public ActionResult RaiseRequisition() { string error = ""; string token = GetToken(); UserModel um = GetUser(); DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel(); List <ItemModel> ItemsList = new List <ItemModel>(); RequisitionViewModel reqvm = new RequisitionViewModel(); try { reqvm.Reqdate = DateTime.Now; reqvm.Raisedby = um.Userid; reqvm.Depid = um.Deptid; dcpm = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out error); reqvm.Cpid = dcpm.CpID; reqvm.Cpname = dcpm.CpName; reqvm.Status = ConRequisition.Status.PENDING; ItemsList = APIItem.GetAllItems(token, out error); ViewBag.ItemsList = ItemsList; } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message })); } return(View(reqvm)); }
public ActionResult CollectionPoint() { string token = GetToken(); UserModel um = GetUser(); DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel(); ViewBag.PendingCPR = false; List <CodeValue> CollectionPointsList = new List <CodeValue>(); List <CollectionPointModel> cpms = new List <CollectionPointModel>(); List <DepartmentCollectionPointModel> dcpms = new List <DepartmentCollectionPointModel>(); try { // to show active collection point dcpms = APICollectionPoint.GetDepartmentCollectionPointByStatus(token, ConDepartmentCollectionPoint.Status.PENDING, out string error); dcpm = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out error); ViewBag.ActiveCollectionPoint = dcpm.CpName; CollectionPointModel current = APICollectionPoint.GetCollectionPointBycpid(token, dcpm.CpID, out error); ViewBag.Latitude = current.Latitude; ViewBag.Longitude = current.Longitude; // to show pending list if exists dcpms = dcpms.Where(p => p.DeptID == um.Deptid).ToList(); ViewBag.PendingCollectionPoints = dcpms; if (dcpms.Count > 0) { ViewBag.PendingCPR = true; } // for radio button cpms = APICollectionPoint.GetAllCollectionPoints(token, out error); ViewBag.CollectionPointsList = cpms; } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message })); } return(View(cpms)); }
public ActionResult Index(int id) { string error = ""; string token = GetToken(); UserModel um = GetUser(); NotificationModel notim = new NotificationModel(); DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel(); notim = APINotification.UpdateNotificationAsRead(token, id, out error); switch (notim.NotiType) { case ConNotification.NotiType.Adjustment: if (notim.Role == ConUser.Role.SUPERVISOR) { return(RedirectToAction("Approve", "Supervisor")); } else if (notim.Role == ConUser.Role.MANAGER) { return(RedirectToAction("Approve", "Manager")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Inventory", "Clerk")); } case ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkApprovedCollectionPointChange: return(RedirectToAction("CollectionPoint", "HOD")); case ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkApprovedRequisition: return(RedirectToAction("TrackRequisition", "HOD", new { id = notim.ResID })); case ConNotification.NotiType.ClerkRejectedCollectionPointChange: return(RedirectToAction("CollectionPoint", "HOD")); case ConNotification.NotiType.CollectedRequistion: return(RedirectToAction("DisbursementDetail", "Clerk", new { id = notim.ResID })); case ConNotification.NotiType.CollectionPointChangeRequestApproval: return(RedirectToAction("ApproveCollectionPoint", "Clerk", new { id = notim.ResID })); case ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationAssigned: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.DelegationCancelled: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.DeliveredRequisition: dcpm = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out error); if (dcpm == null) { dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel { CpName = "Department Collection Point" }; } Session["noti"] = true; Session["notitype"] = "info"; Session["notititle"] = "Outstanding Requisiton"; Session["notimessage"] = "Please go collect the items at " + dcpm.CpName; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.DeptRepAssigned: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.HODApprovedRequistion: if (notim.Role == ConUser.Role.EMPLOYEE) { return(RedirectToAction("TrackRequisition", "Employee", new { id = notim.ResID })); } else if (notim.Role == ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP) { return(RedirectToAction("TrackRequisition", "Employee", new { id = notim.ResID })); } return(RedirectToAction("RequisitionDetail", "Clerk", new { id = notim.ResID })); case ConNotification.NotiType.OutstandingItemsCollected: return(RedirectToAction("OutstandingDetail", "Clerk", new { id = notim.ResID })); case ConNotification.NotiType.OutstandingItemsReadyToCollect: dcpm = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out error); if (dcpm == null) { dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel { CpName = "Department Collection Point" }; } Session["noti"] = true; Session["notitype"] = "info"; Session["notititle"] = "Outstanding Requisiton"; Session["notimessage"] = "Please go collect the items at " + dcpm.CpName; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.RejectedRequistion: return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); case ConNotification.NotiType.RequisitionApproval: return(RedirectToAction("ApproveRequisition", "HOD", new { id = notim.ResID })); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { string error = ""; string token = GetToken(); UserModel um = GetUser(); List <RequisitionModel> reqs = new List <RequisitionModel>(); UserModel CurrentRep = new UserModel(); DepartmentCollectionPointModel CurrentCP = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel(); DelegationModel CurrentTemp = new DelegationModel(); UserModel CurrentTempUser = new UserModel(); try { reqs = APIRequisition.GetRequisitionByStatus(ConRequisition.Status.PENDING, token, out error); ViewBag.ReqCount = 0; ViewBag.ReqCount = reqs.Where(x => x.Depid == um.Deptid).Count(); ViewBag.DelegationType = "Temporary HOD"; CurrentRep = APIUser.GetUserByRoleAndDeptID(ConUser.Role.DEPARTMENTREP, um.Deptid, token, out error).FirstOrDefault(); ViewBag.RepName = CurrentRep.Fullname; if (ViewBag.RepName == null) { ViewBag.RepName = "None"; } CurrentCP = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out error); ViewBag.CollectionPoint = CurrentCP.CpName; if (ViewBag.CollectionPoint == null) { ViewBag.CollectionPoint = "None"; } CurrentTemp = APIDelegation.GetPreviousDelegationByDepid(token, um.Deptid, out error); if (CurrentTemp.Delid != 0) { CurrentTempUser = APIUser.GetUserByUserID(CurrentTemp.Userid, token, out error); ViewBag.TempHOD = CurrentTempUser.Fullname; ViewBag.TempDate = CurrentTemp.Startdate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " - " + CurrentTemp.Enddate.Value.ToShortDateString(); if (CurrentTemp.Startdate <= DateTime.Today && DateTime.Today <= CurrentTemp.Enddate) { ViewBag.DelegationType = "Current Temporary HOD"; } else { ViewBag.DelegationType = "Upcoming Temporary HOD"; } } if (CurrentTemp.Delid == 0 || ViewBag.TempHOD == null) { ViewBag.DelegationType = "Temporary HOD"; ViewBag.TempHOD = "None"; ViewBag.TempDate = "-"; } return(View()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message })); } }
public ActionResult RaiseRequisition(RequisitionViewModel reqvm) { if (reqvm.Requisitiondetails.Count < 1) { Session["noti"] = true; Session["notitype"] = "error"; Session["notititle"] = "Raise Requisition Error"; Session["notimessage"] = "You cannot raise requisition without any items!"; return(RedirectToAction("RaiseRequisition")); } bool duplicateExists = reqvm.Requisitiondetails.GroupBy(n => n.Itemid).Any(g => g.Count() > 1); if (duplicateExists) { Session["noti"] = true; Session["notitype"] = "error"; Session["notititle"] = "Raise Requisition Error"; Session["notimessage"] = "You cannot raise requisition with duplicate items!"; return(RedirectToAction("RaiseRequisition")); } string token = GetToken(); UserModel um = GetUser(); DepartmentCollectionPointModel dcpm = new DepartmentCollectionPointModel(); List <ItemModel> ItemsList = new List <ItemModel>(); RequisitionModel reqm = new RequisitionModel(); List <RequisitionDetailsModel> reqdms = new List <RequisitionDetailsModel>(); try { reqm.Reqdate = DateTime.Now; reqm.Raisedby = um.Userid; if (um.Role == ConUser.Role.TEMPHOD) { reqm.Approvedby = um.Userid; } reqm.Depid = um.Deptid; dcpm = APICollectionPoint.GetActiveDepartmentCollectionPointByDeptID(token, um.Deptid, out string error); reqm.Cpid = dcpm.CpID; reqm.Cpname = dcpm.CpName; reqm.Status = ConRequisition.Status.PENDING; reqm = APIRequisition.CreateRequisition(reqm, token, out error); foreach (var reqd in reqvm.Requisitiondetails) { RequisitionDetailsModel reqdm = new RequisitionDetailsModel { Reqid = reqm.Reqid, Itemid = reqd.Itemid, Qty = reqd.Qty }; reqdms = APIRequisition.CreateRequisitionDetails(reqdm, token, out error); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { error = ex.Message })); } return(RedirectToAction("TrackRequisition", "Employee", new { id = reqm.Reqid })); }