    IEnumerator Reconnect(uint serial)
        Debug.Log("looking for usb device " + serial.ToString());
        // polling to try and find the USB device
        while (true)
            if (ANT_Common.getNumDetectedUSBDevices() > nDeviceConnected)
                ANT_Device device = new ANT_Device();
                if (device.getSerialNumber() == serial)
                    Debug.Log("usb found!");
                    foreach (AntChannel channel in AntManager.Instance.channelList)

                    yield break;

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));
        /// <summary>
        /// Configure the client beacon parameters, and start transmitting/beaconing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="antDevice">ANT USB device</param>
        public void ConfigureClient(ANT_Device antDevice)
            // Configure ANT Channel parameters
            antfsClient.SetClientNetworkKey(0, Demo.NetworkKey);
            antfsClient.SetChannelID(Demo.DeviceType, Demo.TransmissionType);

            // Setup client configuration parameters.
            // ANTFS_ClientParameters is a struct, so make sure to initialize ALL parameters
            ANTFS_ClientParameters clientConfig = new ANTFS_ClientParameters();

            clientConfig.BeaconDeviceType     = Demo.ClientDeviceType;
            clientConfig.BeaconManufacturerID = Demo.ClientManufacturerID;
            clientConfig.BeaconRadioFrequency = Demo.SearchRF;
            clientConfig.LinkPeriod           = Demo.LinkPeriod;
            clientConfig.AuthenticationType   = ClientAuthenticationType;
            clientConfig.IsDataAvailable      = DataAvailable;
            clientConfig.IsPairingEnabled     = PairingEnabled;
            clientConfig.IsUploadEnabled      = UploadEnabled;
            clientConfig.BeaconTimeout        = BeaconTimeout;
            clientConfig.PairingTimeout       = PairingTimeout;
            clientConfig.SerialNumber         = antDevice.getSerialNumber(); // Use the serial number of the USB stick to identify the client

            // Apply configuration

            // Configure friendly name and passkey (optional)

            // Create directory, an add a single entry, of the configured size
            dirFS = new ANTFS_Directory();
            ANTFS_Directory.Entry fileEntry;
            fileEntry.FileIndex     = 1;
            fileEntry.FileSize      = TestFileSize;
            fileEntry.FileDataType  = 1;
            fileEntry.FileNumber    = 1;
            fileEntry.FileSubType   = 0;
            fileEntry.GeneralFlags  = (byte)(ANTFS_Directory.GeneralFlags.Read | ANTFS_Directory.GeneralFlags.Write | ANTFS_Directory.GeneralFlags.Erase);
            fileEntry.SpecificFlags = 0;
            fileEntry.TimeStamp     = 0; // TODO: Encode the timestamp properly

            if (Demo.AntfsBroadcast)
                // If we want to use ANT-FS broadcast mode, and start the channel in broadcast mode,
                // setup callback to handle responses for channel 0 while in broadcast mode
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(HandleChannelResponses);

                // Configure the channel as a master, and look for the request message in the channel callback
                // to switch to ANT-FS mode
                if (!antDevice.setNetworkKey(Demo.NetworkNumber, Demo.NetworkKey, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring network key");
                if (!channel0.assignChannel(ANT_ReferenceLibrary.ChannelType.BASE_Master_Transmit_0x10, Demo.NetworkNumber, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error assigning channel");
                if (!channel0.setChannelID((ushort)clientConfig.SerialNumber, false, Demo.DeviceType, Demo.TransmissionType, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring Channel ID");
                if (!channel0.setChannelFreq(Demo.SearchRF, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring radio frequency");
                if (!channel0.setChannelPeriod(Demo.ChannelPeriod, 500))
                    throw new Exception("Error configuring channel period");
                if (!channel0.openChannel(500))
                    throw new Exception("Error opening channel");
                // If we want to start in ANT-FS mode, just open the beacon
        static async void Init()
                WriteLog("Connecting to ANT USB Dongle...");
                //device0 = new ANT_Device();   // Create a device instance using the automatic constructor (automatic detection of USB device number and baud rate)

                device0.serialError    += new ANT_Device.dSerialErrorHandler(SerialError);
                device0.deviceResponse += new ANT_Device.dDeviceResponseHandler(DeviceResponse); // Add device response function to receive protocol event messages

                channel0 = device0.getChannel(USER_ANT_CHANNEL);                                 // Get channel from ANT device
                channel0.channelResponse += new dChannelResponseHandler(ChannelResponse);        // Add channel response function to receive channel event messages

                WriteLog("ANT USB Dongle initialization successful");
                WriteLog("ANT USB Dongle Device Number: " + device0.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum());
                WriteLog("ANT USB Dongle Serial Number: " + device0.getSerialNumber());
                USER_DEVICENUM = (ushort)device0.getOpenedUSBDeviceNum();

                bReset = false;
                List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>();
                tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    while (!bReset)
                        WriteLog("Checking ANT USB Dongle...");
                        Byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
                            if (channel0.sendBroadcastData(bytes))
                                WriteLog("ANT USB Dongle is operationnal");
                                WriteLog("ANT USB Dongle is not operationnal");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            WriteLog("Problem with ANT USB Dongle...");
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + ex);

 *              if (device0 == null)    // Unable to connect to ANT
 *              {
 *                  throw new Exception("Could not connect to any ANT device.\n" +
 *                  "Details: \n   " + ex.Message);
 *              }
 *              else
 *              {
 *                  throw new Exception("Error connecting to ANT device: " + ex.Message);
 *              }
 *          }