public void APITestNodeCreateGetUpdate() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Node Creation Test"); // initialize the node. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode"); node.Visible = true; // save the node. node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(node.Id.HasValue); // get the new node id. long nodeId = node.Id.Value; // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Node Update Test"); // get the node. Node apiNode = apiInstance.NodeGet(node.Id.Value); apiNode.Tags.Add("another_tag", "test adding a tag!"); apiInstance.NodeUpdate(apiNode); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the api node. apiNode = apiInstance.NodeGet(node.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(2, apiNode.Tags.Count); Assert.IsTrue(apiNode.Tags.ContainsKey("another_tag")); Assert.AreEqual("test adding a tag!", apiNode.Tags["another_tag"]); }
public void APITestChangeSetOpenCloseGet() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // opens the changeset. long changesetId = apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("A test changeset!"); // get the changeset. ChangeSetInfo simpleChangesetInfo = apiInstance.ChangeSetGet(changesetId); Assert.IsTrue(simpleChangesetInfo.Open); Assert.IsFalse(simpleChangesetInfo.ClosedAt.HasValue); // closes the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the same changeset again! simpleChangesetInfo = apiInstance.ChangeSetGet(changesetId); Assert.IsFalse(simpleChangesetInfo.Open); Assert.IsTrue(simpleChangesetInfo.ClosedAt.HasValue); }
public void APITestNodeCreateGetDelete() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Node Creation Test"); // initialize the node. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode"); node.Visible = true; // save the node. node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(node.Id.HasValue); // get the new node id. long nodeId = node.Id.Value; // get the node again: a node can only be deleted using the correct changesetid and version. node = apiInstance.NodeGet(node.Id.Value); // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Node Delete Test"); // get the node. apiInstance.NodeDelete(node); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the node. Node apiNode = apiInstance.NodeGet(node.Id.Value); Assert.IsNull(apiNode); }
public void APITestWayCreateGet() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. long changesetId = apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Way Creation Test"); // initialize the way. var way = new Way(); way.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); way.Tags.Add("type", "testway"); way.Nodes = new List <long>(); way.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); // save the way. way = apiInstance.WayCreate(way); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(way.Id.HasValue); // get the new way id. long wayId = way.Id.Value; // get the way from the api. Way wayAPI = apiInstance.WayGet(way.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(wayId, wayAPI.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(way.Tags.Count, wayAPI.Tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(way.Visible, wayAPI.Visible); Assert.IsTrue(wayAPI.ChangeSetId.HasValue); Assert.AreEqual(changesetId, wayAPI.ChangeSetId.Value); Assert.AreEqual(way.Nodes[0], wayAPI.Nodes[0]); Assert.AreEqual(way.Nodes[1], wayAPI.Nodes[1]); }
public void APITestNodeCreateGet() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. long changesetId = apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Node Creation Test"); // initialize the node. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode"); node.Visible = true; // save the node. node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(node.Id.HasValue); // get the new node id. long nodeId = node.Id.Value; // get the node from the api. Node nodeAPI = apiInstance.NodeGet(node.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(node.Latitude, nodeAPI.Latitude); Assert.AreEqual(node.Longitude, nodeAPI.Longitude); Assert.AreEqual(node.Tags.Count, nodeAPI.Tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(node.Visible, nodeAPI.Visible); Assert.IsTrue(nodeAPI.ChangeSetId.HasValue); Assert.AreEqual(changesetId, nodeAPI.ChangeSetId.Value); }
public void APITestRelationCreateGetDelete() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Relation Creation Test"); // initialize the relation. var relation = new Relation(); relation.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); relation.Tags.Add("type", "testrelation"); relation.Members = new List <RelationMember>(); relation.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); // save the relation. relation = apiInstance.RelationCreate(relation); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(relation.Id.HasValue); // get the new relation id. long relationId = relation.Id.Value; // get the relation again: a relation can only be deleted using the correct changesetid and version. relation = apiInstance.RelationGet(relation.Id.Value); // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Relation Delete Test"); // get the relation. apiInstance.RelationDelete(relation); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the relation. Relation apiRelation = apiInstance.RelationGet(relation.Id.Value); Assert.IsNull(apiRelation); }
public void APITestRelationCreateGetUpdate() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Relation Creation Test"); // initialize the relation. var relation = new Relation(); relation.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); relation.Tags.Add("type", "testrelation"); relation.Members = new List <RelationMember>(); relation.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); // save the relation. relation = apiInstance.RelationCreate(relation); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(relation.Id.HasValue); // get the new relation id. long relationId = relation.Id.Value; // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Relation Update Test"); // get the relation. Relation apiRelation = apiInstance.RelationGet(relation.Id.Value); apiRelation.Tags.Add("another_tag", "test adding a tag!"); apiInstance.RelationUpdate(apiRelation); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the api relation. apiRelation = apiInstance.RelationGet(relation.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(2, apiRelation.Tags.Count); Assert.IsTrue(apiRelation.Tags.ContainsKey("another_tag")); Assert.AreEqual("test adding a tag!", apiRelation.Tags["another_tag"]); }
public void APITestRelationCreateGet() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. long changesetId = apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Relation Creation Test"); // initialize the relation. var relation = new Relation(); relation.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); relation.Tags.Add("type", "testrelation"); relation.Members = new List <RelationMember>(); relation.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); relation.Members.Add(new RelationMember() { MemberId = node.Id.Value, MemberRole = "some_nodes_role", MemberType = OsmGeoType.Node }); // save the relation. relation = apiInstance.RelationCreate(relation); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(relation.Id.HasValue); // get the new relation id. long relationId = relation.Id.Value; // get the relation from the api. Relation relationAPI = apiInstance.RelationGet(relation.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(relationId, relationAPI.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Tags.Count, relationAPI.Tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Visible, relationAPI.Visible); Assert.IsTrue(relationAPI.ChangeSetId.HasValue); Assert.AreEqual(changesetId, relationAPI.ChangeSetId.Value); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[0].MemberId, relationAPI.Members[0].MemberId); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[0].MemberRole, relationAPI.Members[0].MemberRole); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[0].MemberType, relationAPI.Members[0].MemberType); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[1].MemberId, relationAPI.Members[1].MemberId); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[1].MemberRole, relationAPI.Members[1].MemberRole); Assert.AreEqual(relation.Members[1].MemberType, relationAPI.Members[1].MemberType); }
public void APITestWayCreateGetDelete() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Way Creation Test"); // initialize the way. var way = new Way(); way.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); way.Tags.Add("type", "testway"); way.Nodes = new List <long>(); way.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); // save the way. way = apiInstance.WayCreate(way); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(way.Id.HasValue); // get the new way id. long wayId = way.Id.Value; // get the way again: a way can only be deleted using the correct changesetid and version. way = apiInstance.WayGet(way.Id.Value); // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Way Delete Test"); // get the way. apiInstance.WayDelete(way); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the way. Way apiWay = apiInstance.WayGet(way.Id.Value); Assert.IsNull(apiWay); }
public void APITestWayCreateGetUpdate() { // intialize the connection. var apiInstance = new APIConnection("", "osmsharp", "osmsharp"); // open a changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Way Creation Test"); // initialize the way. var way = new Way(); way.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); way.Tags.Add("type", "testway"); way.Nodes = new List <long>(); way.Visible = true; // initialize the nodes. var node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497; node.Longitude = -24.119325; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode1"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); node = new Node(); node.Latitude = -0.494497 + 0.0001f; node.Longitude = -24.119325 + 0.0001f; node.Tags = new SimpleTagsCollection(); node.Tags.Add("type", "testnode2"); node.Visible = true; node = apiInstance.NodeCreate(node); way.Nodes.Add(node.Id.Value); // save the way. way = apiInstance.WayCreate(way); // close the changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // check if the id now has a value. Assert.IsTrue(way.Id.HasValue); // get the new way id. long wayId = way.Id.Value; // open new changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetOpen("Simple Way Update Test"); // get the way. Way apiWay = apiInstance.WayGet(way.Id.Value); apiWay.Tags.Add("another_tag", "test adding a tag!"); apiInstance.WayUpdate(apiWay); // close the current changeset. apiInstance.ChangeSetClose(); // get the api way. apiWay = apiInstance.WayGet(way.Id.Value); Assert.AreEqual(2, apiWay.Tags.Count); Assert.IsTrue(apiWay.Tags.ContainsKey("another_tag")); Assert.AreEqual("test adding a tag!", apiWay.Tags["another_tag"]); }