private static void LoadReferencedAssemblies(SortedDictionary <string, Assembly> LoadedAssembliesByName, SortedDictionary <string, Assembly> LoadedAssembliesByLocation, SortedDictionary <string, AssemblyName> ReferencedAssemblies) { do { AssemblyName[] References = new AssemblyName[ReferencedAssemblies.Count]; ReferencedAssemblies.Values.CopyTo(References, 0); ReferencedAssemblies.Clear(); foreach (AssemblyName AN in References) { if (LoadedAssembliesByName.ContainsKey(AN.FullName)) { continue; } try { Assembly A = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Load(AN); LoadedAssembliesByName[A.FullName] = A; LoadedAssembliesByLocation[A.Location] = A; try { foreach (AssemblyName AN2 in A.GetReferencedAssemblies()) { ReferencedAssemblies[AN2.FullName] = AN2; } } catch (Exception) { // Referenced assemblies might not be accessible. } } catch (BadImageFormatException ex) { LogException(ex); } catch (Exception) { string s = AN.ToString(); if (s.StartsWith("System.") || s.StartsWith("Microsoft.") || s.StartsWith("Windows.") || s.StartsWith("SQLitePCLRaw.") || s.StartsWith("SkiaSharp") || s.StartsWith("Gma.QrCodeNet.Encoding") || s.StartsWith("Esent.Interop")) { continue; } Log.Error("Unable to load assembly " + s + ".", AN.FullName); } } }while (ReferencedAssemblies.Count > 0); }
private void Total() { decimal AN, R, D, CE, PPC, Otro; AN = R = D = CE = PPC = Otro = decimal.Zero; foreach (var item in dgvDatos.Rows) { if (!item.IsFilteredOut) { if (item.Cells["C"].Value.ToString().Equals("Artículo nuevo")) { AN += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } else if (item.Cells["C"].Value.ToString().Equals("Remate")) { R += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } else if (item.Cells["C"].Value.ToString().Equals("Devolución")) { D += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } else if (item.Cells["C"].Value.ToString().Equals("Compra especial")) { CE += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } else if (item.Cells["C"].Value.ToString().Equals("PPC")) { PPC += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } else { Otro += item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value == DBNull.Value ? decimal.Zero : Convert.ToDecimal(item.Cells["Diferencia ($)"].Value); } } } txtAN.Text = AN.ToString("C0"); txtRemate.Text = R.ToString("C0"); txtDevolucion.Text = D.ToString("C0"); txtCE.Text = CE.ToString("C0"); txtPPC.Text = PPC.ToString("C0"); txtOtros.Text = Otro.ToString("C0"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the inventory engine, registering types and interfaces available in <paramref name="Assemblies"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="Folder">Name of folder containing assemblies to load, if they are not already loaded.</param> private static void Initialize() { string Folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location); string[] DllFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Folder, "*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); Dictionary <string, Assembly> LoadedAssemblies = new Dictionary <string, Assembly>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); Dictionary <string, AssemblyName> ReferencedAssemblies = new Dictionary <string, AssemblyName>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); foreach (string DllFile in DllFiles) { try { Assembly A = Assembly.LoadFile(DllFile); LoadedAssemblies[A.GetName().FullName] = A; foreach (AssemblyName AN in A.GetReferencedAssemblies()) { ReferencedAssemblies[AN.FullName] = AN; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Critical(ex); } } do { AssemblyName[] References = new AssemblyName[ReferencedAssemblies.Count]; ReferencedAssemblies.Values.CopyTo(References, 0); ReferencedAssemblies.Clear(); foreach (AssemblyName AN in References) { if (LoadedAssemblies.ContainsKey(AN.FullName)) { continue; } try { Assembly A = Assembly.Load(AN); LoadedAssemblies[A.GetName().FullName] = A; foreach (AssemblyName AN2 in A.GetReferencedAssemblies()) { ReferencedAssemblies[AN2.FullName] = AN2; } } catch (Exception) { Log.Error("Unable to load assembly " + AN.ToString() + "."); } } }while (ReferencedAssemblies.Count > 0); Assembly[] Assemblies = new Assembly[LoadedAssemblies.Count]; LoadedAssemblies.Values.CopyTo(Assemblies, 0); Types.Initialize(Assemblies); }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string AC, AN; AN = AC = ""; if (DdlCRDR.SelectedValue == "1") { if (txtLoanBrCode.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { lblMessage.Text = "Select branch first...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } } if (DdlCRDR.SelectedValue == "0") { lblMessage.Text = "Select transaction type...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } if (ddlPMTMode.SelectedValue == "0") { lblMessage.Text = "Select payment mode first...!!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } if (ddlPMTMode.SelectedValue == "7") { if (TxtPtype.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { lblMessage.Text = "Enter product type first...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } if (TxtAccNo.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { lblMessage.Text = "Enter account number first...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } } if (TxtNarration.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { lblMessage.Text = "Enter narration first...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } if (Convert.ToDouble(TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString() == "" ? "0" : TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString()) <= 0.00) { lblMessage.Text = "Enter proper amount First...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } //If Account Number is blank Then Set Acc No and Cust No to Zero string YN = CC.GetIntACCYN(ViewState["LoanBrCode"].ToString(), TxtPtype.Text); if (Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["GlCode"].ToString() == "" ? "0" : ViewState["GlCode"].ToString()) >= 100 && YN != "Y") { AC = "0"; AN = TxtPname.Text.ToString(); } else { AC = TxtAccNo.Text.Trim().ToString(); AN = TxtCustName.Text.ToString(); } //Check Amount is grater than zero or not if (Convert.ToDouble(TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString() == "" ? "0" : TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString()) > 0.00) { if (txtLoanBrCode.Text.Trim().ToString() == "") { ResBrCode = Session["BRCD"].ToString(); } else { ResBrCode = txtLoanBrCode.Text.Trim().ToString(); } //Insert Data into Temporary Table (Avs_TempMultiTransfer) in Database here if (ddlPMTMode.SelectedValue == "0") { ddlPMTMode.Focus(); lblMessage.Text = "Select payment mode first...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } else if (ddlPMTMode.SelectedValue == "3") { resultout = MV.InsertIntoTable(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["BRCD"].ToString(), ResBrCode.ToString(), txtCustNo.Text.Trim().ToString() == "" ? "0" : txtCustNo.Text.Trim().ToString(), "99", "99", "0", "", TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString(), DdlCRDR.SelectedValue == "1" ? "1" : "2", "3", "CR", "99/0", TxtNarration.Text.ToString(), "0", "1900-01-01", Session["EntryDate"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString()); } else if (ddlPMTMode.SelectedValue == "7") { resultout = MV.InsertIntoTable(Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["BRCD"].ToString(), ResBrCode.ToString(), txtCustNo.Text.Trim().ToString() == "" ? "0" : txtCustNo.Text.Trim().ToString(), ViewState["GlCode"].ToString(), TxtPtype.Text.Trim().ToString(), AC.Trim().ToString(), AN.ToString(), TxtAmount.Text.Trim().ToString(), DdlCRDR.SelectedValue == "1" ? "1" : "2", "7", "TR", TxtPtype.Text.Trim().ToString() + "/" + AC.Trim().ToString() + " - " + AN.ToString() + "", TxtNarration.Text.ToString(), "0", "1900-01-01", Session["EntryDate"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString()); } if (resultout > 0) { ddlPMTMode.Enabled = false; lblMessage.Text = "Successfully Added...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); } } else { lblMessage.Text = "Enter Amount First...!!"; ModalPopup.Show(this.Page); return; } if (resultout > 0) { DivBranch.Visible = false; DdlCRDR.SelectedValue = "0"; ddlActivity.SelectedValue = "0"; Getinfo(); BindTransGrid(); ClearText(); DdlCRDR.Focus(); return; } } catch (Exception Ex) { ExceptionLogging.SendErrorToText(Ex); } }