    public void FireBullet(APCharacterController launcher, AttackContext context)
        if (CanFireBullet())
            if (!m_infiniteAmmo)

            // make sure move horizontal direction is valid
            bool    bFaceRight = launcher.GetMotor().m_faceRight;
            float   fAngle     = Mathf.Deg2Rad * context.m_bulletDirection;
            Vector2 v2MoveDir  = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(fAngle), -Mathf.Sin(fAngle));
            if (bFaceRight && v2MoveDir.x < 0f || !bFaceRight && v2MoveDir.x > 0f)
                v2MoveDir.x = -v2MoveDir.x;

            // spawn and launch bullet (add player velocity before spawn)
            Vector2 pointPos = launcher.transform.TransformPoint(context.m_bulletStartPosition);
            pointPos = pointPos + (Time.deltaTime * launcher.GetMotor().m_velocity);

            float      bulletSign = m_bullet.m_faceRight ? 1f : -1f;
            Quaternion rot        = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, bFaceRight != m_bullet.m_faceRight ? bulletSign * context.m_bulletDirection : -bulletSign * context.m_bulletDirection);
            APBullet   newBullet  = (APBullet)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(m_bullet, pointPos, rot);
            newBullet.enabled = true;

            // init bullet
            v2MoveDir = launcher.transform.TransformDirection(v2MoveDir);
            newBullet.Setup(launcher, v2MoveDir);

            // launch listeners
            launcher.EventListeners.ForEach(e => e.OnAttackBulletFired(this, newBullet));
    public void FireBullet(APCharacterController launcher, ContextId contextId)
        if ((m_ammo > 0 || m_infiniteAmmo) && (m_bullet != null))
            if (!m_infiniteAmmo)

            AttackContext curContext = m_contextStand;
            switch (contextId)
            case ContextId.eRun: curContext = m_contextRun; break;

            case ContextId.eInAir: curContext = m_contextInAir; break;

            case ContextId.eCrouched: curContext = m_contextCrouched; break;

            // make sure move horizontal direction is valid
            float   fAngle    = Mathf.Deg2Rad * curContext.m_bulletDirection;
            Vector2 v2MoveDir = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(fAngle), -Mathf.Sin(fAngle));
            if (launcher.GetMotor().m_faceRight&& v2MoveDir.x < 0f || !launcher.GetMotor().m_faceRight&& v2MoveDir.x > 0f)
                v2MoveDir.x = -v2MoveDir.x;

            // spawn and launch bullet (add player velocity before spawn)
            Vector2 pointPos = launcher.transform.TransformPoint(curContext.m_bulletStartPosition);
            pointPos = pointPos + (Time.deltaTime * launcher.GetMotor().m_velocity);
            APBullet newBullet = (APBullet)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(m_bullet, pointPos, Quaternion.identity);

            // init bullet
            v2MoveDir = launcher.transform.TransformDirection(v2MoveDir);
            newBullet.Setup(launcher, pointPos, v2MoveDir);

            // launch listeners
            launcher.EventListeners.ForEach(e => e.OnAttackBulletFired(this, newBullet));