerSettings.ApplicationPath, "temp.json"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, raw_settings, Encoding.UTF8); try { ServerSettings.LoadSettingsFromFile(path, true); return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while importing settings")); } }
public ActionResult ImportConfig(CL_ServerSettings settings) { return(BadRequest("The model that this method takes is deprecated and will break the settings file. Use APIv3")); string raw_settings = settings.ToJSON(); if (raw_settings.Length == new CL_ServerSettings().ToJSON().Length) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("Empty settings are not allowed")); } string path = Path.Combine(ServerSettings.ApplicationPath, "temp.json"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, raw_settings, Encoding.UTF8); try { ServerSettings.LoadSettingsFromFile(path, true); ServerSettings.Instance.SaveSettings(); return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while importing settings")); } }
public ActionResult <Setting> GetSetting(Setting setting) { try { // TODO Refactor Settings to a POCO that is serialized, and at runtime, build a dictionary of types to validate against if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting?.setting)) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } var value = typeof(ServerSettings).GetProperty(setting.setting)?.GetValue(null, null); if (value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } return(new Setting { setting = setting.setting, value = value.ToString() }); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
/// <summary> /// Get url for update and start update /// </summary> /// <param name="tag_name"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal object WebUIGetUrlAndUpdate(string tag_name, string channel) { try { var client = new System.Net.WebClient(); client.Headers.Add("Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json"); client.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "jmmserver"); var response = client.DownloadString( new Uri("" + tag_name)); dynamic result = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response); string url = string.Empty; foreach (dynamic obj in result.assets) { if ( == "") { url = obj.browser_download_url; break; } } //check if tag was parsed corrently as it make the url return(url != string.Empty ? WebUIUpdate(url, channel, tag_name) : new APIMessage(204, "Content is missing")); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
public ActionResult EditFolder(ImportFolder folder) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder.ImportFolderLocation) || folder.ImportFolderID == 0) { return(new APIMessage(400, "ImportFolderLocation and ImportFolderID missing")); } if (folder.IsDropDestination == 1 && folder.IsDropSource == 1) { return(new APIMessage(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, "The Import Folder can't be both Destination and Source")); } if (folder.ImportFolderID == 0) { return(new APIMessage(StatusCodes.Status409Conflict, "The Import Folder must have an ID")); } try { RepoFactory.ImportFolder.SaveImportFolder(folder); return(Ok()); } catch (Exception e) { return(APIStatus.InternalError(e.Message)); } }
public ActionResult EditFolder(ImportFolder folder) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(folder.ImportFolderLocation) && folder.ImportFolderID != 0) { try { // TODO Do this correctly without calling APIv1 if (folder.IsDropDestination == 1 && folder.IsDropSource == 1) { return(new APIMessage(409, "The Import Folder can't be both Destination and Source")); } if (folder.ImportFolderID == 0) { return(new APIMessage(409, "The Import Folder must have an ID")); } CL_Response <ImportFolder> response = new ShokoServiceImplementation().SaveImportFolder(folder); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ErrorMessage)) { return(new APIMessage(500, response.ErrorMessage)); } return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } } return(new APIMessage(400, "ImportFolderLocation and ImportFolderID missing")); }
public ActionResult AddFolder(ImportFolder folder) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (folder.ImportFolderLocation != string.Empty) { try { // TODO Do this correctly without calling APIv1 CL_Response <ImportFolder> response = new ShokoServiceImplementation().SaveImportFolder(folder); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ErrorMessage)) { return(APIStatus.OK()); } return(new APIMessage(500, response.ErrorMessage)); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } } return(new APIMessage(400, "Bad Request: The Folder path must not be Empty")); }
private ActionResult <Setting> GetSetting(Setting setting) { try { return(NoContent()); // TODO recursive reflection to get into the settings if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting?.setting)) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } try { var value = ServerSettings.Instance; if (value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } return(new Setting { setting = setting.setting, value = value.ToString() }); } catch { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
/// <summary> /// Return given setting /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object GetSetting() { try { // TODO Refactor Settings to a POCO that is serialized, and at runtime, build a dictionary of types to validate against Settings setting = this.Bind(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting?.setting)) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } var value = typeof(ServerSettings).GetProperty(setting.setting)?.GetValue(null, null); if (value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } Settings return_setting = new Settings { setting = setting.setting, value = value.ToString() }; return(return_setting); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
/// <summary> /// Set given setting /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object SetSetting() { if (ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only do this before server init")); } // TODO Refactor Settings to a POCO that is serialized, and at runtime, build a dictionary of types to validate against try { Settings setting = this.Bind(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.setting)) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } if (setting.value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } var property = typeof(ServerSettings).GetProperty(setting.setting); if (property == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } if (!property.CanWrite) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } var settingType = property.PropertyType; try { var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(settingType); if (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } var value = converter.ConvertFromInvariantString(setting.value); if (value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } property.SetValue(null, value); } catch { // ignore, we are returning the error below } return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
public ActionResult <ServerSettings> ExportConfig() { try { return(ServerSettings.Instance); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while reading settings.")); } }
/// <summary> /// Return body of current working settings.json - this could act as backup /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object ExportConfig() { try { return(ServerSettings.appSettings); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while reading settings.")); } }
public ActionResult SetSetting(Setting setting) { return(NoContent()); // TODO Refactor Settings to a POCO that is serialized, and at runtime, build a dictionary of types to validate against try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setting.setting)) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } if (setting.value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } var property = typeof(ServerSettings).GetProperty(setting.setting); if (property == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } if (!property.CanWrite) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid setting was passed")); } var settingType = property.PropertyType; try { var converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(settingType); if (!converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string))) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } var value = converter.ConvertFromInvariantString(setting.value); if (value == null) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } property.SetValue(null, value); } catch { // ignore, we are returning the error below } return(APIStatus.BadRequest("An invalid value was passed")); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
public ActionResult SetDefaultUserCredentials(Credentials credentials) { try { ServerSettings.Instance.Database.DefaultUserUsername = credentials.login; ServerSettings.Instance.Database.DefaultUserPassword = credentials.password; return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
/// <summary> /// Delete user from his ID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object DeleteUser() { SVR_JMMUser _user = (SVR_JMMUser)Context.CurrentUser; if (_user.IsAdmin == 1) { SVR_JMMUser user = this.Bind(); return(new ShokoServiceImplementation().DeleteUser(user.JMMUserID) == string.Empty ? APIStatus.OK() : APIStatus.InternalError()); } return(APIStatus.AdminNeeded()); }
/// <summary> /// Get Trakt code and url /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object GetTraktCode() { var code = new ShokoServiceImplementation().GetTraktDeviceCode(); if (code.UserCode == string.Empty) { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>(); result.Add("usercode", code.UserCode); result.Add("url", code.VerificationUrl); return(result); }
public ActionResult <Dictionary <string, object> > GetTraktCode() { var code = new ShokoServiceImplementation().GetTraktDeviceCode(); if (code.UserCode == string.Empty) { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Trakt code doesn't exist on the server")); } Dictionary <string, object> result = new Dictionary <string, object>(); result.Add("usercode", code.UserCode); result.Add("url", code.VerificationUrl); return(result); }
public ActionResult <ServerSettings> ExportConfig() { if (ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only do this before server init")); } try { return(ServerSettings.Instance); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while reading settings.")); } }
public ActionResult RegenerateAllEpisodeLinks() { try { RepoFactory.CrossRef_AniDB_TvDB_Episode.DeleteAllUnverifiedLinks(); RepoFactory.AnimeSeries.GetAll().ToList().AsParallel().ForAll(animeseries => TvDBLinkingHelper.GenerateTvDBEpisodeMatches(animeseries.AniDB_ID, true)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e); return(APIStatus.InternalError(e.Message)); } return(APIStatus.OK()); }
public object SetWebUIConfig(WebUI_Settings settings) { if (settings.Valid()) { try { ServerSettings.Instance.WebUI_Settings = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(settings); return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("error at saving webui settings")); } } return(new APIMessage(400, "Config is not a Valid.")); }
/// <summary> /// Return body of current working settings.json - this could act as backup /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object ExportConfig() { if (ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only do this before server init")); } try { return(ServerSettings.appSettings); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while reading settings.")); } }
public ActionResult <WebUI_Settings> GetWebUIConfig() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.Instance.WebUI_Settings)) { try { return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WebUI_Settings>(ServerSettings.Instance.WebUI_Settings)); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("error while reading webui settings")); } } return(APIStatus.OK()); }
public ActionResult <Credentials> GetAniDB() { try { return(new Credentials { login = ServerSettings.Instance.AniDb.Username, port = ServerSettings.Instance.AniDb.ClientPort, apiport = ServerSettings.Instance.AniDb.AVDumpClientPort }); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError( "The ports are not set as integers. Set them and try again.\n\rThe default values are:\n\rAniDB Client Port: 4556\n\rAniDB AVDump Client Port: 4557")); } }
/// <summary> /// Create user from Contract_JMMUser /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object CreateUser() { SVR_JMMUser _user = (SVR_JMMUser)Context.CurrentUser; if (_user.IsAdmin == 1) { JMMUser user = this.Bind(); user.Password = Digest.Hash(user.Password); user.HideCategories = string.Empty; user.PlexUsers = string.Empty; return(new ShokoServiceImplementation().SaveUser(user) == string.Empty ? APIStatus.OK() : APIStatus.InternalError()); } return(APIStatus.AdminNeeded()); }
public ActionResult SetDefaultUserCredentials(Credentials credentials) { if (!ServerSettings.Instance.FirstRun || ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only set the default user's credentials on first run")); } try { ServerSettings.Instance.Database.DefaultUserUsername = credentials.login; ServerSettings.Instance.Database.DefaultUserPassword = credentials.password; return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the default user's credentials /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object SetDefaultUserCredentials() { if (!ServerSettings.FirstRun || ServerState.Instance.ServerOnline || ServerState.Instance.ServerStarting) { return(APIStatus.BadRequest("You may only set the default user's credentials on first run")); } try { Credentials credentials = this.Bind(); ServerSettings.DefaultUserUsername = credentials.login; ServerSettings.DefaultUserPassword = credentials.password; return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError()); } }
public ActionResult ImportConfig([FromBody] CL_ServerSettings settings) { string raw_settings = settings.ToJSON(); if (raw_settings.Length != new CL_ServerSettings().ToJSON().Length) { string path = Path.Combine(ServerSettings.ApplicationPath, "temp.json"); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, raw_settings, Encoding.UTF8); try { ServerSettings.LoadSettingsFromFile(path, true); return(APIStatus.OK()); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("Error while importing settings")); } } return(APIStatus.BadRequest("Empty settings are not allowed")); }
public ActionResult <ImportFolder> AddFolder(ImportFolder folder) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (folder.ImportFolderLocation == string.Empty) { return(new APIMessage(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, "Bad Request: The Folder path must not be Empty")); } try { return(RepoFactory.ImportFolder.SaveImportFolder(folder)); } catch (Exception e) { return(APIStatus.InternalError(e.Message)); } }
/// <summary> /// Read json file that is converted into string from .config file of jmmserver /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private object GetWebUIConfig() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerSettings.WebUI_Settings)) { try { WebUI_Settings settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WebUI_Settings>(ServerSettings.WebUI_Settings); return(settings); } catch { return(APIStatus.InternalError("error while reading webui settings")); } } else { return(APIStatus.NotFound()); } }