        /// <summary>
        /// Handles click on the Main button. By default shows/hides Buttonstack,
        /// with CTRL pressed shows Run dialog instead, and with CTRL+SHIFT in DEBUG
        /// mode shows RestartExplorer instance for purposes of localization
        /// </summary>
        private void ShowButtonStack(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!BtnStck.IsInstantited)


            if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) > 0)
                if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0)
                    new RestartExplorer().ShowDialog();
                ShowRunDialog(this, null);

            BtnStck.Instance.Show();//XP:955ms 0_o
            var screenPoint = new API.POINT();
            API.GetCursorPos(ref screenPoint);
            GetSetWndPosition(BtnStck.Instance, screenPoint,
                              sender == Keyboard.PrimaryDevice && SettingsManager.Instance.AltZAutoCornerEnabled);
            //  ^^^ means "Command came from KB and Auto-cornering enabled"
        public void FillPolygon(IList <Point> Points, ILineStyleInfo LineStyle, IFillStyleInfo FillStyle)
            GDILineStyle Line = (GDILineStyle)LineStyle;
            GDIFillStyle Fill = (GDIFillStyle)FillStyle;

            API.POINT[] P = new API.POINT[Points.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                P[i].x = Points[i].X;
                P[i].y = Points[i].Y;

            SetPenBrush(Line.ForeColor, Line.Width, Fill.FillColor);

            //IntPtr hPen = API.CreatePen(0, Line.Width, Line.Win32ForeColor);
            //IntPtr hOldPen = API.SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
            //IntPtr hBrush = API.CreateSolidBrush(Fill.Win32FillColor);
            //IntPtr hOldBrush = API.SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);

            API.Polygon(hDC, P, Points.Count);


            //API.SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush);
            //API.SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
        public void EnumWindowsTest()
            API.EnumWindowsProc ewp = new API.EnumWindowsProc(enumWindowProc);
            API.EnumWindows(ewp, 0);

            API.POINT            pt  = new API.POINT(100, 100);
            System.Drawing.Point pt1 = pt;
// ReSharper restore UnusedParameter.Local
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the window passed as if it is a Progman, the Start Menu.
        /// First, by screenPoint passed calculates active screen.
        /// By it's bounds determines the location of TaskBar.
        /// Finally, calculates the position of target window.
        /// Shows window except if it is a Placement rectangle.
        /// Focuses window if it is a ButtonStack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">Window to locate</param>
        /// <param name="screenPoint">Unmanaged struct containing absolute screen coordinates, in px.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreTaskbarPosition">Flag instructing method to ignore the location of task bar
        /// locating w simply in the corner closest to the screenPoint. E.g. to show BtnStck by Alt+Z.</param>
        private static void GetSetWndPosition(Window w, API.POINT screenPoint, bool ignoreTaskbarPosition)
            //On Windows10 WPF apps are painted with gaps on all sides. The gap at the top is additionaly painted white.
            var modifier = Util.OsIs.TenOrMore ? 6 : 0;

            var resPoint = new Point();
            var screen   = Screen.FromPoint(new System.Drawing.Point(screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y));
            //We show stack in the corner closest to the mouse
            bool isHideTaskBarOptionOn = (screen.WorkingArea.Width == screen.Bounds.Width &&
                                          screen.WorkingArea.Height == screen.Bounds.Height) ||

            //taskbar is vertical @ left or horizontal
            if ((isHideTaskBarOptionOn && screenPoint.X <= screen.WorkingArea.X + screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) ||
                screen.WorkingArea.X > screen.Bounds.X ||
                (screen.WorkingArea.Width == screen.Bounds.Width & !isHideTaskBarOptionOn))
                resPoint.X = screen.WorkingArea.X - modifier * SystemScale;
            else //vertical @ right
                resPoint.X = (screen.WorkingArea.Width + screen.WorkingArea.X - (w.Width - modifier) * SystemScale) / SystemScale;

            //taskbar is horizontal @ top or vertical
            if ((isHideTaskBarOptionOn && screenPoint.Y <= screen.WorkingArea.Y + screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2) ||
                screen.WorkingArea.Y > screen.Bounds.Y ||
                (screen.WorkingArea.Height == screen.Bounds.Height & !isHideTaskBarOptionOn))
                resPoint.Y = screen.WorkingArea.Y; //No modification is applied here because windows reneders this white bar.
            else //horizontal @ bottom
                resPoint.Y = (screen.WorkingArea.Height + screen.WorkingArea.Y - (w.Height - modifier) * SystemScale) / SystemScale;

            w.Left = resPoint.X;
            w.Top  = resPoint.Y;
// ReSharper disable PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            if (w != PlacementWnd)
// ReSharper restore PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            var b = w as BtnStck;

            if (b != null)
                b.Focus();//Focus() is __new on ButtonStack, must explicitly type
// ReSharper restore UnusedParameter.Local
        /// <summary>
        /// Locates the window passed as if it is a Progman, the Start Menu.
        /// First, by screenPoint passed calculates active screen.
        /// By it's bounds determines the location of TaskBar.
        /// Finally, calculates the position of target window.
        /// Shows window except if it is a Placement rectangle.
        /// Focuses window if it is a ButtonStack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w">Window to locate</param>
        /// <param name="screenPoint">Unmanaged struct containing absolute screen coordinates, in px.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreTaskbarPosition">Flag instructing method to ignore the location of task bar
        /// locating w simply in the corner closest to the screenPoint. E.g. to show BtnStch by Alt+Z.</param>
        private static void GetSetWndPosition(Window w, API.POINT screenPoint, bool ignoreTaskbarPosition)
            var resPoint = new Point();
            var screen   = Screen.FromPoint(new System.Drawing.Point(screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y));
            //We show stack in the corner closest to the mouse
            bool isHideTaskBarOptionOn = (screen.WorkingArea.Width == screen.Bounds.Width &&
                                          screen.WorkingArea.Height == screen.Bounds.Height) ||

            //taskbar is vertical @ left or horizontal
            if ((isHideTaskBarOptionOn && screenPoint.X <= screen.WorkingArea.X + screen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) ||
                screen.WorkingArea.X > screen.Bounds.X ||
                (screen.WorkingArea.Width == screen.Bounds.Width & !isHideTaskBarOptionOn))
                resPoint.X = screen.WorkingArea.X;
            else //vertical @ right
                resPoint.X = (screen.WorkingArea.Width + screen.WorkingArea.X - w.Width * SystemScale) / SystemScale;

            //taskbar is horizontal @ top or vertical
            if ((isHideTaskBarOptionOn && screenPoint.Y <= screen.WorkingArea.Y + screen.WorkingArea.Height / 2) ||
                screen.WorkingArea.Y > screen.Bounds.Y ||
                (screen.WorkingArea.Height == screen.Bounds.Height & !isHideTaskBarOptionOn))
                resPoint.Y = screen.WorkingArea.Y;
            else //horizontal @ bottom
                resPoint.Y = (screen.WorkingArea.Height + screen.WorkingArea.Y - w.Height * SystemScale) / SystemScale;

            w.Left = resPoint.X;
            w.Top  = resPoint.Y;
// ReSharper disable PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            if (w != PlacementWnd)
// ReSharper restore PossibleUnintendedReferenceComparison
            var b = w as BtnStck;

            if (b != null)
                b.Focus();//Focus() is __new on ButtonStack, must explicitly type
        public void WindowFromPointTest()
            API.POINT pt  = new API.POINT(200, 200);
            IntPtr    ptr = API.WindowFromPoint(pt);

            if (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                Int32         txtLength = API.GetWindowTextLength(ptr);
                StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder("", txtLength + 2);
                Int32         tCount    = API.GetWindowText(ptr, sb, sb.Capacity);
                Console.WriteLine("获取文本数:" + tCount);